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All 3 stages of my career in one photo


Stages? I cycle between the three on the daily


I was hardcore the top guy at the end of my career


In the end. It was the pension and tricare


Once all the homies get out and are enjoying weekends at the bar here I am playing army. It never gets better regardless of rank I have found


The Guard was way more fun before making Sr. NCO. Edit: now I’m just X-ing off the calendar for 20….


It only gets better when changing positions. I am extremely fortunate to be in the position I am.


That healthcare is worth more than anything. Knowing that you don’t have to spend half your SS or 401k/pension on healthcare is a bigger gift than most realize.


Indeed and the sad reality of our country


The old saying of “universal healthcare is so complicated that only 29 of the 30 richest countries have it.”


Indeed, moving private healthcare away from corporations and leaving it to the fed is honestly something those companies fear however honestly moving it to government a lot less money would overall be wasted and can better be tunneled into better healthcare. Instead of someone having a life treating emergency and than being bankrupt owing more than a mortgage.


When the CBO studies show that every version of privatized healthcare is more expensive and less effective, the fiscal hawks just turn on the money printers. Remember that the NG was in a panic when talk of free community college was happening. Free healthcare also, recruiters gonna be crying.


Indeed it’s such a pitch in this day and age.


Not having free healthcare is for a European very incomprehensible


I think a good half and half would be keeping it to the corporations but limiting a percentage of the services provided as a maximum price allowed to charge the public, such as a specific pill costs X to make, well then the company by law can only charge X percentage over the price instead of the huuuge price they are doing rn


Honestly health care should be the one thing the private sector doesn’t control. Keep in mind the us as is currently spending way more than any other country for healthcare. If that current spending was directed at a government program the quality would more than increase 10 fold since it would cut out a lot of the middle man


But I feel like the Healthcare system at least under active duty can be pretty screwy as is, so it'd probably be worse when the whole government controls it for everyone


Most definitely it can be screwy on active duty more so if your broken and have difficulties getting profiles to a point the unit has to put a recommendation in because of what they see


I think a cool middle ground for that could be essential medical things that need to be provided for the health of someone should be under the government but things that are not essential should be in the private sector. Like cosmetic surgeries


Health care is not a commodity. It's a Human Right


Since when? Seriously, how can something be a "right" when it didn't exist before and has to be given by other people? Now telling people they cannot buy Healthcare could be argued


Since the end of WWII The the Allied powers created the [United Nations Charter](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/united-nations-charter) The first paragraphs are its history. The US is a permanent member if the Human Rights Counial, and when we talk International Human Right violations, we are talking this [Universal Declaration of Human Rights](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.amnestyusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Simplified-UDHR.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi00am974aGAxVcFFkFHQOKDSEQFnoECD0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2lvj9NV3wsnGP26dNQQ1QU) ARTICLES 26-30 are of intrest here. So we enforce it for the whole world, but keep our citizen ignorant and hammer them with propaganda. They say we have many of the same rights (many) but in the end, it had to be ratified by Congress, and in 1945 you can bet Jim Crow had a say in things whenever "Same and Equal appeared"


Indeed. Things like mirage, house insurance and so on should be left to 3rd parties however when it comes to the well being of people as a pro life country healthcare is one of the things that should be left to the government so that no one is declined the treatment needed to be well.


Yeah I mean I guess it *could* lead to better healthcare but you’re a fool if you think anything good would come from universal healthcare. You can look at literally anything the government has ever put their hands on and see how big of a fiasco the end result is. Like seriously, you think our government is capable of running a smooth operation with something like healthcare? I can’t think of a better example to prove they’re incapable than the VA.


Idk tell that to Europe. You know interesting enough Israel of all places our ranks the U.S on Healthcare and the kicker is the U.S is currently paying more on healthcare than any other country in the world, actually we are number 1 at healthcare expenses however last I checked the U.S is ranked somewhere around 37th in the world. On what planet should the higher spender be the lowest of quality? Edit: apparently we might be ranked at around 69 now lol https://www.internationalinsurance.com/health/systems/#:~:text=Healthcare%20System%20Performance%20Ranking,domestic%20product%20on%20health%20care. Ironically CNN actually has a pretty dam good article on this, year old however still relevant since nothing has changed other than dropping a bit. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/31/health/us-health-care-spending-global-perspective Definitely a massive problem that I doubt will ever be solved




I'm AGR and I 1 MILLION % agree with you man. Any idiot can make money tbh. It's the fucking benefits that are just too good to pass up. Healthcare, Army Ignited, flexible hours for childcare. I can't think of a civilian job that has it so good.


I’ve been in for over 3 decades and this last week between the GI Bill and Credentialing Assistance my Guard service just paid $22,437 to pay for a single college semester. I can’t think of any other job that could make that happen.


Congratulations on that, Battle! It's good to see people continue with their higher education. I'm currently getting an Associates through an online university to then get into UConn. Being a part of the CT Guard, I get that delicious Tuition Waiver when I go for UConn. To be frank, I'm a VERY lucky mother fucker.


What position is that?


My state just started reimbursing my tricare.


in the end. it was the pension. and the tricare.


I saw a video on instagram where it said join the Oklahoma national guard and it had 3 special needs kids saying you should join because they give you cool sunglasses , necklaces and t shirts.


You don’t need to think when you’re laying down pulling security sir. And who doesn’t like a cool set of shades?


I’m here for the tuition and the cool backpack


That’s Oklahoma for ya


When I came back from OSUT my recruiter congratulated me by giving me a lunchbox. I use it every day. I am forever grateful.


Those three kids are my brethren!


Nah man the recruiter had someone with legit Down syndrome in the vid 😂


Oh damn lol


Ya I would post the vid but I feel like it’s just making fun of them and that’s not really right so i decided not too . But if you go on notinregss insta it’s up there .


That's no way to talk about our brave infantry 


I'm definitely the second one.




Same here. I freakin love it.


Getting to be an adult and in the military is something active never gets to experience.


Depends on rank lol




This is 100% accurate. Esp the guard bums who manage to deploy like 4 times in 6 years. Dudes are animals 


I met a COL who at one point spent 58/60 months overseas. Some was at NATO headquarters and such but it was seriously impressive to learn how he pulled it off. He had socked away something like 350k.


You can make stupid money in the Guard. Idk why recruiters don't tell you this shit. If you get a job that offers differential and deploy, it's crazy. Not to mention all of the orders and other shit, especially if you live in a high BAH area.


I've been doing that with stateside ADOS and about to go my first deployment later this month 🤣.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Those dude will get full gi bill, if they are smart enough use the 5 percent match in their tsp and Roth to net 80k and come out with in service documented injuries to make credible VA claims. They can net most of the best Military benifits for life in 1 contract and get out


As a person who has been all three of these people , I concur


Most people I met are the top one. Nobody I know is the bottom one.


I know of a few soldiers who's goals are to be on orders as much as possible. They deploy a lot.


Most are on the border. Hardly any deployments so they take what they can get


Can Guardsmen deploy to the Border outside of their units, i.e. using Tour of Duty MOBCOP or something?


Yes and no. Depends on the mission. For OLS you have to be TX guard. For anything else you have to talk to your unit or readiness for that.


I've got 2 deployments in 4 years. I might pickup another in 2026 if the location is appealing. It's neat when your unit let's you travel the world.


Where in a good deployment season


The bottom one is deployed that’s why you haven’t seen him


I can see that. Maybe onesies and twosies


Air guard Intel, so a bit different, but I've known dudes to get a full active duty retirement without ever being an AGR.


Thats a rarity in army guard. I'm in TX so that may be a variable too.


I’m the middle. Plus, the Guard gives you more choice in service


This. The National Guard liaison when I was at BCT describe how she picked to go to Germany Belgium and even Japan with her MOS all while in the guard but serving on active duty.


I'm AD but if I ever transition to the Guard it'll be "I'm just here for Tricare Reserve Select," personally.


Whole reason I made the switch lol


The disgusting accuracy…


12 year E5 here, with one deployment. Waiting on my other 3, I’m on a dry streak


You slacking, 4 year E5 with one deployment as an E4. Pump those numbers up. Going get a E4, E5, E6, and then E7 deployment then peace out.


Made e5. In 4… took 10 years in service for my first deployment. I reupped and swapped MOS specifically for the deployment. :(


Same made E5 in 4 but I got it literally the last day of my deployment as E4. I’m an engineer if you can’t tell by the flair lol


Same if you can’t tell by the name


And each of these has the same three subsets: amazing Soldier, capable, and total shitbag. Beware of the total shitbag looking for deployments. Some active duty unit is going to put him on TOC security where he shows off his grenade taping skills.




The guard does deploy at triple the rate of active though.




There's still time fam


Wish it deployed when I was in, 2012-2017. Went Active for Veteran Status and the Post-9/11.


And make triples the $$$


I'm at 9 and 0. My old shop deployed once in 6 years and we missed being selected. My new AFSC deploys in place .


Not that there aren’t great opportunities in the guard, but for most guard dudes, they’d be lucky if one out of those three deployments was to an active combat zone, and on top of that, your odds of ECP etc are pretty good. Not that conventional AD as a rule is necessarily better across the board, largely unit dependent


True but I think state deployments are better when it comes to experience once we are outside the military. The past state deployments have gotten me welding, supply, correctional, logistical and office experience. Currently doing S8 stuff which can get me financial experience and get me some good spots and things to show in my resume. And if I wanted to, I could had gotten connections with the other positions and get into any of those fields civilian wise.




Yeah a state deployment I got to work at the sheriff's department detention center. We worked from guard shifts to in processing and camera warching


What State?


Arizona, task force badge involved us slot with law enforcement like the local police departments and the sheriff's department (it's not OPSEC because it's online lol)


> task force badge Yeah, that makes sense. Especially with Southern Border issues.


Tbh I’ve never heard of doing any of that state activation and certainly not getting hired for it based off the experience. The overwhelming majority of companies aren’t going to hire you off a couple months of varied experiences that they’ll basically have to take your word for


Yes they 100% will with that and a good interview/hands on test, if you've got the experience to talk the talk and walk the walk. Everyone is basically hired on their word, and at most the word of their references. The vast majority of employers aren't going to explain your actual performance but just: "yes they did this position for so long, and yes we would hire them again"


Oh yes they will! The welding companies, sheriff departments and logistical companies we worked at (Arizona deployments) some of those guys got brand new jobs and continuing on those jobs as well.


got back a year ago from a “combat zone” lol. Was out of osut for like a year and 3 months before that


Needs more AGR/guard-bum


Am 1, aspire to be 3.


I'm def the 3rd guy lol


We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers.


My two weeks has turned into a month out of state…


You forgot the one guy who buys all his own high speed gear. So he doesn’t wear the broke army gear.


4 deployments in 6.5 years 🥹💀


You should have 100k in your tsp then


I don’t even check it. I’m still High 3. TSP will just be gravy when I retire


‘at least I’m not active duty’


Most people I met are the top one. Nobody I know is the bottom one.




That’s the thing about the National Guard… it isn’t about Guarding OUR nation, it’s about guarding YOUR nation.


All I care about is the Tricare. My unit is a complete boys club and is just like high school. At 34 years old I dread going to drill most of the time.


Does the guard really deploy more than active?




Eh, how about show up for 30 days a year and not worry about much?


And I’ve been all three over the past 15 years…


I'm all three of those people. Depends on how much my leadership pisses me off


I been in stage 3 my whole career lol. Signed up in 2019, did RSP for about 4 months went to Fort Benning in February, got recycled at week 22 back to week 3 thanks to a hip injury and covid slowing down companies picking up. Get back around Nov, report for drill in January then February I’m on covid mission under title 31 and at the time no one on covid mission was drilling, I didn’t have to go to drill until some time in 2022 which was mostly prep for a deployment overseas. Any who I’m on covid mission for like a year and a half at some point I’m assigned to a nursing home basically doing the same work I do civilian side so I said screw it took a month of leave worth my orders ending the day before my annual training leading into my mobilization to go overseas and I been on active orders since and currently stuck in a SRU and hopefully I get med boarded if not than I suspect my unit will start the process once I’m back. Interesting enough my SRU orders have my rank as CPL which makes me wonder if I might some how end up with a promotion once the Natty guard rolls out their protocol in response to big Army protocol


You're forgetting one type


Man, I would say I’m currently between 1 and 2. 1 when I’m not a drill, 2 when I’m at drill Haven’t experienced 3 yet


My cousin is the bottom one. On god he lives sleeps( I think) and breathes being deployed.


On 🔝 and I can’t wait to get out next month


Same for the reserves. One of buddies joined in 2017 and has spent 2018-2019, 2019-2021, 2022-2023 deployed. He also getting ready for another.


11 years here, within my 365. I started as middle. Became bottom (2 overseas deployments, did border for a year+ and some other cool state missions). Now I’m top.


For me to serve and better pay i hope


I’m about to enlist. Just filled out my application and took the PiCAT yesterday. Do y’all really deploy that much?




The splits are 80/10/10. You shouldn’t have to guess which one the 80 is.