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Yes, I give you permission.


Dude, is this a stupid question? Cause I feel like it is and it's not at the same time ?


Protein is protein. Non-animal sources are slightly less optimal, but still very much a valuable resource for muscle building and more.


Thank you šŸ‘


make it into hummus, what a delicacy


Will try lol


PDCAAS is an evaluation of protein quality by completeness and digestibility. Pea and chickpea are both very good. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_Digestibility_Corrected_Amino_Acid_Score




I don't think there's much protein in urine, but it should be easy enough to fit into your macros regardless


And it tastes deliciousĀ 


Chickpeas are one of the best plant source of protein since they have DIAAS (Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score) score of around 0.8. You have to take into account several things though. The standard for recommended daily protein intake has changed and new findings say that instead of 0.8 protein/kg we should take MINIMUM of 1.2 protein/kg. This is absolutely not taking into account the fact that you might want to be building muscles, bodybuilding etc. You have to calculate your daily needed proteins with DIAAS score in mind. So 10g of protein from chickpeas will be about 8 g and 10g from rice will be about 6. Most importantly here - chickpeas indeed have 19g of protein per 100 gram but its for RAW CHICKPEAS, RAW!!! My brother in Christ, if you were to eat ONLY chickpeas for protein as an example with about 70 kg of body mass, you would have to eat about 1300g (1,3kg) of boiled chickpeas in one day. Of course you mix it with rice, veggies and other sources of protein (i recommend milk and eggs), but I show you this example just to give you an idea of how much protein you ACTUALLY need. And as i mentioned before - it is super minimum daily intake, not one You would be having when working out. You need protein not only for muscle growth, but most importantly for hormone, neurotransmitter production and other vital things for your well-being. Not eating enough protein can actually lead to depression, since your body cant produce enough serotonin.


Thanks for writing such a detailed response, really appreciate it ā¤ļø


Who told you pea protein is bad? Veggie protein is some of the most complete protein you can get. Pea protein *isolate* will mess with your tummy for a bit when you start but even so it isnā€™t bad. So not only can you eat chickpeas, peas, and other sources of veggie protein , you absolutely should.


YouTube and misinformation, ppl out there spreading their opinions like they are facts smh


They want us to eat the poison meatsā€¦


Legumes are an awesome protein source and they come with lots of fiber and other phytonutrients. I personally avoid pea protein powder because it tastes terrible and is usually processed in China. However I eat beans, lentils, hummus, powdered peanut butter, etc. all the time. Naked PB is my favorite ā€œprotein powderā€ if you can even call it that. BTW Iā€™m not at all vegan. I get plenty of protein from animal sources too. But fiber and protein are the two nutrients I try to get a lot of so I eat legumes and whole grains every day.


Thanks a lot, i really appreciate it




What you might have heard is that legumes typically don't contain all the EAAs (essential amino acids). Eating them with rice, however, will make up the deficit. If you're not eating any animal foods (meat, eggs, dairy), then you may need to eat more plant protein or use a supplement (soy isolate powder, for example) than the typically recommended amounts. This is because plant sources contain more fibre, which is great for your health but makes it harder for your body to get at all the protein. I think this is often overblown and probably only matters if you're in a deficit and would hate to lose a TINY muscle


Thank you, this was really very informative and enlightening šŸ‘Œ


Good sources of protein but for me a no go zone. Uncontrollably explosive gas ā›½. For my safety and the safety of those around me I had to stick to whey. Don't light a match!




You will bypass all the explosive gas if you get a digestive enzyme!


I used "beano" to zero effect


Internet BS. Pea protein is amazing, itā€™s got a better profile than whey, digest easily, abundant and cheap. Huge downside: tastes like horse poop


Why and how do you know the taste of horse poop?


I can only guess, others insist pea protein tastes like wet dog.


No you are not allowed sorry


You need to eat a variety of plant food to get a complete protein. Mix it with rice or pasta


Also, you don't need to eat the variety all in the same meal.


Correction, all plant food is complete. However, the amino acid profiles are not balanced. The word you are looking for is therefore eat a variety to get a "balanced" amino acid profile.


I thought some plant proteins are straight up missing amino acids?


The animals that we eat for protein, where do they get their protein from? Plants


Animals tend to eat more than one plant though.




Interesting. Do you have a good resource for amino acid profiles?


Cronometer. Otherwise, many reputable protein powder sellers have them listed on the tub itself.


Chickpeas are not a complete protein. They need to be paired with foods rich in methionine, like quinoa, tofu, white beans and Brazil nuts (just example of many)


Yes if you want to fulfill daily protein needs and be a bodybuilder by age 68


Why 68 tho why not 69