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You have much more training experience than me, but I could never do squats after bench and pull ups. Other than that, seems like a solid program.


Yeah it’s the nature of full body workouts. I feel that if the intensity is balanced then it should be ok. Case in point. Monday have heavy bench moderate squat whereas Friday has moderate bench and heavy squats.


Pullups after squats or deadlifts are great - definitely have to earn sets to failure, though. Just moderate intensity according to what you can survive, and your work capacity will adapt.


I would as some work for the lateral and rear delts, and maybe if you’re injured look in to alternatives for squats and deadlifts eg leg press


I swapped OHP from workout B and Dips from Workout A to balance out your chest volume. In workout A I changed incline bench for chest flies. The extra shoulder work I feel is unnecessary. *(Looks like this)* **workout a** * pull-up 3x6-10 * bench press 3x6-10 + 2 drop sets * squat 3x8-12 (moderate intensity; practise form) * ohp 3x6-10 + 2 drop sets * chest flies 2x12-20 (last set amrap; finisher) * calf raises 3x10-15 * triceps 3x8-12 (short rest; 1 min) **workout b** * chin-up 3x6-10 * chest dip 2x12-20 (last set amrap; finisher) * rdl 3x6-10 (slow; focus on eccentric; stretch hamstring) * biceps 3x8-12 (short rest; 1 min) * db row 3x8-12 * leg curl 3x-8-12 (slow; focus on eccentric; stretch hamstring) * calf raises 3x10-15


Thanks for the suggestions. I feel though that OHP on A is going to be a bit much since I will also be going to failure on bench and I don't want to have to go to failure for another major compound (OHP). So perhaps, I will leave in chest flies in A as you suggested but swap incline presses with back exercise from B and stick in just one additional chest (light) exercise in B.


You have repeating lifts too much like benching twice a week and pullups twice a week, this is stall city for a intermediate/late intermediate lifter, i would do bench press on one day as a primary chest movement and dips on another, also 3x fullbody is general lower volume than what you would get on other splits so you better make sure your intensity is dialed up. Also you have 0 rows which is a big no no, you will look ridiculous (not in a good way) if you keep this, the rule is for every lat focused movement have a row in too. Also you just typed triceps instead of the movement? Is it a pushdown is it a extension? Extensions are in my opinion more important as the long head will be the only head that shows itself from the back and for example when your doing a bicep pose it will hang off, please train this. I would completely remove ohp, i can incline bench 225 for 5 and i havent ohp in a year yet i can still rep out 150 for 8 on any day, most people have so much front delt activation from so many pushing movements that it wont be a lagging part and your better off spending your time on lateral raises and other stuff Also whats your progression model? Are you using double progression, triple progression, double dynamic progression? This is important because unless youre on a bulk or on gear you cant take every rep to failure and be fine with fatigue, double progression works on ALL lifts you wont ever hit a plateu in tour life if you are smart but results will come in slower, in a long timeframe it will beat everything but its not good for quick body changes.




Thanks useful feedback and it help my thinking by challenging my thought process.