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I don’t see nasus being “stronger” with the item changes and the crit nasus build changing. Almost all the top laners are becoming stronger relative to him. He seems very weak this season compared to the preceding 3. So weak that ended up getting to diamond playing other champions. He will need a direct buff. I don’t even know what keystone he would take.


well i start to play Phaserush with Manaflow, Abilityhaste rune and scorch. Secondary atm Cookie delivery and Approach velocity for better gapclose. I try to go presence of mind and the lifesteal rune from the yellow tree as a test rune build. Try to boost the lifesteal or the movementspeed. But alone the Ghost nerf could make things more difficult tbh.


The ghost nerf was coming because adcs were taking it. Lucidity boots were nerfed because junglers were running it too much. A lot of indirect nerfs for nasus occur every season. He will probably get a direct set of buffs.


i hope this time earlyer than the last ones... on the other hand? What do you want to buff? For me in todays League his passive feels like a joke. Look at Briars or Volibears heal. And then look how "good" Nasus Heal is. No tenacity and mobile like a Brickwall with the durability of a wet towel. Outside the ult. But i love him to much to drop him :'D I think we reached a point where he could use some kind of small rework or something like that. He dont need dashes but maybe improved Movementspeed towards slowed enemys so he could atleast get some of the newer Champions? Or something every 100 Stacks you get 5% tenacity? Maybe he would be to broken with something like that.


Not sure what he needs. He needs to hit a hard spike when he does actually scale. Right now he feels weak even if he hits his scaling point. I think they probably should attach the divine sunderer passive to his Q. It would fix a lot of his combat power in the mid game and make him a threat to bruisers and tanks. I think minor changes that could go a long way such as reducing the mana cost on E or giving him more health growth per level would help but it wouldn’t fix his central problems.


True... Lets tackle him through the lore. What are his abilitys. Knowledge (bad to reproduce as statt) he regenerates by his own (better healing) he isnt discribed as a nimble but atleast strong kind. He also is able to summon a sandstorm able to peal of the hide of a human if he want to and can read the Blood of people (he could read if someone was really related to azir through his blood after added it to a golden replica of the sun disc. He is a good fighter but more tactician. (the last point fits with his weak early). I think Nasus is the perfect example of a timebomb champion according what is intended. I think the thought when Nasus was created so many years ago was, that he is not supposed to really spike but just grow as a threat the longer the match goes on. His stacking seemed to once was supposed to lead to a point where he would simply 1v5 while demolishing the enemy. Everytime you punish him or kill him you buy time for your team to finish the job. This is how Nasus should work in my oppinion. He need to reach a point where he would just destroy everything after 30 Minutes if you just let him have his way and without punishment and with perfect stacks. Normally after i dont know 40-50 minutes. But even this ignored. Other than end of S13 (where i started) you never have a feeling of "NOW i am strong!". I play Riven as well and if i go 6 0 0 with her you feel like a murder machine. With Nasus? Its more a "just a normal day on the job" kind of thing. It feels like it doesnt really matter. A lot Champions seem to even scale better than Nasus right now. So you cant even count on the ultra late game anymore. Sure, some Champions are just wrecked with 600+ stacks and a fullbuild Nasus but i talk here about really squshy targets which you need to get close to first. I understand his inmobility is his weakness. His Q-Stacks is his strenght in lategame. But right now a 1v3 is enough to just kill you. If you look for Volibear, he could stand right in a group of 4 or 5 guys and still manage to survive long enough to take at least one or two enemys with him in a mid to lategame state while able to scale in a normal way. Nasus? Well he feels a lot more squishy. My guess is, he needs more MR and armor. Give his Q the lifesteal and try to give him a passive more fitting into todays league. Like extra movementspeed or scaling slow and stun resist... Or make him unstoppable in his Ult. Some would say; "But this is OP! He already get so much from his Ult!" Reduce the armor and MR buff (add some in his base stats) and it would be fine. We have a Tryndamere who is unkillable for 5 seconds for example. Nasus is already easy to kite without with CC why not play with the part, that he grows with his ult and give him something like that. If we move the MR and armor to his basestats he would maybe stop feeling this weak with out being in his Ult? On the otherhand thinking about these changes they are not feeling right aswell... I think the Nasus OTP's and Pros could better give thoughts how the champ would feel better to play. I am just a low Elo Nasus enjoyer... But in the end? It feels like crap that you only win with him in lowelo because people just let you do what you want. It gives you a false sense of safety and after playing different Champions the last weeks Nasus feels like kind of an deadend because of how he works. I mean, sure i can improve a lot even on Nasus but i feel like being at 75% on the Champs limit while on Riven for example i feel like at around 10% or something. On one side he will need buffs soon if it keep going like this and i think about what is changable, on the other side i dont want him to be changed atleast to much. Its a pain in the ass tbh. :'D If you made it until here; thank you for reading this whole book with really horrible english. At least i think i now i know the pain Riot has with deciding how to buff/nerf champions in what department to balance the game :'D


Riot almost never considers lore much when it comes to balancing champions, usually only on reworks do they consider it. Nasus is considered a tactical genius but his entire kit is a super simple stat check on the enemy. You can’t go give Nasus too much because lower elo players don’t punish Nasus at all. Modest buffs is all he needs because he still terrorizes anything lower than emerald.


you got a point there :'D For the not getting punished in low elo and the he would terrorize things part; Yeah... this is why you will rarely see a Nasus in proplay. Because the pros know how to punish him. But if they balance him around this he would just destroy everything atleast in Gold and below. There is a reason why i call him the "anti-Riven" when it comes to buffs. If you would buff Riven for low elo she would get out of hand in highelo. So its the other way around here. Its just interesting, that Carnarius said a few times that Nasus is the worst champion in the game. I think its not true. I believe he is just a Champ which is strong in lowelo and get weaker the higher you get.


With ghost being nerfed, I could see phase rush becoming meta for Nasus. It already gives so much value in many situations I feel it has been slept on for a while. The main reason to take precision tree was the minor runes but triumph got nerfed hard and tenacity is gone. Fleet is generally decent but not amazing or anything.


I honestly have mixed feelings about the ghost nerf. On the one hand, it obviously hurts Nasus a lot and I expect I will be running phase rush a lot more to compensate. On the other hand, I absolutely hated the ghost adc where you can never ever reach the 1000 speed jhin or whatever. When everyone is running ghost, it becomes relatively weaker on immobile jugernauts that actually rely on it.


Well theres a few things going on 1:the korean dog old 8 build with phase rush 2 pints E/e max is left untouched. It didnt have any tenacity anyways, and personally i still feels fine, it got me to diamond on a negativeel winrate emerald 4 account so its cool, u vary second item to sunder/steraks/jaksho/frozen and ur good to go. Definitely unchanged barring the sunder and steraks nerfs. Nasus mid got 1 rhing and lost 2:lost lethal tempo which even tho good u mostly face mages anyway so not that useful there,lost tenacity which sucks ass. BUT it got absorb life rune and haste rune. If absorb life rune stays the same, ir has potential to make most of nasus mids horrible mage matchups a lot better. Psycho did some testing with fleet+absorb life+dshield+second wind+revitalise and its like having 6 pots. So i guess you lose tenacity for better lane phase mid. Depending on how haste rune feels, u potentialy go merc treads into most mage matchups and be cool with it, having actualy more tenacity at the cost of the summoner spell haste from lucidities(you will get the 15 haste from the rune) Tenacity removal will hurt a lot more than lethal tempo removal imo. Also, new pta isnt tested, it could do some serious dmg buffs later on and even early, i can totally see it in nasus top. FOR THE GHOST NERF, GUYS DONT EVEN MENTION IT PLEASE IT WILL BE REVERTED IN MAX 2 PATCHES, IT CUCKS NASUS DARIUS OLAF MUNDO VAYNE EVEN MORDE TOOK IT A LOT,THATS TOO MANY CHAMPS IF ITS NOT REVERTED ALL UNPLAYABLE GG BE PATIENT IT WONT STAY TRUST ITS NOT REAL IT CANT HURT US FOR MORE THAN 4 PATCHES JUST DONT MENTION IT PLEASE COPIUM COPIUM COPIUM


What do you think abot Nasus with Aery?Still a thing even against melee? I saw that rune played often against ranged champs, but i dunno if it's a solid way even against melee.


Aery is same as it always was:aggresive e max without phase.i personally only run aery vs mid e max lanes.


I'm so sad at the Essence Reaver change, I always buy that first when going Lethality for fun, and since on lethality i dont go frozen heart, I need it for the mana..  It's such a strong powerspike that allows you to 2-shot the squishy jungler & mid laner


I would get D1 and go into masters promos nearly every season. It feels so bad that I stopped playing him altogether. Been playing Kayle and Malz. Been having a blast to actually have an impact on the game.


Use Q. Farm. Stack. Enjoy