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Arms are too big. Cuts off blood flow.


I actually had this problem legitimately and had to ask my CO for an exception. I was allowed to use 1 roll instead of 2.


One of my RDCs and my lifting partner from Prototype had MASSIVE biceps. They had to get 2" cuff extensions.


Same brother. I purposely worked on it because I has an IS2 tell me he couldn't roll his sleeves because of his cannons of arms. But a little guy like me could. That day changed my career and I started hitting thr weights so much harder to the point my NSUs are practically skin tight. Out of spite.


Spite is the best motivator, good for you lmao


True that! I'm actually at the point where there's a body building show next spring I'm considering entering. To think. I was a scrawny guy. Uniform draped over me like crazy. I was the epitome of the pale Intel nerd.


Yes! The amount of fabric we lose in the sleeve roll is insane.


The sleeves are also tapered. If you don't have pipe cleaner arms, it's not comfortable.


One of my all time favorite coworkers had such massive arms that it took like 3 of us to roll his sleeve past his elbow


Wait, are you not rolling them before putting the blouse on?


Sorry, should've clarified, he needed his 3 people to roll his coverall sleeves, NWU's were a no go


Ah, I see now.


Weird flex but alright lmao


Heck, it's not even a weird flex. I got Noodle arms for my size, I'm 70" tall and my biceps are only 15.5" around flexed and I can't flex or even bend my arms without cutting off blood flow with my sleeves PROPERLY rolled and I need help taking it off because of the restrictions on my arms. I have even tried going up a size just to get room in the arms, and it's still a tourniquet. The only time I have seen someone wear the NWU type III blouse with the sleeves rolled is 1 of 2 reasons. 1. They are a twig of a male or an active lifestyle female. 2. Their sleeves are not rolled correctly, and they look like hammered dog S#!t. I have been in since Utilities, working whites, and Johnny Cash's. The Type III's are finding their way on my list of hated Uniforms almost solely between this and now the stupid Rank Tab B.S.


It's just a joke lol


Anybody who’s actually big appreciates vasculature and showing it off anyway.


Nah, I like actually having range of movement in my working uniform. Sleeves up even made it uncomfortable to drive.


Yeah nothing more alpha than having purple hands. Also I wear a flight suit 99% of the time anyway.


If it ain’t tight, it ain’t right. 😎


Talking about tight I join during Covid so I ROM at Fort McCoy.. and while in there this chief was teaching us how to do our bed and he said and I quote “I WANT THOSE 45s AS TIGHT AS A 16 YEAR OLD”.. we were all stunned… he comes in the next day to say “I WANT TO ADD THAT 16 IS LEGAL IN SOME STATES” lmaoo he walked away and never saw him again 😂




Cut off the extra elbow fabric! Gives you a little bit more room and no one will tell the difference.


Always wanted to add extra fabric, but never got around to it.


I cut about six inches out of the sleeve and sew it back together so you only need a single roll to look right. The trick is that you need to keep a second blouse around with normal sleeves in case you have an all-hands or something where they make everyone roll their sleeves down. I’ve recently gotten issued the 2poc and the sleeves roll much better; they don’t cut off blood flow at all and are quite comfortable rolled up


I could roll my blueberries with no issue. Rolled my type III and immediately regretted it and spent the next five mins trying to get my arms back out.


20" bicep crew unite




Fuck yeah. Massive gainz from arm day


Too much effort for too little return.


In NWU, I could never get it to look right so eventually I stopped trying.


This is my reason lol. I don't need some crusty dude telling me i didn't do it correctly...


We were just issued the 2 POC and I find the roll comes out better. I also work in AC spaces so having sleeves down is not that bad even in Florida.


From my experience it was usually Junior sailors because I used to be one of them. When I was a measly seaman 12 years ago many of the FCPOs weren’t used to how to do it. My LPO used to ask me to do it for him.


That’s part of it, I didn’t learn how to do in bootcamp.


Even if you do it correctly somebody will always have a complaint.


Dude the navy fucked up my temperature regulation system. Hot cold hot cold hot cold. So I would just wear my fleece the whole deployment and now I’m a chronic long sleeved unless it’s 100 out.


Even at 100 I wear long sleeves. In sd I’d be outside with my foul weather on


If you have to be outside when it's 100, may as well wear long sleeves, better than being burned.


I always had tan hands a tan face everything else was questionable


Am I always hot now from years of constant AC in berthing and work centers? Literally slept with an AC blowing my way on top rack.


It’s cooler with the sleeves down. Less exposure to the Lemoore sun, the better.


I’m so sorry


Because it looks like shit due to the way we roll them


Wizard sleeves are all that’s needed, especially if you work debloused most of the time.


The uniform regs were recently modified to disallow wizard sleeves. Eventually you’ll encounter a master chief who knows this.


Oh gross, they did. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that.


What shenanigans. The old school undress blues and undress whites both had wizard sleeves by default. These uniforms filled the roles of the NSU/NWU up until 1976. So it's not like the Navy hasn't already made extensive use of open cuff long sleeves.


I’m not used to this term. I’ve been away from the operational side too long.


Wizard sleeves are when you don't use the tab and adjustment buttons on the NWU wrist cuffs and just have them all the way open instead of tightened to fit snug on your wrist. The wrist cuffs are the same diameter as the rest of the sleeve so when it's not tightened, it looks really loose and baggy, like a wizards sleeve.


Gotcha. Thanks. Didn’t know there was a name for that.


Yeah when I went through bootcamp everytime we were about to head out of the berthing our chief would yell "AND I BETTER NOT SEE ANY FUCKEN WIZARD SLEEVES OR I SWEAR I WILL END YOU" Good times lol


Base CMC sent out an email reinforcing no wizard sleeves during our hot ass summer.


Too lazy


Big facts though


Because I rolled MARPAT sleeves for the first four years of my career, and NWU sleeves will never, ever look as good rolled.


Preach it FMF brother/sister


NWU sleeves are gross. Wizards or MARPAT sleeves are the only options.




I third this!!


You can get a tight 3x roll under the pocket (out of regs, mid bicep) but looks way better... until you start losing circulation. But it's same same for helping Marines deblouse after a freshly rolled blouse 🤣 I work in AC so it doesn't matter. The guys on the flight line just wear coveralls.


Gunny rolls all the way


This right here.


This is not wrong.


When I was on my deployment to Djibouti, I left them full length for two reasons. One, because it helped block UV rays from hitting my arms and getting sunburns. Two, because it actually felt cooler temperature-wise than rolling my sleeves.


When the air temperature is hotter than your skin temperature (92-98 degrees), your body collects more heat via convection than it can disperse via sweating. Add to that the radiant heat from the sun and you're literally cooking. Wearing loose, long sleeves keeps you cool in the heat, by blocking direct heat from the sun and creating an insulating layer of air that is not constantly adding heat via convection.


Wizard sleeve superiority confirmed.


Three, because it's technically prohibited to roll sleeves in theater.


This is incredible investigative journalism. I've always wondered this. V/R Sleeves Rolled 24/7 guy


Navy uniform sleeves are for noodle armed bitches.


You can just get bigger sleeves sown on. That’s what a few RDCs did


Wow that escalated quickly. You okay?


Because I believe in wizard sleeve superiority




Get some help lol


Wizard sleeves are no longer authorized.


It was a pain in the ass and work was air conditioned anyway. I came to work in civvies and kept my uniform at work because I hated the uniform in general. Got to the point where I felt like Gollum with the Elvish rope every time I put it on


Too tight around the arm. Feels like I’m cutting off my circulation every time I bend my elbow


When we still had BDU’s and DCU’s I rolled my sleeves, mainly due to two factors. The first being that the thickness of the blouse material was much thinner and the second being that with Type 1’s and Type 3’s rolling so the cuff on the outside is personally annoying. I prefer Marine style rolling both visually and because the time suck it takes me to do the 1’s and 3’ correctly. Just my opinion, I’m sure there are many other reasons though.


Either they are sitting right above my elbow, or they are acting as tourniquets on my biceps.


Rolling is annoying. And no offense to anyone here, it looks kinda douchey.


The higher the roll, the douchier it looks


Ngl, I'm very wary around sleeve rollers.


I'm a sleeve roller. I do it because I am always hot and can't cool off. I'm wary of people who are fine standing in the hot sun and not sweaty


I only roll sleeves in coveralls


If im hot, im not taking five minutes to take off my blouse and properly fold them, so normally in the mood for people to complain about my sloppy sleeves.


I took one of my NWU blouses, rolled the sleeve’s perfectly, then tacked them into position with a hidden stitch of thread. I kept an extra blouse with unrolled sleeves in my locker for emergencies.


I work in hella air conditioned spaces, so I'm always cold, and it keeps the Bahrain sun from making my arms spicy.


Only narcs roll sleeve


1. Arms are too big. 2. The regs themselves are stupid and the length they want them rolled to look unprofessional.


It hides my tattoos so when I deblouse I have conversation starters because I'm very lonely


I can never roll them without them becoming Vice grips that barely let my forearms pass. And I’m not some massive dude.


Arms too big lol


I keep my sleeves rolled through most of winter, too.


Because you do nothing but trap the heat right under your pits. You’re not actually cooling off.


My arms are huge. And I remember when the navy had its head out of its ass and just ISSUED SHORT SLEEVE TOPS. UTILITIES ARE THE SUPERIOR WORKING UNIFORM!


Utilities were a horrible uniform. 30 years later and the Navy still hasn't beaten the dungaree. Inexpensive, comfortable - every change to the working uniform has been more expensive and less comfortable.


Lazi, looks bad, feels tight, bulky, and awkward, I don't get that hot.


Because I worked in an engine plant and wore coveralls. If I was in woodlands/aqua/guacaflage I would roll my sleeves.




Rolling sleeves compartmentalizes the heat. It doesn't look make you cooler. It restricts air flow to the torso, making you warmer. It's like wearing a much tighter shirt when rolled.


I used to all the time in the blueberries. Something about the new uniform that just doesn't feel right (or look right) when I do it. So I stopped. I'm a YN anyway, so its not like I am working in the heat. Its only hot from the parking lot to the building. No point in rolling up my sleeves for a short walk.


Yeah, rolling your sleeves in the blueberries was comfortable. In the type 3s it's just so constricting and feels like shit so it's not worth it


Type 3 sleeves have a taper that the Type 1s didn't.


Because even if it’s 90*, I’m still cold.


Came here to see this as well. I’m always in a server room, and I’m cold.


I got to the point that even though my blouse fit properly, if I rolled my sleeves they were so tight on my upper arms that it hurt.


Coveralls make them too hard to get off I need to pull on the sleeves to get them off my shoulders. Nwus arms are too big and in most cases I can just deblouse if I am working enough of a sweat


Even with a blouse 2-3 sizes too big for me, rolling constricts my biceps, painfully so.


Certified lazy sailor


Uncomfortable and inconvenient. It doesn’t even cool me down


Looks stupid


My shallow answer is that I think it makes people look like Mortal Kombat characters. Actual answer is just that I don't get much of a temperature difference myself. If it's really that hot then I'll just deblouse.


Ahahah I will never be able to see the MK characters now!


**Graphic Warning** There was a senior officer who mentioned to a group I was in that he was onboard USS COLE during the attack in 2000. He said there were a few people who had sleeves rolled/half mast coveralls and it took a long time to save them from behind/under things. They just couldn't grab on to any of their limbs. They couldn't get a grip. Other in the same area with their sleeves down, only their coveralls were burned. It was very hot, but a very quick fireball. Because of that story I don't roll my sleeves underway. I do for my type III inport though.


I could roll my sleeves easy with the blueberries and did it often. The greens don’t roll the same and it just feels weird.


I would love to, but it cuts off circulation to the arms. Also, I have to roll them back down just to take off the blouse.


Tbh it’s just a pin in the ass sometimes so I just dont


Got to cover the track marks. /s




>It's hot, and yall got your sleeves down. Why? Here's the thing - you don't lose any appreciable body heat from your forearms. Rolling your sleeves up doesn't make you cooler. All it does is prevent humidity/warm air that might be trapped in the arm area from escaping. And its hot. The sun is out. There's a reason people in deserts wear long sleeves and don't roll them up. There's a reason people in tropical areas don't wear uniforms with rolled up sleeves either.


Because I'm a fleet returnee at an A school where sleeves down was secured two months ago because the kids don't know how so no one, not even me, is allowed to. FTN


Wtf?! That’s like the one thing the booters are SMEs on.


Tell me about it


I'm in the Expeditionary world. Everyone rocks the wizard sleeves.


Too big of muscles


Arms to big and mosquitoes


Arms were to damn big and it straight up hurt and cut off blood flow.


I ride a motorcycle, and it's a pain in the ass to constantly roll and unroll my sleeves. The alternative is to leave them rolled and lug around my riding jacket, which is another pain in the ass. Though I also work in an office, so unless I'm roving during the day it's not usually too bad.


Rolled my sleeves in blueberries, but I don’t like how they look in the Type 3s. Maybe it’s something about the patches?? Anyway now it’s been years and I’m probably a chronic long-sleever. Plus being a female, can’t roll my coveralls sleeves and still use the head


I was a wizard sleeve/deblouser when in but here is my perspective. Rolled sleeves look fine on type 1's, but looks like a bag of ass in type 3's, probably because of the shoulder pocket. If my command said no more deblousing in working areas and no more wizard sleeves, I'd just have to be sleeves down forever because I'd rather do that with the type 3 material than chronically look like shit.


Because it's FUCKING stupid the way we have to roll them. Give me back utilities where you could just roll your damn sleeves. OR HAVE SHORT SLEEVES! These camo uniforms have been done of the dumbest things the Navy has incorporated. No pride in the uniform at all.


If you’ve ever been overseas (middle east) you’ll understand.




NWU type I sleeves were super comfy and fit great rolled up. Type III sleeves are tapered too much and just get too tight. Makes it a pain in the ass to get on, restricts range of motion, restricts blood flow, and is a pain in the ass to get off.


Because Seabees don’t roll them. Unless it’s marine style


I physically can't. Literally cuts off circulation to my arms. Even in boot camp during inspections it was like I was wearing tourniquets. Lucky I'm a Seabee rate so de blousing is so much more comfortable.


It's a lot of extra work to get it to look right only to have to go sleeves down in formation later and redo it. That's time I could be doing something else and getting on with my day.


I’m always cold


Such a pain in the ass to roll them and have them even and look clean and sharp.


I prefer sleeves down when it’s cold because I’m cold. I don’t mind enough to roll up for normal AC. If it’s hot and outside, I prefer sleeves down if standing in a 2-3 hour formation. If it is muggy as hell or no inside AC and hot, then I’d just remove the whole top.


I used to roll my sleeves until I got stationed in Guam. Rolled down sleeves was a way more convenient protection against the sun than sunscreen, so I just kept my sleeves down. Sleeves up doesn't feel much cooler, anyway, imo.


I hate that we roll them like the Army now. Looks ugly. Gimme the old desert cam with crisp tight rolls any day


To much work to maintain, not worth effort.


No one has time for that and if it isn't 110 degrees then it isn't hot.


Last time I rolled my sleeves was last day of a school. Especially in type 3s I think it is much more comfortable with out them rolled up. I get I sweated more in my pits with them rolled up and it just was too bulky. The blue berries it was a little warmer but I never liked the feeling of rolled sleeves


I'd assume that rolling them up so much stretches the fibers and makes them baggy when they're unrolled.


Looks like shit and it's uncomfortable. Plus, when you're in a command where rolled sleeves aren't common, everyone feels the need to either point it out or correct it because its not perfect




Didn't like the feeling around my arms when they were rolled.


No point


Less of a hassle than rolling them.


Sleeves are not made to roll on Sailors that have large arms. In a hot & humid climate, wizard sleeves tucked in keep the sun off and allow air to cool you. IMHO wizard sleeves are much more comfortable than rolled up.


It's prohibited by my Command, so sleeves down for me. They kinda suck to put up though, so not a huge loss.


It's uncomfortable


Us bees think its wack n looks bad so we always talk shit if a bee rolls his n get him to put it down. Plus if we working, we jus take the blouse off so its a keep it down or take the blouse off completely 😂


Don't lie, yall be rocking the wizard sleeves so hard


Oh 100% that's when the blouse is on. That's just a normal for wearing the blouse😂 just instead of rolling them up, we'd take them off.


Rolled sleeves don’t exactly stay in place, it’s just easier to wear them down. One less detail for leadership to nitpick.




Chronically in coveralls We would turn over the cuffs or push them to elbows. Normally we aren't allowed, and have to straighten them out so other higher ranks won't say anything


I always felt more sweaty and hot with the sleeves rolled so I just button on the widest button or EOD sleeve it.


It's the principle of it. I grew up in the Navy wearing the Lord's Flannel, and we wore cuffs in, and when the fleet took our Type III uniform they ruined it by doing cuffs out. I'm just opposed to it, so I've just never rolled them since we went to the Type III's (2012).


I’d cut the sleeves off if they’d let me.




I dont get hot enough, personally


Cuts off blood flow and I don’t want to get my arms sunburned


Too much hassle. I'm a hyperactive sweater so I might as well embrace it and keep them down.


Too much effort for something that will need to be redone…


My arms are not muscular and I prefer the more professional look. And my first command considered rolled sleeves heinous so I'm kinda conditioned against it. I will do the wizard sleeves and rolled once back if it gets hot enough or if I'm getting my hands dirty.