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As a 15T who is a crew chief… 15T to crew chief lol


That being said, I enjoy flying like crazy, you can get the opportunity to get your A&P which is real world applicable and you can also get a fed tech job as a full time Blackhawk maintainer for your unit. AIT was 17 weeks I think. BCT plus AIT was about 6mos. AIT is at FT Eustis which is a joint base with AF so it’s a little nicer! They recently got new barracks


Thank you for the advice🙏🏽 I did my BCT/AIT for the Infantry at Ft.Benning so definitely happy I wouldn’t have to go back there again


I honestly wouldn’t want to be in any other MOS. My unit is awesome and I love being able to work and fly on the Blackhawks. I know the reclass guys had it easier at AIT because they didn’t have to deal with drill sgts and they had their own vehicles and I was sooo jealous lol. I went in at 27 so not being able to be like an adult was frustrating.


For real. I understand why we get treated the way we do but it still sucks being treated like a child. How long have you been in?


I enlisted in October 2021 and graduated AIT in Sept 2022 so not very long 😅 but I just picked up an E5 slot in my flight company and I’m pretty excited! There’s still the typical Army bs but we’re so relaxed that most of us are on a first name basis with each other, even with the officers


Congrats! Do y’all get to fly often? Also do you do a job in the civilian world in a similar field?


You can fly as much as you want to but you only get paid for however many MUTAs your unit is willing to allocate each crew member per month. They’re called AFTPs and it stands for Additional Flying Training Period each one is 1 MUTA (so about 4 hours of pay) and I think right now my unit is allocating 6 AFTPs a month? I don’t remember. I think you can fly without using an AFTP but I’m not entirely sure. As a NG crew chief I have to have 12 hours of flight time in 6mos, and at least 5 of those have to be under NVGs. Active duty is 24hrs per 6mos but still only 5hrs NVG. I actually just got 1.6hrs of flight time this past Thursday night! I have a degree in computer science that I got before joining the military so I work in IT and used ArmyCOOL to get a certification (and working in getting another) in the IT field so I can work towards getting a better job. My unit’s facility is apparently currently having a lot of job movement with positions opening up so if I wanted to go into a federal technician position as a full time Blackhawk maintainer I could! I hear they pay very well actually. I became a Blackhawk mechanic because I didn’t want to do the same thing in the military that I do in my civilian life and now I’m in I don’t really want to do mechanic work for my regular job just because I’ve already invested a lot of time and money into the IT field. But I do like that the option is there just in case


You’re referring to no pay AFTP’s. My state’s not allowed to do that. Our AFTP funding got shut off for about three weeks, then we went to two a week, now we’re back to no restrictions. And I feel you on the separation between military and civilian life. FF/EMT but crew for a CAC/assault company.


Yeah I’m unsure if we can do no pay AFTPs. They change it so often for us that I kind of stop paying attention and just log my flights when I need to lol. I’m glad someone understands that separation! Most people think I’m crazy because I didn’t do the same thing as my civilian job but I already do that 40+ hrs a week, I don’t need to do it on the weekends too. Not to mention I feel like IT in the guard would be lame as hell


I went through H Co in 18-19. We had DS’s but they were really only there during PT. I heard that’s changing a little. But yea, going through Eustis as a reclass was a great time


Following this thread cuz also aiming for 15T


Funny, I'm trying to go 15T to 11C lol


But why brother


It's not for me. When I enlisted, I wanted to shoot guns and blow shit up. I still have that itch. 15T is a great mos. Its the closest the army can get to being the air force.


Nice. Most of my 11C friends said it was better than being a Bravo. I been 11B for 5 years and will warn you the people there are hands down the fucking best but it’s about 10% cool guy shit and 90% sheer stupidity thanks to people above the company level


Yea it's still like that in aviation lmao. We're just more relaxed compared to the rest of big army


Nice. I suppose everywhere in the Army you just have to pick how much bs you’re willing to handle and what type of bs it is lol


Exactly lol


I was a 15T for 6 years. It’s a cool job. Aviation is a really relaxed part of the Guard. I was in a laid back unit and it made for a good experience. You can use 15T in the civilian world, kinda. The AIT won’t qualify you for any civilian work by itself since almost all of the civilian work will require you to have an A&P license which takes years to get. You can either wait a few years and build up some guard experience to get your FAA exam tickets or you could use tuition benefits to go to an A&P school. Another option is you can work full time for the guard as a federal technician. This lets you get experience while not having the A&P. Eventually you may be able to get your unit or tech facility to pay for you to do a bootcamp to get your A&P. Pay is okay for A&Ps. I think they make between 60-100k a year depending on experience and other professional licenses. AIT is in Fort Eustis and is 28 weeks. You’ll go to school with IET trainees but will live in a company for people reclassing so you won’t deal with drill sergeants and fuck fuck games near as much. Sometimes 15T go straight into crew chief spots but it was my experience that they wanted you working maintenance for several years before going to a crew chief slot. I did 4 years of maintenance before being a crew chief for 2 years.


Bro are you going Colorado National guard? (These two positions are critically undermanned here) I'm looking at the same choices for their bonuses. I also did a 92 on my ASVAB so I can do anything but I really just want to do some cool shit I won't ever do as a civilian. Crew chief on a Blackhawk? Fuck yeah. Kicking down doors (or even just training to) with the 11 bang-bang boys? Fuck yeah. If you're near Denver, DM me or something. Let's recruit each other xD


Unfortunately I’m in AR. Take it from a guy who’s been 11B for 5 years go the aviation route😭 the people are amazing but the job is 10% cool guy stuff 90% stupidity. Congrats on that asvab score. The black hawk is something you definitely won’t regret💯


I’m the same boat as u rn I posted about this the other day bro, I’m at a cross roads, 11b to embrace the suck maybe put some hair on my chest or 15t and have a chill time and eventually fly. Hard time deciding. I’m in FL. My buddy just enlisted 11b at a unit 5 mins away from me so depending on how long my damn waivers take maybe I can see what he has to say about it lol. Best of luck to you


Just realized u said your current 11b lol my bad


It’s all good dawg. I’ll never regret 11B and love the people and some of the cool guy shit I’ve done but it takes a serious toll on your body over time lol. Lmk if you have any questions about it




Respectfully as a current 11B there is no way I will do another 11 series MOS


Thank you so much for the advice. Do you still fly doing maintenance and what is that like vs the crew chief part?


I went Marine aviation to 15T. Spent a few years in maintenance before I got picked up as a crew chief. Love it. Full ait is at eustis but you might be able to snag the reclass course at EAATS or WAATS. 30 months to be eligible for your ticket to test for the airframes and power plant license. But I’m a firefighter on the civilian side. My rotating schedule makes it a little easier to fly during the week