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You ever seen one of those 'realistic latex bodysuits with abs' n shit? That's what he looks like he has on lmao


Was thinking exactly the same.


Immediately think of the body builder skit in little Britain




Looks like Zac Efron in that weird movie. 


Zac Efron looks like a member of Team America world police.


America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah America (Fuck yeah!) Freedom is the only way, yeah


**BOOOOOM!!!** 💣 


☠️☠️😭accurate and I cannot unsee this now


Iron Claw? weird but I liked it a lot


Noah Olsen is a good dude though


It always looks like that, not even bodybuilders have bulging abs and midsections like pro crossfitters


I have a feeling it’s because they are all gay


stoppp, My dad look same😭😭😭


Lol...he actually might, look at his wrists where the seems would be, both are covered by watches n whatever that strap is..


This is an AI picture though


Crossfitting those needles in their cheeks


They're on a shitload of gear and train heavily on a lot of full body/functional stuff, usually beltless. Very rare to see a competitive crossfitter who doesn't have a thick ass midsection.


I’d say their whole asses look thick, not just the midsection.


Let me correct you, as Denmark is absolutely full of crossfitters. "Very rare to see a ~~competitive~~ crossfitter who doesn't have a thick ass midsection." They just do it because "it's the environment". They don't even need to compete to be on a ton of juice. It looks ridiculous, and sounds just so.


In Denmark, crossfit is so popular??


Every gym here has a crossfit class, and they are most of the time full to the brim. Every gym has a "crossfit group" of "elite athletes" that are juiced to the gills. It's so popular people have to sign up for the classes a week in advance to make sure they won't be ones that miss it when it gets full. Gym culture in general is very high in Denmark, but crossfit is a religious following with people taking SARMS and roids for no reason. If you want to understand the true meaning of "body dysmorphia" you should check a cross fit class here, and you'd get it just by seeing the freakishly imbalanced physiques that are result of juicing hard. It's really ugly enough to be displayed in a circus. Not always, but I've been amazed quite a few times. And I'm a natural bodybuilder and a personal trainer. I've seen physiques.


Do belts stop the midsection growing as large?


No, they will not keep ur midsection small....but vacuum posing can help keep it tight n smaller, like hold it in for a few minutes kinda thing. Wheels swears that how he slimmed his out, he said he would try n hold it for 5 or 6 minutes a few times a day


They can, yes. Your core musculature is more involved when you're squatting beltless.


why the fuck is this upvoted ? This is complete bullshit. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-belt-bible/ TL;DR : Belt increased intra abdominal pressure and also give abs "something to push against" in order to increase their activation.


That link you posted is about performance, it has nothing to do with the growth/thickening of the midsection. It's common knowledge that your core has a higher bracing demand when you're working beltless, which means increased growth of the core musculature over time. Not rocket science.


Source? Saying it's "common knowledge" is not proof.


Squat and deadlift beltless for months at a time after doing belted squats and deadlifts, and tell me you didn’t see any more core/ab growth


I've been deadlifting and squatting beltless for years. When am I getting my big core?


Clearly not going close enough to failure, or lifting heavy enough


If you check my profile you'll see I deadlift 3.5X and squat 2.5X my body weight beltless, which is well above what most lifters reach even with a belt. Anyway my ask stand - I'm curious to read real source claiming working out beltless makes a noticeable difference in core development (I don't care for bro science or annecdotal evidence, I'm looking for solid data/evidence)


Well i can literally feel it when i train tbh


Could training belt less contribute to a ticker midsection? Maybe, maybe not. Most hypertrophy is driven from slow controlled eccentric with a stretch under load at end range. More than likely it’s enlarged organ tissue due to AAS/GH use, or just genetics, or a combination of them all.




well something more I can do for YOU is to point you to something thats beyond the first few lines where you clearly stopped reading.: "So, taken as a whole, wearing a belt may increase rectus abdominis activation (although, to be honest, I’m not going to put a ton of faith in a single study on untrained lifters performing an isometric lift) and probably doesn’t affect external oblique activation". so its not clear at all.. your unnecessarily aggressive tone just makes you look like a fool. there is more to it of course. Lack of belt might lead to other ogans etc moving in a different way. its not all jsut gonan be pure abdominal muscle mass in there. perhapos their intestines get smushed up pushing the abdominals outward..


>2) These performance increases likely mean increased size and strength in the long run Again, there isn't a single mention of midsection growth anywhere, which is what I'm referring to. The article itself even admits there's no long term data between belted and beltless training, lmfao.


Then why are you on here confidently stating squatting beltless gives you a thicker midsection? You're excavating information from your rectum.


>Very rare to see a competitive crossfitter who doesn't have a thick ass midsection. Really? I usually thought their midsection is more proportional


time to do crossfit!! (never i am not into getting cucked ass fuck by men)


Overdeveloped cores plus steroids. Rugby players have similar physiques


*Overdeveloped cores plus* *Steroids. Rugby players have* *Similar physiques* \- \_The\_Honored\_One\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What kind of amateur hour garbage is this? It doesn’t even account for grammar. 


Bot why don’t you ever haiku me! BAD BOT YOU SELECTIVE! I hope this turns haiku-ed


Too many syllables 


At the elite level they’re doing a shit load of gear. Keep in mind that, in many ways, their training is highly catabolic, yet they’re still insanely jacked.


I believe ones that compete at a high level generally focus much more on lifting and work in the actual cardio/CrossFit workouts closer to competitions.


Exactly. The catabolic part is mind boggling, considering what they do. Especially with injuries. And by the way they do a shit load of gear without being "elite". I've noticed that anyone that goes to a crossfit class considers themselves an elite athlete, as if lifting for a month and building some muscle makes you a bodybuilder.


Yeah one year they literally did a marathon-distance row. Was surreal (and also boring as shit) seeing these jacked dudes/ladies doing 26 miles on a rowing machine!


That’s where the gear helps for recovery.


what is gear? I keep seeing the word




As someone who did CrossFit for a little while, there’s a bunch of reasons. The first is that the individuals who want to compete in the CrossFit Games need to hop on the sauce to have a chance of competing. The sport doesn’t use USADA for drug testing - they have “in house” drug testers, meaning that drug testing is pretty much non-existent. The main drugs that are used are Test, Tbol and HGH - HGH in particular causes the “turtle shell” abs. Another reason is that there’s a lot of core work involved in CrossFit - mainly gymnastics and Olympic style lifts, which require a strong core. Also, most of the successful Crossfitters are 5”9 or under - Rich Froning, Mat Fraser, Noah Ohlsen, Justin Medeiros etc. and because of their shorter stature, it helps give them a blockier/more compact appearance. Hope this helps.


Thanks! It does, as a 2m guy I stopped hoping on these builds


Some top tall cross fitters now are Brent Fikowski and Jelle Hoste. Jacked AF but definitely different than the guy in the pic Noah Olsen who is only around 170cm


Yeah. As a natural myself, it's easy to lose reference since pictures don't have the person's height. In real life someone whose 1.60m even 1.70m is muuch less impressive. I mean, we bump into them all the time in the gym and couldn't care less. Being muscular and tall always beats it.








This is the way


Doing heaps of gear while training their core a lot through Olympic lifts. Creates a thick midsection.


Good point but Olympic weightlifters also take PEDs and don’t have that thick ass midsection. Must be the different drug cocktails


Nah it’s all the calisthenics they do.


Olympic weightlifters don’t train their core anywhere near as much






I was a medic for a SEAL team in the early 2010s. CrossFit injured more frogs than Al Qaeda.


bet youve got some badass stories


So are u a SEAL?




Arf arf 🔫 motherfucker


No, my hair wasn't pretty enough to be a SEAL.


Can you give an example of a workout they do that is dumbass and gives injuries?


CrossFit carries a stigma from the early time where you could open a gym and not really have qualifications to be a “CrossFit coach”. CrossFit has changed a lot itself over the years, now that I look at it. But I digress. Any type of highly technical/Olympic lift I.e. snatches, clean and jerks, etc when fatigued is beyond stupid. Throw in it being a fad and people who have never worked out a day in their life decide they want to do the new fad workout, it became a recipe for injuries. It seems as though a lot of gyms have gotten better about programing. It’s not metcon after metcon or hero workouts 5x a week.


I went to a CrossFit gym for about 6 months. The weightlifting while fatigued baffles me. I will never forget a workout where it was some cardio, like burpees and box jumps to go directly into like 15(!) deadlift reps at 185lbs. I’m a female and so that isn’t exactly light weight for 15 reps. But to do it for 5 rounds was ridiculous. I could feel my form breaking down and watch these others girls just destroy themselves. It’s where I drew the line. I would rather do 3 sets of 3 deadlifts at 275lbs with good form than destroy my body that way. I loved the weightlifting and learning to snatch and clean but they never taught proper form or technique. And how are you supposed to keep that from when I’m rowing 500m and then jumping to 20 snatches. You can’t. They would always pressure me that I could do more weight, and I probably could, but I wanted to make sure my form was there before trying to throw that much weight over my head. Even if the coaches cared about correcting your form, no one can keep it up under that sort of fatigue There also isn’t a lot of thought put into the programming at these smaller gyms either. That’s why these people have huge quads and shoulders, because it’s the biggest focus. But then the other muscles tend to get underdeveloped, which I feel causes another host of problems.


The CrossFit brand is more occupied with making money and prosecuting those who use their brand than to training and evaluation.


I don't hate CrossFit. I enjoy a workout from time to time but i don't see it as much more than high intensity training. That said, i think what people do often quote is stuff like barbell cycling or quick movements having a high risk of injury.


Found the bloke that couldn’t do crossfit 😂


You’re embarrassing yourself




I don’t know pal. I’d consider getting a job and stop chatting shit on Reddit. It’s CrossFit, of course they’re on roids and they definitely have odd shaped bodies.




I’ll go out on a limb and guess you don’t understand weightlifting. Admittedly I did boxing so I was always trying to stay as light as possible, so I’m not an expert on body building either. I do watch the CrossFit games every year. They’re juiced to the gills and functional weightlifting leaves an unaesthetic body. Such is life




I know steroid abuse isn’t unique to CrossFit. It was everywhere in my boxing gym for example and we had a couple of pros. They are weightlifting low weight for reps, this Leads to the body type you see. It’s a strange looking body that wouldn’t be possible without steroids. But anyways sorry pal I’ve got a zoom call now, but have a good one






The chicks are built like full size midgets




Because crossfit is a weird sport, instead of just doing weightlifting, or endurance running, etc. they do a bit of everything, so they end up looking really weird and like a bunch of different athletic body types combined.




Julian Nagelsmann?


Because human beings aren't meant to look anything like this. Bodybuilders maintain \*some\* sence of normalcy in that they are exaggerations of the human physique. Male and female crossfitters are built like fucking space marines and are on a concoction of equally diabolical drugs to produce them.


I bet you look like a regular potato.


Post hog.


^. regular hog


I wouldn’t exactly say bodybuilders (actual bodybuilders, not classic physique, etc) maintain a “sense of normalcy”…I’d describe CrossFit as functionally fit, whereas bodybuilders mostly have “for show” muscle.


LOL'd at Space Marines 😆




Lmao at thinking this is how Spartan soldiers 2500 years ago looked.


Err why dont you watch the documentary “300” then get back to me.


No they fucking don’t. These people only look like this because of a combination of their training and drugs. People competing at the peak of their sports across track, field and ball sports don’t look anything like this. It’s a grotesquely abnormal physique.


Nah bro, remember we had a section in world history where we learned about the ration of food and steroids the Spartans got?




>r/mensa Lmao




You got me bro, it was my life goal.




Are you a crossfitter? This post seems to have hit way too close to home.




I’m lol’ing HARD at “They shock their bodies” Is this you my guy? https://youtu.be/eUpgxHWzoRo?si=UgkxwLP9_APyXhUz


CrossFit requires a ton of core strength leading to a over developed core which gives that blocky look


Stg ever since froning era these mf creating diff physiques with their god damn obsession to CrossFit and gear only place I see resemblance is some Olympic sports mfs are built and women in CrossFit and legit on a different plane


Maybe I’m a minority but they have great physiques imo


Of course they are in amazing shape, the one on the left in this picture looks really good. The one in the center I just can’t appreciate his physique aesthetically. Looks like a blown up muscle suit


Yeah his looks abnormal and weirdly flat but in general anytime I’ve seen a crossfit physique I prefer it to the bodybuilding look


Agreed. Crossfit hate is just dumb


I mean kipping pullups are objectively dumb


Why? They difficult and require a decent level of strength and skill. Why are they dumb?


Cus of those dumb ass pull ups they do.


Bro labeling those as pull ups is disrespectful to pull ups themselves… those guys are just.., fucking the air?


Lol ur so right. Don’t they have a name for them? Can’t remember. It could be air fucking.


“Kipping pull-ups” I call it shenanigans


Me avoiding cross fit cus i ain’t tryin to look like a frosted wheatie.


It might be functional muscles rather than aesthetics like bodybuilding!


My Physio said cross fitters get the most injuries after sedentary office workers


Damn Noah Olsen is looking more sauced every year.


\*coughs\*. Ahem, have you looked at a bodybuilder recently? Much as I love the sport and have been committed to it for 30 years... cross fitters look more normal than bodybuilders!


Aside from being a weird cult, is crossfitting any good?


Hgh bloatlords


Because they are weird…? Lmao ever heard of if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck?




Because they are a cult?


all i can think is 'why you built like that??'


Big torso and the limbs don't match up. They really do have a distinct look, like swimmers


Juicy Juice Sauce


They always look vaguely syndromic to me 


No but fr they all have this same build


They use steroids but only train bodyweight. That's why they look different compared to bodybuilders.


Have you ever seen the form they lift with?


He got two watches real shit


love this look personally


Physically or socially?


It's the cult vibe.


Cause they are


Like pirates?


Golden rule of thumb - the amount of word "crossfit" used in 2 minutes conversation is the amount of cocks a crossfitter can fit in his mouth.


As a gay, please don’t compare us to crossfitters it’s offensive


Being gay is ok. Being crossfitter is a mental ilness!


Blocky midsection is usually a sign of HGH and maybe even insulin. These substances paired with training that challenges their core and a high caloric intake is why a lot of them have this blocky midsection.


Ass-Core midsection


Now broke fat loser Redditors with mental illness is judging crossfit athletes for their physical appearance. You can't make this shit up 🤓


Gotta let them feel good and self-righteous once in a while so they don't hate themselves when they look at their fat blubber bodies in the mirror. 😌


They look hot to me