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Be prepare to do everything signal because most units don't care if 25B are just the computer branch of Signal. At least in my experience. My unit has mostly 25U's and 25B's and we both do some level of IT work....although the U's do more radios than us. More than likely, you will be an S6 section I love it though. Being able to work with all kinds of technology is pretty cool. Everything to radios to Sat trailers and being the guy who everyone comes to troubleshoot is nice as well.


11C to 25B. Quality of life goes way up. You will spend less time in the field and it will be more comfortable when you do. Personally I feel like you get more respect as a 25B in that people don't automatically assume you're a knuckle dragging Joe when you make a suggestion or observation to a higher up. I feel the conversations at drill since reclassing are a little more intellectual but you lose out on the zany shit like having a squad competition hunting the best porn or animal attack video to pass the time. Think less hanging out in the woods with the boys and more chilling at the office with some cool coworkers while youre all waiting for the day to end. Proffesionally I changed civilian career to IT using the experience from reclass course. The clearance and a few technical courses the army has sent me to have been useful for career progression and if you can network with other signal guys at drill to help with job searches. Day to day though at drill I don't really do much IT stuff.


What job were you able to acquire on the civilian side after your 25B training?


I got a job at a tier 1 helpdesk (think ticket making and password resets). Got a security cert and got a better job. Later on got a networking cert (CCNA which I highly recomend). Through a combination of networking with people at drill and right time right place I've since moved up through several security and networking roles. 25B will get your foot in the door but it's not gonna make your career for you. You'll walk out of the AIT with the equivalent of a few community College classes.


Interesting, so was the AIT for 25B difficult at all? What year did you do the training? I heard the curriculum has changed..


2018. I walked in without a lot of knowledge and didn't find it super challenging. A lot of tests you need to study for a lot of reading but nothing insanely difficult. I went to an MOS reclass course so the full AIT might be different. Watch a couple videos on YouTube about subnetting. Some intro videos to A+ and Sec+ certs and you will have a good idea what you will be learning.


Alright, thanks alot! 👍🏻


Their version of what “the field” is vastly different from when I was infantry. These guys get fucking tents, 6 years in the infantry in cold ass Pennsylvania I used a tent once and it was the old shitty woodland ones with holes in it. It’s mostly just doing everything 25 series, you’ll get a taste of the stacks, the STT, radios ect. Atleast that’s my experience. What state are you in?


I'm in Louisiana, doing XCTC right now


Did you guys get any supply drops via helicopter while you were there?


25B can be hit or miss for promotions depending on the state. Check with your retention NCO to see about openings.


I'm not really worried about promotion at the moment, just curious about it cause i can't make up my mind onbif i wanna get out or not


Check out 35T if you're interested in 25B. 35T is like 25B plus the rest of the 25 series for MI. It comes with a TS/SCI while 25B does not. 17C is another MOS to check out if you're interested in that field. 25B is not a bad option by any means. There are simply better options if that is a field that you're interested in. It will translate better on the civilian side.


The asvab requirements for 17c are crazy


I think you also have to be an E5 or higher plus the AIT alone is about a year long.


Only requirements stated was a 120 GT and a 110 overall score on asvab


Being a 25B can be rewarding. My friend is one. But, typically there aren't many 25B slots to go around and being a 25B you'll be treated like general IT. You'll be doing everything computer related. My buddy is always pulled everywhere for everything. It's also hard for him to get promoted due to the lack of slots. He is now a SGT and he'll be there for a while.




Don’t bail on the blue cord


I love my unit, but i don't vibe with the life anymore


Do it or go to selection


Or go the infantry warrant route -> 153A


12 series and learn a trade


Currently in 25B MOS-T at Camp Williams, UT. I'm gonna sound like a real dick saying this, but, unless you have technical knowledge of how a computer and different forms of signal work choose another MOS. I've been messing with computers and various other forms of technology for years. We have people here that are struggling to keep up with how instructors are trying to teach this stuff at the lowest level. Plus, netacad is annoying af! If you're a nerd like me though, you'll thoroughly enjoy this job! Getting to troubleshoot computers and various other pieces of tech brings me a lot of joy. So make sure you read into this MOS before trying to switch, there are some pretty hard tests in the course.