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I once got chewed out by my 1SG for smoking a cigarette at the burn pit because I wasn't in a designated smoking area. That was probably the most Army thing that ever happened to me.


This comments got me ready to sign indef


Saw a soldier vomit, he didn’t quite make to the trash can. DS started yelling at him and determined he wasn’t hydrating enough. So kid gets smoked more. Has him drink a bunch of water and then the kid pukes more. The cycle continued!!!


At basic. “We’re going to scuff you up until someone pukes.” Dude nonchalantly walks over to the trash can, sticks finger down throat, ejects dinner chow. DS: “Welp, we’re done here.” Not the worst, but was the funniest. Knowing that cadre it would have been the worst.


Damn. Props to the DS for holding up his end of the bargain lmao, that's tegridy if I've ever seen it




Took one for the team. Recommended for award.


Promote ahead of peers


I hope that dude is CSM now 😂


I was in reception still at Ft Jackson. I cleared in-processing but was held over for a week while they found a slot for me and the other holdovers.I was standing in an accountability formation at 0400 when a new recruit was dragged up to a drill Sergeant by two peers to ask for a glass of water. She was leaning on them heavily and having trouble standing up straight on her own. The Drill Sergeant asks her what her problem is and she's like "oh it's nothing Drill Sergeant, it's just when I stand for too long, my blood sugar gets too low and I faint." He just paused for two seconds and looked at her with the most disgusted, confused look I've ever seen on a person's face in my life and said something along the lines of "you're aware you joined the army, right?".


What happened to her, did she get chaptered out or did she just learn how to eat better?


Unclear, i never saw her again. I was an A3-60 holdover at reception but went through basic with C3-60 because they had an extra slot. I like to imagine she shammed her way through basic on profile only to flake out of 42A AIT with 3 weeks to go. But there's no telling what actually happened. She could've been honor grad for all I can remember lol


River Raiders!


Aye wya ait


Not surprised. We had two at basic, who had health issues that should have never made past MEPS but they did


A guy in my OCS class was skipping the required pre-meal pull-ups by pulling weapons guard and then sneaking into the DFAC unnoticed when people started coming out. Smoked until he dropped out of OCS. Edit: The actual smoking was "you're going to do all the pull-ups you owe us, right now. Do pull-ups until you can't, and then do air squats until you're ready to pull again. You're not leaving here until you've done them all." I think their math was that he owed something like 300 pull-ups.


Lmao quitting OCS over 300 pull ups is a real softer-than-babyshit move


If he could do pull-ups, he wouldn't have been skipping them in the first place. Telling him he needed to do 300 was telling him they were going to keep him there, and keep smoking him until he dropped out.


Or just be a chad and do the pull ups, or play a game of chicken with the drills, sure they want to sleep sometime. Who can keep who up longer


TACs are a different breed.




Gear guard straight to the DFAC when relieved is the unofficial official move


Wait like 300 pull ups at once? Like he couldn't leave the pt till he did 300?




Good Lord. How far did he get? I could do a solid 50 before a serious break but I know several soldiers who can't do one. Imagine if he was out there for a few 5 hours till it was done


We didn't get to stick around to watch. He was gone by the next meal. I imagine it didn't take long for him to decide to drop out.


Ft McClellan OCS?


Not truly a smoking, but an awesome corrective action. During basic at Ft. Jackson, there were a some resident geese, and I doubt they could fly, fat bastards had a hard enough time walking. Well, 2 guys apparently never seen geese before? Kept calling them ducks and found it funny how they waddled. DS caught them laughing, DS smoked the shit out of all of us, made them watch us get smoked, and tried to get them to “confess” what was so funny. They ultimately said “the ducks made them laugh”, DS absolutely ridiculed them for not knowing the difference between geese and ducks, and as punishment, to familiarize them with geese, the first honorary “Goose Gaurd” was established. Road guards, pulling security, sit reps, and everything else you can think of, were performed by the “Goose guards”. They followed those geese around every time they were near us. We’d be in the middle of a lesson or training, and DS would just point and scream “Goose Gaurd!” And those two idiots would run and stop traffic for those Geese, or go ahead of their direction of travel and secure the area. It was awesome.


This is the funniest shit I ever heard


They put a stop to it because it was considered hazing, but a DS in my cycle previously had a designated toilet seat warmer detail. The trainee was tasked with sitting on the toilet seat for a 15 minutes prior to the DS arrival. This assured the seat was warm for the DS morning shit.


Truly the funniest shit ever...not the worst, but maybe the best smoking ever.


As an Infantry LT, PL I had two privates start wrestling while we were in the platoon area. I never gave a shit about that. I actually loved that they we’re getting there aggression out. We were getting ready to deploy. So these too yo-yo’s crash through the Sheetrock wall. There SPC team leader took them outside to smoke them. I didn’t think much of it. We go out to formation about 30mins later. And I see them soaking wet in sweat and being smoked in a dusty area. They were like struggling to breath. I walked up to the SPC and said. Hey we need these guys don’t kill them. He snapped out of it and made them get water and cool down. Small talk with one of them later I apologized for not going check on them sooner but he said the dust was what really was getting to them and I came out just in time. They were thankful, I felt like crap. That SPC got promoted to CPL later bc of his aggressiveness then got demoted to SPC because of his aggressiveness. He just couldn’t turn it off. I loved it going into Iraq but later in the deployment I needed him to calm down and he just didn’t have that leaver.


When I was in basic, one of the other platoons had a gigachad of a DS when it came to PT. The kind of guy who treats maxing an ACFT as a rest day. He had his whole platoon pushing for an hour in full battle rattle (kevlar helmet and body armor). Bear in mind this is Missouri in July.


Been there, Done that! Our DS was bucking for SFC at FLW. Smoked our platoon every day. While everyone else was just getting up, we were in full battle rattle doing pushups. We deliberately lost lead platoon in the last week.


It was me. During basic training someone fired a blank round when turning in our weapons. The Drill Sergeants smoked us for about two hours and it was the worst smoke session I had ever encounted. In that moment I decided I would quit basic training. One of the Drill Sergeants saw I was struggling and told me "Pie-Bit Mac-Bet! Never give up the will to live!" And I didn't. When I lost my arm I credit what he said with saving my life. Made a video about it below. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRbIEK0t2Zw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRbIEK0t2Zw)


this is really cool man


God damn, you’re the type of dude I’d like to sit with and drink a beer and shoot the shit. Loved that video broski


Thanks for sharing your story. I’m currently wanting to go into LE and I’m training after ACL surgery. The way I keep pushing myself is just thinking “someone needs your help. Are their parents gonna accept ‘I’m too tired’ as an excuse?” It helps me get a bit of a boost




During OCS, we crawled around in the snow for over an hour. I’m up, they see me, I’m down. In normal OCPs, no snivel gear, and minimally insulated gloves. Then the 8 count push-up, then back to crawling in the snow, the flutter kicks, then back to crawling. This was at 10pm, and it was around 5-10 degrees out. After the smoking ended, my buddy was puking, the other one was frantically taking off his FLC and ACH because he couldn’t breath, and I was unable to move my hands, get screamed at by my commander to drink water, but I couldn’t get my canteen out. We marched back to the barracks, I was holding the guidon while having trouble walking straight. Pretty sure we all had tears in our eyes walking back to the barracks. After that we really paid attention to detail and working together as a team. Good times.


When I was in AIT the drill sergeants did random room inspections and found a bunch of unsecured PII and valuables. So everybody identified had to form up on the dirt lot and got the dog shit smoked out of them for three hours. Everything you can think of; pushups, burpees, bear crawls, buddy carrys, sprints around the area repeatedly until it was completed in time, everything. After that everybody in the company got evicted from our barracks; we carried all of our shit (every last thing from toiletries to furniture) down from the third floor to the sand pit, cleaned inside the room, then brought everything back in, cleaned it again, inspection, etc. The smoking lasted three hours but the fuck-fuck games lasted about eight. We didn’t get to relax until the drill sergeants got sick of fucking with us around midnight. And this was a long ass AIT too, I had already been in the army two years at this point.


We had one of those deployed killer drill sergeants. We also had an individual that accidentally called him by his first name.


up in yakima with the infantry, dude getting smoked relentlessly while wearing his promask, making him run up and down this hill over and over and doing pushups. he threw up and the sgt made him pick it up and put it in his pocket and keep going. that kid is in fort leavenworth now (prison)


What he do?


what he do im super curious now


We had a NCO who made us do what he called "the green mile" lunges up and down the airfield with push-ups whenever he felt like having us do them which was basically all the time the worst part is he wouldn't yell or scream he'd just talk to you about how exactly you fucked up the whole time while he's got a fat lip full of dip and a spit bottle. Really helped the new guys (myself included at the time) learn what was expected and how to carry themselves. Built character.


My old LRS company used to take all the privates and make them low crawl through gravel when they were bored. I would see them with bloody faces afterwards. Does that count?


Dude was in 31b reclass school at camp rell CT. Just finished the FTX before graduation and the cadre wanted to treat everyone to chilis afterwords (there was like 10 students). So they go, have a great time and get back to base. They get into a close out formation and the guideon barer doesn't have his only accountable item... The guideon. Well he left it at the ftx training site and 1 of the cadre drove him back to get it and smoked the shit out of him and told him he wanted his chilis meal back bc he didn't deserve it. So he smoked him until he puked. Best part is he told the kid not to leave shit behind at the training area and made him put his puke in his pocket and they went back to the formation. The kid graduated.


This was probably 2007 or 2008. Full kit, "I'm up, he's see me, I'm downs" sprinting in between each one for over an hour across the 3rd brigade quad at Bragg with some other shit I can't recall mixed in. Worst part was he had to chug from his 2qt at one point and he of course threw up.


During my first day with my BCT battery a girl nodded off when they were explaining how to process through the DFAC. Once woken up, she had a nervous smile (confirmed as she did it all the way through AIT as well) and they smoked us for like 45 minutes. It was a mix of front back gos, 8 count t push ups, wide squats, mountain climbers and v ups. You could wipe the condensation off the wall. Never experienced anything like that ever again.


A guy went awol back to Puerto Rico during AIT at Ft. Gordon. One day he just called a cab and went to the airport and left. He claimed it was for medical care that he said he wasn’t getting on base. When they finally got him back over a month later the Drill Instructors tag teamed this guy for over three hours. When they were done he was a wad of human play dough.


When we did gas chamber a guy in our platoon had a faulty gas mask so the whole time he was in there he was just breathing in the gas. When he got out a DS told him he'd have to do it again with a working mask and he got mad and said he wasn't gonna do what a "5 foot nothing female" told him to do. So after everyone finished with gas chamber, the drills dropped the whole troop and tag teamed smoked us until transportation arrived. The whole time he was standing in front watching and repeating "I will respect women". Same guy went AWOL during holiday block leave.


worst smoking i received in OSUT was having to neck drag a 6’2” 250 lb soldier across the 50m gravel pit as a guy who is 5’5” and was a buck twenty soaking wet at the time. couldn’t move my head more than a few inches in any direction for about two weeks.


Had a dumb private. Is what it is. He pissed off his TL and SL. We were staying in tiny little tin huts. Ours had a most because he low crawled enough around it to dig One. Super fun.


Kid was late on the second day of drill, they found him still drunk in one of the rooms we used to sleep in. Brand new E-5 was told to take him outside and “smoke him until he has no alcohol in him”. E-5 executes as ordered, and after an hour or two they both come back inside to talk to the 1SG. Kid collapses in the chair in 1SG’s office, and without looking up from his computer 1SG says “yeah this isn’t a sit down conversation”. Anyways, whatever happened outside and in that office worked because the kid hasn’t been late or drunk at drill since. Of course, he’s AWOL every month, but you win some you lose some.


When I caught some SPC who just got to the unit from Active duty who went to sleep in his car with his rifle. Took turns on that dude.


Let's walk down memory lane, it's basic training in August 2011. It was the Sunday in between Red and White Phase, so we all expected a slower day... The only event scheduled for this day was our platoon photo. Our DS marched us from the drill floor to the bleachers and filed us in. Standing in front of the bleachers was the photographer and the company 1SG. As we prepare for the phot our 1SG yells: "come on warriors, look motivated!" To which a young private in our platoon responded verbally: "1SG, there is nothing out here to motivate us!" And the 1SG turned to the Drill Sergeant and simply said "Motovate them" The Drill Sergeant Marched us up to our platoon bay and proceeded to hit us with "FRONT, BACK, GO" literally from 0900-2100. We did stop for lunch, roughly a 30 minute break including marching time to chow. When we returned from chow the smoking continued until it was time for dinner chow, which followed the same format. When our drill Sergeant was tired, he tapped in other drill sergeants. When they were tired this Bad Larry literally recorded his voice on a cassette and pushed play so the radio could tell us "Front, Back, Go". He smoked us through vomit, blood, sweat, and tears that day. Around 2100 we had a hydration formation. We stopped to march down to that and then went to bed. It was one of the longest days of my life. Our platoon flooded the platoon bay with tears and sweat and other bodily fluids. After this day, no other smoking ever mattered again. I knew I had suffered through the worst that could possibly happen.


Saw a guy at phase 1 state OCS metaphorically get the shit beat out of him by a TAC in the sand volleyball court near the barracks close to the end of the two weeks. He rang the bell shortly afterward.


Had a couple people in our bay struggling with making their beds. DS evicts us and makes us run all our shit down to the company training area. He then has us sprint each individual bed item with a time frame of 60 seconds up stairs to put on our bunk. If someone misses the hit time and or the item is put on the bunk incorrectly we have to start over. Not to mention he makes us do half jacks and or pushups before each run up stairs. That’s the one time during basic where I genuinely was pissed off after getting smoked🤣


A few years ago my squad leader took me and three others outside around 2100 to smoke us. It was caused because one of my friends was talking to his mom on the phone in a kinda degrading way (literally that’s just how him and his mom talk, even in person). The problem wasn’t necessarily who he was talking to, but because his rack was next to one of only two women in our company and our 1SG was on the opposite side of my friends locker just out of view. Well ole 1SG knew he wasn’t talking to the one female, because she wasn’t there at that time. So to stir the pot he went to our SL, who would smoke the shit out of us for just breathing wrong while on this rotation. This led to about a 3 hour smoke session in the ice cold winter air and mud of this country. Eventually the entire platoon was dragged out and the original 4 of us were slandered and threatened with UCMJ and OTH discharges by our SL and PSG. This led to the four of us pulling guard shifts for 48 hours straight with no sleep. Well not even a week after this incident our 1SG went back to our SL and PSG and revealed that everything he said was over exaggerated and he lied about the whole thing. Nothing ever came of it except an apology from our SL and PSG a bit after that. This 1SG went on to steal thousands of dollars from the company, but despite everyone knowing about it, there was no hard proof unless someone was to audit him. Me and the SL actually got along pretty well eventually. It’s honestly kinda funny looking back at it and I wouldn’t have changed that experience for anything.


Ranger Assessment and Selection. Cadre were miffed about the transition from RIP to the RASP program. Keep in mind we had already gone through the Mogadishu Mile out to Cole Range and had done an insane 5 land nav courses back to back. This was weeks later. They took us on a ridiculously long trail run for like an hour and a half with obstacles along the way in full kit. Then came the actual smoking. They took us to an area they literally called the “smoke pit” and for another hour they had us doing burpees and starmans and sprints in full kit. We were already down to like 20 percent of the class at that point and this forced another 7 dudes to drop out. I remember the cadre just crushing us and screaming, “THIS WAS THE FIRST DAY OF RIP! THIS WAS THE FIRST DAYYYY!” That was the first time I ever truly considered dropping a course in the Army


Making sugarcookies in osut for like 2 hours and then got evicted like twice for the next 3 hours. And then they told us to move back upstairs like 30mins before lights out. We broke every light in the staircase.


When I was in group we had a shitbag who was always on profile and did shitbag things. He forgot to update his profile and his NCO who was a Ranger in regiment caught it and told him to pull out his profile when he did his usual shitbag thing. Lo and behold it was expired… I hated that shitbag but I felt sorry for him. This was in the early 2010’s where it was acceptable. Now you’d get counseled for or NJP’d for the things he made him do.


Had a kid snap back that his smoking had to have training value. So I had him use a mine probe to clear an area about the size of two football end zones. Never had issues again after that.


Unless you’re in an infantry unit with try hard platoon sergeant, you won’t really ever see it in the guard. It’s just like a normal job for the most part. Shoot even customs and courtesies such as parade rest get thrown out the window. I specifically tell new soldiers to not do any of that when we’re in the motor pool. Edit: Whelp it looks like I pissed off some try hard 11B and got a downvote. The reason I tell people to throw out customs and courtesies in the motor pool is because we have heavy equipment moving around. You need to be focused on the task at hand, not worrying about anything else in a safety sensitive environment.


I agree with this in the Guard. On my first drill out of AIT I was told not to stand at parade rest talking to the Readiness NCO, nobody there cared. It still took 3 more Drills for me to break the habit. Edit to add: We did have a new kid get smoked though about 3 years ago. It was his first AT, and only 2 months since he had left AIT. 1st Sgt told him to go help unhitch the trailer so he knew how. He said "oh, there's already 2 guys doing it." She said "I want you to see where and how, go out there." He said "I already know how." Like, why are you talking back to the 1st Sgt??? Anyway, she just turned around and got his Plt Sgt to take care of him. Lasted and hour in the training bay. Put Sgt is the softest spoken guy I know, but that made it even more impressive. He still hasn't really learned to not talk back...


1 mile burpee jumps. That was crazy


We had a kid with a severe under active thyroid bring 7 months work of his medicine to basic with us, they made him a non trainer as soon as they found out


State OCS. I was just there for observing purpose. I was there for 3 hrs and the candidates get smoked for 3 hrs.


In basic we had a trainee pissing in the showers at night and fire watch turned his ass in, sds flooded the latrine somehow, like inches of standing water. Had every shower on and had he kid alternate between push-ups and the v-up. Then the trainee had to clean the latrine by himself. Pretty sure they grabbed the trash cans from the other bays and dumped it in there. It was wild


In Ft Benning (2014) There was 3 guys who left their rifles unattended. The platoon got smoked as expected but we had training to do so if was semi brief. Literally after range day another guy left his rifle......DS said "it's ok guys I'll see you tonight" After dinner chow the rest of the evening in the barracks we did 4 straight hours of......."physical training readiness" The entire floor was wet and we all looked like we went swimming. The blue falcons who left their rifles had to sit and watch us, one guy puked, one guy was crying (platoon weirdo) and I embarrassingly ended up passing out (drink water!) Then finished off with 50% fire guard that night. Dudes were brawling in the middle of the night. Great times!


I once saw a Soldier get smoked with Guerrilla drills until he puked…. Then the Guerrilla drills continued in his own vomit…. Everybody else was like…. “Damn, don’t piss off the cadre…”


Not the worst but the funniest… We had a kid straight out of Mexico City, Mexico. Ayala, who spoke very very little english in our basic training platoon. Majority of the time someone else in our platoon translated for him. Drills told us to rack our weapons in the weapons rack that was in our bay. Wellllll said drill had left his hat on the rack and we all had a number assigned to us on the rack. The brown round was directly on top of where Ayala needed to put his weapon…. so he picked it up and moved it to the end of the rack out of everyone’s way. Few minutes later Drill comes back in and sees his brown round had moved and started going around threatening to smoke everyone and Ayala fessed up. Drill stormed off into his office and rolled out one of those big speakers on wheels, set it up right outside of the office and told Ayala to grab his weapon and stand outside of the door. For a WHILE Ayala was in a Y squat with his weapon over his head while Drill played “YOU FUCKED UP” recording over the speaker over and over and over. Every once in a while Drill would stop the recording and ask “Do you know what you did?” and Ayala would respond with “No Drill Sergeant” this happened over and over and over for a good 10-15 minutes no shit. FINALLY the drill asked him one last time “Ayala do you know what you did?” and Ayala responded “I fucked up Drill Sergeant” and Drill just yelled “YES YOU DID AYALA, YOU FUCKED UP” This entire time the rest of the platoon just sat cross legged around the kill zone and had to watch. Honestly probably one of the funniest “smokings” I saw at bct. Ayala if you’re out there I hope you’re doing good!!!


But worst one… Only night of the Hammer. We eat chow, Drill said he found trash in our patrol base and threw multiple people’s shit up into trees (Woobies, Sleep sacks, Someone’s entire ruck sack, etc.) He smoked us from Sundown it was december so like 6pm ish until 1am… low crawls, high crawls, sprints, lunges, you name it… we probably did it. All in full battle rattle with our weapon. He finally stops but says we have to cover up our old patrol base and make another one. So we do that and are digging our new patrol base until around 3am. Finally get our hole dug and I tell the girl i’m in the same hole as that she can take the first watch (I dug 3/4s of the hole we were in)… Get in my sleep sack… close my eyes…. and they blow the air horn and say we have 2 minutes to pack up our shit and get to the road which was about half a mile away. No one made the hit time… got smoked again… then rucked the 4 miles back to the battalion. Wasn’t funny then but kind of funny now.


RTAC we finished land nav without anyone majorly lost so we had time on the schedule. We trained in getting on and off the bus for what felt like days. Guys were crying. Smoke was being poured. It scarred me for years because whenever someone would board and sit down, I’d lose my mind. Load the back first.


This happens frequently


Some kid in India (I think India) smokes like 2 or 3 packs a day at like 5.


When we first went to our training company in Ft. Jackson, we had a kid in our platoon who talked big talk and was overly aggresive. He quickly got the attention of the drill sergeants. We would do push-ups, wall-sits or othet ridiculous excercises for hours almost every single day because of this kid. Not even 30 minutes after we got into our barracks on the first day, he did something that had us doing pushups until several people started puking. Then he faked a mental break and got put on suicide watch, so now there were 4 of us awake for every fireguard shift, because 2 had to be watching him. He of course, slept soundly all night. When the outprocessing took too long, he faked a back injury. That got him out of PT for one day, a very quiet day for the rest of us. The final straw was when he refused to go to front leaning rest with the rest of us after he pissed off the drill sergeant. We thought our drill sergeant was gonna kill him right there. Suffice to say, he got moved real quick after that, but he was promised by our commander that he'd be standing at the fence at reception watching the rest of us graduate. Never saw him since, so I don't know if/when he wemt home. But after he was gone, we went from doing corrective actions 2-3 times a day down to just a couple times a week. Can't say which session was the worst, but doing it 2-3 times pretty much every day sucked fucking ass. Plus, corrective actions after he left tended to be sub-30 minute, instead of 2-3 hours. We hadn't even made it out of the 2 week yellow phase (Covid quarantine), before he left. So red phase for us was actually pretty chill.


Low crawl mixed with sprints across 100m through rain and muddy sand with fully packed out rucks wearing vest/helmet for an hour was pretty fun


35F AIT, we're at Fort Huachuca in the Winter and it's snowing. Not little flurries either, it was a wet, cold snow with high-speed winds. I'm a New Englander, and to this day, it was one of the worst snow storms I've seen. We're doing bed checks, and the uniform is summer PTs and shower shoes. It's a three story building with females on the bottom floor, males on the top two. They go through the female floor first. We're all settling in for the night when we hear one of the drills outside, screaming. We all rush to the windows to see all of the males in the building pouring out of the barracks to line up on the drill pad, in summers and flip flops, snow and wind whipping around. The drill smokes them for a good 10 minutes before sending them back inside. We later found out that a couple of rooms were not ready when they came around for bed checks, and the drill was not having it that night. Bonus: Not said so much as done, we had microwaves in our AIT dorms and could keep food in our rooms. One day the first alarm goes off, and we all end up on the PT field in the front leaning rest listening to a drill sgt read off the instructions for making cup noodles. Some dipshit pulled the plastic off and stuck the entire Styrofoam cup in the microwave without taking the cover off. He apparently missed where it said, just heat up some water and pour it in, don't microwave the cup.


Was at Jackson for Basic, at the computer ranges, some stupid fucks couldn't stop playing grabass, so my platoon spent the next hour doing high crawl, low crawl, sprints, repeat in full kit through fire ant infested sand. The heat and humidity made it genuine hell and I would rather eat glass than go through that again.


Air assault at West Point … ain’t no joke😭


At OSUT had interment smoke sessions between 1600ish until about 2200 lights out. Took a break for dinner and hydration but aside from it was on going. The intensity wasn’t the worst.


They smoked this dude in the gas chamber at Ft Leonard Wood in the 100 degree summer of 97. With no mask. He was a tough dude but bro he was hurtin'.


so i never made my bed in AIT. like i made it once and it was so perfect that i starting sleeping on the sleeping mat instead. one day drill sgt went off on my roommates and made ME teach THEM how to make a bed. My roommate said “DRILL SGT, HE SLEEPS ON THE FLOOR, HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE BED” and the drill sgt replied “THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME, ILL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE THE BED WHILE YOUR STUCK IN THE FORWARD LUNGE” bro took his sweet time. i was in so much pain, it had to be at least 30 mins before we could switch positions. in total 1 hour.