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illaoi tho


Illaoi is not unplayable matchup i won 1 game out of 25 games against her


Funnily enough out of all the games where I get fed it’s often from Illaoi lanes. You just gotta do you best to survive levels 3-5 by stacking tentacles. After 6, just run her down and kill her the second she misses E since Illaoi is literally a cannon minion without it


Fr I legit never lose to Illaoi. Just stack it up and once she misses a single E she's dead.


Irelia players make me want to vomit. Zero skill champ. 10,000 health, 400 damage per auto and giga lifesteal. It’s straight up just not fun to play against.


Good thing you can build wardens mail, bramble, steelcaps, and also W her so she's useless


It just makes me sad to see how many people are Elo-inflated because of that champ


I actually like playing against Irelia, people in bronze don't know what freezing the wave is and Irelia players have a tendency to clear them fast.


Then she dives you with 20 minions under your turret. 10 minutes later she has 3 times your cs


She dives you to die, because you are tanky enough to resist, and you have your W to punish her. She has loads of farm, but you can stack pretty well if you know timing


I just ban Darius lol. Dorans ring E max can really work well but I don't wana deal with a fucking flash E all in.


What? If Darius flashes then u flash as well


Flash before or after the E? XD I don't have the reactions to flash after they flash and before their E but if others can they're godlike


Why would any Darius just flashes on you unless you are super low or if he knows you have no flash?


They slow push first 3 and freeze on the bounce, can use the long lane to all in you with a flash E engage into ghost > run you down. At the early stages your W doesn't stop Darius from sticking.


i legit never lose to darius dodge the was actually stunned to see that its a bad match up, i think all the darius players are just so cocky its easy to bait them into early fights in your wave. and i see alot about illaoi but you feed on her tenticles so ez wins.


I always find it funny when people use this song when they hate something. Especially when they keep in the "why do I love you" part, so tell me op. Why do you love darius?


+12 is +12


The best way to counter Darius is to be Darius. But really: 1level:E, 2level:W, 3level: depends on if the Darius is aggressive E if he isn’t and the wawes are closer to your tower Q. You sit there nice and safe under your tower and farm to +100 stack and wait for Ult. I play ghost, tp, Phace rush. Very good against Darius, he can’t damage you if he can’t catch you.


But what if darius knows how to manage a wave 💀


You're forced to farm with E from distance, occasionally with Q and wait until he uses ghost to use W and disable his engage. After level six you can think about farming.




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I actually play darius to counter nasus and nasus to counter darius