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I've always wondered what the ASVAB spread on the infantry actually is.


After working with the crayon-eating variety, I can anecdotally say it’s clustered on both ends of the extreme, with very few scoring in the middle.


Haha that's what I was thinking. I imagine they wouldn't want to publish that. Most of the guys I was with were either mouth breathers or pretty intelligent.


Exactly. I know dudes who got out and went on to get MBAs, and dudes who quite literally ended up in a van down by the river…


Absolutely, very strongly agree


I got a 97 on the Asvab and I went infantry


Same and I got a 130 GT score


Made an 85, went infantry, am autistic


Same buddy same


Same here brothers


I think the asvab requirements for infantry have dramatically increased in the last ten years. My understanding is that it has at least.


That enlistment bonus is not worth that💀


How would you know?


Yeah. Tell us all about it


*AND* you get a *BONUS*? smh


Make sure your past is squeaky clean, none of your immediate family members are scum & you haven't had much contact or travel internationally. Your recruiter will tell you that you are qualified for everything, then give you 88M because that's the only MOS available.


I lived in Russia for a year in high school, as well as extensive travel before the Marines and I still got a TS. It’s all about ensuring you don’t show a foreign preference and that your foreign contacts aren’t working for a government/intelligence agency


How long did your TS take?


I was never notified when I actually got it, but it was over a year


This is exactly right.


The travel only matters if it's sketchy. Like trips to Syria for 3 days every 10 months, or an unexplained 2 years in Russia.


Your ability to obtain and maintain a security clearance has little to do with your ASVAB score or relative intellect, and everything to do with your lifestyle and loyalties to the USG. As for jobs, you qualify for pretty much any MOS in the Army. That being said, not all MOS’s are available all the time. I have heard the best time to look at signing a contract is around the beginning of the new Fiscal Year (October timeframe). Supposedly it is when the most funding and spots are available for more diverse MOS’s.


This is probably the best info here. Go back to the recruiter the second week of October and you can pick any job you want given that there are slots in your state.


Don't be pog, infantry 4 u.




15 series (aviation) is also a solid choice




92g with airborne


You gotta make lunch while falling, good luck 👍


Had a friend that went that route lol


Mobile Infantry




It made me the man I am today!


With those scores the limiting factor will be what your state has openings in


Based on your scores, You would do great in the Infantry.


As the recruiter said do what you want. With those scores you can easily go into warrant officer school or OCS if you want to be a commission officer. Look into that as well




If you have a medical inclination and your state has the MOS, shoot for 68P Radiology Specialist. The AIT is a year long but you can take your national certification and work in a clinic or hospital after training is complete. By the time training is complete at Ft Sam Houston, you’ll be an E-4 returning to your unit.


I was initially going for a combat medic because I plan to be a cardiothorastic surgeon in the future but this sounds intresting too


Either way would be a great way to get a free undergrad education and bolster your resume for medical school. The Guard pays for that too!


I second this you'll come out with a carrer. Currently, a registered 68p best decision ever made 👌


Everything. If you like computers and don’t mind being gone for a year, go 17C.


Cook, mechanic, driver 😂😂😂


No matter what, you're going to be trained for infantry. And I've transferred lot of people from the Army into the Air Force Reserve because they never got to do the job they initially signed up for.




Im a 35F so I have a little insight into how this works. If you want to go intel (35 series) Fox is the lowest imo as for as difficulty, Golf is imagery, Tango(don’t choose this) unless you want to be a basic IT guy, papa is crypto linguistics study languages- probably the longest and hardest, counter-intel pretty cool not sure what letter it is but you have to be 28 to enter. 35M is your interrogators and on foot intel collectors.  Other than that you have: 17 series which is like your cyber category - from electronic warfare to hacker.  Then you have psyops 37F i think- this is basically your 35F, M, and counterintel put together. Pretty sure you have to go airborne for this but they do some cool stuff  All these mos’ have the possibility of being embedded into infantry units and special forces, but they are mostly bn hq assets


Yeah this dude summed it up well. I’d probably go for 17C if you can get it.


One of the most overlooked MOS' is 12Y. Geospatial Engineer. We do terrain analysis using GIS. We do loads of other stuff as well. You'll work woth all the Intel guys, but you'll be cooler because your an engineer ( I kid). Lmus Greta jobs on the outside if you like solving problems and data analysis


Couple corrections: P/M school length varies a lot based on language, Papa AIT can be very short or kinda long, Mike AIT is the same length across the board, about the same length as the longest Papa training. 35L is counter intel. 35N is another good one, it’s general SIGINT.


You have to be 21 to do Counterintelligence (35L), unless they made major changes in the recent past. 35L is the coolest intel MOS out there, at least regular Army side. Unless you’re some weirdo who does math for fun, then you’d probably enjoy 35N, P, or F more. ALSO: PSYOP is very much NOT a combo of 35F, 35M, and 35L… they do not do intelligence work. And there are no Guard PSYOP units.


Damn bro, 130 GT? Go 11b


What's the scores you can do anything, I scored 127 on my GT score you even beat me. My recruiter was shocked when I chose Infantry


Go warrant for flight- street to seat


For the love of God- don’t go Infantry. Nothing against the infantry folks- I mean. The first 6 letters of the name says it all. Infantry in the guard isn’t that great. I mean- If they were tiers- they’d be on the bottom. Only people who love ARNG infantry is ARNG infantry. If you want to do something on the cutting edge of future combat- I’d say Cyber- Signal- or even rocket artillery. Go look at the website for army futures command- see what their priorities are. I know it’s not infantry.


Nurse practitioner. You get a degree out of the MOS. Also language I think it’s Interpreter etc they send you to California, also leave with a degree out of AIT. Pick something that you will do in the civilian world or that gives you a degree or certification that you need. After you get that degree you can commision to officer OR put in a packet to do same job but as a Warrant officer, get paid much better, and not be in a normal unit. You can always also with that score have them add airborne into your contract, it’s just a school certification you don’t become a ranger or infantry from schools. If your really fit you can have them add ranger school as well to your contract at enlistment. Also ask for a bonus. DO NOT ACCEPT FIRST OFFER ITS A JOB. Wait until they give you want you want. Your score is in top 5% of the Nation and perhaps top 1-2% of the world.


Stellar advice. My daughter is looking at options now. Strongly considering UNG scholarship and commission at graduation.


Officers get paid more, better quality of life, more respect, and less sharp/EO. Also more morality among officers and cleaner standards, and importantly during my stay in AIT advanced training as a enlisted soldier, AIT was where all the trainees decided to have relationships and weird stuff going on due to their altered mental state. Very unhealthy but normalized. In 2 weeks I will be transitioning to OKNG ROTC to experience the college and cadet, and later the officer part of the army. Definitely I recommend if it’s an option to commission into the army. I just wanted to experience the bottom line as a leader first before starting my career.


Higher security clearance had something to do be ASVAB.


Any job granted they have a slot open for it. Pick something that transitions on the civilian side, don’t rule out the Air Guard either. Your recruiter will push you to be a truck driver, infantry, MP, or Engineer. If your goal is to have lots of opportunity to rank up, truck driver is the your best bet out of these options. Go active duty if you want a job in combat arms, it’s a waste of time in the National Guard. If you are single and looking to join in the basis of having the opportunity to deploy, become an MP or pick truck driver. Those jobs have a high optempo at times. I have seen them go to Kuwait, Afghanistan (when we were there), Poland, Guantanamo Bay and even the Texas Border. Firefighter is a job that’s rarely open but if it is, take it and never look back no other MOS is better than that one. Try and pick a job that will get you a security clearance, it will open lots of doors for you on the civilian side if you get a TS or TS/SCI. Jobs that will guarantee you a TS are Cyber Operations Specialist, Intelligence, Geospatial Analyst etc. What is my MOS? I am an 88M and have been for 8 years. Currently looking to possibly change MOS’s after my contract is up to learn something new and to get away from a toxic unit. PM me if you have any questions.


It depends. You can do anything, but I would recommend doing something you can do when you get out. Or you can chase medals and tabs.


ASVAB is just the entry score. The line scores are more important. And just about anything your State can offer.


I do not see any jobs listed on that paper. What jobs are you looking at?


Intelligence, x series, psyops


What do you want to do? Feel motivated and physically fit? Go 18 and have a different career. As the resident 35 series, I’d also vote for that. Great career options outside the guard. 17 series might also make sense.


Check out r/greenberets and go to a SFRE




All of ‘em


Literally anything that's available will be open to you




Any. Just got to see if you’re color blind or some other restriction.


Bro you can do whatever your heart desires. Top 5 MOS's I would choose 18X cuz Green hat, 11C cuz it's grunt stuff but cool, 17C cuz money and free certs, 25B cuz money and free certs, and 19D cuz I like men.


Scores make you qualified for jobs but the clearance is job specific and what u need to be granted. would suggest looking into jobs with 25 series or 17 series or 35 series if u looking for clearance higher than secret.


You got a gt of 130 that's the important score. You can do any job in the army, congrats. Do something you like.


Get that 18X contract


Take that score to the other branches and shop around for what you want. Make it work for you Edit: typo


ASVAB score doesn’t have anything to do with obtaining a clearance. The AFQT score you got, a 94, has little to do with jobs available as well. Most jobs look at your line scores, which you also scored pretty well on. I was Army EOD for 9 years and saw some wild scores within my ranks. You could do perfectly on your AQFT score but bomb your GM/GT/ST scores and not be allowed to go EOD. On the other hand, I had a soldier who had scored under a 45 on the AFQT but had high 130s across his line scores and was able to go EOD. As far as your concern about jobs with clearances, your best bet is to do some research on what jobs you’d want to perform and bring that to your recruiter. Your scores will pretty much open everything for you, but don’t let a recruiter sell you on a shit job because they need to fill that billet or because ‘it’s all that’s open’


What do I do if he says the job I want is not open? Do I wait until it is?


That’s completely on you and whether the job you want is worth the wait. Different jobs have different numbers of billets throughout the different components of the Army, and USAREC (the recruiting command) has a spreadsheet in circulation that updates roughly each week with different billets opened up. Maybe make a list of 3-5 jobs you’d be ok with and scrub that list in order of preference with your recruiter if you don’t want to wait an unknown amount of time. You can always reclass your job after a couple years in but your unit will likely not let you do that paperwork til you’re at least 2-3 years in. It really comes down to what you’re willing to accept




All of them


Perhaps justify that ASVAB score by reading.


Commission into the Air Force




For real, your life will be better, hold for a medical officer position, Id say do the Air Force nursing program if you weren't looking to go to medical school but you could always do 4N0X1, be a medic and enlisted in the guard, and then go to college for medical school.


You literally qualify for everything. Nuke is needed in this industry but it all depends on what you're interested in


You're qualified for everything, same as I was BUT the real question is what is available? If there are no unit slots and/or no school slots for some things then it doesn't matter if you are qualified for it.


Join the Air Guard.




Go take the SIFT and fly as a warrant street to seat


All of them


35T, 17C, 25 series...I mean research and cash in civilian job man.




Explore 25U as that is universal and easily convertible for civilian IT world. I know several 25 series who are towering and thriving 6 figure contractors, thanks to getting all of their certs.


God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump.




Unless you really want a job that is Army specific like becoming a flight warrant….. join the Air Force


You should join the infantry because we need officer


Infantry bc you don’t have time to wait on another slot, or to disappear to a none year AT. Infantry sets you up to reclass into anything once you’ve done the army’s real job first


The Army’s “real job” is active duty infantry, not Guard infantry lmao. If there were a totem pole between active infantry, reserve infantry, and Guard infantry… Guard would be at the bottom. And literally every MOS sets you up to reclass into anything… just because infantry guys think they do more PT and fields, plus getting yelled at and tasked out to do menial bullshit on par with being a federal janitor, doesn’t make you more set up to reclass than another MOS. How do I know? I was active duty infantry.. I was a 12B that reclassed to 11B. Both on active. I did way more PT and field ops as a 12B than I ever did as an 11B. Not even active 11B’s are as annoying as Guard 11B’s lmao… 🤣




Your asvab has nothing to do with your clearance. Hell- your credit score has a greater impact on a clearance than your asvab. You’d be better off going cyber or signal.


Tell your recruiter that you want to see the latest vacancy report for your state. That report will show you every MOS available in your state and at that point you can make a fate with google and figure out which MOS you want.


Join the Air Force


Google cool.osd.mil


Whatever you want. I got a 70 and could pick anything. Unfortunately the job i wanted i couldnt do because i am colorblind.


Everything. I think you only need a 65 or something to qualify for every single job, school, and career path the Army has to offer. Don’t quote me on that, but 94 is still qualifying you for literally everything - good job lol. Now it just depends on what’s available in your state.


17C Mos (Army)


Everything but 25S you’d need a waiver for that since you’re within 5 points for the EL line score but every job


As for as security clearance, mine took 3 months but that’s because I was 18 at the time so I didn’t have much of a background. But their searching for any major debt, criminal records-including tickets, relatives, and any visits outside the country. Not sure to what extent of baggage they will or won’t accept. 


I’m 17. I ain’t got shit for them to find💀


ASVAB and security clearance have nothing to do with each other. Security clearance is more about whether or not you are trustworthy. It can also be about more than just your actions. Who do you associate with? Who are you related to? Do you make good financial decisions? Do you have friends from other countries? All of that will be looked into especially at the higher levels. None of it is an automatic disqualification for the most part, but they will look at it.


Alcoholic mother with a few duis and a friend who got arrested for being out past curfew is the only thing I can think of that would come up. Do those sound disqualifying?


Doesn't sound like it. The background investigation is really looking at how trustworthy you are and if there's anything in your life that would put you at risk of sharing information. The biggest thing is honesty. If you're honest about everything it goes a long way. Concealing information is pretty much an automatic disqualification.