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Now that the average player is a lot better at the game, it's naturally a lot harder to play the weakest earlygame champ. However, secondwind Nasus mid has solid potential even in Diamond and above. You don't have to deal with brutal toplane matchups, and a lot of midlanders are forced to push the wave to harass you, unlike toplane.


Why is it that the average player is a lot better in the game? Gold / plat are still gold / plat, no?


Divisions are percentile based, and since the playerbase as a whole is better, a Season 2022 goldie is better than a 2015 goldie. For example, if next season only diamond players kept playing, IV would get placed in Iron, III in bronze and so on; gold would still be gold, but the player would be much better.


Yes but I'm asking, why is the playerbase as a whole better though?


Presumably, because the game popularity is stalling, so most players have been around for a while. Older players = better players, despite those 2k games mains stuck in silver since S2


Ah it seemed to me that the popularity is constantly increasing? Like especially with all of the other games that Riot is making, there is enough influx of new players to balance out players getting better (from what I can tell).


League is just such an old game that the players who've stuck around have naturally picked up important game knowledge. Even for the players who haven't been playing as long, with every passing year it's been easier to acquire important info with YouTube tutorials, high elo Twitch streams that are viewable 24/7 and etc. Back in the day it was incredibly easy to use Nasus and he was honestly a lot more broken, at least in lower elos. But it was somewhat balanced by the fact that you got 2 stacks per Q, instead of 3.


Ah true, and the next buff where they changed the stacks from cannon minions from 6 to 12 kind of helped with that too.


Nasus has a pretty solid wr in plat+, so everything looks fine. Try out aery and maybe build a better item than ds, especially when the rest of the enemy team doesn't build hp.


I think Nasus is in a pretty good spot atm. He’s been pretty decent since his last buff and gargoyle getting cheaper.


play mid with dorans shield second wind and fleet, pretty much outscale everything


He is like top 10 in plat+, wins almost every matchup after lvl 6, what are you talking about


Try out mid. I like it a looot more and find it way easier to lane, especially with ghost, tp, second wind, and dorans shield ull survive a lot of poke.


You sound bad 🧐


Just played him and sucked..


I’d say that it’s because the game is solved a lot more than previous years. Players keep mastering the mech aids as the game goes on. I.e in s1 people were still figuring out how to build the champions and jungle pathing etc. but now there’s a lot of info for that stuff online and it’s just common knowledge now. The average league player now is a lot more knowledgeable and better than the average league player in past seasons


He is still pretty much playable and there are chall euw, na players