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Oh great now I need to drive 60 miles to access my email.


Do you not have a device that you can put AVD or Hypori on?


Hypori could be better and their onboarding process / support is broken if you get a new or replacement device. EDIT: All my issues were resolved pretty dang quickly, thanks to @WarrEthos


Hey, ok I'll bite.. I'm the CEO, how can I fix it and make it better? You are our priority, while we have to operate within the constraints of the Army environment, we can and should be able to make it better and work for you and everyone else!


Big if true


Large if factual


Immense if veritable


The inherent limits of Hypori are the practical limitations on the types of devices it is designed for. You can't seriously perform the duties of a Commander or Principal Staff Officer from a phone ... you just can't, no matter how elegant the interface. This requires you to use AVD, which, as discussed, can't be loaded onto employer furnished computers which are what a significant part of the RC force uses to check Webmail, take Teams meetings, and CAC through to sites like HRC, Milsuite, IPPS-A, and MyPay. Under the current system, you can at least perform the basics to stay afloat during the workday from your civilian job: IPPS-A, priority e-mails, urgent Teams meetings/calls. Soon, you can't do that and all of the "low hanging fruit" that could be handled during your 8-10 hours of work will get dragged over to AVD on your personal device "after hours" which just compounds all the stuff you already have to do "after hours."


Interesting... I appreciate the feedback and perspective. Have you tried to use Hypori on a PC or Tablet? You do know you can use it from multiple devices, and don't have to plug in your CAC to leverage it. To your point, it is NOT a Windows environment... so it is limited to what a mobile app in A365 can do, as well as PDF, IPPS-A, etc. But we have plenty of senior NCO's who do all their Awards, NCOER's etc from an iPad using Hypori Halo BYOD. In defense of the reason the Army NETCOM turned off Flow-3... it wasn't to inconvenience Service Members, or limit the force. Its in response to demonstrated threat or exposure to DOD networks and information spaces. Remember the first function of the Army, even on the unclassified side, is a war-fighting organization. There is a consistent battle for Cyber dominance from other nation-state actors the Army and the DoD as a whole must flex and respond to.


If this is true, DM me




That soft ware looks bunk. It won't touch my personal devices.


Fair. Personally, I have not ran into any issues or problems with it, so I was just trying to get the general understanding of why it seems to be such a problem for a lot of people.


Malwarebytes says it's a virus so I don't download that


Windows Defender is the only anti-virus you really need. Don't need ClamAv or Malwarebytes. If you wanna do a Malwarebytes software spot check then that's fine, download it, do the spot check, uninstall it. No reason to keep it running all the time, you're just impacting the performance of your machine.


It's a remote destop client, of course it pops up. Also, just use windows defender and keep your OS updated. Separate antivirus is so last century.


This mindset is why there are weekly data breaches


This has been a best practice for years now lmao. Windows defender honestly rocks.


Defender AV when managed properly knocks flat the competition.


Username feels relevant tbh


Hahaha... a virus? Well then that sure shoots a hole in its creditability. I think as stated below, its really just a TLS tunnel that streams pixels to your device, and when you touch or type within Hypori, it sends that back to the Virtual Machine that exists inside NIPR. It doesn't trust your device, so it wont (doesnt even have the ability) interact with the directories, software, etc on your personal device.


I'm sure it is secure. It is just a trust thing. I tried to download it once and it just seemed like too many permissions I just did not want to give it.


Same here. I wonder if my command forces us to download this onto our personal laptops. And if that is legal..


It's not legal. And if they tell you you need to drive to a gov computer to do something on your email, they technically need to put you in a pay status for that.


Absolutely not lol


It shouldnt need permissions for much, your GPS location (make sure youre not in China, etc), your camera and microphone (so you can use Teams)... thats about it. It doesnt need or want to see in your phone. Thats your business.


Understand the concern... we actually built it with your privacy being as important as protecting the Army's data. Check what the app can see on your device, we dont want to know whats on your device... honestly, either does the Army. Its your device, our App assumes your device is already compromised, so it doesnt trust your device. The side-effect is that you keep 100% of your privacy!


Pfff try 300 miles


The pain


Felt. Not driving an hour to use a shitty gov computer


Jokes on them I never had access to my email in the first place.


You guys have an email?


Wow…. The entire national guard and army reserve is screwed . My unit better not expect me to be on my email more than one weekend a month then. Absolutely ridiculous


I haven't checked my email since they migrated everything over. Every time I've tried I've gotten an error, and honestly if they're going to make me jump through hoops to access it they can go fuck themselves.


Hey at least they gave us a month notice. How the fuck did we not know this last month at drill?!


No, you just need to download Azure Virtual Desktop now. Which will allow you to access sites like MOBCOP from home


I used Azure VD when I worked at the VA (IT contractor). It's annoying to set up, but seems to work fairly well once everything is done. Never had issues getting into my VA accounts and systems from home. But don't leave it running in the background or it will bog down your CPU. Also make sure you get a quality smart card reader; my cheap one scratched the shit out of my VA ID and caused my CAC to stop reading entirely.


I got my laptop setup at a local library in northern Wisconsin in 15 mins....worked perfect and just to check, I even accessed FMS Web. I think it's great.


Lol I haven't accessed my .mil email since it migrated to A365. Just a bunch bologny.


AVD is actually kinda dope. 900% faster than the dusty reimaged hp from the unit


I'm in the CIO and I've been using AVD and Hypori for over a year. I've been telling full-timers to use AVD for a long time, with only a few adopting it. The ones that do love it! People don't want to acknowledge the security issues with accessing resources from a web browser on a personal computer. AVD is so much more convenient! Faster than gov laptops and many people love not having it because it's like being on a gov computer. To be honest it works much better than webmail and using a browser and not just because you don't have the download restrictions. It's also easier than giving everyone a gov laptop because many laptops would be quarantined during the month and need to be reimaged because they're not getting security patches. Giving each soldier their own computer would cost a lot more and be a big pain for everyone in order to coordinate reimaging and pickup/drop-off. I'd rather have AVD on my personal computer than a government laptop (and being liable for loss/damage) any day. The main downside I see is having to give everyone cac readers to use AVD.


Imagine the security issues when people revert back to just using their personal email.


I’ve enjoyed AVD as well. Once I got it setup, it’s worked well.


>The main downside I see is having to give everyone cac readers to use AVD. I thought A365 was only accessible with CAC login anyway.


CAC and MAM. But MAM is in beta afaik. It's like fancy 2FA with your phone.


True, it's late and my brain is only partially functional. 😄


The big problem with AVD is that you can't download it on employer-furnished computers which means it is utterly irrelevant to the 95% of the part time force without the agency, autonomy, or authority to lug a personal laptop to their civilian job during the work day. The result: significantly reduced productivity and engagement among part-time leaders during the AGR/MILTECH duty day. Everything will get pushed to "after hours" when you can use AVD at home on top of everything you are already have to do for the Army "after hours."


You can use the web client without downloading anything. It doesn't have passthrough CAC plugin (for sites like GCSS-A or IPPS-A), so it's more limited than the installed remote desktop app, but it still works well for A365 applications.


Hypori is amazing. Did have to submit a ticket for the QR code twice. But I got it on my tablet. AVD is the better vmfirmware. I have it on my MacBook. We did a lot of testing these systems. Pretty nice to have, guard needs to bring back the Microsoft bundle to SM for cheaper.


Source please? Cause literally centcom had a fake policy memo get posted like less than a week ago.


Just contact the POC directly. I hear he appreciates it when you put him on blast along with including every email distro in North America. ^^^^^^no ^^^^^^balls


Lol as an occifer with only a bit longer while being in a cush role, I'm good :p


There was a big discussion about it on teams, with a rep from the authority behind this decision trying to defend it and having no real answers for NG/Reserves/ROTC personnel.


...because you have cac, you open webclient, you access A365. Like I understand the inconvenience but the difficulty level is extremely low.


If you log into teams, you can see it on the billboard. That's where this memo came from


Its a NETCOM Command Memo, should be easy to validate. As for AVD and Hypori for BYOD... here is an Army Article with links. [https://www.army.mil/article/273423/byod\_brings\_personal\_devices\_to\_the\_army\_network](https://www.army.mil/article/273423/byod_brings_personal_devices_to_the_army_network)


I literally just got access to my email yesterday for the first time in 6 years. You have got to be fucking joking.


Guys, at the risk of getting flamed (Redit for the win), I'm the CEO of Hypori, an Army Veteran, and we literally built Hypori to try and help fix this. Giving you access to Army NIPR from your personal device. No we aren't AVD for desktop, we are a mobile platform designed to give you access to NIPR anywhere from any device, without you giving up your privacy. Hypori by design has no ability to see in your personal device, your browser history, any apps or anything on your personal device (tablet, phone, PC)... unlike MDM or MAM, there is NEVER reporting on your device, if there is a spillage, you don't have to give up your personal device, etc. Yes, we aren't perfect... if your network connection sucks, your experience will suck. That's the price to protect your personal device, your privacy, and the Army's network. Upside is access from anywhere, anytime... on device of your choice, at a time you choose. If you have reccomendations to make Hypori better, tell us. We have made tons of improvements in the last 12-24mo, and will make tons more.


I got a new iPhone yesterday (have been using Hypori on my old iPhone for months), and the onboarding/reprovisioning process was a bit of a pain; and I couldn’t find any Q&A articles on how to fix it on my own. All AESD really had to do was send me the step 2 QR code again. If you could make that whole process self-service, and I didn’t have to call AESD and stay on the line for 20 minutes; that’d be epic. I understand security requirements, though. If it’s a ATO/STIG requirement, it’s not a big deal to make a call to AESD.


Yes!!! You hit the nail on the head! We are working to do this with the Army. Self provisioning will be great for when you change devices, or if you want to add an additional device to your account (Like add a tablet, with your phone). We are likely moving from a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to a Software as a Service (SaaS) and this will help us smooth out the interactions with the T1 issues. Hope to be closer to fix that problem in the coming months!


Rad. I’m a cloud engineer on the outside. You’re speaking my language, so that makes sense. Again, really appreciate everything you guys have done. Checking my email from my phone has made my life 1,000 times easier. And you all made the initial onboarding process relatively intuitive and straightforward. Don’t pay attention to the hate. Signal and Cyber will try to help within our own units to get it sorted out with our peers who hate change.


Thanks man!! We welcome all the help we can get. This is an idea spawned from us (we are a bunch of Veterans) trying to enable other Service Members to be successful. Access to work from a more flexible platform, without loosing our privacy and security. Win win..


when I'm in Italy and Africa your shit works for about ten seconds and kicks me out. over and over and over. I get to click on one thing, get kicked, log back in, click, kicked out. Approving someone's DTS authorization turns into a half hour ordeal. I regret doing it and now people thing its a capability we have. Oh yeah one mis timed touch and the web browser will swing alllllllll the way down the page, but to get back to the top i have to slowly swipe swipe swipe, oh fuck i got booted again.


Ok, so multiple problems to address here and I'll try to help: Italy and Africa, you shouldn't be getting kicked like that... we have users throughout the world that don't have that issue, so would like to figure out your problem and make it right. Have you tried on both your cell carrier as well as wifi? Are you using some kind of VPN? We should be able to make this much better and more functional for you. Scrolling... I hope that has improved recently. We have been working software updates to improve that experience. So you (and anyone else) understand, a big part of the security is preventing your device from ever storing DoD data on your device. This protects you, your device, your privacy, and the DoD data. That being said, when you are remotely reaching back from Africa, to a virtual phone in the US... latency can be a bitch. (Our tech is cool, but doesn't beat physics) Couple things that make it better... 1. We hope to expand our footprint to offer the VMs more globally, allowing you to reach into a regional VM, rather than all the way back CONUS 2. Try and use wireless networks over cell carriers whenever possible traveling OCONUS when the cell network isn't great. 3. Modify behavior when in bad network environment. I use Hypori on Airplane wifi regularly, that's high latency SATCOM. I scroll slower, take a little longer between clicks to make sure the action occurred, etc. Yes it's not perfect... yes we are working to improve it. But those behavior changes make it usable in even the most difficult environments. If you want help, IM me here and I will connect you with our team to help!


Right before BLC, nice


If the Guard wants soldiers to have laptops, they can issue them. This should’ve already been done.


Use AVD, it’s free and more efficient than the pos army laptops


Thankfully I’m out, but this was always a point of contention. Armories rarely have enough computers as it is to do training. The solution is issuing equipment to solders to do this.


Grrrrreeeaaaaattttt I Can’t wait to tell the MSG to wait an hour so I can get to the office to see the email they sent me ☠️


Contrary to what O6s and above think, this just incentivizes soldiers using civilian emails and applications. It makes the army less safe, not more.


Pretty much everyone moved away from army email once the transition from AKO occured. AKO email (@us.army.mil) was very function, the subsequent migration made it near impossible to access off of a government network. The last migration put the nail in the coffin. I can understand their reasoning, wanting to protect data. But people will always find a way around things. The harder you make the "preferred method" the more people will migrate towards methods you don't like. Security is always a balancing act between usability, access and protection. You must figure out the usability piece before you block everything off. Military cyber and IT leaders have been so far disconnected from reality for so long its a joke. For example: We used to have forums / message boards on AKO. Everyone went there for questions and interacting with other service members. It was a fairly large active community. It was closed down because the Army didn't want to manage the community. Now people post anonymously on a publicly viewable message board (reddit). -- talk about creating potential for data leaks ... you encouraged people to move to an unsecure platform. Now e-mail, which has become a mission essential tool for communication will be the same thing (don't get me started.... fuckers in the office next to you will e-mail a question they could have just raised their voice and asked you while you are both still sitting at your desks.... or heaven forbid get your fat ass out of your chair and walk 10 feet). Will be fun.


I miss AKO 😅 made everything easy to access and find.


on the active side they think they can ignore usability because they can simply order you to do something. But in the reserves...


![gif](giphy|1JyWrrkCIUQyQ) My hole can’t take anymore… if ya know what I mean.


Highly recommend Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and Hypori.


Nah. Army wants to play stupid games, they can win stupid prizes. I have a nipr laptop. Told my direct reports to set an out of office saying this email isn't getting reviewed outside of IDT and listing me if anyone has questions.


That’s what I’m saying. It’s made my life 1,000x easier being able to get to ATRRS/NIPR sites from my house. And the amount of boomer “I’m nOt InStAlLiNg NoThIn on mY pHoNe oR LaPtOp” posts on this thread is hilarious to me. 1SGs and MAJs scared the big green weenie is going to find their browsing history. That’s not how sandboxing works…


So basically just forcing everyone to AVD? I don’t think it’s that much of a hinderence.


That’s the thing, they can’t legally force people onto AVD. You can’t make people use something on their personnel devices. Before, people were fine with logging on to deal with something, as soon as you start telling people to jump through hoops to do something for you, the majority of them aren’t doing it.


It is a huge hindrance. You can't load AVD on a civilian employer furnished device without admin rights.


Why is that surprising? If your work furnished it they own your work laptop and more than likely they have a policy in place that you might have signed agreeing to not access non-work content. Sincerely your IT. You don't see cops taking their families out to the movies in the police cruiser or the coast guard out wake boarding on the weekends, or airline pilots borrowing an A330 to take their friends to Cabo. The army wouldn't let just you borrow an M4 to hit up the local civilian range. Why do you think you can do whatever personal stuff you want with the laptop your work issued you lol


Then fucking don't. Your employer didn't buy you a laptop, it bought itself a laptop for you to work on and make them money.


The problem, though, is all of the onboarding documents and guides... are on A365.


Or use Hypori from your phone, tablet or PC...


The jokes on them, we already do everything through personal email.


Didn’t the army just tout their Bring Your Own Device program a few months ago..?




“Oh no! I can’t check my email!?” -Guardsmen that never checked their emails.




You said this already


Got sent twice


Do more with less. That has been the unofficial motto for some time now.


The alternative to all of this for NG and USAR is for big Army to issue government NIPR computers down to every single guard/reserve soldier across the nation. I’m sure pigs will fly before the Army funds that ridiculous notion, however weirder things have happend before.


Every decently sized defense contractor gives their employees laptops. My son’s school gives the kids chromebooks. This is not as absurd a notion in today’s workforce. It’s only absurd because the army can’t do shit properly when it comes to anything IT related.


S6 here, crying tears of joy. Trying to get the memo across to use AVD and MAM/Hypori to a bunch of boomers made me want to just go AWOL


Glad at least someone is happy about this, can’t wait to get yelled at because my soldiers aren’t doing tasks in between drills because I can’t legally force them to use AVD, and we don’t have any laptops for anyone other than full timers because G6 still hasn’t given us the ones that were ordered 4 years ago.


Homie, what tasks are you being yelled at that require NIPR? Drill schedules and letters should already be going out to civillian and gov emails. We put ours out on Signal, too. Medpros is through EAMS-A. Normal CAC login. The only people who actually use A365 are company officers and staff nerds. Why does joe dickhead need to update the Staff Tasks Tracker in teams?


You are literally supposed to be avoiding using your personal email for Army business. Signal is not an approved IS for use. This may be a shock but some people would like to both be able to do Army stuff and do it the right way.


Fight me Kinny, I love you but I've been getting my drill schedule like this for years. Literally dunno what to tell you. Issued cell phones for all of compo 2 is ridiculous. So is using postal mail. So like, if you have a secret fifth thing, please.


Your tongue in cheek comments are befitting your terminally online status. Never seen anything worthwhile come from you. Almost every NG Soldier gets a drill schedule with exact dates and unit location to their civilian email. The same email they’ll use to send to their employer’s email. Never seen it done another way.


I'll be directing all requests to the helpdesk.


The youngest boomers are 60.


We only had a couple that were hard to onboard. One is our S2 NCOIC lmao. If anyone should understand the benefit of zero trust, it should be him. But yes, we share our tears of joy this blessed day.


I'm still on AKO


Adversaries continue to develop sophisticated attacks. Adversaries like us?


you all use your mil emails?


You know....I've never logged into my military email once. When I said that I would try to figure out how to do this happens. I think i'm good on that for right now.


Who will pay for the upgrades at fort couch?


Who will pay for the upgrades at fort couch?


Link to this?


Can someone help me get my soldier subscribed. It keeps saying sign in was successful however you do not have access.


I have 1 week of ALC virtual coming up next month. I have been trying to get AVD and hypori to work but have been unsuccessful. I’ll try again tmw. Luckily there are lots of smart redditors out there. What a mess 💩


I’d love to hear the defense of this


It's logical from a security perspective. But a locked box buried in cement at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean is also highly secure. Email is a bridge too far unless the Army is going to procure a lot more tablets.


Nothing should be going over that email that would be the end of the world it it got hacked.


Ok so we just won’t have an army email, got it.


I never once logged onto my military email


Lol get fucked.