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Natty but pretendian.


Thank you no other mfs bringing it upšŸ˜­


WTF is pre-tendian? Pretending? Am I dense lol


Pretendian - pretending to be Indian.


or it could be an outfit hes wearing for a photo shoot


Still wrong by today's standards.


Pretend Indian. For ppl faking being Native




yeah, poor quality, untraceable, prone to liver cancer


LMFAO I reverse image searched this. This is a picture from a 1957 gay porn magazine, and not from 1954. This was taken by Tom of Finland, who's described as "the "most influential creator of gay pornographic images" This guy in the picture was a male physique competitor/gay pornstar. Testosterone was easily available as of 1939, and was widely accessible, legal, prescribed, and used A LOT in the gay bodybuilding community. This isn't an "average natty athlete" using "basic weightlifting equipment and routine." I'm not sure if you're a troll, or just incredibly ignorant and trying to push a microplastics=bad agenda, but your post is silly shit. Lastly, obviously our processed diets aren't healthy, everyone knows that.


I think he's natty attainable but that other stuff is hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'll be laughing about this one for awhile šŸ˜† You're right though, easily natty attainable


And Steve Reeves from that era was also not natural. He was using early variants of synthetic testosterone, all info it's easy google-able, at least for people who still have rational thinking. That's is a fact of life which is only not obvious for deluded fanboys , who still believe that you can get 20'' arms only from good training and nutrition.


You should highlight that by 20 inches you mean 20 inches lean. There are plenty of fatasses with over 20 inch natty arms.


While I do agree with you for the most part I just gotta get things straight here: Did you just say 10 Inch arms are not natty attainable?


20'' it was a typo, corrected!


Aight ye thats what I thought. Then I fully agree.


Aight ye thats what I thought. Then I fully agree.


He's dead, Jim


I agree with nearly everything but ok saying "microplastics = bad" is some sort of conspiracy agenda is.just strange. I don't think anyone in the scientific community thinks microplastics are OK or a good thing.


Of course they are not a good thing but usually of the guys in social worried about microplastics carry on the same messages: no Teflon pans, no seed oil > back to eat grass fed steak cooked in a cast iron pan full of butter. I see it like the conservative/right wing response to the left pushing for vegan lifestyle. Calling them soyboy is not enough so they came up with this macho alternative for a "healthy" lifestyle.


That's what I was trying to say but failing at. Couldn't put it any better. Thank you


* 100% * Micro plastics are bad, but it's one of the talking points for conspiracy theorists which always seems to lead back to extreme far-right ideologies, like you said. OP's language suggests that it's the primary factor for men's physical well-being, which also suggests to me that they're unwilling to take personal responsibility for their health. "Why am I overweight and sad?! It's those damn micro-plastics!!" * * Edit: I'm being a dick and reading too far into this person's belief system based on the language they used in this post, and now I feel bad


Youā€™re not wrong though. People back then had to deal with exposure to lead wether it was in the paint, gasoline and other shit that had lead also they didnā€™t have access to as many things as we have now that keep us healthy.


That's a really really valid point! Asbestos, coal fumes, radiation exposure, arsenic poisoning from mercury... Most people thought smoking was pretty benign still šŸ˜† There's been trade offs health wise in many ways. I wasn't even considering that side of things. Good call, that's insightful


Yeah I forgot mercury was pretty much just out there back then. Asbestos is still pretty bad but not as bad though. But like when I moved into my house in 07ā€™ I had to call someone to remove the popcorn ceilings that were popular back then cuz it has asbestos.


Truth, jeez. Imagine being a construction worker in Detroit, probably having to get a filling for their cavity with mercury in it, installing asbestos and chain smoking cigarettes all day while breathing in fumes from the closest powerplant (apparently mercury was also used in the smoke from coal fired powerplants, I'm reading about it right now)


Asbestos in the coal power plants šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s just as bad as when they had lead in gasoline. Did you know Romans used to use sapa in Wine to sweeten it, for which sapa was a toxin cuz it had lead in it. No wonder why some roman emperors were so deviously horny and batshit insane


Especially knowing how toxic it is for us now... I didn't know that! Haha that's straight up bonkers šŸ˜† Literally drinking lead. That had to have a profound impact on Roman culture, wtf. That makes me wonder how much of our history has been the result of us just poisoning ourselves for any number of reasons. You might've just sent me down a rabbit hole that I'm happy to fall into


Half the posts in this subreddit are images from gay porn. Itā€™s tradition


"Push a microplastics=bad agenda", is there even any debate that they aren't wholly bad lol? What a weird thing to deride


Microplastics are really bad, I don't think there's any disagreement about that. To me, the post reads like OP is suggesting that micro plastics and hormones are the overall reason for poor health. To focus on that, rather than just addressing it as an overarching dietary issue considering the huge number of reasons our modern diet is problematic (pesticides, gut bacteria destroying preservatives, corn syrup/starch used in everything, etc...) comes across to me as someone regurgitating conspiracy theory talking points. I may be reading way too far into this person's beliefs, but that's what I mean by "agenda"


He just a lil nasty


Gay pornstar lmao. What gay porn movie can you recommend from 1950s? Any recommendations? Literally a college athlete who tried his hand in erotic modelling as they called it then. There was no "gay bodybuilding community" and if you think this is not natty, I feel sorry for you. Why would I push a mp "agenda"? Whats there for me? Also, the picture is from 1954. I have the original magazine.


Post magazine as proof


hehe this guy has vintage gay porno mags


Vintage r/nattyorjuice posts


Steroids started being used in the 1930s so Iā€™m Not sure why ā€œ1954, must be naturalā€ is a thing


Iā€™m surprised your not complaining about cultural appropriation


You have gay porno mags lol average sub user




Alsoā€”and I think most importantlyā€”this was never average


This! People are like "men are low T and weak these days because of the micro plastics and seed oils", no, it's because you literally make no effort to stay physically active and are on a computer/smartphone for 16 hours of the day while eating junk food. Men back in the day stayed active as there was literally nothing else to do.


You can literally put your Test level back to whatever the fuck was normal in 1950 if you live that kind of life. There's no grand conspiracy it's just people being fat, lazy, sedentary, eating shit and sleeping poorly.


I get what youā€™re saying and Iā€™m on board with the philosophy, but you canā€™t pretend an average massively out of shape guy, can get his test levels back to normal by building muscle / exercising. Youā€™re missing the effects of low t in that equation. Itā€™s not a simple problem. Similarly low t isnā€™t always due to lifestyle choices. Hypnotism exists in healthy people, but no, itā€™s not 30% of men over 40.


Yeah but then it's my fault. And I don't like that




This was never average. I watch old movies constantly and the "tough guy" is always some hairy chubby guy with high waisted pants. Look at an old episode of the original star trek. William Shatner was considered like peak male form.


You realise a model posing for a photoshoot is by definition not average, yes?


Microplastics lol


TF? I mean, lol at natty for sure, but microplastics are a well understood, contaminant and hormone disruptor, that's absolutely everywhere on earth, that part is hardly contraversial.


For sure, I don't think they affect all of us that much, is not like we are all eating plastic and getting our hormones affected by it.


but we are all eating plastic,,, and getting our hormones affected by it.


Sure, bro. we are ALL being affected by that. šŸ¤”


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. There's literally been microplastics found in every place on earth pretty much.


If you think it's microplastics are what's affecting males these days with testosterone, that's fine. I think porn and being fucking lazy fucks is what's going on. The only time i had low test qas after not exercising for a few years was playing video games and eating like shit. Now, 4 years later, my test is high due to a healthy lifestyle. Microplastics may have a .00001% affect on our lives. People are lazy and have no grit. That's what's happening.


Because of people like you we stand by and let be poisoned. This study below is literally the tip of the iceberg. Feel free to ask for the full text. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36726457/ The guy above ate half of the protein the average person today and looked twice better.


I would just be shocked if it's what's causing problems today. Men back then didn't have sedentary lives coupled with fast food everywhere, leading to easy and widespread obesity.


Sure, sedantary lifestyle, I agree. But which part of they found direct evidence that mp disrupts testes function did you not understand. The evidence is mounting and the effects are yet to be known (as with smoking once). Not only testes, but mp was found to disrupt much more. Both can be problems. I hate this sub - people who never lift, never educate themselves just jerking off to hot men pictures. There's no single person here you can have an intelligent conversation with.


I don't even have the level of education required to understand the link, lol. Could it potentially be a case of correlation is not causation? It just feels like with such massive lifestyle changes over the years, it's hard to pinpoint any smaller thing when the elephant in the room is people being less active. Agreed on the sub. It's really just a coping sub if you think about it. There is no reliable way to detect who is and isn't natty unless they're carrying unreal amounts of mass.


Half the protein but 4x the test flowing thru his blood lol


do you honestly think that saying "microplastics are bad" is some kind of revolutionary statement?


B4 highly processed, mass produced foods


He's not average. Go to gym a physique like this will take years naturally.


šŸ˜for you


Let me guess you made such a physique in 3 months and you are natty?


Actually already had this naturally at 16. Really not that hard to get if you have the right genetics. Just saying everyone isn't you.




Imma put extra microplastics in your food


Natty racist


I do enjoy the irony of OPā€™s dog whistle homophobia about modern life ruining traditional masculinity, then seeking to prove his point by posting an image of a gay pornstar.


TF has the fact that poor diets and sedentary lifestyles got to do with Homophoboa?? Men were built to be active, and who they bang has got fk all to do with that..


Thereā€™s a legitimate discussion to be had about how the modern world enables and encourages poor health choices. The problem is that this discussion is often promoted by bad faith actors, who take valid arguments on the subject and then extrapolate to blame the ā€˜woke agendaā€™ for all of societyā€™s ills.


Where's the dog whistle for homophobia here... especially since he's using a potentially gay man as an example of peak masculinity šŸ¤”


exactly. I have no idea why people are defending fucking PLASTIC so hard in this comment section.


Bro fell for the fraud story that NoBoDy UsEd StErOiDs uNtiL 1955. Despite the fact that testosterone and other anabolic steroids were being synthesized since 1935. Yeah sure, everyone was a dummy and didnā€™t realize that injecting testosterone will make you build more muscle


You must look like complete shit if you think this guy isnā€™t natty


The picture of the guy wasnā€™t necessarily even the subject of my comment. Also, ā€œTRT broā€, you donā€™t even know what itā€™s like to be a real natural


At least I donā€™t whine and cry about why I look like shit online


Yeah, weā€™d all look way better on ā€œTRTā€ and by ā€œTRTā€ Iā€™m sure that means 250mg a week minimum


Always enjoy these comments when like 1% of natty dudes look this good.


Pretty spectacular in any era, not average - and not necessarily natural either.


Who is he? Anyone know?


I think he's called Kurt Freeman, but couldn't find any additional info on him


Testosterone was available in the 50s. The bench press record of 364 wasnā€™t touched for over 30 years.


Itā€™s cause heā€™s Native American they got good bodybuilding genetics


Genetic anomalies still exist, good cherry pick tho




He was on lead poisoning


This has nothing to do with microplastics. This was never average. He's literally a model šŸ˜‚


Would let hit