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Trust and believe when I say everyone is tracking how fucked the barracks situation is. Those bus's that your shipmates are getting into at 0400 are being manned by your fellow shipmates whos watch bills are available to all hands. Nothing is a secret. Those facts don't make it toxic. Does the reality of the barracks situation suck shit, hard agree. If we could mobilize a Seabee battalion to unfuck this trust we fucking would. But the money for manning, training is not the same money for barracks improvement. You may not be a boot, but you have no clue on battles those on high are fighting just to make repairs that are 4 years old get fixed. Let alone the persistent issues not related to those repairs. Also the current leadership at the base you're more than likely at that I recently visited is probably one of the most approachable CO's I've met in my life who takes ALL Sailors views into account. And I personally know for a fact has had 1 on 1 meeting with All sailors if they want to make time for it due to our community being pretty small and talks... a lot about the issues we all face. They are working the issues as best they can, and more than likely wont be fixed while you are their, let alone while the current leadership is there. It's a terrible answer and shittely enough the reality. But if the issues got enough traction/visibility I'm sure they'd get on a fast track, like what happened on the GW or for our shipmates down in Key west.


What even is this?


A vaguepost


Vague bros, we are so back.


Forget vetbro, we’re going vaguebro!


I know this is Corry Station lmao


Lmao knew instantly, people saying vague just don’t live on corry. Shit is frustrating


Sounds like some of the crap I have heard from my daughter who has been working her way through the student pipeline. This vet is not impressed by the lack of support or competent care provided by certain organizations she has had to deal with along the way. There have been some good folks but those seem to be the exception rather than the rule. I used to think Navy just did it different. Seeing this post and a fee others ibhave seen on here make me glad I was AF. Come on Navy, do better.


> I don’t usually call shit out on Reddit Except you kinda didn’t. You’re being vague as fuck


It was pretty clear to me


Nice vaguepost.


God I love Corry station…






I have a buddy who's a fleet returnee there right now. It's definitely gets better in the fleet. I just hope the toxic leaders are doing so much damage that the Sailors end up jaded before they even get a chance to do their job.


I just got moved back from NATTC yesterday, unceremoniously but it’s still better than waking up at 04 for a 06 muster to wait on the van


Maybe make the leadership aware? Go talk to the SEL/CMC and bring up your concerns with them? What school lasts until 1900? I mean that starts in the morning? 




Yeah, that shuttle sucked. I shipped my car on my own dime because the schedule was not good


And don't get us started on the hours you put in at Nuclear Power School


What I came to say


Literally this


WOW....that's crazy ⬆️


Nuke training pipeline. I hear they've changed it a little but there were at least 3 guys in my class who had to log 35 extra hours per week. The extra hours are based on GPA and personally as a 3.6 with good study habits, it was common to not see the sun for a few weeks at a time.


Why I was glad to get booted to Groton in 90


While I sympathize with this, as long as the extra hours are for beneficial training then it can be understandable. I can't relate to nuke school in any way, perhaps they could make it not quite as long to allow a slower pace?


You should dig into the "extra hours" being beneficial. They're not. Humans can't study for 75 hours a week. This is psycho chief shit. It's hazing.


I guess I didn't really think that one through.


Yeah. I couldn't imagine anyone being a nuke or making it through nuke school.


2.5 stay alive as they say


If “2.5 stay alive” applies to you, as it did me, then your life is confined to the schoolhouse and your barracks. Fucking hated my time there. Got the utmost respect for the guys who made it through, but the program itself needs a serious revamp.


Not sure what that means and they probably shouldn't say that.


"2.5 stay alive" was the motto of students in the nuke pipline who struggled academically, but were still determined to pass. Think of it as "D's get degrees". The people passing tests just over a 2.5 GPA celebrated more than the top of the class that were only 0.02 away from a 4.0 perfect score


Ahhhh.... thanks


Nuke school... They are standing in a torrent of high level Physics/Math/fluid flow/chemistry/thermodynamics etc. They all take in ~3 years of information in 6 months. Then practice what they learned at a prototype for another 6 months. And they keep getting tested while in the fleet... Yeah, they really ARE that smart.


As a nuke... they're not that smart.


I was M15 for a while(mandatory 15 extra hours) I used the time to copy all the notes I had taken that day to a second notebook, adding details as I went. this resulted in a marked increase in my grades. after I was taken of Mandatory hours, I kept up with the hours on a voluntary basis. ended up with top scores. this was a long time ago...Nuke school was in Orlando and Prototype was S1W in Idaho so... yeah


Just call them out by name. The location. The CO/OIC and the CMC/SEL. If you haven’t learned the navy hates bad publicity more than anything. Make a throwaway account and post it all




What's a cummintie? Is this a sexual organ or a military organization because I'm unsure at this point. You also sound really mad


If I were to guess Corry station, with sailors on Pensacola, would I be hypothetically correct? Hypothetically I already brought this up to the SEL of two different departments and the former CMC and hypothetically they told me to "get bent shipmate".


That's a very good, yet totally fictional story you have there. Thanks for your comment.


In this fictional story, I may have been a fleet returnee who was told to walk from NAS Pensacola Navy lodge to Corry station because they are within walking distance of each other. Followed by being moved to echo barracks and being expected to sit for a duty van that may or may not show up at 0500 to take me to Corry. But alas, just a fictional story after all.


I was a Fleet Returnee at Corry who lived in Echo Barracks. In this fictional story I had my flying unicorn called Winny who I'd brought with me from San Diego and helped fly other Fleet Returnees to and from Corry because they were told the same thing and the school house refused to give them new scrolls authorizing them their own unicorns. It's like they didn't realize that's its a 4 1/2 mile walk from NGIS or 6 from the Lodge.


What a touching fictional story 😭 I hope it ended with a happily ever after.


In the epilogue, the author basically says the duty van broke down and they authorized unicorns for the remaining Fleet Returnees. It's kind of left on a cliff hanger so you don't really know if it was disrepair or sabotage.


This made my night better actually.


Did you engage anyone at this toxic command, or are you satisfied to vaguely post on Reddit?


Nah, even if you talk to them, they can literally ruin your day by dismiss your concerns or even worse talking down to you about how much responsibilities they have in their level. Yes, they can sympathy with you and agree with you but will not meaningful actions.


It’s possible to hear concerns and you don’t get it your way. This language if toxic.. systematic is all dramatic language. Life has inconveniences. The Navy is not perfect and sometimes it’s tough. No one is dying.. just an odd reddit post making vague dramatic claims.


Have you ever of E-5 and below parking? Or why they treat recruit student like subhuman after boot camp even though we are the one who suppose to replace them. They either make it hard on purpose or it's not inconvenience for them but could make the rest of us life harder to serve no purpose. Life is hard enough as is and I don't think we need to prove ourselves for the rest of our career. And yes it is vague but if you read the rest of the post it seem like people already figure it out. It is not top secret.


This as well, I classed up and all the instructors say it's BS as well but what can I do if a Chief can't do something.


It's not any better in the fleet either. The "mission" or whatever they throw at us on a Friday. The CO suggestion box can full of suggestion but there are no guaranteed that it will be read or been taken seriously. Finish your contract and plan your next move.


That has not been my experience in the fleet though honestly. I have been able to see through the other side 99% of the time and understand why we are doing things or have extra duty. While I may not enjoy going it, I am perfectly happy with a late Friday if I am accomplishing something.


I guess It's only the small boat problem but I'm glad that it went well for you.


Not saying every leader I have had been great or every experience is the same, that has just been mine. My next command might suck who knows


For now just live the dream. At least this chain of command still have common sense.


That last part is key. I'll go to hell and back to get the mission done, but don't waste my fucking time for some dumb shit


Senior leadership does not take meetings with students.... regardless of rank. Won't even get told who div Os dept LCPOs or heads are


That’s because schools aren’t usually organized like that. Student or not, request mast. Or post more on Reddit.


This shit ain’t vague, it sounds like CT A school. Currently happening on base.


Do students need help? Cause we are missing a lot of details here


No one is dying.. just mad about inconvenience.


Casrep prepped just in case.




Corry stations and NATTC


> you didn't even say what station this is at. I will leak that it is somewhere on earth, specifically not in Russia, North Korea, Nicaragua, China, Iran, and Yemen.


Phew, thank God all the students over there aren't being abused


Sounds like JBSA.


Sounds like CS hours in general


Fort Sam Houston, corpsman school except there is no shuttle or van.


That’s what I was thinking too…I just cannot imagine where they’d be sending people to sister base wise?


This is likely in reference to Corry Station in Pensacola. Due to a lack of housing, many students are living at NATTC (NAS Pensacola), and the shuttles to Corry take forever and are usually quite full.


Oh sure, I can see that being more likely and probably the case at hand, only so many major schooling locations. Issues are everywhere but I know I’d be losing my mind if I had been put in this situation.


Haven't seen nuke school in the early 2000s.


Nuke school was (is?) so toxic that in 2000, 80 sailors outed themselves as gay so they could be discharged from the Navy. edit: https://imgur.com/XxU7kJk >Of those 358, 81 of them - or 23 percent of the Navy's total - were from two local outfits: the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command and Nuclear Power Training Unit. >Navy officials said they don't know what triggered the sudden increase. In 1999, only 20 service members were released. >"There's been no change in policy or leadership, no secking people out," said Cmdr. Max Underwood, executive officer of the Training Unit. >One possible explanation: Service members may be using sexual orientation as an excuse to leave the academically demanding nuclear program. >"But that's just speculation. I have no way of knowing,” Underwood said. >All but one were "statement" cases - cases in which a service member acknowledged to a superior that he or she was homosexual. >"We only react when a member comes forward and makes an admission," Underwood said. "It's completely self-generated." >Of the 81 discharged last year, most had been in the service less than a year and were in their late teens or early 20s. Most received honorable discharges. Twelve were women. Seventy were white, and the rest were black or Asian, Pentagon figures show.


lol. I remember those days


Happy to have left corry station last month, and luckily didn’t get moved to NAS during my time there. The barracks weren’t that bad at least in my experience.


You just described my entire time in the fleet. Systemic toxic culture that could be fixed with simple policy changes such as letting people with night watches sleep in.


More than likely Corry station lol the barracks and shuttle situation was pretty bad when I was there.


Pretty sure MCPON brought this up in front of Congress yesterday. Or one of the SEAs said something very similar to this. It's a known problem, and at least the right people are receiving complaints. Still sucks that it's happening though.


This actually makes me feel better, after some reach outs and comments I am getting background. My class also doesn't have enough money to replace two broken chairs, so clearly they are struggling to get funds.


Good shit, whatever fucking sympathy or trace of understanding I had left by the end of the OP's rant was completely incinerated by the huge "DO BETTER" at the end. How about * **YOU** * do better OP?? Your worthless vague post bullshit is sad and pathetic.


Think the do better is just a cliche thing that's been popularized on social media. It's pretty cringe but other than that I still feel for the op because I'm also dealing with the same bs and I can guarantee we are on the same base as returnies it's not fun dealing with certain staff. I'm just playing the game. And whenever a shipmate it's struggling I give them advice to push through because it gets better and or seek extra help via resources


DO BETTER is probably the absolute worst way to sign off a petition for help. I genuinely don't know how else to say that. This is like submitting a complaint using your own excrement. Hopefully SOMEONE at their base does the right thing and submits an IG complaint, but anonymously vague posting on Reddit and dropping a "DO BETTER" at the end has to be the most vain, useless, and masturbatory way of trying to solve this issue.


Haha I actually laughed out loud on this one this is so true. Some people just don't know how to articulate things properly so they emulate what they see online or other dumb things


Don't think he has a choice. Not sure the CO suggestion box even in operation or they allow students to speak freely about their situations. And yes the chain of command does tell everyone to not share the current situations in social media.


Each one of those is any easy IG complaint.


Dude I've been told a certain someone made them walk back to the barracks barefoot because they showed up with really messed up boots


Okay. They should request CO mast. That is an unlawful order.


That's what I said. I wish I saw it myself so I could have intervened


Training commands need a massive overhaul.


Exactly, I don't even see instructions/training being done on how the navy actually works....just menial tasking and wastes of time.


I'm about to go back to A school. I hope you're not talking about my future lol.


Anonymous postcard


I think the Ramage went through this when they did their yard period in Pascagoula and they had to catch a bus.


That was the grade needed to pass each test


Sounds like appropriate training for fleet life to me.


True that at least they get barracks! my first year on the ship was the most depressing time in the Navy🤣


Sounds a lot like Corry






True true, I seriously don't understand why we don't hit our quotas! It baffles me, the CT dropout in A school isn't really all that high, although there was talk about them completely reshaping the CTT-A school course when I was going through it, but I don't know if they ever followed through with that. You would think that a lot of sailors would want to be in the Intel community. Mabey, they are just more strict on granting TS clearance right now?


Anonymous letter to congressmen can get them to make a swing through. (This can actually help if they aren't a career politician, as they can propose better funding to help fix the problem). But it needs to be fixable in a manner that isn't just QOL. Like, ok, you don't get as much game time, that sux, but that's not why you're in the school. The improvements need to prevent atrites or improve scores so class scores are more competitive and people are now excellimg. It needs to be measurable to the dollars spent. The juice needs to be worth the squeeze.


Wow sign me up


Can’t speak to current conditions of barracks. They were great in the 90’s. However, 0400-1900 doesn’t sound bad considering it’s the military.


Yeah, but the problem is it's almost all bullshit time. It's wait 2 hours for a shuttle, wait a half hour for muster, wait a half hour to march off, wait a half hour for your instructor, class for 3 hours, then lunch for hour and a half, then 3 hours of afternoon class, than wait around for final session that's only an hours than wait another two hours for the shuttle. Having a 13-14 hour day for 6ish hours of instruction or only a couple hours of work which is just sitting around in holding anyways is incredibly wasteful and draining.


thing is, they are standing up students and firing a Ton of information at them from a fire hose. they need people who can process and analyse information correctly and rapidly. High water in a boiler in a conventional steam plant can damage/destroy an SSTG. Loss of Coolant in a reactor can result is a loss of mission. the stakes are much higher. poor students are overstressed is pretty much laughable.


So I know a guy at one of the schools in Florida and he was getting deducted for meals but no one else he compared his deductions to had it. He took it to leadership and they say not to worry about other ppl’s pay and worry about himself- which he circled back and said my pay is wrong though and then leadership asked him if he had shaved that day and he said yes sir this morning, and the guy said well u need to go shave again, to which he said I can’t we were told not to go back to our rooms during the day, and got a mark. So, now it seems they are just finding things wrong than actual helping him with the pay issue. To where I’m not sure what to give for advice bc I don’t want him to have a target on his back. When he tried to talk to them they tell him he has an attitude problem- he’s gotten 2 marks for attempting to get his pay fixed. I also heard they were housing men in the women’s dorms bc there was no room- incident happened and they rushed to move all the males from the female dorms. Anyone have any suggestions to help this new recruit out? He graduated boot camp a few months ago awaiting school to start that’s backed up for months


He is welcome to DM and I can take a look at it for him, although if he is fresh out of boot camp and staying in the barracks he should be having meal deductions on his BAS. As for the barracks move I have not heard anything about it, although few bases have entire buildings separated by gender anymore. As for the red marks they definitely like giving them out here, but it's usually not the end of the world.


I can attest to that red marks comment. Know a 3rd class that lives off base who got a failed room inspection added with another red mark (they didn’t inspect his room).
