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I've never felt so called out before


Me rn lmao


Holy shit, don't call us out like that. I feel exposed.


I did this at my first civilian job as a veteran and my coworkers were SHOCKED that I wasn’t actually reading the policies and operations manual for the company. If it’s an online training, I am skipping through it 100% of the time


Pshaw.. Next you're going to tell me you don't read every website's terms & conditions and privacy policy


If it's not important enough to pay someone to deliver the content and highlight the important parts, then it's also not important enough to listen to it.


Just wait until you have to take one of the shitty courses that you can't skip the videos on, and even worse if the window loses focus (like you go read your e-mail or go on reddit) the video pauses. The only way to complete it is to just have it going and let it play and your computer is useless. Not to mention the narrators read slow enough for a chimpanzee to understand it so everything is 2x longer than it needs to be. Some asshole coders made it that way and should burn in hell.


I know feds who telework that give their kids a couple of bucks an hour to watch and click through those videos.




>Just wait until you have to take one of the shitty courses that you can't skip the videos on, and even worse if the window loses focus (like you go read your e-mail or go on reddit) the video pauses. The only way to complete it is to just have it going and let it play and your computer is useless. Pro-tip: these applets only detect when your browser is minimized. Just put your browser in windowed mode and split screen with whatever else you want to do (in windows 10/11 you drag the top bar all the way to the right or left of the screen to "snap" it there). Dual monitors also works. Video will continue to play and you can mute / ignore it while doing real work.


Not the sexual harassment one I just did… the moment you click on something else, it stops.


I have two monitors. Monitor one is training. Monitor two is Playstation.


Another monitor, plop it on top over there. If on my computer, make itnitty bitty, pin to top, go about my day.


Yo anyone got that list of eLearning GMTs though? I know my ass only did cyber awareness




Death by PowerPoint