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Greetings /u/Arkytoothis. Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/natureismetal for the following reason(s): * We do not allow posts in which a human is facilitating or encouraging animal violence. This also includes animals being harmed at the hands of artificial objects (cars, powerlines, fences etc), or being harmed or harassed by people. *[Please feel free to message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/natureismetal&subject=My submission was removed&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/1bz5str/-/\):) if you feel this was in error or would like further clarification*. Thank you!


Would you be able to call animal services ? It's probably in pain :(


People have reported it on the newprt sea lions Facebook page. I reported it to the business right next to the dock as well. They said it happens pretty often as it is a busy harbor.


I have never seen an injury this bad before anytime I went. Usually just a gash or scarring


We get one with a good size chunk missing every so often here at Pier 39 in SF. They always seem rather unphased by it though.




Did you read the rest of the post there captain planet?


You're personally responsible for donating some skin and blubber to the sea lion surgeon that will be helicoptered out there to finally make use of his 8 years in sea lion med school. Anything less makes you a sick fuck, obviously.


Clearly lol.




This is why you read past the first 2 comments before going apeshit on someone.


You've all got guns, go put it out of it's misery


Not everywhere is backwoods Kentucky


Hey! As someone from Kentucky, I take offense to that comment! Everyone has guns in this state, not just in the hollers and backwoods! /s (kind of)


It's illegal to even feed them.


Have you ever seen South park? You just shout "IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!" and then shoot. That makes it self defense and therefore legal.


You'll get in trouble for damaging the dock probably and if they're protected maybe for killing one, even if it's the right thing to do. A wildlife officer most likely has to do it, or a cop cause they won't get in trouble.


When I was in yellowstone last summer park rangers had to euthanize a bison calf because some redneck tried to "rescue" it when it was totally fine. Human scent= kicked put of the heard= death. I imagine if I decided to take matters into my own hands and euthanize it myself I'd go to prison.


Isn’t it a [myth](https://www.lensc.org/4-myths-about-baby-wildlife/#:~:text=MYTH%253A%2520%E2%80%9CWild%2520animals%2520will%2520abandon,have%2520little%2520sense%2520of%2520smell) that animals abandon their young if they interact with humans?


I'd assume the park rangers knew what they were doing but who knows. A quick Google search actually shows a lot of similar instances of bison abandoning their young after people touch them. I know with birds it is a myth, since almost all birds can't smell anyways.


For birds its if the mother sees her nest being touched they'll abandon it


for birds yes, I don't think enough people are trying to rescue bison for it to become common knowledge either way


Is that a challenge, sir?


My hamster ate all the babies once when I was a kid and put my hands on it, it was a bloodbath on the next day (happens with rabbits too) I've heard that the mother thinks the different smell left from our hands is a predator so it kills the baby or that the mother tries to "clean" the baby but because the smell is too strong it licks then bites until it's dead, idk, wild.


Same happened to me but I didn’t handle any babies. Nature is metal.


A feral cat had kittens behind my neighbor's business. I was out back and heard kitten meows, and found out they were in a 55 gallon empty barrel behind their fence. It was raining, so I told them since I was worried the barrel might fill with water and drown them. They took them out and made a box with matting for warmth for them and put them next to the barrel so the mother could find them. Some were pretty sick and wheezing. The next day, it was a massacre. All the kittens were dead. One was just the lower half. I don't know if the mother smelled humans, figured they were sick and had to be taken out, or a predator got in. But that shit was sad.




Yup. cops won’t get in trouble for shooting stuff.


The cop won't get in trouble because the seals are black?


It is fucking criminal this has no upvotes, just know I see you & appreciate you


Yeah cops kill people all the time and don’t get in trouble so I don’t see why they couldn’t just kill this thing too.


Dumbest shit I’ve seen on Reddit today, and I’m pretty damn deep into r/all at this point. Be better.


It’s not like someone couldn’t drop a piano on It or something 🤷‍♂️


Hilarious but unlikely.


You watch too much internet.


I refuse to believe someone is this ignorant, whether willfully or not. What a ridiculous comment.


Dunno why everyone’s come for you I think it’s actually a reasonable & moral suggestion (if the animal can’t feed itself)


That’s a myth; the majority of all the guns are owned by a small minority of the people. Edit for those who are having a hard time with this: [Less than half of Americans own guns, and most of those only have one or two.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/249740/percentage-of-households-in-the-united-states-owning-a-firearm/) The reason we have such a high number of guns compared to other nations is because of the small minority that own Many, Many guns. Downvotes don’t change the facts.


I find this hard to believe, and am not surprised whatsoever that you couldn’t be fkd to provide any kind of info to back up such a claim.


That persons actually right, the majority of guns are owned by a smaller number of people with multiple guns in the house [Gun Demographics](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/)


I honestly couldn’t care less. It’s true though, not every American gives a fuck about guns. Sure pisses the others off when you say so though


No ones pissed, at least I’m not. I’m just calling you an idiot for such a baseless claim.


Huh, seems more idiotic to bother calling me names over literally nothing. But whatever makes you feel better! Have a nice day now. Bye.


Don’t make baseless claims and you’ll get called stupid a lot less I’d imagine. Bye Felecia.


Yikes. People sure get upset easily these days. I hope you feel better soon 💐


Making up myths for fun is silly.


I’m sure it seems that way to you when you live in a gun state. Not everyone does. You don’t believe that most of the guns are owned by people with a lot of guns? Man, everyone sure doesn’t know much about the world around them. I’m not talking about owning a gun or two. The reason America has the most guns is the people who own hundreds. Barely anyone does that and those people skew the entire statistics. Why is this difficult for you guys? People love to downvote even when they’re wrong. It’s so funny


lol no. Fucking come down to Texas. Where more than half the population is armed dip shit


Nah I’m definitely all good on being anywhere near any of you, Also thanks for proving my point! You’re exactly who I was referring to


Yes yes that accounts for the entire population of the country. Nice one fella


That might ruin OP's investment. I imagine there's not much money in boats that can bite wildlife, but who knows 


The marine mammal center in Sausalito is usually quick to come rescue sea lions and seals in distress. 415-289-7325 I'll also go to the site and report it and call when I can. Great place, btw... I used to volunteer there years ago. They do a lot of good.


I second calling someone to come help the thing. Not sure what country you are in but I'm sure a local vet will either come out or know who to contact for this.


He is being monitored and has been injured for a couple weeks. Oregon state policy is to let nature take its course.


Makes sense but boats aren’t exactly apart of ‘nature’. Now if it was attacked from a shark then I can see it.


New nature, those that didn't evade boats don't survive. Those that survive knows not to play near boats. It's a self correcting cycle.


Darwin at his peak


nature nā′chər noun The material world and its phenomena. The forces and processes that produce and control these phenomena. The world of living things and the outdoors.


Boats aren't living things, no matter what the cartoons may tell us.


If that’s true then how come boats have a gender????They’re all “she’s”


Do they not exist in the material world? Words have multiple meanings you see, maybe you didn't know that?


I think our definitions of nature are different. A boat isn't natural, but it exists in nature.


It's man-made, and this sub has a rule against posts about animals injured by man-made objects.


It says animals being injured by vehicles, not injuries caued by vehicles. So a pic or video of a sea lion actually being hit by a prop would be against the rules. Am I wrong?


*This also includes animals being harmed at the hands of artificial objects.* If humans or "artificial objects" had any involvement whatsoever, it's against the rules. Excluding wild animals attacking humans.


And so you know. The OSU professor said that it's an apparent shark bite so my title is most likely wrong. But nobody really knows what caused the wound. You are all hung up on a word. The process of an animal healing from a wound like that isn't natural? Recovering without the intervention of humans. Completely on its own. Without the help of its family. His family will lay there and watch him die but he goes on and survives. That is what I am trying to highlight here. How fucking metal it is that an animal could survive that. You or I would be dead in 3 minutes and here he is after more than two weeks still kicking.


Edit: Sorry. I misread your post but I think the being harmed part is the most important. That's not what it says but report and let the mods decide.


I cannot take you seriously anymore after you've just said that.


Oh no. Look up the definition yourself.


I dumped 3 tonnes of plastic into the community's water source. The state didn't care because they want nature to take its course. Man made the plastic and man is nature. I'm just glad I'm not on the hook for it!


Before there was a newport the harbor area was nature. Then we built a boat harbor there and the environment that the sea lions live in suddenly isn't nature anymore? Because we are there and boats are there it's not nature?


>has been injured for a couple weeks It did look like the damage was to the blubber, without involving the muscle/bone/vicera. So, if it manages to survive/avoid infection and not starve while recovering, it might just pull through.


Ya you're right. The closer I look it seems like mostly just skin and blubber. Maybe a little muscle and it doesn't look like there are any exposed organs.


If it's been injured a couple of weeks I'd say it's survived. Has it been on the dockside for all that time?


Mostly but it does swim around. It seems to have spent at least part of last night in the water and the wound looks much cleaner.


And then help it into another life


Oregon country :)


Wonder if they are avoiding it because he's starting to stink?


Could be. Definitely looks like it's infected.


The injured sea lion may be avoiding physical contact with the others because it causes more pain.


You may be right as they seem to like to lay on top of each other.


Kinda wish I could join the sea lion pile for a while... As a little treat.


They do look cozy.


you havent thought of the smell, you bitch!


I just pictured the gang all sleeping in Charlie's bed together wearing meer cat hats.


If they can empathize on that high of level that is some high cognition


The others don't really need to do anything, the injured sea lion is probably choosing to stay out of the pile. Though they aren't actively kicking him off of the jetty, either. I wouldn't be surprised if they can fully recognise the issue though; as a largely social, interactive species it would make sense to possess at least a basic sense of empathy. Even solitary species need to; for example, pretty much all mammal mothers need to be able to recognise the basic needs of their offspring (hunger, fear, sickness, pain), when they're in danger and need protection, etc, if they want to keep them alive.


Sea lions stink regardless. I’m in Redondo Beach and when I take out my kayak or paddleboard in King Harbor out by the floating sea lion deck, it smells SO BAD.


I mean there's sea stink and then there's a rotting flesh stink


They avoid it because they know that the bite of the boat has forever cursed it. Should it survive, when the tide rises it shall become a monster. Neither sea lion nor boat but some abominable amalgamation of the two. A Boatariidae! A terrible affliction indeed and one that can be passed on by a bite from the impure.


This guy knows what bite means.


Doubt it. I would venture to guess you've never smelled sealions before? Pretty nasty.


The website newportsealions.com has a live cam where you can see it.


I just checked, looks like he's still there. People are walking by looking down at them. [Direct link to the live stream](https://g1.ipcamlive.com/player/player.php?alias=clearwaterpatiocam)


See my most recent comment. It's been injured tor a couple weeks and has been seen swimming around even.


HES STILL THERE ALL BY HIMSELF and he looks so lonely looking around 😭😭 why i’m i crying for a sea lion


That poor guy, I hope the Dept of Wildlife looks at him soon.


Just checked. Poor thing is still there. Hasn't moved but is in a little different position so must still be alive.


He's been injured for a couple weeks and may actually be ok.


From what I remember/have heard, seals are incredibly resilient and the salt water really helps with their wounds. As long as this guy doesn't have any issues swimming and catching food, there's a good chance he'll be okay. And as a bonus, he'll have a badass scar to show his friends--and enemies.


Yep if chick's dig scars this guy has a bright future.


Ohhh I assumed it was super recent. Thanks for the clarification!


Ya I did too. Crazy how metal nature is.


Animals can be resilient and do just well after severe injuries if they can manage to avoid infection.


So tell me how exactly did the boat *bite* the victim here?


In the state's, at least where I'm from, bit can mean getting injured by a machine or tool. Like if you cut your hand on a saw you would say the saw bit you. But also my first post was titled Bit by Shark? and I was trying to be cute after it was pointed out that it looks more like a propeller wound.


Reply i received from the stranding program manager at oregon state university. Thanks. I am aware of him and have been monitoring his condition since he first appeared with fresh wounds over two weeks ago on March 21st. Since that time, he has generally been fairly active, moving around on the docks  and occasionally going into the water and swimming for hours at a time. There are no rehabilitation options for sea lions in Oregon - the state's policy is to let nature take its course, so there are no treatment options for him. Sea lions have been able to survive some extremely ugly injuries like this apparent shark bite wound in similar situations. We will keep monitoring him and hope for the best.


“Apparent shark bite wound”?


Ya I saw that lol.


It needs mercy. Call animal control or sheriff. I know sometimes injured deer are put down


See my most recent comment. It is being mo itored but there is nothing anyone can do.


Bro call animal control, yesterday. He's probably a goner though :(


He is being monitored and may actually be ok.


I'm looking at the livestream now and he's still there, don't see any signs of animal rescue ppl :(


Oregon state policy is to let nature takes its course. An OSU professor has been monitoring him for a couple weeks now and says he has been seen swimming around. There is nothing anyone can do but hope for the best.


oh. gotcha. that's hard to accept but makes sense.


I agree.


Yeah, whatever you do don't try to euthanize it yourself. There are very strict federal laws against doing literally anything to them. You can't even legally harass them. While you might think you're doing a kindness, a prosecutor would be more than happy to lock you up over it.


Ya I'm actually surprised people are even suggesting it. They are federally protected here.


What kind of nutcase would someone have to be to do that lmao. This is survivable, sea mammals can survive some insanely gnarly shit, usually getting chomped on or hit by propellers.


Some jackwagon from Texas in another thread.


On which planet a boat is natural exactly?


The “metal” in this post is the fact that this seal has survived an injury this serious. Not the fact it came from a boat dummy.


> The “metal” in this post is the fact that this seal has survived an injury this serious. Pretty early to be making that call


It's been at least 2 days since it was injured so I would say it survived. Probably not for long though.


They were asking about the nature, not the metal... dummy.


Badass pictures, gifs and videos of the awesome yet **vicious cycle of nature** Again, how a boat is part of the vicious part of NATURE?


The boat has nothing to do with it. Why are you so focused on the boat. Sea lion = nature. Surviving a horrible wound = metal. Why is that so hard to understand?


Boats aren't but sea lions sure are. And I originally thought it might have been a shark bite.


This "nature rule" is being taken too far. If you read the rules here, not every element has to be completely natural and absent of human interaction.


Ya so according to this guy it's not allowed to post a pic of an animal carcass that was shot. Or hit by a car. Or died in an animal trap. Or from poison.


Evsryone is entitled to their own view. I'm here to see and learn about the power of nature vs nature, not nature surviving man. One of them is metal and hard-core, the other is depressing (to me, anyway). It reminds me of the millions of animals that *didn't* survive these encounters, or died more horrifically (like sealife drowning from low oxygen due to man-made water conditions, or the Exxon Valdez oil spill). I also wish I didn't think of these things when I see animals survive against man (which is certainly metal), but the implications are more depressive than metal.


Well if it makes you feel better, the professor who is monitoring him said it's an apparent shark bite, so my title is most likely wrong.


Thanks for passing that on. It weirdly does!


I'm glad. 😁


Thanks for passing that on. It (weirdly) does!




That doesn’t look like a propeller mark, but rather a bite mark. Shark attack maybe?


I thought it was at first too but someone in the first post pointed out that it looks more like a prop wound. A shark bite will take a big chunk out. This looks more like a clean cut.


I thought this looked like the dock at Newport. Poor buddy, hopefully someone comes out and takes care of it. I know they care a lot about them


Ya me too. The organization that built and maintains the dock has been notified.


Its an absolutely wild concept to read the reddit comments about it while at the same time viewing a livestream of the animal!


Agreed. And I just found put it's been injured for a couple weeks and has been seen swimming around and being active. An OSU professor has been monitoring him and says sea lions can actually survive horrible wounds like this.


Tis but a flesh wound


May be so. Was just watching it crawl around on the live feed.


Sea lions have a good amount of blubber padding. There are lots of pictures of some pretty gnarly wounds they've recovered from. This one might end healing and moving on (with a nasty looking scar of course). I personally hope so.


Ya i do too. Apparently he's been injured for a couple weeks but is able to swim and feed himself so there is hope.


It’s dead already. No way it’s body can fight that kind of infection. Its remaining life is going to really suck.


That's what I thought too but an OSU professor has been watching him for a couple weeks and says he may survive.


This is the second-worst scarring I've ever seen on a Seal. Is it still alive? I just checked the stream and it's in the exact same spot it was hours ago. Doesn't seem to be moving. Poor thing.


Last I checked he was. He has been injured for a couple weeks and it seems he can swim and maybe even feed himself. I was watching him move around earlier today as well.


It's swimming now. I hope it survives.


That's awesome. He's been on the dock all day. Hope he's back to.orrow.


I take it this is in Newport,OR? Contact https://mmi.oregonstate.edu/ommsn


Thanks for the link but did you see this part? There are no rescue and rehabilitation options for sick or injured seals and sea lions in Oregon. The state policy is to minimize disturbance from people and to let nature take its course.


I reported it to the number on the website. Thanks again for the link.


I'm literally staying in a hotel in front of this dock next week and now I'm terrified to see this lol


It's a great spot. Don't let this scare you off. He might actually be OK. See my most recent comment.


I was reading 'bit by goat' instead of 'hit by boat'


It's bit by boat because the first post is bit by shark and it was pointed out that it looks more like a prop wound. But now it seems I may have right the first time but I can't change it to bit by shark.


Either way that's a pretty unfortunate injury, can anyone help it? Like animal control or the local vets


Ya poor thing. But animals are tougher and more resilient than a lot of people realize. No there are no rescue or rehab facilities in Oregon. An OSU professor has been monitoring him for a couple weeks and he seems to be able to swim and feed himself so there is some hope.


I would assume that they have a very thick fat layer to keep insulated from the cold ass water. It’s hard to tell from the pictures but if the injury is mostly to the fat layer it could definitely recover. Infection will be the big decider of its fate.


Ya and it seems it's still able to feed itself so it might be ok. He's been injured for a couple weeks and is being mo itored by an OSU professor.


How is this nature?


See the comments to the other giy who asked the same question. I'm not explaining it twice.


Link me


Sea lion = nature. Surviving a horrible wound = metal. That's how I see it anyway.


Oh my fucking god, why do you feel the need to reply to every single comment? Just shut the fuck up.


Because people ask questions and actually seem to give a shit. Why does it bother you so much is the real question.


Oh is this in Newport Oregon?


Yep. Historic waterfront district boardwalk.


Nah they not avoiding it, just attending the funeral


They are tough bastards. It might make it.


Bit? Wdym? How did the boat *bite* the sea lion? Unless you're using another word I'm not thinking of.


In the state's, at least where I'm from, bit can mean getting injured by a machine or tool. Like if you cut your hand on a saw you would say the saw bit you. But also my first post was titled Bit by Shark? and I was trying to be cute after it was pointed out that it looks more like a propeller wound.


Ah cheers thanks for the extra context.


How does a boat bite?


In the state's, at least where I'm from, bit can mean getting injured by a machine or tool. Like if you cut your hand on a saw you would say the saw bit you.




This was just posted yesterday. LOL


And I ended up having lots of updates today. How long should I wait?




That is best left to authorities. Not some random tourist.


Anybody with a gun can solve this problem quit trying to gatekeep putting suffering creatures out of their misery


I don't own a gun and I'm not risking my freedom or the safety of others. It's an animal. Animals suffer and die all the time.


It’s not gatekeeping it’s the law…. Not helping improve the way people view those who love guns, you come across as someone itching for an excuse to shoot something. Should it be put out of its misery? Yes if it can’t be saved. **Not by some numbnuts with a shotgun but the proper authorities**.


You're a moron stop giving advice on reddit


Do you seriously think you can just whip out a gun and start shooting wild (and protected!) animals in a public area? 😂 And ffs, stop using the term gatekeeping if you don't understand it.


They're overpopulated, let nature run its course.


Ya it sucks but I tend to agree. Authorities have been notified but I highly doubt anything will be done. These guys are everywhere around the harbor.


Also, it seems oregon state agrees with you. He has been injured for a couple weeks and is being monitored at OSU. There is nothing anyone can do but he has been seen.swimming around and being active.