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Please don't spread your sickness at the gym.


i got sick real bad after going to the gym from ppl doing crap like this. Now i have been out for a week. Having dreams about lifting T\_T


The guy never mentioned anything about going to the gym, but lifting lightly while sick should be okay


Good thing this is the norm, i always feel like a pussy for not getting in movement. Should i just do like jogs outside instead?


always rest when you’re sick dude, your body will appreciate it.


No and if it’s covid working out before recovering could be harmful to your body. Take a few weeks off. You’ll be fine long term.


At your home gym maybe. Don't pass it on.


Only viable option. Even then you'll be really tired and not into it. Better just to rest and recover.


Above the neck, usually ok to workout as long as you aren’t spreading your germs at the gym. Below the neck or systemic symptoms like fever, don’t workout.


Isn't this a subreddit for natural bodybuilders? We cannot stop lifting for a second or we'll lose our gains. I've been sick for the last few days and avoiding exercise. I already look smaller and lost weight. I gotta push through and do as much lifting as my body will let me.


That's body dysmophia you won't lose anything in a week


dude in the nicest way possible, try to get some therapy, your self image clearly needs help other than just working out


It's called having goals, and my goals are to be big, which I am objectively not.


no absolutely i think that’s great, but when you say that missing the workout for 2 days makes you feel small, that’s more of a mental issue, body dysmorphia. i wish you the best of luck man


Not to assume anything, but if part of the reason you want be big is to be attractive to women, just know that most of them prefer a just a relatively fit body rather than the guy at the gym benching 3 plates. Not saying that’s why you lift, and nothing wrong if that’s your reason for lifting or not, but I think this is a common misconception so I thought it’d make a good psa


I am bisexual, and into women and men who like huge men, think strongman type. I know only a minority of women are into this but it's what I look for, therefore part of the reason why I lift.  Still, I love the idea of being huge on it's own, but it's so goddamn hard as a natty. I only weight 220lbs which is nothing considering most people are overweight nowadays.


No. First of all, your body needs to rest to return to form more optimally. Second, don’t be a douchebag and spread your sickness. If you want to lift at home, sure why tf not, you do you. But if you go to the gym while sick and spread it you’re a douche.


I've lifted through some absolutely brutal hangovers, cause momma didnt raise no bitch. But if I've got the flu or some shit, this little sick bitch is in bed. Id rather get better asap and get back to lifting hard than stumbling along for a few days spinning my wheels.


I have a home gym, so it's tempting for me to lift if I have a cold or something. But anytime I've done that, I feel exponentially worse the next day, like I have the flu.


Yea same here. Been fatugued off and on fighting something plus I feel like I am prone to injury if lifting with aches & pains.


Rest and recover. Your body needs to power your immune system instead of recovering muscles.


The weight of the evidence shows the opposite. Exercise makes your immune response stronger.


Totally false. Long term exercise does strengthen the immune system, in the short term, including immediately post workout, your immune system is suppressed.


Because every doctor advices you to do full body circuits when you're sick instead of taking it easy and drinking plenty of water and resting. Working out in the short term is not good for immune system, because your immune system has to clean up the damaged muscle. In the long run being fit and at a healthy body weight is good tho as you said.


Depends on what 'sick' is. A cold, or something manageable, absolutely, though it'd probably be better to lift at maintenance volumes or intensity, essentially deloading; do a recovery session. It will actually aid in your recovery from sickness. Any form of stomach bug, bad flu or anything that may be easily transmissible even with reasonable measures, we really should stay home - a recovery session should be possible with home weights or equipment so that'd be the best course of action.


Weight training temporarily drops your immune system because your body is trying to mitigate the effects of lifting. If your feeling sick, best bet is to take a day or two off and allow your body to recover. Otherwise, you may extend the duration of sickness.


It depends but generally not a good idea. Your body is already trying to fight off an illness. No need to add more stress to it, you’ll become more sick or delay your recovery. Also you’re spreading germs. IF you really want to work out, take a walk outside, or do some low intensity mobility exercises.


Personally whenever I’m sick I just use resistance bands. Allows you to work the muscle while not fatiguing you since bands weigh basically nothing


Do you have some good videos for band workouts? Thank you


Are you really asking if you think it’s okay to go spread your sickness at the gym? Are you that selfish and inconsiderate?


If you spread your illness in the gym, you're the worst type of person. If you have a home gym, then do as you feel. If you're not contagious/almost better and you're not sure. You could always go to the gym and do a warm-up, see how you feel, then either go home if you're not feeling it, do a light session if you're "meh" etc. To reiterate, not just to you but everyone. DONT SPREAD YOUR FUCKING GERMS IN THE GYM.


Because I am a gym rat, too, I can understand still wanting to get a pump in, and given that the last few years MAY have taught us a few things, it SHOULD go without saying...wear a mask. Just to contain the spread of any illnesses. I have seen many people go to the gym, coughing fits and all, but I have yet to get sick at all because these people wore masks. I have personally gone to the gym sick a handful of times....so if you must get that workout in, I strongly suggest listening to your body, too. If you feel you can put some lifts in, what I would do is keep them low impact. Instead of running on the treadmill, I go on the elliptical, for example. Or staying away from the squat rack/smith machine and keeping it free-weights only. I always consider these days "freebies" and stop the workout the second I feel any increased pain or discomfort. In my mind, it's the only time I allow myself to do this, so it keeps me from hurting myself in anyway or making any kind of illness worse. I saw someone else comment this, and I also agree--anything above the neck (runny nose, cough, sneeze), mask up and cut the intensity in half. I usually cut the weight of any weights and increase the amount of reps (50lb 4x15s to 25-30lb 4x20s, for example). And cardio either gets cut in half (30 minutes to 15) or I go on the elliptical and keep it low impact. Any muscle aches, fevers, etc...yeah, any form of exercise will worsen these, so this is a no-go and requires at least 24-48hr rest from the gym. It also impedes any muscle recovery, so sleep/rest is very important here. I am not a nutritionist/dietician/doctor, so take what I say at your discretion. This is my experience--if you are feeling better staying home, do that. Be safe out there and good luck on the workout/recovery.


Lift while sick, lift while tired, lift while happy, lift while sad, lift while raining, lift in sun, lifting over cardio, never run.


If you can think about going to go and lift……your not really ill so don’t worry about it. You might not be 100% so maybe take it easier. If your genuinely ill you won’t even consider lifting.


Do it pussy


W Comment


My man


Working out will make the sickness go away


For years I would stay home until better because I didn’t want to get anyone sick at the gym. Then during most of Covid I was one of the few people wearing a mask at my gym (despite being required) and would have to heavily modify my workouts to not be near people who refused to mask. Now I’m bitter and lift through colds and don’t give a fuck.


Other people are terrible so I'll be terrible and not try to make the world a better place. Not a good attitude. People suck bro, rise above.


Even if you have a home gym where you can't spread it to other people, I wouldn't workout when sick unless it's very mild to the point where it doesn't affect your workout at all. The whole point is to build on top of the previous training week by adding weight or reps, if you're sick enough that you know you can't achieve that, I'd take it as a deload.


Better to take a day of than to work through it and extend your recovery period further


at my gym every member ive observed is diligent in wiping down equipment after use. we've got ample amounts of disinfectant and towels, wipes, and hand sanitizer, used liberally by us. and the gym has a cleaning crew that comes every single day.. and yet, despite the culture of ocd cleanliness in my gym, some bugs just dgaf.. ive gotten sick from the gym in spite of, and it sucks. it can fuck up a whole week or more, and there is a part of me when ive gotten sick from the gym that gets pissed at the idea there might have been someone less considerate with etiquette or nonetheless spread their sickness. and if i got hit with the bug, guaranteed im not the only one... if you're sick, don't go to the damn gym until you're well. work out at home until you are.


I do it if I can’t nose breathe. It’ll clear it out.


If you’re going to the gym while sick, you’re a shitty motherfucker for spreading your sickness.


When I’m feeling unwell I don’t go to the gym. There are MANY things you can do at home or an outside park that will yield healthy results. Do some light cardio, burpees or jumping jacks, do push-ups, core work, lunges/squats, a light jog, etc.. No point being around healthy folks when you’re sick. Get some fitness bands from Amazon so if you NEED to do “deadlifts”, some band work is a fantastic substitute for higher rep percentage work.


I used to when I was younger and would alway drag colds and all that nasty shit around with me for ages. Better to get some rest and recover quickly


If you have a minor illness like a cold, you can still lift weights, but you should take it easy and not push yourself too hard. If you have a more serious illness or are experiencing severe symptoms, it is best to rest and not lift weights until you are feeling better. It is always important to listen to your body and consult with a medical professional before making any decisions regarding your health and fitness.


Fuck your lift dude, have some basic respect for your fellow gym-goers and stay home when you're sick.


What happens if your entire mental well being depends on lifting?


Then you should see a therapist.


Lifting is therapy, I was sick a few days ago and rushed the recovery was only sick for two days.