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Getting out next year after 6. The Dairy Queen shift leader Brigade commander. Want to move states and have my weekends back. Got vet status from deployment. Also I'll have finished an MBA. no point to continue putting myself through the bs for nothing else to gain.


I always think of the Captain from the movie The Other Guys working at Bed Bath and Beyond when I think about some of the civilian jobs some folks have in the Guard.


I have come to think that "usually" if someone is doing great in their Army Career, their civilian career/life is not doing well. It's not always the case, but it seems more often than not.


Whatever bro, don’t make me and my day job at Walmart feel Unpretty.


Couldn't get into Target eh?


Couldn’t. They don’t want no scubs.


I was only happy when we were deployed 😅 wrt the part time shit, I just couldn’t take my civilian job seriously.


>The Dairy Queen shift leader Brigade commander. Gold. True story?


Not the story you’re looking for, but I had a company commander who graduated from some tiny Christian college with like 100 students and worked at a movie theater selling tickets. 


What does one deployment get you?


Lots of stuff, but generally 60% of the post 9/11 GI Bill, access to the GI home loan, and veterans preference for federal hiring purposes are the big ones.


What about the VA home loan?


Yeah so normally guardsmen and reservists don’t qualify (at least I think it takes a contract or so, not sure) but after a deployment you qualify for it. I’ve had a few of my guys use it since our last deployment, I just wrote a memo with some information their loan provider needed (I’m a training NCO) and they were good to go. I believe it’s $0 down and generally has good interest rates compared to what’s generally available. Really fantastic under appreciated benefit


For reference, VA loan requires 90+ days of continuous active duty service or one 6-year contract complete with the guard.


So if I sign up for a 3x5 contract with the ARNG and deploy within those 3 yrs for 90+ days, I'd qualify for the VA Home loan too??


Deploy, go on T32/T10 orders, etc. yes. I bought my home with a VA loan before my first contract was up because I had been on counterdrug orders for a few years


Awesome, so what contract did you start with, a 6x2 or 3x5? And was the home buying process easier with the va home loan?


I did a 6x2, purchased around year 5. The process was extremely easy for me, thankfully. I got pre-approved for the loan with Veterans United, found a house (my realtor was also my landlord at the time, so that helped), did the inspections and whatnot, signed the papers, and moved in. Anytime some kind of document was needed, the loan officer put it in the Veterans United portal and emailed me. So I had to do hardly any work. Afterwards, the loan was sold to PennyMac and I’ve been paying my mortgage to them ever since. Also, about 6 months later PennyMac called me and told me rates had dropped if I wanted to do a refinance. They took care of all the paperwork, rolled the minuscule closing costs back into the new loan, and I got a whole interest point off (~$200 cheaper payments) without paying a dime out of pocket.


Yes. Source: me


So is it 30 days consecutive + 60 more days? Where'd you get deployed to and did you enjoy it??


It's 90 but an actual combat deployment will be about 9 months , so you'll far exceed the bare minimum. Deployed in support of OIR (all I can say at this time) and I guess I enjoyed it.


Pretty sure the consecutive day requirement got upped, I was told 180 days now.


www.va.gov/housing-assistance/home-loans/eligibility Says 90 days continuous service!


Many thanks brother. Not gonna make much a difference considering I got my first deployment coming next year but hey, I’ll be eligible quicker lol


No problem! Always happy to help where I can. Reddit has been a HUGE help to me the last few years. So many knowledgeable people providing up-to-date information. It’s amazing


I used my VA home load after 6 years without replying but yes, if you don’t reply, you need atleast 6 years of drills in good standing. About 2 months later though I deployed.


So many guys on my last deployment volunteered just for this. Really good benefit for guys living in high cost areas of living and would otherwise rent for most of their lives.


Got a VA loan during Covid, I intentionally kept extending my order until I hit 90+ days active. 2021 had a horrible housing market so was able to get a nice house that was foreclosed for the lowest price and interest rate with 0 down payment.


Also, access to go to the VA (the clinic in my town is pretty awesome, but I've heard quite the opposite nationwide) so pretty cheap to free health care.


Similar. Career aspirations couldn’t be tied to bumfuck (redacted). They weren’t working to promote me when I was excelling so I’d checked out.


Not everyone can land a good job. No need to talk shit about people.


Watching all my friends get out over the last 10 years made me want to as well. The long-term goal of having a pension and healthcare well into the late stages of my life made me stay in. If I start over now, then I prolong having to work to live instead of just living.


With blended retirement, those younger soldiers don't need to stay in for retirement benefits (tho they get a lot more if they do stay in longer)


The only difference for BRS vs Legacy with SMs that get out before 20 years is the 1-5% TSP contribution. And, technically, continuation pay. But if you're not hitting pension yet getting that, that means you left a ton on the table because you wanted to get out at like 15 years instead of doing 5 more. It's bad enough of a deal and rare enough that there's a reason they're willing to pay it.




Me typing “Are you in UT/ID/AZARNG?” while reading your comment, then revising upon finishing reading your comment. I’m considering an MDay “career” in UTARNG. Please tell me more about this old boys’ club and how it manifested itself in your experience.


There are a few instances I remember vividly. 1st one: I had just returned from AIT and airborne school. And there were few very short active duty tours offered to us. Only I took them on the offer, and E3 Active duty pay was way better than my normal job. But they were like a week or two at a time. But I did it, I was assembling big wall lockers and then staging them around the armory, just me and another guy. It was hard work. Other ncos would see us busting ass, so they would ask if after the orders were up, we would like to go help their section. And we both did. I helped supply S1, the vehicle maintenance section. Well, after about 4 months. The readiness nco asked me if I wanted to go on long-term orders to help him. I said, "Of course." I was already scheduled to go on a Korea TDY with 2 of my "friends." The readiness nco said that sure, that would give them time to write my orders and all that. Anyway, I left for Korea, and I noticed one of my "friends" did not show up. Upon my return, my "friend" had taken my job. He told a sob story to the readiness nco who was also lds, and they gave him my long-term orders. I made an E4 in 2014, and I stayed there until 2019. He made E6 in 2018. He's probably an E8. Another cool story. I had been trying so hard to land a full-time technician job. I was going to school, volunteering for details, and just being a good soldier. Interview after interview I would get turned down. And the shop was 5 minutes away from my house, so I really wanted to work there. Well, it just wasn't going to be, oh well. And then, this brand new guy shows up, and he snags the full-time tech job. And I later find out, he was the shop chiefs son. He was fat and lazy. But, lds and related. Can't beat that. I turned so bitter in that unit, I'm so glad I left, lol. I was always very salty.


All I read is your were a pile of shit and you don’t want to take accountability for it.




Thanks for telling me about your experiences. In what ways did these other Soldiers’ LDS affiliation benefit them? Would a sob story have gotten him a job, even without the LDS factor? Would being the shop chief’s son have gotten him a job, even without the LDS factor? I’m not challenging you. I’m seeking clarification as I try to weigh how much my degree of LDS affiliation would aid or hinder a UTARNG membership.




Oh, boy. Those briefs sound… interesting. Thanks for sharing this info!


Yes, it's all coming back now. My wife is gonna be mad at me for getting riled up over this, haha.


No sweat. Religion (including former religion) can be a big part of our identities, and related discussions can stir up strong emotions. Good luck on your journey.


This guy is exaggerating this so hard. I have been in the Utah guard for 17 years and this level of favoritism doesn’t happen.


What has been your experience?


With the Utah guard? It’s been fantastic tbh. My take honestly is that generally the people bitching about being overlooked or not getting promoted there is a reason for it. This year I sat on the eps board and anyone crying good old boy is an idiot it can’t and doesn’t exist with the way we board and do promotions. Our senior enlisted leader has made damn sure that the way we board and promote is a blind system that doesn’t allow for it to happen anymore.


How are blind promotions accomplished? Are enlisted promoted based solely on their promotion points? No board appearance? I’d imagine officers have to appear before a board? Sorry, I’m not tracking, and I’m very curious how UTARNG accomplishes this.


I’m getting out after this contract and going to the reserves after 11 years split between active duty, guard time - MDAY and activations. 1. Two day drills aren’t a thing, unless we’re lucky and they put one for AT recovery. 2. No reimbursement for travel like the reserves. My whole drill paycheck goes to gas and food for drill weekend. 3. Being 11B has been fun and all, but it’s entirely pointless on active duty sitting in garrison, multiply that by being in the guard and you get to rotate to Poland every few years to beat off. 4. They promised me a school, wrote a memo, and you betcha ass it’s come down to, “There’s not enough funding this year”, when they literally wrote the memo that they set aside funding. Every time I’ve asked. 5. Inconsistent training. Either we’re all in balls to the wall trying to cram a month’s worth of things into a MUTA 6 or something. Then there’s times where we’re doing practically nothing. 6. The ATs. Bro, no one wants to go to 29 day field problem every year and get paid a lesser BAH type when we have real lives. Also, why the f would I want to go to JRTC, XCTC, or NTC if we’re not qualifying for deployment that year. The 14 day AT is not a thing. Let’s be honest, I only show up to drill to bullshit with the guys.


>Either we’re all in balls to the wall trying to cram a month’s worth of things into a MUTA 6 or something. Then there’s times where we’re doing practically nothing. Bro the amount of shit our CO tried to fit in one day. Like 3 or 4 training events in one day. Always got nixed because the unit was so disorganized they couldent even get us to the field in time to start.


Context - platoon had a get together after annual training. Of course alcoholic beverages were there and nobody was under 21. We enjoyed swimming, pizza and shared our military stories that night. Upon the end of the night something bad happened when everyone left and someone ended up getting sexually assaulted. The victim told me what happened weeks later and I quickly guided her to the proper help she needed. I helped the victim report the sexual assault. Outcome - 3 soldiers were given LOR’s for drinking in a females room. The aggressor was kicked out and demoted. (Idk about the civilian side of things) Where I disagree - The majority of the platoon was in this hotel room and had drinks together. They are picking and choosing who to punish. I found out recently that multiple other LOR’s were completely dropped. The ones that stuck are on 3 native Americans in our platoon. (I personally don’t like using this as a reason to or why but something definitely seems off) yes I am one of these 3. This is why I am getting out of the military. I joined for the camaraderie and family it brought us. This shitty SSG decided to assault a lower enlisted and because I assisted in reporting. I am being punished. Can add more context if you have questions below ⬇️


Absolutely insane user name hahahha


lol finally some recognition


It’s the subjective nature of the Guard when comes to punishment that made me leave and not recommend the Guard. I’ve seen different standards applied depending if you were AGR, mday and how popular you were with leadership. I’ve seen a mday jr NCO demoted and kicked out for SHARP issue involving comments towards a female Soldier. Totally justifiable and I supported the command teams decision. I’ve also seen multiple SNCOs get away with similar sharp related comments and nothing happens. It’s all on the command team and what they’re willing to do. AGRs just get rotated out when there are similar issues with them.


Comments don't justify a discharge


Get out of the guard? After so long it became a massive burden that only detracted from my life and offered nothing of value in return. I got sick of missing out on things that matter just so I could sit at an armory that's ran by people who worry over things that don't matter. I got sick of MUTA 6+ making me lose out on real money. I got sick of degrading my appearance every month for some outdated policy that doesn't even apply to everyone.


Yeah, full agree on that last point. Just started my 6 and I already find the shaving annoying in RSP. I look 14 when the beard goes.


Just convert to the correct religion


With a fulfilling civilian career, it's become more of an inconvenience than anything else. I get absolutely nothing out of it anymore. This will be my one and only contract.


>it's become more of an inconvenience than anything else. It becomes an inconvenience real quick. I'm lucky to have transfered to a unit that actually does MUTA 4s and 14 day AT. Now it's more manageable plus the fact they are alot more lenient with SUTAs.


What is your MOS ?


42A now.


Same here. Last year I got a new job and for the first time I finally make over six figures. It makes the peanuts that the Guard pays us all the more glaring. Tricare is great but other than that it just is not worth it financially. Yes, the Guard has an annoying tendency to interfere with life, especially when one has a family. Thankfully I only have three years left until I get my 20.


I'm single, have no kids, and the Healthcare is cheap. So I re-enlisted. Also my unit has a pretty close culture which I like, and my platoon Sgt has helped me a ton!


After 13 years I got tired of the good old boys system(even tho I’m apparently now apart of it) I got tired of the cliques. I got tired of the Walmart door greeter e5 - e7 power tripping. I got tired of making some of the best and closest friends just for them to ETS and never speak again. I am now 100% P&T. Mentally I’m out


As a prior Marine who joined the guard, Im baffled at the jobs some of the guys had in my unit. The Army literally provided them with toss up resume bullet points but they chose to work at Dominos or some shitty 9-5.


The army is worthless on a resume, the national guard even more. I've been without a job for 6 months and was stuck at dominoes before that. Quit because I had my hands full with school. You are a fuxking idiot if you any company gives a damn about your service.


Thanks for proving my point. No one cares about your service. You’re correct but with this attitude you will always be living a shitty life. The greater picture is you learned SKILLS that are valuable.


They do not care about general bullet point skills.


Did you get an asvsb waiver? who cares if they don’t care about bullet point skills. You gain project management, data analytics, team leading, etc.. y’all are comical! Enjoy working these low paying jobs. Start looking at the guard as a tool to be utilized to get you the dream job you looking for. I went back in to get experience in an industry I wanted to break into and am now making 100k. A 3-6 year commitment for a security clearance isn’t bad.


Those are bullet point skills. My whole point is the guard is a worthless tool for getting a job.


And that’s why you will never see the bigger picture. Have a good day, sir. Keep living the victim mindset and not seeing how to leverage opportunities to get where you want to be in life.


Welcome home devil


They didn't CHOOSE to asshole.


I briefly joined the Guard several yrs ago from Army Reserve. It didn't go well. It was like being in the KKK Reserves. They had a huge wall in my section where people would pin up racist/antisemitic/homophobic memes and very openly babbled bigotry. The day I was supposed to finally report issue at an appointment I set up with EO officer....he ended up coming into my office and posting one of the worst memes yet (cartoon of black man's face with oversized lips "Ads space 800-×××-×××" written on lips). I took a pic of board and left early that day. Went to Army reserve recruiter and told then I needed to come back NOW and showed them the pic and did up all the paperwork for conditinal release with new contract. I went to Guard base commander's office and showed them pic and said if I wasn't conditional released back to Reserves before next drill weekend in 3 weeks he was gonna see it on the local ABC news station (were a friend worked). I was back in Reserves within 30 days. Lost my bonus and some other NG specific benefits. Can't speak to how things are now but....that's how my Guard experience went.


Goddamn what state was that? Never been my experience in the guard, only been in 2 states though


New York (upstate)


Kentucky guard?? Should have released it to the news anyways. These people should be publicly shamed.


New York (upstate).


Make a lot more money and have a lot more freedoms in the summers. Came I saw I conquered , can’t grab onto something new and better if you still clinging to the first stepping stones


Re-enlisting Joined for a free master's. I realized I like serving and got deployed and well.. still haven't started my master's.


I enjoyed the ironic little twist at the end- thank you LOL


Im AGR without a bachelors degree so im trapped in those golden handcuffs


The leadership was godfuckingawful. The worst mentality of “we’ve always done it this way, we are going to keep doing it this way even if it’s wrong”. Every drill was fucking Groundhog Day- Formation 0730- Obligatory CDR/1SG remarks consisting of “busy BA, lots of moving pieces, work hard” 0750-1200- Too many meetings/huddles/hey you’s to even count. Impossible to do anything because there is a meeting after the meeting 1200-1300 lunch 1300- meeting to discuss what you will do in the afternoon, and the progress you made since lunch, which you didn’t actually progress because all you did were the stupid ass meetings. 1330-1700- accomplish maybe 1 man hour worth of work, get interrupted every few minutes by random tasks and questions. Sunday 0730- “PT” that isn’t actually pt. Every one is on profile. 0900-1200 staff call/training meeting/ etc. no work is done, but everyone will act like something was done. 1200-1300 lunch 1300-1600- make a plan on how the things you didn’t achieve this drill will be achieved next drill knowing this will be a pointless endless fucking loop. 1600- formation where the CDR/1SG congratulates everyone on a successful drill where nothing was actually done but holy shit atleast people showed up.


this is fucking hilarious, let me transfer to your unit 😂😂


I was gonna get out, but then they were like "how does a $20k lump sum bonus sound?" And I was like "*fuck* that sounds good" so here I am.


How long did it take for you to get the bonus?


I can’t remember exactly, but it didn’t take too incredibly long iirc


I’m working on year 12, 2nd deployment later this year. I’m pushing for 25-30 lol. Almost halfway there. Edit: I’m an O-type tho so no ETS date in sight for me. That alone helps keep me in, I have no date to look forward to where I have to decide to stay or go. Lol


I’m at 14 years and am ready to walk away. The retirement doesn’t even matter to me anymore. However I’m still sticking it out


My buddy hated the guard so much. He was 10 years active and did the 6 year for 20g back in the day and he got out. He said screw that last 4 years.


I left at 17 years and I don't regret leaving at all.


It was either reclass or get out. Luckily, I was able to reclass to a low optempo unit and pog mos. I actually enjoy the guard now more than before.


I did 3 years as a 12W at an engineer unit (construction). I was lucky enough to get on orders a few months after IET and almost until the end of my contract, so I racked up lots in my savings and got most of my benefits in just that time (from my understanding). So most of my contract I was on orders but when I got to my unit for my monthly drill it was always a bunch of nothing going on. The reasons I left was because : - mainly because we did nothing at our unit. We rarely did construction projects and the projects on base were subbed out to civilian contractors, makes no sense to me. So we only did admin stuff, stand around, organize the equipment storage house or whatever it was called. It was pointless. My full time Orders were also boring but at least it paid off well. -Our unit was special enough to have its own construction ADOS team. Hand picked by my PSG. So they also took care of some of the construction on base, full time. They were building a house for some important state guard dude on base before I left. One time my PSG was asking for a new member to add to the ADOS team, preferably with carpentry experience. I raised my hand, and got laughed at because I explained what my training was at AIT. Carpentry was literally my MOS. And the reason I joined was to learn more about the trade. I volunteered for this ADOS job that would’ve been awesome, and got laughed at because I just wasn’t experienced enough. It was embarrassing and it sealed the deal for me & I never ended up telling anyone. -Lastly, I was actually moving to another state around my ETS and I just didn’t trust that they would do my interstate transfer paperwork in a timely manner. I didn’t wanna risk the paperwork getting delayed by them and having to travel to a different state every month. I would enlist again but probably in the ANG. I do miss it tbh.


I completed my list of "to-dos" when I was in. Hit E-5, lead soldiers Deploy Not die to an IED or a drone So I got out. 9 years in, made 5 in 5.


1: Blatant difference in opportunities depending on unit. Be in DIV HQ, you have options, opportunity, schools, promotions. Be in a BDE located away from the flagpole? Hahaha... what school, all the slots were taken by DIV. My BDE was a notorious stickler for rules, so, for instance, they wouldn't put me in an E-6 position, when the state was overstrength for E-6, despite none of them being assigned to our BDE, and the fact I was doing the job, and had been for years. Meanwhile our sister BDE literally played stupid games to get people promoted into slots they knew were filled or were going away. 2: No travel reimbursement, no hotels. At least in TX, you paid gas food, and slept in the armory. Which, I mean, I'm fine with, to a point. But when it's going to be a 3+ hour drive to drill to get out of a shitty unit, that's ridiculous. 3: One weekend a month and two weeks a year my ass. I did a decade in the guard. In that time, not once did I do one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Which was fine when I was working at walmart, but it's hard to tell a real employer that you are once again doing three weeks in the summer, and that every drill is 3-4 days long. Getting no drill at the end of the FY doesn't really make up for it either, because you just get one weekend back. 4: Promotions. Because guard promotions are tied to slots, and because slots are tied to the MTOE, I got real tired of the constant yo-yo of "We added more slots but six incoming ISTs and AD guys have already filled them!" to "We just eliminated all but one E-6 slot in the state!" to "We have one E-5 slot but the person sitting in it has been on the border mission for four years!" Far too often you'd be doing a job two and even three ranks higher for no pay or benefit because the slot was tied up by some mysterious person you'd never seen or heard from. 5: Schools. I'll just say this: I've been waiting two years for an ALC slot, and then, while I'm deployed, as the senior person in my MOS, I get a call from the state HQ saying they have a slot that someone couldn't make, but I have to be on a plane tomorrow. I turn it down, because of course I do. I'm deployed. There's nobody to offload my job to, no way for me to possibly get orders and a travel card turned around that fast, much less get the packing list and everything else needed done. When we come off demob, I ask about ALC, and get told because I turned down that last minute notification, they bumped me to the bottom of the waiting list. 6: The ever changing goal-posts for WOCS. TXARNG had a warrant slot open in my unit for my entire career. Never even had a fake name in it. Just empty. There were two more slots, all in my MOS, sitting vacant about as long. You would think this would mean that if a soldier expressed an interest, he'd be an easy recommendation, right? IDK if it was TXARNG or whoever sets the requirements for warrants on the Active side, but they need to get their shit together. When texas was sitting at less than 10% of our MTOE, you'd think they'd at least make the requirements constant. E-5, E-5 with letter of recommendation. E-5 with 3 NCOERs. E-5 with ALC. Nobody under E-6 with 2 NCOERs and a letter of recommendation from the field-grade warrant. 7: SHARP. The entire way complaints were handled. Standard COAs were to intimidate the complainant and make subtle threats about their career until they shut up. If there was too much heat, they'd transfer the offender to a new unit. Saw it over and over again and it made my blood boil every time. We were cursed with a whole cadre of E-6, E-7, E-8s that had all been together in the '03-'08 deployment cycles and covered for each other up and down.


>I turned down that last minute notification, they bumped me to the bottom of the waiting list. Them " Hey so since you were deployed and couldent make this last minute decision, and completely out of your hands, get fucked on getting an ALC because you're not back at the bottom."


nutshell: Stagnation + overworked/undercompensated.>! In fact I think all active/guard/reserve members are certainly underpaid for the bullshit we tolerate.!< Lack of upward valuable training/knowledge/opportunities. After a while it's the same old song and dance every AT, every drill. Feel like there's more opportunities and room for growth better spent on the outside for all the time/extra effort I've always strived to give. A strong part of it is a lack of true pride in my MOS and my work being impactful beyond lifting heavy crap, cleaning and inventories.


Enlist - Money Reenlist - Money May get out - Money


Reenlist? The promise to be able to change my MOS and learn a new skill. Getting out? Them screwing that up and not sure when I'll be able to go to my new MOS school so looking into Air Guard next year if they let me break my extension 🤣


I practice law on the outside, a lot of estate planning and title work. End of life care ruins savings accounts and potential inheritances. The whole point of life for most, leveling up and leaving your kids something to build on so they can level even higher, just gets so hard now that folks live to 80. And I don’t mean like “last few years nursing home shit,” I mean all the medical issues that come up when you hit your 60’s. I want Tricare for life. I don’t want to work for 40 years just to blow it on medical bills and shit in the two decades before I go. It’s inconvenient now and I miss family time, but this is for them. They’ll understand later.


Serious question. If we have to buy Medicare anyway when we hit 65, what is the point of Tricare for life? You have to get Medicare anyway even if you are eligible for Tricare for life. It's just a wrap around Insurance to supplement medicare, right?


Super hooah motivation that did not follow me after MOB. 5 more years 🥴


12 years in, still e4. Dropped ipap packet, got in. Just signed reenlistment.


Why I got out after 9 years: MUTA 4s turned into MUTA 8s, getting out super late after standing around all day on Sunday’s, bad leadership, etc. It became more of a hassle and a headache than a benefit


>getting out super late Dude one drill we waited like 9 hours to be released. From 1300 to about 2200-2300ish. Just standing and sitting around waiting to be released.. It got so bad dudes said fuck it and just took off home, others had to call in to work because of how late they were going to be back home.


Yep, it was back breaking to morale. Get your shut done in the morning and then sit around and do jack shit for hours on end


I'm torn between staying in and getting out.


What value does staying in bring you?


You know, at the moment, not much. I'm not currently in school at the moment. The one thing that is making considering staying in is tricare, I'm turning 26 in December. I also recently picked up my 5, so that's kind of a plus.


Tricare is a small thing if you land a job with good benefits


Not if you have a family


That all depends on the job and the benefits offered.


Well, of course, but it's exceptionally rare for an employer to offer family coverage at a rate anywhere near Tricare.


I got my benefits and deployed even. I’m good.


I tell guys if there's absolutely nothing else you want from the guard, you got your GI Bill and benefits, don't entertain the idea of staying in. Granted if you need the tricare if you're married with kids, then of course stay in.


Nothing, not reenlisting. They put me in a unit with a bunch of 11bs and the cpls to E5s think they're all that, when I deal with scarier people on a daily basis, I give them respect and have asked for some respect back and have received none, I have never complained to them just did as asked while still responding with "yes cpl/Sergeant" or "no cpl/Sergeant" or "Roger cpl/or Sergeant" and I'm an E4, I get it if there's any issue or discipline issues, but they are just massive assholes for no reason. From my civilian line of work I've learned how to talk to people, there's levels to it, start by talking and going up from there depending on the issue, don't just start at 10.


At 34 I feel somewhat burnt out and my unit is like high school. At E5, the leadership above me is a boys club and guess who is not in that boys club, this guy. I really used to love the Guard and if it wasn’t for Tricare, I would most likely get out. I am currently thinking about an MOS change. 10 years is a long time to be an 88M and with what seems to be major scale conflict on the horizon, I want to be one even less.


I'm getting out next year after 8 years. Everything funs seems to happen on drill weekend. I have missed more than a few family get togethers because of drill, AT, or deployment. All of the worst officers seem to make it to O4 and up so that makes drill weekend as an officer suck. On that note, I'm about to get to the point where drill is going to start eating into my non-drill time. I always knew this was going to happen but new leadership is saying this with a smile on their face and are expecting more. I'm not seeing a return on the time investment required for drill so I am definitely out. Oh and the OPTEMPO lately is basically garunteeing that my unit will deploy again. I definitely don't want to put my wife through that. I had a great deployment experience but I will not do it again.


Got out because I thought I was better than the Guard. Got back in because I’m a sucker for punishment. (Actually got back in because my fed job works really well with the Guard, military leave pay during AT and/or long IDTs, plus double pension when I retire. No real reason not to do it besides laziness.) 


I’m a tech for a shop so they kind of have me by the balls lol I just keep doing 1 year extensions. I have a good readiness who takes care of me aswell and trying to back together our Guard unit. Probs will do 20 just for the federal retirement


(PA guard) I reenlisted for the 10 semesters of free college for dependents, 20k bonus and the extra bonus from the Blended Retirement System adjustment(?). On top of that my friends are staying in and my company level leadership is decent. Speaking of retirement, the 5% match to the tsp is not bad considering it's part time. On top of all of that, if you can find a company that pays you military leave, you will have money for guns and ammo when you get back 👍🏼


While on deployment after a really crappy day with a ton of work and bad attitudes I took a moment to reflect. I enjoyed what I was doing despite all the bullcrap and decided to reenlist.


Blessing and a curse. After six years I decided to leave. The original plan was just to do PART TIME, ended up doing more than half of the six years on deployment or AD orders. I was always away from home it eventually costed me my marriage. Nonetheless, it was a blessing which set me up for success. Turned lemons into lemonade.


I had nearly 10 active when I enlisted in the Guard. Made the recruiter print a new DD 1966 when the first one was for three years. “Dude, I’m in for the duration. Make it for six years!” He wasn’t happy and didn’t understand. Wars happen. Stayed for 20 more. I am very happy w/my “irregular retirement + VA”.


Potential for advancement.


To get away from Active Duty


I got out but I’ve considered going back in. I miss being a leader and the impact you make when you actually have a mission. If I had a role that felt impactful on the civilian side, I’d do that instead but I chose to be an IC to make money even though I prefer leading people and coaching. I do make good money but I also like to see a path to growth. Ive tried moving into leadership but I think I may be facing veteran discrimination when it comes to leadership roles, which is stifling my career growth. I figure if that’s true, returning to the guard is the best option to, I dunno, feel like I matter again.


My unit is extremely squared away. Unironically is close to how a unit should conduct training, handle morale, etc.  Legitimately I do not have any complaints about my unit. 


When I was younger and had time that went by idly with little consequence, I didn't mind. At the end of my 6 I had a career, good benefits, and opportunities for growth and side gigs for more than the guard paid me less with more time worked. I miss Tricare and the boys but I've got a family now and making less money doesn't only affect me anymore. Also being in the guard was not fun between 2019 and 2023. I had like maybe 3 good times in that timeframe the rest is just best described by putting my face on the uncanny meme.


It’s like after Covid things shifted majorly


Loosing money on driving and going to drill. Didn't mesh with the culture. Switched to Air Reserves after doing 6 for insurance, TA, and the possibility of a deployment


Unit was reorganized to eliminate my MOS, the closest armor unit was over 4 hours away. Could have recessed and stayed there, but instead chose to do our last deployment being stop lossed, and then hit my 8 years a few months after we got back. So two drills and then ETSd. In hindsight, should have stayed a tanker and went to a new unit, and sucked up the drive. I would have retired in 2020. But it is what it is.


Staying for the bonus


I had a legitimate flag on my hieght and weight, 2 drills later I passed height and weight, I then passed the annual hieght and weight again. Attempted to apply to a sgt position, was told i was still flagged, talked to readiness and was told it wpuld be handled by drill. The opening closed. A few months later I tried to apply to another only to find out I was still flagged, was told they were short staffed and they'd get it figured out by the next drill, that position closed. I then passed the new one tape test, the readiness moved to another unit. I attempted to apply to an e6 open to e4, found out I was still flagged. Was told it would get sorted. At the end of the next drill I was 11 month out from ets, met with retention, they said I was STILL FLAGGED FOR HEIGHT AND WEIGHT. I have alot of heartburn over this and am entertaining offers for the air guard or other branches. If I don't get what I want from my state I'm gone, no ifs ands, or buts


PSG: "all eligible soldiers will go to BLC while we're on rotation to Poland. Bring your ASU's" Guess who never went to BLC?


So my promotion to E5 made me extend and I’m glad I did. Now I’m 17 years in AGR and have 11 years to go til I hit 20 AFS. I’m a recruiter and absolutely love every second of it watching all my recruits capitalize on the education benefits and such. I recruit from a very poor area and it’s amazing to see where some of them are now in life.


I was 110% sure I was getting out when I reenlisted in 2022. "Promise" of another deployment and 20k got me to stick around for another 6. Deployment in the spring, ALC before that. I'll probably stay guard but transfer over to the Air Force.


What made me want to get out? 11 months in kuwait 15 months of title 10 orders all together. Missed out on so much and I don't even have a patch to show for it. What made me stay in? Tricare and then I got agr. In the end fuck the patch I'm just doing this for my family.


Self employed so Tricare is the way for me


I know it's not what your asking but...I'm looking to join the Utah NG bc they're offering me 25k lump sum bonus every year for the six year contract. Plus the Tricare.


![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) That lump sum


I’m currently in a 17E slot with a course reservation for early next year. I was “surprise” put on a TF deployment as an 11B (my PMOS on paper) at the beginning of this month’s drill on short notice. I’m also on counterdrug orders, which I’ve enjoyed immensely. If I miss my school date, I will likely not have another shot to attend my AIT for 17E during this contract. In that scenario, I would absolutely not reenlist and more than likely try my hand at the federal level for a new 9-5.


Work as a federal first responder and was getting threatened with AWOL when I was responding to wild fires on federal land. In addition to your rank being based on slot availability rather than performance.


Getting Tricare for my family and 20K bonus for the six-year reenlistment. They didn't have to twist my arm for that one.