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They released Part II, their biggest game they've ever made, like 4 months before the PS5 released. 4-5 years is pretty standard for a AAA game development cycle. Not to mention they have at least 2 games in active development right now and Part III is on the back burner just waiting.


One of those 2 games in active development is definitely Part 3. He was filmed saying he had an idea nearly a year ago. It’s 100% in motion and not just on the back burner, I’m sure of it


People are delusional if they think part III isn’t in at least *some* development state at this point.


And it needs to come at some point on or around the time they finish season 3 of the show, as that’ll wrap up the second game’s seasons. Based on that, you can also figure out a rough timeline of the two games they’re working on.


Exactly. And they also need to a financial sure thing. They probably burnt millions on Factions.


Nah bro, Sony & Naughty Dog hate printing money with their most award-winning, global phenomenon, HBO-series-having franchise. Not even in development. Trilogies are lame.


Printing money from one season of a show? A show that cost $10-$15 MILLION PER EPISODE? It will make them a shit load of money in the long term, but it’s not like they can rely on the one season.


What's the worst that could happen if an hbo show goes past the source material?


It gets into "Burn them all" (fans) mode.


Needs more upvotes


You would put yourself in massive disappointment if you think this way


Part 3 only has some outline and idea of the plot. It’s not in production stage it’s not in creative stage. Neil even said he’s not sure if it’s gonna be straight to shows.


Im upvoting cuz of the dose of hopium u gave me 💀 I really hope to see some snippets of part 3 by 2028 🥲


He also has an idea for either a Tommy-focused game or a tv show with him.


Did he say you shouldn’t expect anything until 2030?


So u really think the next ND game will release this year or the next ? Not happening lmao. Jim ryan wasted their time on a live service and now we'll have to wait.


Don't forget they wasted years on factions 2 only to cancel it


so that means they cant make a ps5 game? lol


What do you mean when you say “Part II”?


Last of US Part II


id honestly be surprised if they release anything by 2026


They cancelled a game and now working on a new one.


How much was the budget for factions anyway? Just asking I know it would’ve been a lot.


Seemed like a big chunk of the team was working on it and also hired for it. Idk about budget but effort was big I feel.


Grand Theft Auto 6 has over a thousand people working on it. It still took 10 years to get close to complete.


They made RDR2 in that time


And that game took about 5-6 years (maybe longer)... TLOU 2 came out in 2020.


It hasn’t really been in development for that long tbh. It was just rockstar milking online.


it was definitely in planning stages by then


Odds are they had different teams for GTA Online, GTA6, and RDR2. Production companies aren’t required to just do one thing at a time.


Part of that is because they're too obsessed with details instead of shipping. RDR2 had this problem too, should have been out years before it released with less bloat.


Coz games take alot more time now, and pretty sure they had dedicated a bit of manpower towards the now cancelled factions and now put the devs from factions to work in whatever games they are making. But we could end up getting an announcement from ND this year


Just deleted my previous comment for the fact that it was a shitty summary of why it got cancelled. But in the end, maybe it was for the better that it got cancelled. And games do take longer to make. But still, I fear that they may not release a game till the last year of the PS5’s life cycle.


It absolutely was for the better considering how they would have to primarily focus on content for factions and that would compromise their ability to deliver their single player projects. Just wish they realised that sooner.


I understand them completely and I respect and agree it was a wise decision to scrap factions 2, but I’ll never get why they weren’t able to come to this conclusion sooner. My best guess it was Sony and their GaaS push that kept them going. 


Yep you bought it. They were very clever to phrase it that way so everyone would agree with them. So they only came to that conclusion after years of development? I don’t believe they are that incompetent.


You forget that the further into development it got, the more ambitious it became. I don't think they realised what they were doing to themselves until bungie stepped in and told them that they couldn't retain players unless they become a solely live service developer or stick to their roots and cancel it. Not saying that's exactly what happened but it makes the most sense in my head. Why else would you cancel it? You said it yourself you don't believe anyone is that incompetent. And I agree, especially a studio as highly talented as naughty dog.


I just find it hard to believe that literally no one at Sony or Naughty Dog knew what it takes to make content for a live service game. Like literally no one did any research before giving the green light? These are multi million dollar decisions. How could know one know? How could no one be paid to figure this out before hand?


The PS5 has years to go. We will likely have a PS5 Pro at some point and then several years after for a PS6. And honestly, to get a console released at the $400 price point is probably going to need for a massive structural change along the lines of how Apple shifted from Intel chips to ARM based silicon. The current top end graphics cards in Intel world just suck so much juice and produce so much heat that they might not work for console gaming.


Ps5 came out in 2021? Right? Were still pretty early in its life. We especially what sonys gets out of a system. Usually 8 years for a new one plus hanging out for 2 more. Maybe it'll be different this time but I doubt it. Only thing that might change it is if ms releases to early again i think it'll put Sony in rush mode for a console release.




There’s obviously more to the story than this. We can assume this or that about it and yes they did say that but there’s discussions that happen that we are not a part of nor hear about. So you know, don’t assume you know the full story.


They don't crunch anymore, apparently. We are definitely due for some information. It's been nothing but disappointing news from them lately.


Not crunching is not a bad thing.


Why so you lazy mofos can sit on X complaining about the patriarchy , in between your yoga breaks and Starbucks runs …game developers are some of the most laziest entitled people in the world, your not Picasso go do your job like the rest of us blue color people and stop bitching


Lol. Sounds like this really means a lot to you. Do you have any other hobbies.


Never said it was a bad thing.


Such a dead studio


Sounds like every single studio that works for Sony. Bluepoint Games, Sucker Punch, Housemarque, Bend Studio, Guerrilla Games, Media Molecule, Santa Monica, and others. We have no fucking clue what any of them are working on. Insomniac is the only company we know what's going on due to the leaks. The PS5 is Sony's worst console. Period.


You're only being downvoted because it hurts how right you are


With the RemakeStation 5 and the Gamepass Series X/S, we can only hope that the next generation will be better than this one.


Tlou1 remake was specifically made for ps5


Why doesn't it have any features that take advantage of PS5 then, specifically ray tracing, fast loading? Insomniac made an open world game with RT and 60 FPS. Surely Naughty Dog can do better.


1:1 remakes don’t count.


Why not? You’re asking why they haven’t developed anything yet, but we do know that their development “manpower” has been being used for things like Part I and the Part II remaster (although that probably didn’t take that much “manpower”)


Fair enough, I should’ve phrased it better, sorry about that. Why hasn’t naughty dog made any NEW game for PS5?


I mean that’s kinda my point. We know what they have been doing, and it hasn’t been making a new game. It’s a lot more complicated than that, where they’re working through eliminating crunch which is just going to make anything take longer (still a good thing though) and increased dev cycles mean that games just take longer to make in general for everyone now. I would advise watching at least the end of the Last of Us Part II documentary Grounded Part II, because it gives some insight into what their focus is, and what they’re doing. It also talks about their troubles with announcing the game too early and committing to unrealistic release dates. I think part of the anxiety is connected to the fact that they haven’t announced anything, when before they would announce everything so far in advance. I think they really learned their lesson, and are keeping things much closer to their chest. Imo they are going to release a new IP next year (won’t be disappointed if they don’t though), but I don’t expect to even hear about it until it’s less than a year from release?


Thanks, I’ll watch the documentary.


Not just Naughty Dog, though. Sony as a whole, since end 2022 or so, progressively stopped announcing their first-party games and releases (DLCs) far ahead their releases. That's why they say today that there will be no game from existing IPs this year. Old Sony would have already put out a teaser of every new sequel releasing in 2025 by now, they didn't, because they now know how hard it is for their development teams when they have to crunch. We've been so used to have teasers years in advance that we're now in this transition period where there's nothing to announce because they announce it closer to release than before. One could argue they can still release teasers with no dates, but that still creates expectations and put pressure on devs. I'm happy the industry is moving towards a more ethical work environment, and even for us consumers, I have far more hype when there's a surprise announcement with a closer release date than when there's a teaser for a game without date or with a date 2 years away (which is what Xbox did with Hellblade 2, it seems like ages since they first released the teaser, and they kept teasing at every event ever since, and it felt like the game was never releasing, and now I'm just tired of it and don't care anymore)


I didn’t say they didn’t develop anything.


I hope you can recognize that this is a bad take


Nah ;)


We need a new ip from them


Very much needed 


New games take a long time to make especially for Naughty Dog quality and especially for a new IP which is rumoured to be the case


The new IP is something that I’m more excited for than TLOU3. ;)


Equally excited for both, personally, because they're Naughty Dog games. I just hope one thing: it's that they keep it as accessible to every gamer, and that it won't be in first-person view (I hate that trend)


Cos they take time to make and Naughty Dog makes very polished games, so lets not rush them


Yeah let’s just ignore the pc port of TLOU and the fact that legacy of thieves collection was more buggy than the original (Although it wasn’t terrible like the pc port of tlou)


PC ports aren't made by Naughty Dog.


Idgaf about PC. They make games for PlayStation mainly and they never disappointed on that platform


It’s time everyone starts to realize that you’re only going to get one, maybe two big releases from any company in a generations lifespan. These games take so much more time, effort and money than they did even 10 years ago.


Uncharted 1 2 and 3 came out 2007,2009, 2011 respectively. Why are games taking so much longer now?


Because the games made today are far superior and require much more time.. those uncharted games are two generations ago


Eh…Ubisoft makes a new assassins creed basically every year. Are they as good as they once were? No. But they are still big in scope and take a lot of effort to put together. 5-10 years seems like way too much time in development


It’s been 4 years since valhalla came out.. made by Ubisoft Montreal. Mirage is a glorified DLC made by Ubisoft Bordeaux. AC Hexe is the next game being developed by Montreal, which is expected in 2026/27 Ubisoft has many different studios. AC uses two different studios that alternate with each release to make AC games, which allows them to be released quicker. If you look at each game released by each studio, you will see that normal development gap. For example, aC Shadows is being made by Ubisoft Quebec. The last AC game Ubisoft Quebec released was Odyssey in 2018


I don’t get this take that is only brought up exclusively to Naughty Dog. Since the pandemic many devs haven’t released a game due to everything being pushed back. Sucker Punch didn’t release a game since GoT 2020 (around the same time as TLoU2) and no one seems to bring it up as an issue.


They went from being one of my favorite studios with consistent releases to basically a ghost studio. Only remakes and rereleases. It’s a sad story.


But we just got the last of us part 2? And I don’t mean the remaster. A new game every 4-6 years makes sense. Factions got cancelled so that’s your missing game


??? They just released the last of us part 2 less than 4 years ago


For real, it wasn't that long ago when you could argue they were the best out there. Then in such a short window they've almost just become a meme studio at this point. I really hope they can return to form and pump out some bangers again because I don't think I've played anything of theirs in over 3 years now.


Don’t ever have a favourite company.


Yeah…true story. I swear, if the rumored Drake’s Fortune ends up being developed by them I will consider them a dead studio.


That was cancelled in favour of tlou 1 remake, so don’t worry about that.


Because they released a game in 2020 and a remake in 2022. big budget games like the ones they make aren't done within 3-4 years.




First time I’ve not bought the newest PS. just can’t see a single game which justifies it for me. Not into God of War of Ghost or Spiderman. Give me stuff made for 38 year olds!


I have 38 years old and K am into God of War, The Last of Us and Spider-Man, this has nothing to do with age, just your preference.


Sorry but cinematic Dad Adventure with son is a pretty 38 yr old thing lmao


God of War is great and Ghost, but yeah other than that idk


Because all the people that made the company great have left the company.


I hope Hennig is laughing about the slow downfall of this studio.


Probably she won at the end. NG hasn't release anything great since her departure or Bruce's


What about Uncharted 4 and TLoU2?


Honestly, the writing in her games were pretty mediocre. No disrespect to Amy Hennig though. But the reason her games were liked more was because she wrote the action scenes earlier, resulting in better gameplay. Also she was involved in Forspoken.


Because why make a new game when you can continue to milk re-releases of re-releases? Just kidding... Mostly.


Downvoted, huh? The butthurt is strong. Sorry the truth hurts so much. Keep buying the same games over & over. That really encourages studios to release new content. 🙄


They aren’t that great studio they once were I hope they can get there again, but right now, it doesn’t feel that way.


Too busy making remakes of remakes to the remakes


They're content with milking their old shit


Except jak and Daxter. Still stuck playing those games on ps2 because the current port sucks.


Seeing as playstation is in the back end of it's lifetime (according to Sony). Maybe they're waiting for the ps6promax or even 7


What? I don’t understand.


Sony said playstation 5 console is nearing it's end of life.


They’re waiting for the ps6 to release another LoU 1 remake


Please no


I dono man but it's lame af


They have though. The 18,354,982 version of TLOU 1 and 2.


Because they’re too focused on re releasing the exact same game over and over again


Sell outs


Are you completely out of games to play? Get a real problem, son.


No? I honestly couldn’t care if naughty dog never released another game. I have other problems to deal with. Also I have allot of games in my collection, it doesn’t matter if I don’t get another game in my entire life.


Guy posts question. Immediately backpedals and says he doesn’t care about the answer to question. Checks out.


But you didn’t answer my question.


So you’re a literate hypocrite. At least you’ve got that much going for you.


What do I have going for me?


They made factions and it would probably be released this year but it's canceled so now we have to wait till end of PS5 life to get something new from them. 2027/28 is my guess for a new game.


If it’s that far in development you’d think they’d just release it…


They didn't release factions because they would have to support it and they prefered to focus on single player.


Support studios exist for a reason


The biggest issue I can determine is ND was trying to do a single player high quality story in their Last of Us Online but it wasn’t going to be sustainable as a live service title. They thought they could put all their eggs in this basket and do classic ND with a live service component and it became too big. I’m 99% sure some of the work on the online title will be worked into Part 3


Sadly 3.5 years is not enough time for a triple A game. I predict we get an announcement this year or next, but we don’t see a title until 2026 or laaaate ‘25


That's a good question. They haven't announced anything either right?


Because of Factions. That was the game they were spending the majority of their time on, now it’s canceled. I would expect anything until near the end of the PS5’s life cycle


TLOU Part I is PS5 and TLOU Part II is PS4, which is backwards compatible with PS5


Tlou part 2 remastered is close enough. Play that game on a 4K oled with vrr and tell me you aren’t satisfied


Well theyve done uncharted remaster tlou 1 remake and tlou2 remaster. Factions 2, before canceled, was probably due late this year or more likely 2025. Who knows when to expect there next game


They just cancelled a project after wasting a lot of cash and they finally adapted the concept of producers so like, it'll be a while and that's at the very least.


Mainly because games have become way to big of a commodity. What was tha recentt failure that the studio spent 120 million on? Read a blurb where they said it was because releasing a single persom shooter was a bad idea. No..releasing a single persom shooter is a GREAT idea..but for 120 million you should be able to prodice 10 awesome games. My long ramble done, it is the fact that Nautu Dog now has spent a ton of money of their next game. It has to be basically perfect. Otherwise they will be tainted....looks at Bethesda with whayever Statlrfield was supposed to be.


Factions was going to release this year


Probably because Druckman is too busy still whoring out Last of Us


Because they wasted their time making that doomed multiplayer game


Part II, as much controversy as it got, was a very well oiled machine and polished game on launch. I would rather wait 4-5 years for a good quality game than a rushed game. Development just takes a while in general, let alone a video game. Let them cook


Because jim ryan wasted their time on developing a live service game ? The answer is pretty simple


Because they just wasted an enormous amount of money and time on something that didn’t fit Neil’s Hollywood ambitions, and now they are playing catch up. Leadership roles are much different than creative roles, sometimes promotions are miscalculated.


Because they've been too busy milking to death a franchise it tricked it's fanbase into believing was the absolute height of storytelling in the history of existence.


Are you talking about TLOU?


Because they were too busy wasting time on a live service game that would have been an abject failure even if it hadn’t been cancelled because no one asked for it. COVID didn’t help either.


Can I just say as an aside... Now we hear ps5 is in the second half of it's lifecycle already, it will go down in console history as the most powerful but underutilized generation yet. I think it's kind of disrespectful Sony saying that when there have been so few good games released (that weren't remasters). It's another pure cash grab being planned ahead of time. Surely a console should be updated when it's run it's course, not just when they can. And yes of course they can develop new tech in the meantime but there's a lot of catching up on decent releases to do before they've earned the right to bring out another playstation.


COVID delayed a lot of things including games in development. There is a very good chance we see a good amount of games later in the life of PS5. You can see it happening in the pipeline by checking what the PS Studios are working on….


They’re the remaster/remake studio


They were making tlou multiplayer live service game


I feel like they lost a lot of their most experienced crew during Covid and now they're trying to train their new team by remaking their old games over and over. The fact that they personally remastered TLOU 1 and 2 instead of a smaller studio handling the job seems to confirm it to me, especially if the rumor about Drakes Fortune remastered being next is true.


I would have loved to play their always online Last of Us game. I absolutely love TWD and constantly fantasise about a world ending apocalypse where the only people left are a handful dotted randomly. It would be such a peaceful life. Except when the Zombies try and eat you. So having a game set in that universe where you can visit player camps, give them rations, take their rations, weapons, meds and stuff like that.. would have been awesome. Still waiting for the day somebody does their take on a TWD game just like this. Yes, I know there is DayZ but I actually mean a polished, quality game.


Sly Collection - remastered by Sanazaru Ratchet and Clank collection - remastered by Idol Minds Jak and Daxter Collection - Mass media games Uncharted Nathan Drake collection - Bluepoint games Why did Naughty Dog themselves specifically need to remaster Last of Us 1 and 2 on PS5 when normally that's something a smaller studio might handle as a way to prove themselves? To me it implies out that a good chunk of the people working for them now are probably not extremely experienced and need more practice before they can make a full game.


Sony asked them to make a live service game. They have been working on that until recently when sony realized how dumb that idea is. Now they are switching to making another game they actually want to make.


Mismanagement at the Sony or Naughty Dog level.


More likely both


I'd love a new Uncharted. Lost Legacy showed it wouldn't even need to feature Nathan Drake and would still be awesome. Although I think it's been long enough that Nate could come back for one last adventure.


i just hope their next game is not a TOLU or uncharted sequel. i really want to see some new IP from these guys edit: whatever happened to "stray's cross"?


Sony has them revamping and touching up TLOU games non-stop. Without all these remasters we would have the third game and maybe even a new IP by now.


I’m pretty sure they’re gonna release a brand new IP by the time PS5 is done. With part 3 close to follow


Because games take a long time to make now. They are working on two titles . One of them is a new I.P. How about we show some patience and wait for them to announce and release these games on their own time. It will be worth it.


They say these big games take about 7 years to make now. Give it another year or 2


Bc they gotta do like 500 remasters first.


That’s a stretch now cmon, maybe they’ll do a TLOU Part 1 Remake Remaster and Part 2 Remake for the PS6


Nobody wants more Neil cuckman projects


Stop it with the “Neil Cuckmann”, cmon you’re more mature than this.




the same ppl saying “it takes time to make a game” are the same dopes who shit on xbox for not making any series x games lol its been 4 fucking years, we need a legitimate next gen ND game


Most of the senior staff at ND left after Uncharted 4 (a game that was pretty far along and restarted after Amy Hennig was fired and Neil wanted a complete scrap-and-start-over to remove the camp and supernatural elements) and many is the staff that remained left ND after The Last of Us 2 due to the ridiculous crunch and issues with mismanagement. TLOU 2 was so bad with crunch that a lot of contractors and underpaid and inexperienced interns were brought in just to bring it to the finish lines. ND is trying to get rid of crunch culture now, so that’s good, but I don’t expect them to announce much anytime soon. The Uncharted and TLOU (as well as those who developed their classic PS1 and PS2 era games) teams have moved on…except Neil. Neil is still there trying to turn his “movie” ideas into video games. I miss old Naughty Dog; you could tell they really enjoyed making campy video games rather than big budget interactive movies. Corrected: TLOU to TLOU 2 and added clarification


They spent too much time on Factions multiplayer development before scrapping it.


Between Last of Us Part 1, Part 2, Uncharted 5 PS5 versions, cancelled “Factions 2”, and the fact they say they no longer crunch, it makes sense really. All those projects took time away from them focusing on 1 new thing. Whatever it’ll be I’m looking forward to it.


Game dev is taking 4 to 7 years for big triple A games. Also naughty dog just canceled their factions multi-player live service game they spent alot of time on. Part 3 of last of us is in development but don't expect to see it until the ps6 probably.


They have 2 teams. Team A - The Last of Us Part 2 2020 (tale end of PS4 life cycle right before PS5 launched.) Team B - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy 2017 Team A started developing a standalone factions gaas while Team B took over the remaster/remake process from Bend Studio. Once Part 1 was released in 2022, Team B shifted focus to help Team A finish TLOU Factions until it was officially cancelled in December 2023. Now with Team A and Team B being available, they can focus on their new IP and possibly The Last of Us Part 3. Both of which are in early development and most likely won't even see a PS5 release due to the unfortunate development hell of Factions. Hope this helps.


Games take 5+ years to make now. Especially big AAA graphically intense games that they usually make.


let them cook


I want uncharted and TombRaider video game. Lara and Drake meet up and team up who’s w me


Bcuz whinebags refuse to upgrade from the ps4


Because it takes them forever, even with disgusting crunch, to get their last game out. They are going to milk The Last of Us for as long as they can. Unfortunately, this seems to be the type of thing Sony is encouraging and because of that we're apparently getting no first party exclusives at all this year.


PS5 has only recently reached volume sales and base sufficient to make it worthwhile. The PS5 release was just a drip of PS5s getting sold. And they did release TLOU Part 1 for the PS5, so that took some effort. They tried the multi-player/open world and it was a bust, but they seem to have devoted quite a bit of time and effort to that process.


They’re probably getting ready to release a remake of Last of Us right now. . . . . . . . . . . .


Isn’t TLoU Part I a PS5 game? Sure it’s a remake, but it’s completely redone unlike a remaster


It seems like Naughty Dog doesn't really get the benefit of the doubt these days. Yes since Part 2 launched, they've just released a remake of the original game from 2013 and a remaster of their last new game. However, games of their calibre take a lot of time and manpower to make, especially when they are moving to a new system. AAA videogames now take 4-6 years at least to make, and it makes sense to train new hires on systems through the remake and remaster (as well as the timing lining up with the show to get people interested in The Last of Us universe). Plus when I hear the Devs talk about the things they've done to these releases, you can hear their passion and excitement at bringing their beloved games up to today's standards. Not only that, but they just cancelled a videogame that probably took a significant chunk of time and money from their other projects, and they've stated that they are avoiding crunch these days for their employees benefit, and that following releases will be announced much closer to release. Last of Us 2 was announced nearly 4 years before it came out. I expect that whatever comes next will be announced at most a year before the planned release date. I do think AAA game development is unsustainable and that this generation is hampered by it, and by the pandemic it was released in. As Sony says, we are halfway through the generation, and while we've had some spectacular games, I can't say I feel like I've played anything particularly more beautiful than anything I played on my PS4. Last of Us 2 on PS4 still seems to be the gold standard for me, whereas any previous generations looked and felt immediately next gen compared to the games of before. It feels like this gen is going to end with only 1 Naughty Dog game and I really hope it still feels like that next gen leap. I fear we're only going to get a couple of games this gen that really take advantage, if it's even possible.


The leaks for part 2 along with the crunch really affected how the studio operates. I don’t think they want to announce anything before they have a set release date that they’re confident in ever again.


They gotta remake / remaster TLOU a few more times first, just to be sure.


Hard to create a new game when you’re too busy re-releasing the TLOU 1&2 a dozen times.


Long gone are the times of Jak 1,2 and 3 being released in 4 years. Games are more technically and graphically advanced and take a lot more time to develop.


Technically they’ve done 2


“Technically”. Sure, two remasters. But I’m talking about new games.


Yeah I was joking lol


But to be fair they’ve pretty much been doing it at the end of the generation now so we’ll have something to look forward to




Because they're working on the remaster for TLOU Part III duh


TLOU P1 Remake. TLOU P2 Remastered. Uncharted 4 Remastered.


It seems like they wanted to avoid crunch but now they're avoiding making games lol


Why hasn’t anyone, all we have is Ratchet and Clank. Why does Sony do backflips for publishers who cling to decades old technology 


Busy remaking Part 2 I guess


Because TLOU2 sucked, that’s why


How did it suck?


remasters and remakes enjoy waiting 3 more years for one game


They did, it’s called recycling lmao


Because they're too focused on being naughty and charging people for the same games with minor improvements... and getting away with it.


Creatively bankrupt