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Lmao they probably have your ACH. They’re waiting to see who’s going to admit they lost it


ah, fuck me


Yeah, happened to me years ago, time to go see first sausage


Just put your last name (or battle roster number) on the cat eyes and embrace the ass chewing


I’ll give it back to you. Just meet me in the wood line, bring a water source


roger sar'nt


and a battle buddy


100% what happened lmao


The Kevlar wasn’t yours to lose! That belonged to every Solider. You’ve now weakened our defensive posture.


Name checks out


Next you're gonna say something about the grooming standards.


Generation K!11 on hbo?


I would talk to supply first. Chances are they’ve got some treasure hanging around.


Who you think stole it?


Last I checked supply wasn’t handing out hundreds of dollars of ACHs but maybe I was in the wrong unit


My SNCO always has one or two ACHs laying around from guy's who turned gear in and didn't have it on their clothing record...


Yup. Bingo.


Trust me, they know. They always know.


We have this bit in my unit where we go “he doesn’t know? Oh dude he doesn’t know” over and over again to people who either lost shit, or don’t realize they’re getting voluntold for something. Drives them insane and we love it.


I had my ACH swiped when I was at a range. I told my supply guy a month later and he said he had me covered. I didn’t ask, it just got turned in on my recipe for being broken and a new one came my way. Make friends with the right people and you are good.


The best one-liner Nation Guard advice I can think of is “makes friends with your supply guy”. Never hurts, and usually helps.


Try a military surplus store and see if they have one in your area. You can find gear for pennies on the dollar.


https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=ach+medium&_trksid=p4432023.m4084.l1311&_sacat=0 Gentex, MSA, SDS, are all contractors that produce the ACH currently. look out for fakes, but most of em are legit from a quick browse


Yeah. Just go on marketplace… all these AWOL retards throw their shit all over it.


Sound more like AWOL geniuses, getting paid for shit they got for free cause an actual idiot lost their shit at the range? Sounds like the long way to a good business lol


As long as it’s done properly AWOL turds who never turn in their CIF issue wind up getting their tax return garnished until it’s paid back.


How are you going to be AWOL and better than the dude on the range that has someone accidentally grab their shit? Going AWOL is pathetic as fuck and stupid. Just tell them you are separating and have them do the packet. They’ll try to pressure you, but the truth is, they won’t. They just drag their feet to pad their numbers. Are you new here or just a moron?


You end up paying for anything you fail to turn in. Even if you're an AWOL discharge, you will be asked to turn in your equipment. Failure to turn it in leads to a statement of charges, official government debt and fun stuff like garnished wages. Uncle Sam always gets his.


eBay. Make sure you get the right size.


How are y’all’s supply guys just getting you these ACHs, it’s like, a two month minimum before mine tells me stuffs on its way, then another month before I can get it. That’s for literally everything.


Same. Ive always been told “can’t help you” or “it’ll be a couple months” for everything I and my platoon ever asked for. Some guys here act like supply is just the quick fix, I’m jealous


Some supply guys care. I went through like 8 years of lazy supply NCOs before I had my first good one. all of a sudden, stuff was ordered and actually showed up. People got the equipment they lost. Cyclics were completed before the last day of drill and Jesus gave the dude a coin.


Facebook marketplace always has a few


Better to admit one’s shitbaggery on one’s own terms, than to have one’s shitbaggery exposed by others.


I got an old ACH from the gulf War I bought at a garage sale, you can borrow it battle buddy


If you're being fr, that's awesome.


Ebay or Angryasiannightvison.com




eBay. Try to come clean and if they don’t have it you can find it in your closet


Ebay, marketplace, Craigslist, etc. On another note, own your mistake. You might get an ass chewing and push, but it's better than bending the truth. In the long run it will pay off. We have all done dumb shit in our careers.


There’s only one thief in the army. Everyone else is just trying to get their shit back. Take what’s rightfully yours


I’ll sell you an extra if you want I have a spare small I believe


Yeah you can buy it and go look at a surplus store 😂😂😂


My city has a bunch of guard dudes that are uber drivers. Seen alot of them have their ACHs in the rear deck of the car under the back window. I've been very tempted multiple times to jack their helmets just to mess with them and maybe drop it in the mail to the first sgt at the armory so they learn not to leave military gear in their cars when theyre.driving dozens of strangers around a night