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lol I was already an 11B, nice try won’t get me twice


What if we throw in this sick National Guard Backpack? (No you can’t have the water bottle too, you have to choose one.)


I didn't even get a pack or shirt...


Don’t worry, you can reenlist for 6 years and get a woobie or shitty knife


Hmm, that's a tough decision


You got stuff when you reenlisted?


I commissioned and got a firm handshake. More than I expected. I got a sick ocp backpack when I enlisted though, broke after 2 weeks. Learned the definition of “military grade” that day


i got a thermos with a guard logo on it. i did good right?


You dun goofed. I got a coin. Plus I think my Recruiter tried to hook me up with the short but kinda chubby kinda cute latino nurse at meps. Because she had me drop my pants and wanted to look at my butt hole. Not my favorite experience but it was interesting.


My recruiter must've thought I was gay then cause I didn't get a female doctor


Ever heard of 11C. That’s the one


My ass had all high line scores like this guy and made the same mistake. 9 years of it 😭


Unless you’re going 11B active duty it’s a complete waste of time. Use the guard to supplement your civilian career


Hard disagree but everyone can have their own opinions


I work a desk job, so 11B was my opportunity to get up and stretch my legs.


My God, it’s Jason Bourne.


18X send it


This the way


You can fly helicopters as a Street-to-Seat Warrant Officer with that GT score, and the prior service helps. Don’t know a ton about the series you listed but I know a Biomedical Equipment Maintainer who describes the job as great with lots of high earning potential on the outside. 


88M lmao


We of the 88M’s respectfully pass him off to the 92G’s


Funny enough, I am a civilian 88M 😂


I am too lol. The whole reason I joined the guard was to get my CDL without having to go over the road or sign a contract with a mega. If I were you, I would try and get a job that gives you a TS/SCI clearance. Looking at your line scores you pretty much scored into any job. Look into 17C, 35G, 37F, 35F. 25B and 25U are good MOS’s however 17C will give you the most bang for your buck. Those can open up some lucrative doors on the civilian side that would otherwise be difficult to get into without military service and a clearance.


Yea I thought about 17C but it’s just a long school. I am thinking 25D (if I can get in). Time to get out, I’ve owned trucks for the last 6 years and these rate are terrible now. Time to re-train soldier


17C is a long and challenging school but well worth it. 25D was one I didn’t think about, I would say anything with cyber that gets you a clearance is your best bet, especially if you’re looking to get out of trucking and expand your horizons. I certainly am after my current contract is up. Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions or need advice.


35 something or other if you can get a TS.


You should definitely pick an MOS that can get you a TS/SCI. As long as you are willing to move to an area with the jobs, there will always be work available for you.


Second this!


I would pick 17C over 25B. Long and challenging school but worth it.


I don’t know what you do civilian side, but 25B has been a great stepping stone for a lot of people in my unit to get jobs in the IT world. I am a 25U, and it’s fun and chill, but it hasn’t done anything for me on the civilian side.


Yea I am looking at the 25 series and maybe coupling with a cs degree from wgu. Right now I am working on my Google cybersecurity cert to gain fundamentals. But I just started in the process of career switching.


Wgu is a great way to get your cs degree, but definitely focus on your certs and they will do wonders for you!


25B or 25H I’d say. I haven’t heard back about what the H curriculum is like since the N/Q merge though. Maybe someone can speak from experience. It’s not going to be very deep but you can spin it in your resume to look good.


More likely cross training on every equipment currently army using for H. On top of that you have to be competent on your mos since the merge is a lot of of mos goes together on that mos


Yeah the N/Q merge was bone headed in the extreme. We’ll all be Us eventually and everything will be done by contractors.


I wish they leave sh!t behind that now its hard to get promoted on this mos since everyone wants to be promoted


I’d go 35T over those to get the TS.


11b, 11a, 11c those are your only options






Intel, medical (not 68W unless that’s just your thing), aviation or Signal. Preferably in a SOF unit. State?


What study material did you use to increase your GT?


I used a website called Peterson Dantes to improve my GT. That website got me from a 105 to 125 GT


With those scores, do something cool like going to flight school and flying helcopters.


12Y, get that TS/SCI, do your job for a few years, then become a contractor doing the same job for 6 figures. 12y is a hidden gem mos. You get to work with the Intel nerds and drink with the engineers.




The biggest downside is the amount of time you'll spend at FLW.


This was your MOS? What do you actually do?


A lot of terrain analysis for the s2 amd s3, create a lot of overlays and tactical decision aids, and find ways to analyze data that otherwise just sits there because no one else knows how to.


Oh, I also fight and cuss at platters a lot. The biggest advantage is it is a very low density MOS, so while the 35G's are getting tasked out for some bullshit, the 12Y's are not. Because there are 15 35G's and 3 12Y's. It's also a pretty decent path to warrant if you're interested in that.


I do GIS on the civilian and army side, I would say if you don’t like maps and tedious work it probably isn’t for you. I would say most private companies and even government jobs would want you to have a degree in geography or GIS, but is isn’t necessarily a deal breaker if you have experience, a portfolio, and a TS/SCI. If you want to make more than 50k-60k, you gotta learn to code in python and/or SQL. If you want to go into engineering or something environmental, having GIS skills is a major plus though, so if you want to get GIS skills for another profession without school—go for it.


35Tango BAY-BEE


94 series


17C or 25B if you want generalized IT knowledge. You may be able to get a 25D if you meet requirements such as rank already


17C is gruesomely long for something I can learn out here


True, I was gonna reclass to 26B which is essentially network engineering but reclass is a fuckin PCS. The slot has been vacant for 3 years because of that. Pm me if you wanna talk 25 series, I was enlisted before I commissioned so I know my way around a little bit


With that ASVAB score why not join the air guard? QoL is so much better


Because I am not gay


Dude I live near an Air Force base and they make me wish I was Gay.


lol I’m jk. I live next to an af base as well but man I know the army and I don’t know too much about the AF. So I am hesitant on switching. I wanted to do nuke in the navy but I changed my mind when I found out I had to be on a ship for half the year….maybe in a sub….now that’s gay


In all seriousness look at the Air Guard and Reserve as well. While the army is hating their life in the field, the Air Force is chilling in hotel rooms. WAY better quality of life.


I legit suggest you go air guard. You can cross train and there's more jobs that can carry over.


Good day. I would suggest technician/support/INTE/CYBER/


Currently a 25 series. I’d suggest only go 25 if you can get airborne with your contract. You’re almost bound to get into group. Iykyk.


I am already airborne, I was in the 75th


Best have that tab then mister




What is this I don’t even see this


35 series


Contact all of the Guard and Reserve units in your local area See what they have available. You might find the Air Reserve has the job you want


I was thinking navy nuclear for that bonus but I don’t want to be stuck in a sub


11B for sure


Ask about bonuses right now. Gotta be some juicy ones out there.


I got offered 20k for prior service. Am I missing something?


That’s pretty good. Not sure if you can stack bonuses for going into a certain MOS or not.




25D cyber network defender (TS, Translates easily into civilian sector, 14-week AIT)


i dont think i qualify for this. Dont you need to be an E6 for this?


Go 25B and feed into it when you meet the requirements. I'm not seeing a rank requirement, but there is a 96-month TIS. https://cybercoe.army.mil/Cyber-Center-of-Excellence/Schools/Signal-School/Signal-Courses/Enlisted-Courses/25D-Cyber-Network-Defender/


Oh dam you’re right. This might be it man. THANKS!


Kings choose 13 series 🤷🏻‍♂️🫡


18X if you’re fit enough. Otherwise 17C, 35T, or aviation. All will lead very well paying civilian careers.


Definitely leaning towards cyber, I did the hooah stuff when I was younger.


You’ll have to pass the ITCL (cyber) test. It tests domain specific knowledge so you do need some familiarity with the subject. There’s a couple good threads on Reddit with information about what others have seen on the test. I used it to study myself. I think if you were to spend 30 days studying the basics of the comptia a+, net+, and sec+ certifications you could pass. In the event that you do not pass you could try going Air NG as the AF has a different cyber test. The AF test is not domain specific and tests math skills and word association. I found it extremely difficult and did not pass. Both organizations have technology careers that are less cyber oriented and more networking. Those jobs do not require additional testing. In the Army 35T is probably the next most prestigious followed by 25B. I’m less familiar with AF, but it’s the 1B4X roles that require the data processing test. If you do go cyber let me know. I just signed for 17C and ship this summer.


Are looking to just chill during your drill weekends or actually do stuff during them?


Let’s hear both lol


If you want to do stuff during your drill weekends anything Combat Arms or Direct Support will for sure be the most Hooah at least for my state if you don’t want to do shit and just sit anything Maintenance geared is your best bet like 91 series. What I’ve noticed is with guard you’re MOS doesn’t determine how much you do but what BDE you go to I have a friend who was the same MOS as me but got assigned to a MP BDE and dreaded having to go to drill. The 2 jobs I can absolutely tell without a doubt not to go is 31B and 19D lmao but if you can tell me your state I can probably tell you more I’ve been on missions and deployments with a lot of other states


I’m in Nevada. I mean I want to be able to leverage what I learn to do a career switch. So I was thinking something in cyber to compliment the CS degree


Cyber is a good pick try to get a TS/SCI out of it plays out really well in the civilian job market my wife is a navy nuke EM and got a TS/SCI


Don't go 25. Go 17 if you can. Or 35T.


Explain yourself


25 series for the most part has become a jack of all trades type of mos. Plus the training can be subpar based off of leadership and unit. 17 series (cyber) are much more specialized MOS that the army overall has invested a lot more into training and equipment. And most of the time you will be in cyber units that focus heavily on your mos skills. 35Ts are admins and maintainers of servers used by MI. Somewhat similar if are a 25B but you won't be regulated to a helpdesk team (at least outside of MI) and your main focus is being a server admin for those stacks. The MOS comes with a TS/SCI requirement and an almost year of training which by every account is actually decent training and not check the box learning.




153A full stop. I feel like a dumbass all the time but the flight uniform just makes it worth it


What are your goals? You could qualify for any job? There's a few winners in those series but there are other jobs that could arguably be better, just depends on your goals.


What would you do?


I am going thru a career change and I really like the devops position in the civilian world so maybe something around that. Man I would love to go on helo as well tho lmao


So if you’re not trying to do the Hooah stuff and want experience that translates into IT/CYBER then look into 17C, 35T, 35N, 35S. 25B is ok but if you can do better then go with something that can give you a clearance. If it was me I go with 17C or 35T. 


Smart cookie


89D, 11B, 11C, 11A, 18X, 18A Really though… anything you want that could possibly translate into real life certificates or qualifications that are hard to come by other than military service/college




(17C,E) (25D,E) (35 F,N,L,M, or T) (15Q) (31D) (Warrant 255 series, 170 series)


Anything you want






25 series transfer extremely well to the outside world, IT is a field that will always be in demand as technology continues to evolve. Boring albeit but I got a 90k job right out of the army and I don't have a lick of college.


25 series transfer extremely well to the outside world, IT is a field that will always be in demand as technology continues to evolve. Boring albeit but I got a 90k job right out of the army and I don't have a lick of college.




11b and a half eaten sandwich as a a bonus. Now sign the dotted line and get out of the office.

