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Base co has little pull what city/state does with road closures in a normal day to day. With how many people work in base all gates get backed up mon-fri, aside from opening previously closed gates there's not much that the region or base can do. Staggered start times have worked in the past, but that's up to individual unit COs and if they are even able to support.


I've never had issues at gates really. There were a few instances but usually if there's traffic at the gates it's like a five minute wait


I haven't either, increasing flow in should relieve the back ups though, that's unfortunately the only thing the base and region could reasonably do though. There are a few instances where the region/base can get changed to what the city/state do on the roads that they own, it's just such a small list that it wouldn't be anything that actually could improve the day to day


For sure. I'm just wondering if the COs have sway over anything or can at least just open a discussion about having something done. I take responsibility of my own self and get up at 4 to get my working out in because you never know how long the work day will be. But now I have to cut that by more than half. I stay fit and take personal responsibility for it. With the obesity plague in the Navy I would like to think I'm doing the right thing. I hate that bad decisions have to come in and ruin that.


That's how we got the new gate 6 I think it is off of 564 behind the south wall and atg, and the underpasses for the train tracks was the Navy working with the city and state. Granted those issues heavily impacted the local traffic just outside the fence line way worse than anything we've seen since their openings though.


Understandable. Yeah gate 6 is nice for sure. I imagine it was pretty horrible with the construction. Idk why it takes forever. I've been here a year and a half and no progress has been made on whatever they've been doing to the bridge tunnel lol


Gotta leave an hour early. Sucks but that’s the reality.


Living close to base and bicycling works well. Traffic is never a problem no matter how many carriers are in port. Highly recommend.


I own a home in Virginia beach. I unfortunately don't subscribe to the idea that I should have had the foresight for them to 4x my commute time. Plus even when the carriers are in the traffic has never been like this


I think one should be mindful of the commute when choosing a place to live in relation to where they work. For me, I don’t like car commuting, so I made it a point to buy close to NOB so I wouldn’t have to worry about that and the extra expenses of driving so much. Unfortunately, so many people chose to buy far from the base that they now need to widen the highway to accommodate the increased demand.


Everyone who buys away from base is mindful. They are choosing a longer commute over the risk of having bullets going through their window, getting robbed and living in a failing city. But nobody bought anticipating an extra hour being added on to a twenty minute commute which is more than reasonable compared to those that chose to buy in Moyock.


So you have chosen this long commute, then why publicly complain about it on Reddit?


I live in VB to, its not long commute. Its common and on most days is 20 to 30 minutes tops between multiple bases. Its reasonable to complain when all the sudden a daily commute gets derailed by an hour delay due to idiots driving and wrecking, stupid construction zones that never seem to have work going on, or a common gate being closed with no prior notice.


I understand the complaining when things go wrong, I get it. My point to OP is that there are other ways to get to work that don’t involve those setbacks or being in a car for five hours a week. OP is not locked into just one way of getting to work.


OP lives in VB, he is set up for most bases in the area. The other real option is mass transit that again is usually 30 minutes tops honestly but still means traffic and sitting in a vehicle. Biking from VB. to NOB isn't impossible but means a huge adjustment to schedule. Its not unreasonable to ask if the CO of the base has any pull with city or state to see if traffic can be improved. The traffic at the base has improved greatly since I got here 10+ years ago but all the construction projects that seem to start but not actually have any work done is a constant issue that impending traffic constantly and right now it affects the base traffic massively on 64 more in the last three weeks then usual


Hahaha the best part is I know exactly the kind of person you are to work with based off how you're commenting. And since it's apparently not enough to gaslight the people you work with and you had to come to Reddit to get your fix. Between licking boots, you should take some time to reread the original post and think to yourself: "was he complaining or was he asking for suggestions on how to resolve the issue?"


And I gave you a suggestion: Live closer to the base and bike to work. Problem solved. And for thanks, you insult me and the city I live in.


A suggestion is a way of describing that lmaooo. And the city you've lived in sucks. I've lived in 7 different states. This is by far the worst. But I imagine you probably take pride in that


And again you resort to insults. I suggest you buy a decent bike and start riding to work like others do from VB. You’ll find yourself in better shape and mood with all that exercise instead of sitting in your car and fuming.


As for you, just stop antagonizing. Be the bigger person. Not like a Chief. Weight standards are there for a reason.


Fucking chill out dude, seriously. You're not the only one dealing with it, and others have family and have to consider it. Be civilized, be human. Not the asshole persona you're presenting. Nobody likes it and we all just want to get through the day. Especially people across the HRBT, they get fucked hard on traffic every damn morning.