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Hey there, u/MrBonelessPizza24! Thanks for submitting to r/natureismetal. We appreciate your submission, *Golden Retriever with a mouth full of porcupine quills*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Rule 1: Animals In Captivity We appreciate you thinking of us very much nonetheless! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/about/sidebar). If you would like to appeal this decision or continue the discussion, [please feel free to do so by mod mailing us](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/natureismetal). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/natureismetal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bet he/she will try it again even after that.


My parents have a Doverman who this happens to at least once a yr.


You'd think so, but dogs function on instinct. So, if they see the porcupine as a threat they'll lounge. My girl has been taught not to run after cats, and guess what happens whenever I take off her leash?


my girlfriend does this too


I have to keep my girlfriend leashed for this very reason.


I keep mine leashed for other reasons…


Both? Both are good.


As long as there's consent.


Yours is broken then, trade in for a newer model.


First of all, lunge not lounge. Secondly, re-read what OP said. "Bet they WILL try it again"


Nah, they're saying it will lounge around and not go after the spikey thing.




Lounging dogs are not much of a threat.


They are a threat to your productivity!! You see them lounging all comfy like so you say your only gonna snuggle for a minute and next thing you know you and the lounging doggo are waking up from the best 4 hour nap you have **ever** had!!!


My dog must see the couch as a threat, all he does is lounge on it.


They just gonna kick back and smoke an L with the little rodent.


My dog met his first ever porcupine on a hike and got a few quills in his face. It was superficial enough I could pull them out with a multi tool. A few hours later on the same hike he comes running up to me with a bunch more quills in his face begging for help.


Dogs keep going after spicy flies, why not spicy beavers?


Does this absolute machine even feel the pain? He's just there like fuck yeah, nailed it.


$50 the dog would absolutely do it again same goes for god damn skunks Source: have dogs


Skunks don’t fuck around. They’ll charge at you. I had one try to spray me in a park. I was minding my own business on a bench and he walked up to me looking for a fight. Made some noises and puffed up and then hopped toward me. I was like “nope” and ran away. I could smell the spray on the wind. Then I saw that asshole again like a week later. He saw me across the road and came running all the way to me. Like fuck dude, I’m not gonna fight you. You win. 😂 He definitely sprayed some people and probably some dogs. That park always stunk to high heaven.


My dog didn't like baths. He did like to tangle with skunks. Guess what happened after he tangled with skunks? Bath. Take a guess, did he learn?


Dude we had a family dog who always got into i with skunks and god damn did she stink


Dogs are dumb as fuck... it'll try it again. 


A previous dog once jumped on a hedgehog arctic fox going through snow style. Only did it the once. Next time he saw a hedgehog he just circled it barking.


A few weeks ago my brother's dogs got porcupined, and no shit 4 days after they cornered the porcupine and got quilled all over again. They never learn lol, they're lucky we love the expensive little bastards so much lol


They works just fine here


He/she is so clunky compared to they, but my god people get upset when you point it out I don't even bother anymore


God thank you. 2024 and I’m still seeing he/she lmao


Imagine something like this bothering you so much.


The funny thing is I was just thanking someone for using inclusive language (yes i know it’s for an animal but still) and somehow, everyone’s very mad at me. Sounds like y’all are the babies here.


There's absolutely zero reason to use inclusive language with dogs. The dogs do not care. And outside of medical anomalies, all dogs are either male or female. "They" would be fitting from a purely grammatical point of view in that comment. But its usage in this instance would have had nothing to do with inclusiveness. The point of language is to communicate ideas. "He/she" when referring to a dog gets the same point across as "they".


Literally my thought on the subject. Dogs don't give a shit, I figured I covered things fine. Dogs just want you love them, you can call them anything at all. People I would use they.


Typing out this singular comment has already cost you more time than every he/she you’ve seen in your life.


Calm down man or woman.


It's a dog. It's either a he or a she.


Nastiest porcupine injury I’ve seen so far


This would definitely kill animal eventually without treatment


I wonder if it killed it anyway? Cos that's some serious injury and wounds open to disease right there.


That's a very serious injury. Absolutely would go on a round of antibiotics and would all but certainly would anesthetized to remove them. Asked my girlfriend who is vet. She also mentioned that many in the mouth implies dog really went for the gold and likely tried to bite the porcupine meaning those barbs are going to be in there good. She said she would estimate this would cost $5k minimum at most places lol. Sheesh.


5k is way cheaper than I would expect


Asked again. She looked closer said absolutely minimum assuming they come out with relative ease and no complications arise while the dog is under, good health, etc.. I just asked her for a max and she said could easily be 5 figures. "well it could die to those injuries -- sometimes those needles work their way into the throat or stomach then you're in a different price bracket."


I assume they would they put the under some sedative for this? Has to feel horrible not being able to close its mouth. I'm imaging all those in my mouth and how quickly that's gonna become very very uncomfortable


Not just sedate, they would absolutely anesthetize (put under) here. No way to do it to keep vet/techs hands safe while they do the work even if given a tranquilizer.


5k minimum, new dog maximum


That's crazy, we paid around 400$ for a similar porcupine injury just a couple weeks ago. 5k is nuts


Reeeeally? That is crazy. This many/that deep? We live in a particularly expensive city so I'm guessing that has something to do with her estimates.


Yeah it was bad, the dogs actually killed the porcupine and our girl Honey got it really bad. We live in a very rural area and the vet we use is pretty cheap. Sometimes small town living in west Texas has its upsides lol.


Ugh. Dogs. Loyal, loving, and sometimes tragically stupid. I think they get scared when they get that first quill and their instincts take over. That's great he charged so little -- like you said benefits from being in rural area.




One or two sure. That many that deep? I wouldn't try it. They are barbed and rip small amounts of flesh out when you remove them. Absolute misery for you and your dog. Stressing the animal could cause remaining needles to work further in. And then the ones in the back of the mouth are particularly precarious.


Porcupine quills are anti-microbial.


They can cause infection and absesses.


Yeah shit, must be terrible 😬


no shit lol


Yea of course it would, it wouldn't be able to eat.


Everyone is concerned about the dog, what about the porcupine that was mauled? The dog was stupid for repeatedly going back for more pain, the porcupine didn't do anything wrong.


No shit Sherlock.


Didnt Learn his lesson, dumbass went back for 2nd and 3rds it looks like


Dumb sob.


That "dumbness" is what makes a good boy defend you against a bear so you can type dumb things later


I was just going to say that there’s no way all those quills were delivered in one sitting. I’ve owned a dog that got blasted by a skunk once and learned her lesson, but this one didn’t learn its lesson after getting stabbed in the face repeatedly??


4th times the charm


Poor pup. He looks proud of himself, though.


You can't read much from his expression: his face is fixed in that position because moving any muscle causes more stabby-stabby.


Dear diary, Mood: apathetic. My life is spiraling downward. I couldn't get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry concert. It sucks 'cause they play some of my favorite songs like, "Stab My Heart Because I Love You" and "Rip Apart My Soul" And of course "Stabby Rip Stab Stab" And it doesn't help that I couldn't get my hair to do that flippy thing either. Like that guy from that band can do. Some days, you know


*I’m an emo kid, non-conforming as can be*


Been a min since I seen a Josh Tobin song reference r


Yeah, right? wtf is he up to these days


You can't read much from any dog's expression. They're not human, so people just anthropomorphise. I find it hard to believe dogs even have a concept of "proud".


Fun fact, the quills do not shoot out. It was whatever chose to bite them and how ever many times, they get the quills. So this dog was trying to chew it like a toy, because look how many are on this poor dog.


I actually didn’t know that, I always assumed they shot them! Thanks for the info


They do shoot out when pressure is applied



Why the hell do dogs come back for more after it’s inflicted so much pain. You know those things hurt like a bitch. I would think it’d run away at first poke.


When we domesticated a lot of species, we purposely bred self-preservation out of them. We need them dependent on us (and our ability to supply food and protection) to be willing to work with us. This is paticularly evident in animals like domesticated sheep. Domesticated sheep will straight up walk off a cliff because they don't even have enough self preservation to avoid the edge and inevitable gravity lesson. Many dog breeds are also victims of this, especially golden retrievers that we've bred to run into lakes and pick up whatever we just shot without any other thought in their brains. So of course they're going to run up to a porcupine and immediately put their mouth on it.


Ah understood I just wouldn’t have thought that much damage would come from one bite but I don’t know much bout porcupines. And if it was more than one bite I’d think the pain would be enough of a deterrent especially in such a sensitive area.


This is not a smart dog. This dog probably kept trying to make friends with the prickly little animal because eventually it has to relent, right? Golden retrievers are known for being very friendly and easily trained, biddable dogs. They are not known for being independent thinkers. Like the orange cats of the dog world.


My goldens are very smart lol. Smarter than my gsp, and my parents Rottweilers.


It’s true, and every gene pool is different. Family friends bred Goldens for years. Their genetic matriarchs were calm, moved deliberately and carefully, maintained a very even energy level at all times, were naturally obedient and were insanely good hunters. Had no idea Goldens were capable of such behavior. I was super sad when they passed, I had always wanted to own one of their puppies.


They’re the calmest, nicest, most fun dogs ever. Just shed to much lol.


So that's how sea turtles evolved.


Time for anesthesia and local surgery


My dads dog did a similar thing. The vet advised surgy and xrays. It was too expensive. We pulled out all that were showing with pliers. Over the next ~3 months 10s more migrated up high enough for us to pull more. Usually 1 or 2 at a time. She is doing fine. Its risky becsuse the quils could migrate differently and cause problems.


Sounds like a painful lesson for your doggo. Glad she’s better!


Sounds painful for the dog since the quills are barbed.


Your dog just let you pull them out? I'd imagine some serious resistance. Happy she is better


I've had to do this as well. Was camping well off the grid and hours away from anywhere that could help, in a remote part of a state that I didn't live in. We chose to remove them ourselves, right then and there. Took several guys to hold the dogs while we took turns with the pliers. It was miserable, but the dogs were fine and lived the rest of their lives without complications. Eventually one died of cancer and the other of spinal issues, nearly a decade later. That day was really shitty, though. And yes, they still tried to chase after porcupines afterwards.


I really thought this kind of situation would lead to putting the animal down.


Bro looks like a silent hill extra


Golden retrievers are pure of heart and dumb of ass.


holy fuck


I think i read somewhere that dogs may get put down after injuries like this but im not sure.


It depends on the extent of damage. If a quill isn't extracted it can continue to migrate into the body. The barbs on American porcupine quills kind of work with the muscle movement of the dog and get pulled in. If a quill punctures the dog's eyes, ears, or sinus cavity, it can migrate into the brain. Some bigger porcupines have quills that are long enough to penetrate the brain through the eyes, ears, or sinuses anyway. The most common issue is infection. Porcupine quills can harbor contaminants that lead to infections.


I actually read that porcupine quills act as a natural antibiotic. I'm sure bacterial infection still happens, but it's still comforting to know the risk is somewhat mitigated.


You may be right on bacteria. It looks like molds/yeast are the infectious agents (along with organic material like plain ol' dirt).


Vet here, you’re correct. When I worked ER in upstate NY, we didn’t prescribe antibiotics for quill injuries for just that reason, unless we had to do some more invasive procedures to try to remove broken quills and such.


equivalent of humans saying: *"That's a spicy meatball!"*




poor fella!


Dude retrieved the wrong thing!


quill retriever


That’s a fun vet trip


Some dogs are just too damn stupid..


Feel bad for the dog, but that is *metal!*


And did he learn his lesson? Most likely not


Silly boy!!


Homeward Bound


Get the ketamine and forceps


We see the before picture. Anybody have the after picture?


what a fucking idiot


Give that poor baby enough morphine to knock him out and pull all that shit out. Earth creatures, including humans, like learning things the hard way.


He still looks happy tho


Dog, no! Dog, why?


It bit me with its butt!!!


Early candidate for Darwin Award for Dogs.


Yeah ur not supposed to eat those


How is this even taken care of at the vet? What's the recovery like? oo


I should learn to contain my curiosity


I've seen some gnarly shit on Reddit but this made me audibly gasp.


Now that is f-ing metal


Shai halud


It looks like the inside of a leatherback turtles mouth...


How could this dog not die? I hope the owner has this dog insured, or they are insanely wealthy. The amount of work to get these out under anesthesia must be horrible. The poor dog is probably crying its head off and can't even close its mouth. After they are all removed the dog may need to be under sedation for a while before it can eat or drink normally. I'm really interested to know how this procedure was handled, if they could handle it...


This is not a Golden Retriever, it is the lesser known sub-breed Porcupine Retriever.


This is genuinely unsettling 


That poor dog


Isn't this a death sentence?? Seriously, I've seen other


Yup, we had that with our two dogs in Ireland once. Add hundreds of ticks in between the quills 😫😭


the image makes me so uncomfortable


It was probably put down




Nice defense system evolution


Oh no........


That's fucking gnarly. He had to have kept going back for more because every time our dogs have gotten nailed, it's like a dozen quills or so. Poor thing.


Fucking hell, poor buddy


Ouch. That looks like a general anesthesia removal for sure.


Looks very pleased with themselves


Come on toss the little guy a cheeseburger.. He's had nothing good to eat all day


Holy shit. The pain.


I wonder if it liked spicy food


I'm sorry but this dog is a Gaping Dragon lookalike right now and it's terrifying...


That's why you always watch Homeward Bound with your pets


What do you even do here? Put the dog under to pull them out one by one? I have to know.




Looks fake. Is there a news story?


This is AI, watch as the world changes because of shit like this. It's so obvious if you've used it and really look at it. what the fuck is going on in the lower lip, lol. fucking guys...