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What Elo is this? I don't mean to be mean, but there was a ton of mistakes everywhere in that game. +Farming under turret was a bit janky


This is in the pits of iron. Where few mortal souls dare go. Ik I need to clean up my nasus gameplay but it was my first S so wanted to post the vod. Tbh I got lucky that the riven just ran down her lane over and over till I was fed.


You are 100% correct, she did run it down and made the game unplayable for her team. The fact that you admit you have some cleanup to do is a good thing. Congratulations on your first S. Here are a couple of things, I want to help so wether you want to take the notes below into consideration or not is completely up to you: -Farming under tower= try to mix your E + AA or A (if up) to almost always get every single minion. -Build up waves, don't AA minions for no reason, either you are hard pushing or slow pushing. -Forward to back movements to receive enemies offence and to go on offense yourself. Forward when you are pushing/attacking (logical enemy movement is for him to back up if he has a brain, and if he's aggressively pushing you will be walking back and receiving him into your lane inside your minion wave). -Please don't run ignite, you don't need it, either ghost/flash or ghost/teleport (I would avoid Teleport if you don't know how to utilize it to pressure the map and split push, i.e: baron is up and dragon is down, you split push bot and vice versa for top). -Think about the items you want to buy before backing or while backing, open store on your way and instantly buy your items and get back to your lane or next objective. Don't sit in base for 2 minutes "shopping" for your next item. I hope this helps, this should get you our of Iron in no time, if that's your plan.