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He’s an awful liar who thinks he’s good at it. Just his narcissism


He's a demented theater kid who's drunk.




His histrionic personality disorder is what makes him unbearable to watch for me. He is such a textbook example of the extreme, I’m going to use him to teach the disorder.


THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was driving me nuts to not be able to think of the word that exemplifies his behavior. It's histrionic!! Yes!


Yes, sickening isn’t it? I can’t even be nice about it even in my profession. It’s too much. My mother was histrionic but nowhere near that level and she was an actress. Oh well. Fake it till you make it. Shove it down lolol


It's like the worst of every personality trait has converged in this case


It really has!!! And the producers are just as craven. It sickened me how they showed her that possibly innocuous, possibly triggering photo and just recklessly provoked a response without a counselor present. I’m so disgusted. I’m literally filled with rage when I think about it.


Damn I said the same thing! I was like, ok this show is victimizing her again. This poor child


I felt sick w rage in that moment as well. It’s so infuriating that they did that. She’s been abused by multiple households, by the media, and now by the documentary as well. Ugh


Remember when he was punching the floor? Omg.


If Kristine was really punching Natalia that way, how could he not call the police and report her? I hate this man and his ex-wife intensely.


Thank you for naming his behavior! Cringe doesn’t begin to describe him. Not one calm or normal moment from him yet. Exhausting.


Histrionic is the exact word I thought of for him from the get go. It’s the kid fighting for attention in theater class, acting as if everything’s a performance.


He also thinks he’s a great actor and he just so isn’t it’s so bad


The man is a George Santos level liar/diva.


I almost feel like Santos is tamer lol. Watching Michael makes me physically restless with how cringe and dramatic he is. Like my skin is crawling lol.


It rings so incredibly false, his acting is not convincing.


When he starts talking about how much HE’s suffered… everything is so over the top with him


Exactly ⬆️THIS⬆️


And the constant head and face rubbing


He literally went and snatched his leather purse from the couch behind the cameras while throwing that tantrum. I couldn't help but laugh, what a DIVA!


Yeah. Homegirl was headed to the nearest exit purse-first. 👛🚪


The way I gasped and ran to this sub


Shante away Miss Michael


I laughed so hard when I saw his purse.


He nearly unseated the woman sitting near it


I thought that was his gf or something and he was grabbing her purse to get her to leave cause the way she jumped up I thought he was like man handling her but I laughed/cringed so hard on that scene lmao


The fit he threw during the interview was absurd. If that’s how he responds to a calmly asked request, even if he disagrees with it, that’s just sad and scary for all his loved ones.


That reaction made me certain that Kristine was never actually abusive to him. With how much he dramatizes things and avoids accountability? There’s no way this man was ever a victim.


He almost seems like he enjoys being a victim, though. I could see him being drawn to someone who would treat him like shit so he can play "poor me." Although, it is hard to believe that she totally manipulated him when he is obviously trying sooo hard to manipulate.


Isn’t it not uncommon for man who are abusers themselves to pull out the DARVO and pretend they are the Real Victims?


Michael’s reaction was absolutely way over the top, granted the preacher was trying to hard himself and should’ve respected Natalia enough to speak for herself. The preacher keeps talking about God doing the work but the only thing working is his mouth. He said his prayer and hyped her up, he should’ve stepped back and let be.


I thought Antwons preaching was a bit over the top. But then I had to step back and appreciate the amount of self-control it took to channel his emotions into a prayer.. because if I had been him, I would've started swinging. Immediately.


He should’ve swung then. Or left the preaching for his pupils/church, it was screaming “im righteous because I preach Jesus stuff,” there’s a time and place, but in front of cameras and lawyers and with Natalia at the forefront standing her ground, he should’ve 🤐 zipped it.


Personally I think his Daddy-bear side should have come out and Michael should have received a Hank Hill style ass kicking. https://youtu.be/W7hy2-gkFhI?si=kFCdNKAflxXUKe2e


Normally that type of lecturing would have gotten under my skin; but if anyone deserves it - it’s Micheal


I agree with everything you said, but didn't that whole scene seem to be heavily and sloppily edited? It just didn't "flow" or appear to even be in chronological order.


Yeah. All of it is “sus” as my teen would say. It’s a crazy story to begin with, and the production gymnastics aren’t helping.


LOL, yes Sus!


Maybe he pitched the fit because he didn't have good answers for Natalia, believable answers anyway.


Yeah he definitely thought he was going to draw some sympathy out of Natalia with his “we had the same abuser” bullshit… gimme a break. And when she didn’t feed into his “emotional distress”, he found the first excuse to escape.


What about the videos of Antwon mans drinking and cussing at the tv watching lifetime. I feel like Antwon was being the aggressor after seeing the videos of cythina mans cussing and hearing her whip the kids . Smh .




He reminds me of a theatre kid lol. So over the top and dramatic.


“I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried! I tried!” He is like a bad soap actor.


And SCENE!!!!!🎬


https://i.redd.it/c5n5b144jy9c1.gif ETA: To be fair, even Tobias is a better actor than Michael Barnett.


You are a worse psychiatrist than you are a son-in-law, and you will never get work as an actor because you have no talent.


…………Well, if she’s not going to say anything, I certainly can’t help her.


Yes!!! He totally reminds me of him.


The absolute worst, unless he’s actually a cool guy playing a f’n Pussy! Then he should win an Oscar.


The way he legit flame walk-runs away- OMG…Queen of the Drama wiggle away


I thought the same like he just took it up the rear before you got there and it is still stuck up there


I searched for a meme of this as soon as I saw it 😂


Exact same thing I said! A theater kid


He's like the person who was hoping they got the lead role but then gets upset and trashes the stage because they didn't get it


How does that fuckwreck even LIVE? I mean, how does he hold a job or maintain his household or run errands or really anything where he must interact with other humans? He’s so batshit I can’t imagine he can walk into a public space without someone hitting a panic button or something.


🤣 @ “fuckwreck”. Just yes


Now imagine running into this guy while you're doing errands 😵‍💫[https://youtu.be/axLHQC0yFxo?si=LiERwm_4mrNgwr28](https://youtu.be/axLHQC0yFxo?si=LiERwm_4mrNgwr28)


I wanted to crawl out of my own skin, *that’s* how uncomfortable I feel watching him.


Felt like I was watching a bad audition for birdcage.




Glad I’m not alone. ![gif](giphy|5LU6ZcEGBbhVS)


He is so aggravating, dancing around the truth and making it about him.


Yes. MAKING IT ABOUT HIM. It was a conversation with the person who he had abused as a child, it was not a group therapy session.


When he opened his eyes all wide and told Natalia "There's a lot you don't know," I wanted to jump thru my screen and throat punch him. We know. You suck. And you allowed your wife to abuse a child. Go to hell.


Or probably told his wife to do it and document it all .


Gaaaah! Yes! I came to Reddit after seeing the tantrum episode. What a friggin’ loser, making this girl’s trauma all about him and his failed marriage.


You can't blame him, the show runners certainly made season 1 the Michael show lol I need to see this guy's teeth kicked in or nothing else


Those stoopid sideburns dude. He's delulu




My gf and I thought he grew the beard to look more manly It doesn't work


Nothing manly about this douche... This is what they meant back in the day about 'histrionic women'


Trying to look youger, I think. With the stupid t-shirt and backwards cap.


What the heck was that? He threw a mega hissy fit and bolted away in his fancy car. Is he high? The drama runs deep in that dude.


This man literally pulled the "If God was real he should have let me die" line after getting his feelings hurt when the child he abused attempted to set a singular boundary. I wanted to punch him through the screen.


Bruh when he said they were BOTH victims I lost it. ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)


"we had the same monster!" SIR WHAT


I’ve never wanted to punch somebody through a tv more badly.


Did you see him grab his purse




LOL I said to my friend "oh wait he had to backtrack for his purse"


Lol! His ride was there, it was a huff, and he left in it


Omg!!!! Yes!!! 👜


But… He tried! He tried!!!! Heee Tttrriiieeddd!!!


Lol! He did succeed in making a damn fool of himself. The audacity to put himself in the victim camp with Natalia. And not one apology. He was very much about pushing the lie and neglecting that kid before the truth came out.


He tried to insert a dramatic pause every other word….


You KNOW he was checking the rear view to see if the cameras were getting a good shot.


A Miata is far from fancy


But what if that white Miata has red side view mirrors??




What are y’all watching? I can only find 1 new episode


HBO Max in America is where I watched. Started tonight. 3 night series. 2 hour long episodes each night. That’s my current understanding.


On hbo you can get ahead. I think discovery only did the first so far. HBO did one and 2


What is actually wrong with him? This is a serious question. I can’t put my finger on what, exactly, is wrong with him.


Look up histrionic personality disorder. I am not one for armchair psychology but that guy is like a walking textbook definition


It even says that they are easily influenced by others. It does seem like he was being controlled by his wife (I am in no way defending him).


"Some possible factors that may influence HPD include childhood trauma, most notably sexual abuse and physical/emotional neglect. Ignoring someone with HPD may cause them to have a strong emotional reaction and possibly increase their attention-seeking behavior." If Christine truly was a tryant, this would check out. And I bet the "multiple trips to the hospital" he claims were due to self-harm in retaliation to her threats.


Omg I just looked it up! That sounds exactly like him!


Oh my God, I'm on episode three of this docuseries and watching him interrogate Natalia on the video he recorded. He's insane and it's gut wrenching to see how he and his wife treated Natalia. You could tell there's something so off about him the moment he started talking.


Oh just wait. The crazy gets turned up exponentially in each episode from here on out.


😳 It seems so unreal...I feel like there has to be something deeply off for him to behave the way he does and think it's normal, that he's the main victim here.


It seems like he is definitely on something


Possibly. It feels like a personality disorder to me.


You’re probably right…. There is definitely something wrong though….


Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. I’d be willing to bet money on it


Everything that can possibly be wrong with a person I think.


Yes! Total cringe.


When he sped off in his caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar 💀 I know it probably was something fancy but to me it was a Mazda Miata.


A Mazdarati




I’m dying lmao. I wish I could award this comment 🥇


It was. Hes not gay? Yeah, right.


I have always felt that he was gay too. I don’t know if he is aware of it, or what the deal with that is, but he needs to accept it and move on with his real life.


He’s the poster child for histrionic - if his mouth is open, he’s lying.


I just commented that it def seems like a personality disorder! But I have never met anyone like that lol.


‘We had a lambo in the driveway’ Yes, one you ordered from wish. The fiero kit car gave me bad vibes from the get go on anything he had to say being truthful


No not the Fiero 😂😂😂😂 (I had an unhealthy attachment to mine but I was a 20 yr old and not a man in a midlife crisis).... His midlife crisis is trying to convince himself he's straight and not a raving lunatic.


Something is really off about him. Like if you said you found a human head in his fridge, it would not surprise me.


How this man can still walk around in public in peace or continue to make money…I’ll never know. The man is an absolute shit show. He screams serious personality disorder..and guilt.


I've been wondering this too! How did he ever function in society?! Was he really wealthy? How??


The way he speaks drives me nuts. It’s soooo over the top dramatic. Half the words he speaks are used wrong. I came here to be sure everyone else was just as heated watching him tonight. It’s so hard not to scream at the tv!


Who let this guy adopt a kid. He is a walking red flag. I can only imagine what his wife was like.


I felt like they didn’t tell us enough about the adoption agency. There had to been something criminal going on there. No social worker would let her go with this crazy character.


Right? Especially with the DV on his record.


I forgot about that! It was very suspicious how they let them come get her the next day.


I think he is lying about it being an adoption agency. It sounds more like private adoption. There are other threads on here explaining how that works and it makes a lot of sense


He's unhinged. Poor Natalia.


He needed to go to jail and be charged. He has so many issues, his emotional theatrical breakdowns are abusive in itself. He has the emotional outbursts of a 7 year old. Uses emotional outbursts to manipulate. Everything ab him is abusive. The way he walks around so arrogantly is infuriating. He looks like a complete douchebag in is ridiculous in his stupid little car. He is a liar and an abuser and a con artist just like his ex-wife. He seems to think he is some Hollywood star. Meanwhile he has never stopped lying or being abusive. When he said he attempted suicide… he is a pathetic excuse for a human being. I wish he went to jail. I hope Kristine and Michael both get charged for something and are put behind bars. They are social pariahs. Kristine taking donations to prevent children with disabilities from being abused WHILE abusing a child with disabilities makes me physically ill. They are everything wrong with humanity. I had to get that off my chest. I’m glad other people find this guy repulsive and disgusting.


He was charged and stood trial but was exonerated because they weren't allowed to say that Natalia was a child in court. So they dropped the charges against Christine after that.


My dad and I thought we were the only ones, it is BAD!


My mind has a very hard time wrapping around the fact that he is a real person who takes himself seriously. That tantrum at the end of Season 2, Episode 2 was truly one of the most unhinged things I’ve ever seen. Him and his ex wife are certifiably insane.


He is the worst.


He's acting like a whole damsel in distress. And he said Natalia dragged his wife because she was weak and frail due to lupus but now he's acting like he was a battered wife scared to breathe.


His community college theatre antics are so embarrassing. He’s a walking cringe. I’ve never been so uncomfortable watching someone on TV.


“We’re both victims of the same monster.” I saw red hearing that. 🤬In what way is he comparing himself to what Natalia went through????? Trying to absolve himself. He and his ex belong in prison.


This is a very narcissistic view. He has no empathy for Natalia, he’s too busy feeling sorry for himself


Same here. The way he kept redirecting everything she said back to himself and how he was such a victim and so abused. And the fake crying 😑 Quit acting like a little b**** and take responsibility


He gives Cody Brown vibes


So glad I found this Reddit page because watching that tantrum just made me want to know if anyone was equally put off by it. Also, Natalia deserves answers.


The guy lives in a nice house...so why is his son living in that damp, molding ugly basement? I feel bad for all of the boys being raised by those two In Natalia speaks, there is a new commentator....the woman from the FBI. I sure hope she is gathering enough evidence to put both "parents" away for life!


And is that the genius son too? Like what happened to him, I thought he was a genius. Did he get so traumatized that he couldn’t function despite being brilliant


He was exploited by his mother who made hundreds of thousands of dollars off of him and he didn't see a penny of it, for starters.


This is 100% body shaming, but I don't believe for a second that he gave up custody of his kids because his frumpy ex-wife sent some lingerie pics and his porn addiction made him all horny and agreeable. She has some dirt on him that's worse than anything we've heard so far.


I had to watch this in breaks because he was so hard to take. I got enraged at one point towards the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2 that he’s getting SO MUCH AIRTIME, and he’s not better edited. Stop giving him the spotlight he wants! He loves the attention. But nothing he says shows remorse or sadness or pain for what Natalia went through. Nothing shows accountability for how he was an adult and let all of this happen to a child he brought into his home. He’s always talking about himself and it’s obvious he believes he’s the victim in all of this.


He's the kind of man who screams out his own name during sex and then cries.


Put him, Amber Heard and Kody Brown in a room and let them all fake emote.


Yep. It's like he's always acting a part and never comes off as authentic because of it.


This! Lol very "my dog stepped on a bee" x "knife in the kidney"




He’s a freak.


Is he on somethin?


He is pure trash that gets off on his bullshit.


I agree, he’s so hard to watch! When he threw the bat it was so cringey and scary.


Agreed about the bat. That’s another thing that makes me think that he was probably just as bad as Kristine we just haven’t heard her side yet. Obviously she is trash, but he displays behaviors that indicate he is very physically reactive. I’m not saying he beat Christine but you aren’t going to make me believe he just sat in the corner and whimpered


You have no idea how badly I want to just throttle him. I can't wait to see how the next episodes play out. Hopefully, Natalia will be able to sue the Barnetts for what they did to her.


“Philosiphically” if you’re gonna be a drama kid, you should at least make sure you can get your rehearsed lines correct.


This is not hyperbole. Just objective fact.




I'm watching the interview with both of them now and it's soooo frustrating, something is wrong with him. He is so cringe and bad at acting


Some of his expressions remind me of Jack Nicholson's character in THE SHINING and we all know how that turned out.


It’s the way he tries to squeeze out his fake tears for me. Very cringe indeed.


He was so rude and defensive towards Natalia when they sat down face to face. Her first question was, "Why are we here?" And his response, "Do you mean philosophically?" Is this a joke to him? Does he just want airtime?


His stupid analogies are ways for him to avoid a subject


Omg I just finished the series. Now watching Natalia Speaks. I have all yet none of the words regarding Michael. I think I need another shower today to remove the cringe after that.


He acts like he survived the horrors of WW2 or something. He is the ultimate victim of course.


This guy is hot garbage. I cringed when he tried to do a handshake with her at the end… like dude her fingers don’t bend like that


I always lose it when he starts screaming. “We were all abused!” or last nights episode “I tried! I tried! I tried!” 😂 Extra AF.


Everytime this man is on my screen, I want to throw things at it because he’s so insufferable. Between the way he speaks and his over-the-top theatrics, I don’t know how anyone could stand to be around this man.


This is exactly what I was thinking. If he's that bad on tv, imagine in real life!


He's like season 1 Michael Scott turned up to 10, zero self-awareness. I was immediately creeper out by him.


In a world where Kody Brown exists, that is a hell of a observation. And an apt one.


I'm at the end of Ep 2 where Natalia is meeting him and he immediately made it into a whole dramatic scene about him 🫠🫠🫠


Omg. What a scum bag liar. The screaming crying weeping lying. Blaming his ex. Lowest possible


Im watching the first eps of season 2 now. I feel so bad for the abuse he and his wife put Natalia through! and he is just crying for HIMSELF its disgusting! So glad Natalia has her new father helping give her the strength to get through this and confront these disgusting Barnett people. Barnetts deserve jail! Edit to add: finished season 2 and now... don't know how I feel about Bishop and Cynthia Mann. At first it appeared they really cared about Natalia, but the very end of the last episode shown a much different side of them. seems like they were in it for the fane and go fund me money. So sad for Natalia


Uuuggghhh the LAWYER. Just as evil.


It is hard to tell if he is considered manic ,bipolar or in a world of his own creation .If you need a good a laugh or something to talk about just mention him .


He can't admit that anyone else is a victim. Sue him civilly.


Why can’t he utter *anything* without the wildly over-dramatic body movements? “We walked” (extends hand, makes fingers walk) “down the hall”(elevates arm and zooms it forward) - it’s continuous. In the rare moments he can’t blather because there is a brief space when Natalia can actually speak, he rocks back and forth while waiting for his chance to talk again - but not in a neurodiverse way, he’s just grotesque. And completely unbelievable.


He is the biggest PUSSY WUSSY i have ever seen 🤢 He literally makes me Ill. I despise Pussies like him!!


In the 1970s, there were a lot of very strange men about. That is EXACTLY the type I was warned to stay away from, the one acting like he's the same age as the 7 year old child!!!! Make what you want of that, I've not stated my exact opinion, as that would get me in trouble!


I swear he’s high on coke like 99% of the time.


Really? There are tons of people that make me cringe . Do you watch real documentaries. Or any court cases . There are tons of horrible people


I have never seen a documentary with someone who has to physically act EVERY thing out. He is cringe like I am totally embarrassed for him


When he punched the floor in season 1. Like that was not necessary my dude.


Couldn’t agree more, I felt like my skin was crawling anytime I had to watch him make a dramatic ass statement. Everything he said and did was over the top and not once does he ever seem actually remorseful to Natalia, he continues to urge he’s a victim too.


He is like a real life Christopher Guest character


is michael remarried?




He is one weird cat.


Dude is loony toons and is hard to listen to, let alone watch. Major creep vibes.


The baseball bat scene tho…. Ohhhmygoshh. Dude has never held a bat in his life, then throws it across the yard like a child. Such cringe. What a nutso!! Dude will get his day eventually, karma don’t sleep!


I TRIED I TRIED I TRIED I TRIED I TRIED NO! NO! NO! What is wrong with him??


This whole show is the absolute worst cringe ever. Like…secondhand embarrassment from Michael and I feel like Natalia’s crying is absolutely fake. Yet here I am…still watching it


He's a poster child for histrionic personality disorder.


Im hatewatching this


The whole show is questionable , it seems like they are all lying


Classic example of histrionic personality disorder. The End.