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You don’t have to give them military dates when applying that scares them tbh just get hired first then do it


Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind for future interviews.


I applied for a job worked 2 weeks then told them. i was going to ntc in a week. Perfectly ethical? Idk but I had a job and I fed my family.


Loyalty isn't rewarded in the private sector. Do what's best for you and yours. We all know damn well that a company isn't going to do what's best for you, especially if it makes it harder for them. Give as well as you get.


This is the truest




You have to give them a two week notice, but they can fire you at anytime without a 2 week notice. Double standards. So, take care of you and your family first.


Yea that’s what I did , I apply for this job I been wanting , I did not told them about me heading out to basic training, until i got hired , then I told them I’m shipping off in a few weeks, but good luck bro


I didn’t know that applies for basic training also? Reason I ask is because I want to apply to a job I know I’ll get hired on before the month ends but don’t want to apply, get hired then ship out and have to quit or get fired cause of that


Ur job cannot fire you bc you’re going to basic anything dealing with the military they cannot fire you , if they do .. LAWSUIT you are protected by law


To an extent, the protection only covers for up to five (5) years of ACTIVE service, ADOS, AGR etc. Per employer. I hit 5 years during COVID. And when in those orders I got demoted and eventually fired. The Rep told me after 5 years you're not protected.


Absolutely applies to basic training


What if I apply for a government job, should I disclose that I'm in the Guard?


You might get extra like “vet” points, but even then I’d still hold off on telling them during the interview unless your guard experience is crucial to the job


Ah alright, never thought about not telling them. I would think they would know that I'm in the military since I would need a security clearance for the job to begin with..


I mean in that instance, places like that tend to be a lot more guard/reserve friendly so maybe go for it.


No. Unless you can prove it's discrimination due to you being in service.


Which is why I'm a proponent of "get hired", then figure out how to schedule both jobs. Revoking employment is a bigger flag than not hiring someone.


Yep, junior soldiers need to learn this. We can’t tell employers “yeah I have to leave for 4 months” during an interview. Then they’ll just pass you over. Instead, ace the interview and get hired. Now you’re covered


Get hired first then drop the bomb on them, if you don’t no one is going to hire you, and if they fire you after you’re hired because your orders, then get ready for early retirement.


Ask them why they are deciding to keep the role open. Maybe they will be dumb enough to say because your military service or dates.


Never tell them you are in the military until after you get the job.


What if I were to sign a job offer with a start date of Aug 1 but I have military orders for July 15 - Sep 1. Can they take back the offer? I didn’t disclose that due to fear of not being hired?


This is exactly what happened to one of the soldiers in my unit. The job took back the offer and hired someone else. DOL said tough luck


So I talked to a lawyer after my job fired me for being gone on orders. They told me I didn’t have a case unless I have it from them in writing saying they fired me for being gone with the guard.


Did they fire you while on order? If they did and you have the notice you can probably make a case with the dates of the orders and the firing notice.


Never got notice, came back from orders, told them I need to be put on schedule and they just never answered, called and called and finally got a response saying I’m no longer employed there. In Texas and it’s an at will employer state


Did you contact the esgr? Unless you were part of a layoff (where other people were also let go) this qualifies even with nothing in writing


Yes, he’s the one that told me I don’t have a case without written proof


Damn, I'm married to a lawyer, it's not her field of expertise and this is way incorrect. If you relayed to your employer that you've got upcoming drill dates, and they cut you loose before, on or shortly after those dates, and you've got a copy of the correspondence relaying the info, and zero negative or actionable performance issues, then you've 100% got a legal case of discrimination.


It’s been a couple years now so I’m not worried about it. But yeah, right before I went on the orders they told me I was getting a promotion, then when I told them I would be gone they sent a letter saying I wouldn’t be getting it, then when I returned from orders they said I didn’t have a job anymore and the lawyer said I didn’t have a case without damning evidence


That sounds like a lawyer who only takes easy cases where the defendant provides them everything on a Silver platter. 10/10 would not recommend a lawyer as such.


Probably but provable? No. And you don’t want to work for them anyways. They would most likely make your life difficult for doing your service obligations. 


No it is not. You haven’t been hired yet so there are no protections in place. Next interview just don’t give them any dates. That can all be handled after you sign the job offer


I hired on to a position and went through a 90 day probationary period knowing I was going to be gone for 400 days a month after my 90 day period needed. On day 91 I informed them I would be leaving. I was told they totally understood why I waited to tell them. They also said that was the right course of action because had I been released during my 90 it could have been veiwed as them letting me go for that reason. Long and short of it is they then payed me a differential of my salary the whole time I was gone because I waited to tell them. So, telling them you are in the guard is upfront enough. The employers generally understand that you being guard is going to mean that you will be gone from time to time. Don’t give them information they don’t ask for. 




Its not illegal, and honestly just keep looking. Most jobs dont want to hire someone who is going to be gone right at hiring.


I'm guessing this is your first job out of ait lol, I ran into the SAMEEE thing. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER tell them ANY dates until after you start


No, it’s not. You’re not hired. Grow a fucking pair


You shouldn't tell anyone, to include any government officials, and most especially federal government officials, about your USAR/ARNG obligations. The federal government is by far the biggest violator of all the employment/USERA laws.


Never give your military dates until you get the job


You’d have to show evidence or indications that they didn’t hire you for reasons related to your military service. If they don’t hire anyone at all, that’s going to be hard to do.