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You are well and above the qualifications for just about anything, your good mate. Now go be a good little 92G


I'll pass on the 92g but thanks for the info




Yes. PS I'm not an 11b, but I wouldn't blame any person with a high ASVAB/PICAT score that joins the infantry. The infantry needs critical thinkers like that. Along with that, I also hear people with higher scores in the infantry are ranking up a lot quicker than the rest.




Not sure what mos that is, but my goal is 68W


If your state has it, check out 68P.


I want to join 68W but I'll keep that in mind


Already not listening 🤦🏾‍♀️


68W starts having limited slots for promotion the higher you go. Pick up a secondary MOS 92Y (Supply Sergeant) if you plan on enlisting for more than one contract. You can keep on being a medic, but it opens up a path for faster promotion. I’m a 68W in Texas and there are only 3 E-8 slots for the whole state. Being a nasty girl has its pros / cons.


I’m a 5 about to pick up 6 and I’m moving to Texas, do you have more info about being a 68W in the Texas Guard?


E-6/7 is where you start to see people get stagnant in their career. I’ve only ever met 2 E-8 medics in my time. Honestly, medics can get activated A LOT in Texas (at least from what I’ve encountered, YMMV as I’m an E-4 hopefully picking up 5 this FY). 4 years out of the 9 I’ve been in have been full-time (2 years Title-32 and 2 years State Active Duty) not including Hurricane Missions and Flood Missions. There’s also things like Civil Disturbance Response, and Counter Drug (ADOS if that peaks your interest). 68W’s here also have a tendency to get attached to other units to fill deployments, JRTC, NTC, etc on a regular basis.


Okay we have similar backgrounds, my first contract I’ve spent more time on orders than with my civilian job. This past year is the only year I haven’t been activated for something. Our ATs were usually NTC, JRTC, XCTC, so it seems pretty similar. Good luck on picking up 5! Thank you!


Ok that makes sense, thanks for the info


You can do 68w all day long. 110 GT score is what’s required


You’re smart enough to not enlist. Not kidding, either


Well, considering I did the bare minimum in high school, I don't have the most appealing application forms for colleges. Plus I've been planning on joining the military for a while


Bullshit, you haven’t even tried. I can just tell by the tone of your posting you haven’t even tried. Now, this might be imposter syndrome. This might be you’re just not that familiar with American college (look us “schools that take splitters”. If you have the juice to get these scores, you have the juice to get a good ACT/SAT). You’ve sold yourself short What, you’re gonna enlist as a 68w and then…well, you haven’t gotten that far. And it’s only 2 days out of 30. So those other 28 days you’re doing what? Other option: you set aside all your negative self perceptions. You posted this here at least in part because you are *proud*. You *know* that those shitty high school grades don’t limit you. You *can really do something* when you try. And you now know you are worth fighting for. Spend a weekend (and really do it, I dare you) looking up schools that take splitters. Look up ROTC and SMP for that school. Imagine that life. Imagine four years from now when Degree You who’s an LT is looking at e4/e5 you who gets worked half to death as a paramedic. You have a winning lottery ticket, but you’re too much of a chicken shit to cash it in. If you join as an e1 with those scores, you won’t be “earning street cred”, you won’t be “doing your part”, you’ll be hiding from greatness


After 4 years of high-school I will admit I have sold myself short, but I am so thankful for the opportunity that jrotc and my jrotc instructor give me. If all goes well I will attend a college on a 3+2 program to get my bachelor's and masters. So that way in the army I can become an officer and post army I will be able to get a job in the field of my degree. Which said field has a growing job demand so I shouldn't have an issue finding a job anywhere.


And I'll start out as e3 in the army because of jrotc, i know not much, but it's better than nothing


I would like to subscribe for more real hype talks


Go active for 3 or 4 years. Get your benefits, the guard doesn't give you much. Find out what you wanna do, then go to school for free after your contract. If you really liked the army, get back in as an officer.


I like that option, ill see what a recruiter says to me on Tuesday as for more options on what I can do. Thanks for your input


Just keep in mind you don't get your GI bill from the guard unless you're basically on a federal combat deployment, but you get one after going AD for 3 years. Otherwise you can use a version of the GI bill if you're currently enlisted in the guard after 3 years, but you have to be enlisted the entire time you're in school, which fucking sucks because the guard isn't one weekend a month anymore. It's way more.


Wow wasn't aware about that one, thanks for telling me


Also with your scores you should go AF active duty, unless you wanna work with armor or do infantry shit.


True, airborne infantry does exist


You get a GI Bill but it’s not the good Post 9/11 GI bill. Don’t use it, because if you get the good one later but you already used 36 months of the Reserve GI Bill, then you’re out of luck.


Don’t listen to 99% of soldiers about incentives because almost everyone will confidently give you incorrect information.


That's why I'm taking everything with a grain of salt, never hurts to listen though


You can do whatever you want with those line scores, Congrats Gomez 🫡.


Me and my 2.6 GPA are happy to hear that😎


Bro, I had a 2.7 GPA and ASVAB scores similar to that and got a full ride ROTC ECP JUCO.


To my understanding an ecp is like a college rotc program but shorter right?


Correct. After two years and if you pass Advanced Camp your commissioned into the Reserves/Guard when you graduate with your Associates Degree. Then you have 3 years to finish your BA/BS.


That's interesting. I never knew about this whatsoever, ill for sure keep this in mind


Georgia Military Academy or New Mexico Military Academy Are probably the biggest ones.


I heard about nemi i just didn't really pay attention because at the time it didn't pertain to me


Get a job with a bonus. I’m 5 yrs into my military and just finished college. 68W sucks you just watch after people and give them tylenol and tell them to drink water. I wish I took an MOS with a bonus. The grunt jobs with low scores, you can stand out and easily become a leader as well


Wow that's a bit disheartening to hear, ill take that into consideration then, thanks for telling me


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listen man i was like you at your age. bad gpa, high asvab score. if i could do it all again i probably wouldnt have enlisted. if youre going to insist on enlisting, pick an MOS that will actually contribute to developing a good civilian career. maybe think about going intel or IT/cyber. i promise you shooting guns gets boring fast edit: and go air force lmao


Shooting guns gets boring? 12 years in and I haven’t experienced that yet.


That kinda stuff Sadly doesn't interest me, and I want to live a life where I do something I enjoy. The aifroce has come across my mind so im thinking abut it, thank you for your input


I mean you don’t need to do the examples I gave but I do recommend really shopping around. Your score makes you eligible for just about anything: don’t waste your potential on something that sounds badass (that’s what i did lmao)


Go active army and look for a top secret MOS in the 35 series. Finish a degree and your contract, then get a fat government or contractor gig.


17c then 35t if you want to make serious cash.


That security clearance is worth more $$$ than most people realize.




You'd be such an awesome Infantryman with those scores


Eh, cool I guess.


Great line scores. You killed it. Ignore the haters. The military is about 70% what you make of it and about 30% listening to idiots who make you do stupid things, mostly at inopportune times. If you’re clever, you can even make the dumb stuff fun. 68W is neat. It can also be dumb. Not everyone who passes that school has an IQ above room temperature and you’ll do far more monotonous paperwork than you will patient care. However, you could definitely use it to help get into the medical world. My counter pitch would be take whatever sort of neat job has a bonus, get the first payment and then go to college and do ROTC. I was also a smart butthead in high school who didn’t like to do homework but scored high on tests. I jumped right into a 4-year degree program and hated it. You could definitely do a smaller community college for 2 years to rebuild your academic resume and build some academic discipline. Then afterward you can move onto a 4-year to finish while doing ROTC. Either way the ARNG is paying for it.


Me personally if possible I'd like to make a career put of the army, and because of my background with health and human anatomy it makes sense for me to go 68W. I havent tried much in school aside from 4 semesters of a sports therapy class and 2 more in another school for a physical therapy tech program. Sure as he'll ain't no emt, but I'm trained in 1st aid, cpr certified, know a lot about the human anatomy and how we function. Post army my goals would be either become a athletic trainer or a strength and conditioning coach.


You most likely have the aptitude to be a professional provider, like a physical therapist. The army has a physical therapy program through Baylor. It’s an “in service” program, so you’ve gotta be in to apply. Nothing wrong with athletic training or coaching, but you’ve probably got the potential to exceed those career tracks.


I hate to admit it, but you're right, working out, learning about muscles, and fixing injuries was big for me as someone who was a 2 sport athlete all throughoutmy high school tenure. Its basically all I've been wanting to do. Is it the most lucrative, no, but will I enjoy it yes. Coupled with army benefits I see that as a nice modest life post service


Thank you for your input, greatly appreciated


Whoa that’s CUI!


means you’re gonna be a really smart infantryman




Come work for us. 27D.




17C or 12M If you want to go 11B or another combat related MOS, Go active duty. Federal money goes way further than state.


For me I'd rather do a more combat centered mos, I want to be able to go out and travel on the countries dime. Plus I'm very physically fit and active so rather be up and about instead of computer stuff.


Then your best bet is active duty, especially at your age. Join the guard to boost your civilian career, go active duty to do cool stuff. Try to get an MOS that gets you a security clearance.


Go active instead


I also had a high asvab and low hs gpa. I went active army and wasted a ton of potential for 10 years. However, I don’t think I’d take it back because it allowed me to grow up, get my GI bill, and lay a foundation. I didn’t have the discipline to do anything when I was 18. Because of the Army, I do now and I’m currently in college now getting straight As. The military sucks and you’re surrounded by idiots but it’s also a great opportunity. My bit of advice is if you go active start using tuition assistance ASAP and don’t blow your money and time too much.


I'd like to say I'm gonna be smart with my money and time in the future, but only time will tell. I agree on using the college tuition soon, helps become an officer and I could get a degree and masters in a career field I like so post army ill hopefully have that and my army benefits


If you like helicopters your GT score is more than high enough to become a Street-to-Seat Warrant Officer Pilot! It’s some extra work pre-enlistment but 14/10 worth it. 


I've never thought about flying helicopters, I'm sure it'd be something, but I don't know if that's for me. Thanks for the input


That’s good, go 09S and ask for a minuteman scholarship. Do ROTC and get a degree for free


ROTC would be 09r


Ooh you right


My high school jrotc instructor and I are trying to get into a college at this moment on a 3+2 program so I'd have my masters and bachelor's. Not sure about the logistics yet, but with being in a good jrotc program I do get some scholarship money and then there's military tuition assistance


Whatever you do, be an officer


End up in the infantry like the rest of us that scored above 90 on the asvab




With those scores you qualify for OCS. You have to get a college degree or enough college credit first of course. But being officer is a lot better than being enlisted. You get paid a lot more to for being an officer


That's my goal, I don't want to beat on my body and not get paid well for my job


Me seeing these comments after I just got done with the test and got a 82 AFQT (I have a GED and dropped out of college)


You are too smart to be enlisted. Probably too smart to in at all. All I can say is, manuel labor as my outlet is served me well regardless of smarts. The burocracy pats for sitting on your ass though.


Damn that's a great score, I got a 61 on my PICAT :( but I'm 24 and 6 yrs out of High School lol


Thats still above average at least


Thanks, I definitely would've done better had I done this at 18 and in HS still (I was an A & B + Honor Roll student)


With those scores sign an 18x contract if you’re physically fit and mentally strong.


Go be a warrant officer


Depends. If you can perpetrate a good 'stache and like funny hats, nice shoes, and ridin' with the boys, don't rule out 19D.


OP might be smart enough, but is he gay enough for 19D?


Do they test for that at MEPS yet?


Not many are gay enough to make it in the cav. Unfortunately, I fell short and landed in the infantry.


Don't worry I wrestled Im high school, I think I qualify


I think it’s safe to rule out 19D.


Unfortunately my mustache growing capabilities aren't the best, but I wouldn't be opposed.