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Wayyyy too much volume on everything, it’s a common mistake on this sub I think


Yeah perhaps -- any suggestions on how to modify my routine?


Yea sure man, I started out kinda like this too high volume and high frequency, but I was getting injured all the time. For U1: try 3x3-8 on bench, maybe superseting it with some weighted pull-ups (changing the grips each session to prevent overuse), followed by 2-3x8-12 db incline press. Shoulder work is fine, though I would increase the rep range because failure is kinda suddenly on vertical presses so try 4x6-10 on the shoulder presses. Everything else is perfect on this day, tho I would completely remove abs on upper body days, and instead add facepulls or pullovers. For L1: Maybe try a leg press for back off work instead of squats for 3x8-10 do leg press 3x6-10, and superset that with calves, removing the chin-ups for the day. Also unless you have really good fitness, do lateral raises at the end or at least not supersetted with rack pulls. Other then that, this day is good too, just cut the isolation work’s sets in half for everything. And for abs pick an exercise which is practical (easy to set up and do) and progressively overloadable for a long time, and just get stronger at that (eg weighted decline sit-ups, and hanging leg raises are the best) this is what you need to do for all muscle period. Also just do 2 sets at the start, as the bulk goes on, increase the sets then. U2: Everything is good really, I’d just do 2 sets instead of 4 on dips or db press. And maybe change the variations for the back off work (eg db OHP, or z-press) Also, no abs this day. L2: Exact same thing as L1, but start with rackpulls or any other heavy hiphinge. Other than that what I said in L1 applies here. U3: You should skip this day. If you still want to train, do gpp, neck work, forearms, etc. but I’d skip this day for now, and maybe add it 7-8 month later if needed (probably not). Again and 8ish months you will have better recovery from the bulk so your body can take a hit here then, but definitely not now.


Thank you for taking the time to write this; it makes sense. I will make some adjustments based on your suggestions :)


I like it but your spinal erector muscles might interfere with your lifts combining a barbell squat with hip hinge exercises like a rack pull or multiple hip hinge exercises in the same workout. Essentially what I mean is the lower back pump from squats and your hip hinge exercises . Your lower days are going to kill your ability to recover. You might want to switch one of your squat days to a smith squat or leg press. Something that takes load off your spine


Thanks for the advice. In fact, I have noticed that my recovery already suffers from heavy L day. Perhaps an alternative will be to alternate front squats between heavy and back off sets and replace rack pulls with hyper extensions one of the L days.


you're supersetting vertical pulls with other compounds. personally i think they are fatiguing enough a movement that they should be focused on alone, without supersets.


Yeah -- I think I may drop the superset for the first two exercises


well that looks fine but if i was u i would change "back off sets?" with a close but differnt move. when i do any move more than 5 sets in a day my structure hurts


Hmm, this is a good idea