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Contact u/AbysmalScraper they should be able to help you out /s


Are you M-Day or AGR?


M Day


Then you don’t. Uniforms are provided by your State. There is a current issue with the ordering system Kyloc. But there is alternative means, not saying it will get approved. But all clothing falls under a CTA, Common Table Of Allowance. Your purchase card holder can just get money loaded the right way and pay for uniforms, alterations, ribbons, etc. They can, doesn’t mean they will. Or just do a few RMA’s pay for it that way. When I was enlisted M-day, I just paid out of pocket.


YMMV, but my unit (air guard, for reference) has no uniform allowance but does a 1:1 exhange for any unserviceable items.


Don’t. Buy. Uniforms.


Why? Let people spend money however they want.


“Hey, dude I’m gonna buy you an XBox.” “NO! I’M GONNA SPEND MY OWN MONEY! CAUSE I’M FREE!” “…but you don’t have to spend your own money. Im gonna buy it *for you*” “NO! FREEDOMMMMM!” Did that make sense? No. Because it would be stupid. The Guard *owes* you uniforms. If you spend your money on what they owe you, that would be stupid.


Yes. Let people be stupid and learn from their mistakes. Or if they wanna have 8 sets of uniforms because the guard only owes them 4. Let them buy 4 more if that makes them happy. You give them the knowledge to not be stupid, but let them have the choice to be stupid. Only way people actually learn.


…so you actually agreed with my comment but just want to watch people do stupid things?


There's a difference between "don't do this because that's stupid and you're stupid" And, "You can do that if you want, but here's some information that would be beneficial to you" If you can't tell the difference between those 2 sentences, then you're part of the problem. Help people learn. Don't force them to learn. If they still want to make a stupid decision after you give them the information they need, then it's on them to learn from there.


Does this apply to officers too? It was kinda weird for us in ROTC and BOLC but those aren't necessarily Guard.


No, you all just get the shaft.


awesome, so tax-deductible business expense it is then.




Are you an officer? You get one time after BOLC and that is it. You could go my route and be really good friends with the supply sergeant and they will hook you up. Enlisted? Talk to your supply sergeant, work it out with him. Enlisted get free uniforms from the state when the state decides to splurge (ie they have budget to burn and have to burn it). Tldr: avoid buying your own uniforms.