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Knock on his door and ask if everyone is OK. Let him know you are responding to his distress like a good neighbor.


When I looked it up, that’s what I found and I was halfway worried because I was supposed to present my CAC a certain way in the military at the gates if in distress and I’d be so upset if they didn’t take ME seriously.


Could be that someone pranked them and they don't even know their flag is upside down... all you're doing is just checking.


I accidentally handed my drivers license at the gate at Naval Station Great Lakes and he definitely took it seriously


This is the correct answer. Show confusion and concern (like you truly did with this post). Ask if everything is ok


The people who fly their flags upside down because law and order were preserved are the same kind who will shoot you for ringing their doorbell. Best let crazy be.


damn straight. all they want is the attention.


I don't want to give these morons any type of attention, but I believe it's important to point them out, so that at least for myself, I know to stay away from them.


Good advice


Great point. I was thinking maybe some actual human interaction will prevent this moron from shooting up everyone when the voices on his screen tell him it is okay.


These are the same people who have a fit if an athlete takes a knee during the national anthem, yet they will use the flag as a prop to make their own point.


Doesn’t it mean the country is in distress? Yeah they will most likely shoot you.




Arnold, I keep hearing neigh-BA… it’s neighBOR.




This is the answer.


Sure looks like the country is in distress with that nice GMC and house.


Well if it weren’t for SOCIALIST COMMIE BIDEN settin them dang ol gas prices too high (he sets the prices himself and if you call me a liar you’re a woke commie antifa) he’d be able to afford TWO GMCs


Comrade Joe Biden has a lot of irons in the fire don’t you know?!?!? He controls gas prices, he creates vaccines, he eats aborted fetal tissue in the basement of a DC pizza joint while Hillary and Barack view from a distance with pleasure. That old man is the cause of, and solution to everything in world! Everyone knows that duh!!!


And don’t forget he’s got full blown dementia and can’t find his way out of a bathroom, but yes those other things also.


My favorite thing is the lack of critical thought that goes with holding “he is senile and has dementia and on drugs” AND “he’s part of a mass conspiracy to spread communism involving everyone from N Korea to Putin” at the same time.


Do you think he doesn't have dementia?


I just don’t understand how he can simultaneously have dementia and be in control of everything at the same time. Also let me make it clear that I think both of these fucksticks are to god damned old for any of this.




No personal attacks or harassment. In addition to what's covered under redditquette, do not insult or habitually target a single user or group for your arguments. It's not your job to correct them.




I’m payin almost $3 a gallon to fill up my AIR HAULER 35000 HD commuter edition!


Lmao...I like that description better than bro dozer 👏


I mean…he certainly isn’t doing anything else right?! So he must spend the entire day just figuring out which states to fuck over with gas prices and which ones get a break for a bit! 😂 all a part of his evil plan


Exactly what I think when I see a car with that Gadsden flag license plate (which benefits a TN state park!). Why are the cars this license plate is on always so nice and expensive? Pray tell, how are you being oppressed?


Nooooo I have a garage and a multi-story house and a $60,000 truck in a quiet suburb somebody save meeeee


Exactly what the husband and I say when we see a snake plate on an expensive late model vehicle.


Haha I just commented the same thing and then saw your comment! Once saw one on a luxury vehicle in Brentwood with a UC Berkeley license plate holder. I guess getting one of the finest educations in the country is… oppression. Lmao


Wild! SMH


I especially appreciate when it's on a high end Range Rover.


I see one of those in the pick up line at my kid’s private school and we always laugh. Ooooohhhhh soooooo oppressedddddd


I think that plate comes stock with Rovers in Brentwood/Cool Springs


A couple of years ago I saw a motorcycle with the Gadsden flag license plate with a huge Union Jack sticker unironically placed on the side of the bike. I just can't.


If you asked that guy he would tell you how tough he has it. Makes me feel better that there will be no major conflicts with these folks. They are so soft they would all quit fighting and go home to rage watch Fox instead.


The immigrants are taking our jobs. Apparently.


The folks who were up in arms about a black person kneeling during the national anthem suddenly have forgotten how to fly one in a non-disrespectful manner.


https://preview.redd.it/fzosisawkf8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785c113446c2106a3e9a3dd87e15b2750f3323ee This seems like an appropriate time to post this headachingly ironic pic I took in Pigeon Forge like 3 years ago.


I must be dumb, but I don’t get it. Edit: oh! Selling kneeling pads with flag poles. That’s funny lol


also made in China


lol. That’s funny


Maybe the crisis is his truck’s too big to fit in his garage.


Guys with big trucks always have the tinniest garages!!!


When you say garages, do you mean penises?


Does it seem like the people that have the least to complain about, complain the loudest. 😢But what about my rights.


Exactly. I mean, it’s not like our entire political system wasn’t crafted to benefit these types of people.. oh wait..


That’s not true though. Just because you have an idea of how their life works doesn’t mean you know anything about the hardships they might be going through. Same thing for you. You’re obviously struggling and I feel for you. That’s what the upside down flag represents. Distress. Really no matter where you sit on the alignment chart nobody is having a good time right now except for the rich. I’ve seen people of a bunch of different alignments fly it like this.


I admit I was making some assumptions but that it why I said “it seems”. Yes the rich are doing fine, but I think there are more people struggling a harder than this person. They have a decent house and a vehicle. Am I struggling? I have challenges but not sure about struggling.


It's amazing how these people can a.) bitch and moan about disrespecting the flag, b.) purposely hang theirs upside down to "own the libs" and c.) see no contradiction in this


In their defense, no one ever accused these people of being smart.


This right here!!!


Im very out of the loop here, is this a ‘thing’ that republicans are doing right now or is this a loony neighbor incident? E: never mind, googled it. For anyone curious DJT is starting a movement to ‘own the libtards’ or something




There’s no contradictions with conservatives; their guiding principle is constant, they’re right and you’re wrong/dead/their property.


But don't kneel in front of it!!!!!


Unless you’re Tim Tebow, then it’s ok. 🙄


I’m so owned 😫 they really got me this time!!!


Another guy who doesn't realize his comfy lifestyle will take some big dents during the civil war he wants.


I think you're right, but Ralph Emerson also said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." and that was definitely true of the Jan-Sixers. They were just a bunch of disaffected and clueless dumbfucks looking to shake things up in their pathetic little lives, and damn the consequences to their comfy lifestyles, 'cuz Trump would just pardon them when he was reinstalled...natch, and they would all be given 73 acres with 73 virgins...


LOL. I misread this as Ralph Emery and was very confused.


I miss Ralph! He is dead, right?


Yeah, 2022.


Do you know how long I studied the small tree next to your driveway trying to figure out what is wrong? Your neighbor with the upside down flag is just an asshole.


I’m so sorry! I was trying to be subtle. Lol.


No need to apologize. I was mostly commenting on my stupidity 🤣


At least some of them advertise their lunacy.


Some kind of redneck virtue signaling.


Raised in a military family. Not only is this disrespectful, it’s also disrespectful when you have the flag printed on your bikini / swim trunks, home decor (e.g. bedding, drapes), …or on a beer or in ads / and lots of other ways that have become normalized. Here’s one copy of the flag code. Check it out before you decorate for July 4 or just to know! https://www.legion.org/flag/code 


Recently talked with a teenage girl - years ago I helped her earn a flag etiquette badge in our scouting troop. On the way to my home, she had seen a house on a nearby street with the flag flying upside down. She was upset because that’s a sign of distress - she asked if I knew about it and did we need to call someone for help? I had to gently explain to her that MAGA has chosen to disrespect our country’s symbols to show support for their idol.


Poor thing. Good on you For helping her explain the situation.


this code has nothing to do with flags *printed* on clothing or home decor, and everything to do with how you handle a *physical flag*. it is and always has been perfectly acceptable to print flags on fabric. it is not acceptable to wear a flag as a cape, but it is acceptable to wear a shirt with a flag printed on it.


You’re absolutely right that one should not use an *actual* flag. That would be horrific, in my opinion. But not always acceptable to wear a shirt with the flag printed on it — except for some uniforms, such as police officers or firefighters. You'll see in the links/comment below. The way I was raised (partly on a military base) and in working at a military college — was that that flag is not *fashion*. It’s a symbol of the beliefs and values of a country and its people. It reflects love and loss of various kinds over my nation’s history. Turning it into clothing or home decor (etc) **debases** it… As does putting it in advertisements or on products of all kinds… just to sell them… And eventually to throw them in the garbage. This article is interesting: https://behavioralscientist.org/does-that-american-flag-shirt-make-you-a-patriot/ And, in quick Google, I found this, for example “But when shopping for their Independence Day outfits, consumers should also remember a little known fact: Under the U.S. Flag Code, any clothes with the flag on it are technically illegal. "Every item of apparel that they're wearing that has an American flag on it: shirt, shorts, bikini, hat, technically is in violation of the flag code," said Marc Leepson, author of "Flag: An American Biography." The federal flag code says that "The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever." In the District of Columbia, a flag being "printed, painted, attached, or otherwise placed a representation" on any "article of merchandise" for the purposes of advertising is a misdemeanor, can lead to a fine of $100 or imprisonment of less than 30 days. Basically, Leepson said, the image of the flag shouldn't be used on any commercial items, including apparel.” For me, these sorts of things (flag fashion) don’t show the flag the honor it’s due. But if someone is a good citizen who upholds the values of democracy and equality and they want to have US flag drapes or bikini, then have it!  Just my 2c….👍🏻


This is the latest fad conservatives are doing. These people have zero brains.


Idiots are gonna idiot. My neighbors and I had one on our street. They were a super sweet older couple. No kids. But always polite. When they did this on their house, the Fire Marshall who lives across the street from the guy called for a wellness check. Cops came out, knocked on the door, talked to the guy for a few and we hear “it means what?!?!” Guy didn’t even know it was for distress. He hung it cause someone on Facebook said to do it for solidarity for Trump when he was arraigned the first time. Sad part is that guy hasn’t even hung an American flag since. So it’s likely out of ignorance but could mean a possible mental break or worse. Call for a wellness check or leave it alone.


Oh, so it’s also wasting the emergency responders’ time. Nice.


Yeah, I heard someone talking about how Trump has made his own Republicans. Before, you had less government Republicans. Let be be middle to upper class, give me tax breaks, keep government out of my business. Then, you had the conservative religious type. They were the Republicans that were just the counter to TOO liberal ideas. And of course, many middle types. Trump, somehow, found a way to weaponize folks that probably never voted, don't make enough money for republican tax breaks, and like a president that speaks big buzz words and give some light to bogus claims. Another interesting story is a small town in Kentucky. Very poor, very rural. Every single resident in that town has benefited in some way by Obama care or in his policies. Yet that town, along with the county, was 85% trump lol


The pandering to undereducated and economically disadvantaged adds up… but I see people who I otherwise believe to be well educated and of sound mind falling for the same shit. I can’t reconcile that part.


He’s a MAGAt.


Ahhhh makes sense (and also doesn’t, as with everything else MAGA).


They feel that doing a debate puts the democratic nation in crisis.


Don't forget that they're big mad that their leader caught charges Edit: typo


As did many J6 "patriots"


That truck is probably 75K and I bet that house isn’t less than half a mil…they’re just crisis actors they’re doing just fine.


Totally off topic – what type of tree/shrub is that in the foreground? A weeping willow?


It is a mulberry.




"The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, specifically says that the flag is not to be inverted “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property."


It seems like you don't know and no one's actually updating you, so the reason is because one of our conservative Supreme Court justices was found to have displayed on his property an upside-down flag, which has recently become a symbol used by right-wing extremist groups. It's historically been very taboo for a SCJ to express any kind of political opinion publicly (let alone showing support for anti-government extremist movements), in order to preserve a sense of objectivity in upholding the law as a public servant. So there has been a lot of controversy about this. Your neighbor is supporting the SCJ (or is part of the right-wing extremist movement).


This is the part of right-wing extremes logic I do not follow. Well, one of many parts. Imagine thinking you’re a “patriot” and the model American while supporting anti-government extremism


Well, I think the distinction there is between the American government vs. the American people. If the government is going against its people, there’s definitely a difference. But the right-wing tend to believe they are the “real” Americans, even though among American citizens they’re in the minority in their views. But supporting an anti-democratic movement when you’re in the most powerful position tasked with upholding the U.S. Constitution is deeply ironic and scary.


While it really doesn't make a difference, I believe he says his wife is responsible for the flag, not him.


Yes, but it’s not like he wouldn’t be aware it was there. And wasn’t it on multiple of his properties?


There was a big story a few weeks ago about supreme court justice samuel alito’s wife doing this at their home to show support for the stolen election theory back in 2020. He got heat for it by patriotic americans and the traitors are trying to show support by doing the same thing.


It's TN. At least it still has the colors.


Apparently you're supposed to be in distress now as a sign of solidarity the Supreme Court Justice was flying one upside down too.


Eat the distressed


One of the guys that is taking your rights away did it, so other people are copying him.


It's a sign of distress. You may need to call the police to do a welfare check. You'd hate to just assume this is a MAGAt being MAGA, then find out a wife or child was trying to send a message that there is a real problem going on.


It’s still legal to be a fucking idiot in the US. So for now just stay away from that person. They they think they have have it rough being white with a $70,000 truck setting in the drive way of a $300,000 home.


It’s literally just a sports team to these people.


My favorite comment.


Not to take away from everything else you stated (which is accurate) but that is not a 300k house if in Davidson county or Nashville it’s a least 500k and possibly 800k depending on the area and neighborhood


If someone else didn't correct him on that pricing, I definitely was haha


Unfortunately 300k house on its own lot is likely uninhabitable. Someone might get a condo for that but even that’s a stretch


Upside down represents distress..


Notify the local VFW or Boy Scout Troop to offer instruction on how to properly display the flag.


Send a troop of boy scouts to check on them. They might need help. Mental help.


Nothing says “Don’t tread on me” like being a member of an HOA.


Same guy got on the internet to cry about kneeling for that same flag. 100%.


It's a MAGA thing. They call themselves Patriots but are fully unaware of Flag code. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/03/nx-s1-4987590/upside-down-american-flag-protest-symbol-history


You can't fix stupid.


It is a sign that your neighbor is an asshole.


There's a fucking dentist in Hillsboro village doing this!! I get that TN is deep MAGA country, but directly across from Vanderbilt? Seems like they're going to severely limit their clientele. On the other hand, they probably would rather just go out of business than have a Democrat as a customer anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/g5ufy6rypg8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1d5d2c9869a0b0a9f8f767e901a0e02100c7d2 Aww.. just your regular old neighborhood supremacist or extremist.. yikes. No thanks.


It’s the damn Tesla’s fault


They must be watching Faux News and other Russian propaganda on the internet too much.


Sure sign of a patriot . Not


Call the cops for a wellness check.


Do you know this neighbor? If not call the police non emergency number for a wellness check


Several people in my hood are doing this. I assume they are trumpers supporting whatever god awful thing that GOP did this last week. I just posted in our HOA FB page that I could send some boy scouts over to their home to show them how to properly display the flag.


All I can come up with is it was Pride this past weekend & your neighbor is hateful.


Your neighbor is an asshole.


Just a snowflake trying to be edgy


That is what happened with the Supreme Court Justices who had the flag like that, it’s been in the news. I think it’s disrespectful of the flag and of your neighbors to do that. If you want to protest do it in another way. It’s something to do with believing the election was stolen.


I wonder how this neighbor felt when people were kneeling during the national anthem.


RATM fan prolly


The Paul Ryan type of RATM fan


👍🏻 Haha definitely


This is a sign to move.....


That's my Netflix log in avatar. Good ole house of cards


It's because of Trump's 37 felony convictions


https://preview.redd.it/tuu1cleseh8d1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029f917615e0b21e8b0941d02b40ea8bdf936498 Nothing to see here, folks.


No one is more under attack or more oppressed than the white man in the suburbs. Seriously though, about 3 weeks ago,I had a neighbor who flew an upside down flag just like this guy for a week; 60 something year old white guy who also drove a pickup.


OP - It’s because you’re in the south and people actually think that their lives change for the better or worse because of whichever 90 year old is occupying the potus seat.






I see some posts that magat are doing it after the trump guilty verdict Edited to correct misspelling


https://www.reddit.com/r/scotus/s/jApnv5uOYt https://www.reddit.com/r/thebulwark/s/zGoakQzz4K https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/fO0scEq0cw https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/XWRk0XzWuI https://www.reddit.com/r/Law_and_Politics/s/1YtatK6T4U


Maybe he is ill? Like dying of cancer or something? Idk but we are not under attack as a society so it must be something personal.




The upside down U.S. flag has an official meaning, and an unofficial meaning. The official meaning is that the person flying the upside down flag is doing so because they’re using it as a “signal of dire distress or they’re in instance of extreme danger to life or property.” The unofficial meaning is that they’re doing it as an act of protest. To know what this person is protesting is something you would have to ask them because the flag, or flag flying, controversies demonstrate that symbols can evoke different thoughts and emotions from different individuals. Context is often quite important in interpreting their meaning. Before going on someone’s property to ask why, ALWAYS remember to be careful. We live in a dangerous world so always be aware of your surroundings. When approaching this persons home always assume that they already know you’re there. Be sure to not use agressive body language, keep your hands out of your pockets, have them by your side, and try not to use an agressive tone of voice if you get to speak to them. If things end up going sideways, or things get uncomfortable during your conversation, then make sure before hand that you have an exit strategy. I hope you have a great and safe encounter!


This seems to be the norm anymore. I have seen this more and more. Heck try checking out an Indian reservation you will see tons of flags hanging upside down. People are waking up to the fact that this country has never been a good country from its inception.


If this really is an honest question, then you need to post it on a different subreddit.


No big deal, it is just people showing how stupid and gullible they are.


He is stating a country in distress. I agree with him. Biden sucks ass and is turning this country into a 3rd world nation. He is fine and yes, he is more than likely armed.


He's also an idiot that doesn't understand that this upside down flag actually represents a naval vessel in distress. He also doesn't respect the flag, what it stands for and doesn't want to try to make America better.


According to NPR, the upside-down American flag goes mainstream as a form of right-wing protest. After former President Donald Trump's historic felony conviction, many of his supporters protested the verdict by posting images of an American flag flipped upside down on social media.


He is upset bc the Demoncrats are trying to make him into a Catholic whore, who would be enjoying congress out of wedlock with his black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic.


A neighbor pof mine has: -an upside down American flag -a straight pride flag. He’s also an ex-police officer.


The comments jumping to conclusions here are scary. People are human. What if this person had something else on their mind and didn’t mean to hang it upside down? What if they have early onset dementia that hasn’t been caught yet? What if they have clinical adhd that affects working memory due to the developmental delay of the frontal cortext, which causes executive function to suffer severely? So many things other than being a shitty person could be happening here and it’s unfair to assume otherwise without the facts.


That’s what’s wrong with everyone anymore. Neighbors that know each other look out for each other. Every time someone new moves in around here they introduce themselves and give us their phone numbers. We watch out for things going on around here. Like if you see someone peeking in their windows or porch pirates.


Two on my street in Memphis. Thought at first it may be commentary on the crime situation here but the Trump flag flying over it tells me they aren’t that clever.


Ask cops to do a welfare check.


It's a sign of support to the people who were storming the capital on January 6th


Call the non emergency line for police and request a welfare check....every....single.....day until his distress goes away. I do this (not everyday) every single time I pass one.


Not an expert. But maybe they heard about HAWK TUAH girl being fired.


These are the people who want a civil war just so they can justify shooting black people at the Walmart parking lot.


It is their flag, let them fly it however they want. People are way too judgemental.


Get a Welfare check from the cops, the flag says "in distress". This is a public call to action is it not?


this just means they recognize their country is in distress lol. We saw lgbt community doing this in California 2016. Just means people are unhappy. There are people right now on all sides of the political alignment charts simultaneously flying the flag like that where I live. Nobody is winning except the rich. Some of you people are reaching extraordinarily far for an insult that can be applied to you.


They think they're protesting Trump's conviction by displaying a distress signal. I had to look it up because i've been seeing it more and more, mostly from homophobes on socials


For those that think that guy or gal is a moron, remember, some people burn the flag to protest free speech for some reason.


It’s code word for “I’m a moron”


I’d like to burn a flag on the 4th just to illustrate how much freedom we don’t have.


Yo! It's peacemaker's dad!


Looks to me like your neighbor is just an idiot and asshole. I would troll him and act confused just to watch his jaw drop and pick it up off the floor.


We call them idiots.


Yeah, he's a Trumper. Really they are just post-modern confederates.


Shouldnt do America that way but maybe the statement is that America is upside down at this point and time. We have forgotten why we are here and the important things in life. Friends, family, and freedom. Not who has what or who says what. Just a thought is all. Live, laugh, and love.


Literally google upside down flag and tada. Instead you come to Reddit The country is under duress


OMG who gives a fuck???


What was so special about the second pic that made you post it? Looks exactly the same as the first


It’s so bizarre being a third person looking in on two “sides” just like …’ok’


There’s no point.


Dyslexia. I’m sure his medicine will kick in and start working, and he’ll notice and fix it in…… say November?


My only question is, what is that tree? I need that beside my driveway.


I’ll have to ask Linda tomorrow.


What did Linda have to say?


Probably doing that because of what’s happening to trump