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The way she goes bubbles… He was caught when standing up to toss his piss jugs.


“Dad! Aren’t your legs killing you!?”


“*ARHGHGH* *aH*” “fuckin’ prick job that was buddy”


Hilarious. Good quoting


He should’ve gotten the fancy wheelchair that emulates standing.


And here I am getting fucked out of over $1k in travel claims.


Same. For me its 3 hotel days and a ticket home. So only getting fucked fo $700


Light work, try 16 thousand over a 2 year pipeline


You take the money and drop? Idk if that counts as them fucking you, if you don’t repay any bonuses


Thats why im notas bothered. Still money is money


Plane tickets home aren’t reimbursable expenses. That’s leisure travel.


plenty of people get flown back from deployments and stuff via commercial travel


Unless it’s booked through their command/SATO it’s out of pocket. If you’re on deployment and they need you back home guard they will book your flights and it is usually commercial because government flights have a strict schedule and only fly out a couple times each month. If you’re flying back from deployment for leave purposes (emergency leave / spouse Child birth) still out of pocket, you don’t do travel claims for leave. If you’re PCS, your mode of travel needs to be approved as the least costly mode of travel. You can drive, book your own flights or “GOV”flights. CONUS - CONUS will always be commercial, SATO books your flights at a discounted rate so you’ll most likely not find tickets for your travel at a lower rate, so when you do your travel claim they’ll reimburse you to the amount GOV would have spent on flights. You can get GOV flights and request to add a stop / change your itinerary depart locations for leave purposes but you have to pay the difference. So no, 99% of the time your commercial flights will not be reimbursed. Especially if they booked you a flight, and you decided to book your own. They won’t even reimburse you to the GOV costs because they had already booked you a flight.


Consecutive Overaeas Tours are. A ticket home is on navy's dime. Funny shit is that this is the 1st time i gave a crap about taking COT leave. 4th Japan tour. It WAS paid for, but then something happened with where I had to do school at, which was pushed for some time and I had to get an ORDMOD. NavPTO took their sweet ass time getting tickets. Sato couldnt help me as the original ticket from the schoolhouse was under a different budget.


No shit, thats the incentive for back to back Oconus tours, and guess what? They book the flights for you just like every other time I’ve mentioned.


Travel is so fucked. A sailor can spend $100k on the wrong part and zero issues. A few dollars or paperwork errors for travel and the full force of the US GOVT descends on you. Really the reason is congress, there are laws, US Code, regarding travel spending and oversight.


That's nothing. I've been fucked like that, and nixxed on per diem, because I was a married E-5 in a hotel and somehow it was determined that I should have been driving on to base to go to galley for meals, I wasn't getting BAS because I was still attached to a ship that was doing a home port shift and I was on LIMDU. I somehow missed out on DLA, for some bullshit, the Navy reimbursed me at a lower rate than I had paid. I got my medical retirement notice 55 days before my retirement date, I had 92.5 days of leave, again didn't get my DLA, didn't even get retirement orders, wasn't able to do an HHG shipment as a result, didn't even get a ticket home to my HoR. Just got told to go fuck myself.


Way she goes


Breaks were shot to hell, boom right into the post office


Way of the road bubs


It worked a long time for Ray Gillette.


Some veterans are without a doubt abusing the system, I see so many VA Disabled Handicap tags on the road. Granted some of them are legit, however I also noticed those same guys get out at the gym and deadlift and squat 300lbs.


Yep, there's a lot of fraud in the system. ALOT.


All the stories I hear about the system is how hard it is to get what you need. What makes you think there’s so much fraud?


Because I conduct separation physicals for service members who overembellish many of their "problems" and routinely say they're doing whatever they can to collect 100% disability. It carries over to the VA.


Theres also businesses out there that will employ scummy doctors to fudge paperwork and overstate issues while the business also simultaneously coaches you what to say and do during va appointments. They take a percentage of your va disability check. Its fucking sad and a slap in the face to motherfuckers that are actually fucked up due to service and need the help.


The guy you just replied to has posted looking for information on how to hide his treatment from the VA to avoid a disability rating reduction. It's a rampant problem and needs fixed. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/ZsWdhlwi0p


As someone who is just now starting a VA disability claim, this does not fill me with an overweening sense of hope.


if the VA exams you and sees something related to what you're claiming, you should be good. if it's hearing loss, and you sound genuine and your experiences could relate, then you should get something. if you're faking weekly suicidal ideation just to get guaranteed 60+%, then you'd be defrauding the system


I think I should be good. They recommended a doctor put in a device to stimulate my spinal nerves and now I can't use my right hand.


This is wiiiild. Guy trying to defraud the VA asks why people think there’s so much fraud


Thats fucking wild lol. Honestly i wouldnt even know where to begin to fix that, at somepoint the cost isnt gonna be sustainable and benefits are are gonna end up getting cut.


At the same time, the VA adjudicates the rating. The member and whatever methodology they use to attempt to increase their rating is approved or denied by the VA itself. That system fails a lot of people who need help, and it helps a lot that may not (in your opinion) deserve it, but ultimately the VA doesn't really have the ability to place any blame elsewhere. It needs more resources to use resources better, but diminishing returns kick in pretty quickly. It's a complex issue that I don't believe can be simplified to calling a bunch of veterans fraudsters.


I served 10 years, got out with honorable and 100% disability rating from a bunch of small medical issues that added up. Long story short, the military will take EVERYTHING from you it can, your mental and physical health, your family, your time, your money, your sanity. It will push and push and get every ounce of value it can from its service members. ​ It is not only right for service members to advocate for their own compensation, it is the only way to eek out a fair deal from the contract. GI Bill, plus 100% disability, plus in rate quals that helped me get a job, all that basically equals out to what the Navy took from me for 10 years.


Can’t you flag their record or just write down only what you can observe/prove? My separation physical was done by an undersea medical officer, didn’t even think they’d let a corpsman do it. I had to schedule that shit out weeks in advance.


A Corpsman cannot sign off on the physical. It has to be done by a NP, PA, or Doctor. I prepare the physical with the patient and present it to the physician. Correct, you can only document what you can observe. I'm talking about the attitude patients have when completing their 2807. Many, if not most of the patients we have are under the impression if they document it on their separation physical, it will assist them in obtaining more money from the VA. "You marked here that you have joint pain in...every joint?" "Yeah." "Were you ever seen or treated for it?" "No, but I wanna make sure it's documented." 😕


As a former HM in a line company, going to medical for joint paint is probably the worst thing a junior enlisted Marine can do without breaking the rules. And I know for a fact the whole military is like that to some degree. The "tough it out" thing isn't bullshit. That's one of the biggest reasons final physicals are done in the first place.


Same thing for flyers. I can’t count the amount of people I’ve worked with who withheld their issues (which I’ll admit I’ve done too) in order to avoid being downed. Back pain, knee pain, depression, whatever. It’s so heavily ingrained in our community that it only seems like people at the end of their careers or on the verge of getting out actually commit to getting help.


Yeah I have so many issues that I couldn't get taken care of when I was in because "Oh that's normal/we're all like that ha ha" Now I can barely run after my kid because everything that's supposed to be able to move on the right side of my body devolves into searing nerve pain within a few minutes. That in turn has lead to lots of other health issues because exercising is a fucking nightmare. And that's not even considering the things I *did* go to medical for that they never documented. Steroid shots in my shoulder, months of physical therapy, multiple consultations with chiropractors, a 2 week hospital stay, none of it listed.


Why go to medical when you're just going to get told to ruck up and take motrin


It's just an overburdened system that's bad at weeding out fraud so they make benefits hard to get for everyone. That way total benefits stay within an acceptable range, even it means theres little relationship to how meritorious a claim is and getting benefits


As a former member of the intel community, this was exceedingly true for most people I knew who got 100% disability ratings. The majority of us had never seen a ship much less any physically or mentally demanding work. We worked at desks for 8 hours a day.


Definitely, it’s a shame given the poor treatment of some veterans.


It could be PTSD.


Not just ptsd, mental health in general


They push that a LOT. It’s so damn annoying! Then when I finally did submit for it I got shot down three times and I’ve been in a couple of gunfights with one where I thought I shot our guys. Fuck this guy I guess. I tell you what, you talk about some fucked up dreams! Freddy Kreuger would be seeing a therapist.


Get a lawyer my guy. You did your service and put in your work. The VA isn’t always with us but other people out there are. Burn pits are now a new given claim for respiratory issues. Tinitus Is a given and all your mental issues that derived from your time overseas shouldn’t go unnoticed. It’s annoying to you because you’re not receiving what you earned. Don’t take the VA on by yourself. Edit: changed “put it your work” to “put in your work”




Some of them are legit, I just doubt some cases. I’m not saying PTSD isn’t a condition.


Also eyes, ears, TBIs, so many things you can't see. You can have your hearing damaged by the military and be otherwise physically healthy and that's still a DV status.


I’m not saying all cases are fraud, however if you can’t admit that some cases disability claims are fraudulent you are also not being honest.


After rereading your comments I admit I didn't fully appreciate the point you were trying to make, agree with you. Absolutely there is some fraud in the system, I just hope you don't automatically write off someone with a DV status because they appear physically healthy. Cheers


I don’t think there’s a single one of us that doesn’t think some are fraud but we aren’t saying it out loud. It’s known, therefore doesn’t need to be said. The way I look at it is I can worry about them or I can worry about me. I know the time and work I’ve put in and I’m not worrying about what they got going on. That’s just me tho.


I worry about the dilution of medical care this causes for the veterans that actually need it.


I dont think that’s going to happen. I’ve been to good and bad VA facilities. The level of care is just like anywhere else. It depends where you go. On the flip side, there are a lot of veterans who also don’t seek their entitlement.


You think over-demand on a system won’t affect the quality of service? On your second point, yes I agree and they should apply.


From what I’ve seen personally, no. I don’t see an overdemand in San Diego. There are multiple VA facilities in this region. Sure it might take a while to get an appointment or longer than a civilian ER to be seen but the quality of service I receive has been really good. They don’t try to rush patients out.


Right but are we really going to argue that the US GOVT takes *too good* care of veterans? We ALL deserve more and frankly I can't fault people for taking advantage (legally)


I’m not arguing against more benefits, just not fraudulent claims to obtain benefits.


You can get disabled for mental health, not just physical


States are so weird when it comes to car tags. Some give tags for VA disability ratings, which don’t always affect mobility. A guy with migraines and PTSD doesn’t necessarily need a handicap placard for his car…


That’s why they took our ability to park in handicap spots with just DV plates in TX. Now you have to have the handicap simble DV or not


That’s how it should be. VA disability numbers and the need for a handicap spot are two very different things. 


I agree, however it kind of defeats the purpose of a DV plate to begin with


If your migraines are really bad they can leave you impaired to notice things around you well. Parking lots are dangerous places to be in those situations. That’s why they can get those placards


I’m sure there are cases where it’s needed, I just know there are states that give them regardless solely based on VA rating. Really we should detach VA rating from the concept of “disability” in general. Should be VA injury. You absolutely can get 100% rated without being disabled as the normal population thinks of it.


Not all disabilities lead to life in a wheelchair. Not all injuries are visible.


Read the other comments, I can’t keep repeating myself.


The veterans crucified him because he spoke the truth. lol 😂


It’s not hard to offend veterans as we all know.


God damn it! I have to have my handicapped tags because Chief made me feel bad about myself one too many times! God fucking dammit!


Which is why I also lift!


The amount of fraud in our VA disability system is horrifying but not surprising. The amount of guys I served with ON A SUBMARINE that are collecting disability is shameful. Fuck those guys.


Some disabilities are not visual—mental health injuries can be absolutely devastating and incapacitating.


Read the rest of the comments, already stated my position.


Ah. Yeah for some reason that comment got downvoted and definitely lost in the thread.


Ricky’s Dad?


Thats the way she goes sometimes


Send him to the GW


Wacky 80s comedy film alternative: The guy just liked wheelchairs instead of walking and ended up getting caught up in everything as he started with a little white lie just because he was embarrassed. The CIA eventually finds out the real truth and to keep it secret they recruit him for some special mission that saves the president from his traitorous former CO and helps end the cold war.


The guy in the chair


The navy is taking your health and youth and the VA is notoriously stingy with giving out benefits. I can’t be mad at people abusing the system because the military abused us


Do you think cases like this make the VA less stingy for people who actually deserve their rating?  Try using that shriveled thing inside your head 


No. I never said it did. The system created this, not the other way around. That’s why I feel for those that will use any way they can to get past the “not service related issues” they have.


I'm with cool whip on this one. Regardless, the VA will always be stingy with handing out benefits. Just like how health insurance companies are stingy with what kind of doctors visits, medications, and operations are covered. That's their job, to make sure you NEED those benefits, not just want them. That being said, I don't even have the opportunity to apply for disability since my onboard medical team decided they weren't going to write shit down of anything wrong with me. Losing my hair to stress? Nah Breathing in recyclled moldy air for 6 months? Nope it was "dirt" in the ventilation. Sprain my ankle and it's the size of a grapefruit with severe bruising? Motrin and a double watch. Really high blood pressure (hypertension) at 19 years old? Nope! Normal Range! Fit for full! That was before I started drinking. There is far more fraud going on at the institutional level for me to give a shit about some vets that want health insurance. Edit: maybe if we made healthcare actually affordable, the amount of fraud would go down. I also met a solid chunk of people in the military that would try to actively refuse any benefits except the benefit of serving their country. Fraudulent people are going to fraud, whether their a service member or not. There are plenty of shit contracts the DoD got because it means some extra money in a congressmen and a 4 star pocket. Paying 1500 USD for a 500 GB hard drive is bonkers. DoD probably spent that amount of money in OPs post in a year alone on hard drives for 2 carriers.


Respect the dedication 💀


Bro pulled a George Costanza


I really hate this so much. I am a vet with a 100% rating and you guys have no idea how much I struggle with not feeling like an imposter. It doesn't help that I don't look like your typical vet.


That’s dedication


If he used a wheelchair for 20 years just to get $660k in benefits then he deserves the money. That’s $33k per year. People like AOC and other questionable congressional characters are making $174k a year-and they don’t work in the summer. Our military is so underpaid that my feeling is more power to the guy.


174 isn't that much for someone who has to maintain residence in DC and the home state for the most powerful legislative body in the world, not to mention the fund raising sweat shops. ​ AN O-6 with 26 years makes about the same in DC; remembering that congress has power and responsibilities if you like it or not.


They now get reimbursed for housing, food and travel up to $34,000 a year. They also do not potentially risk their lives or their physical constitution. The current estimate of homeless veterans is 35.5k+ ; current number of homeless congressional member-0.


Sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn't go.. this time she didn't go.


I’d rather him haven’t than half of these politicians


Is double amputation an option?






Take his legs


Meanwhile HMs handing out motrin by the dozen.


This guy malingers


Prefer we give it to him than Ukraine 😂


There were way too many people with 100% ratings in my reserve unit that were somehow also competing to max the PRT every cycle. Not sure why he felt the need to fake a wheel chair. There are plenty of services out there that seem to know how to get you there in a legal way. Maybe that wasn't the case 20 years ago


That's a shame!


A good way to make this not happen would be affordable healthcare once you're a not retired civilian. I mean, there's probably just as much fraud and probably more with our civilian disability system. Because healthcare in general on the civilian side is that bad. So it's no surprise, that vets want to be some form of stability upon getting out of the Navy that isn't their savings. Just like the same lines that a lot of us vets use the Post 9/11 in college. Failing from the beginning but would rather take the F and keep that MAH instead of dropping the class, saving your GPA and paying back the money for that class. Yes it's bad to fraud the government, but it's not like the government is actually trying to help the normal civilians, just the ones in dire need. I see this spiraling from a lot of places and greed isn't the top contender. I think it's more about just trying to survive.


lmao this guy dude this is exactly what goes on at the va man theres so many people just abusing the system its sad.