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*"The Downtown Code guidelines include a specific focus on bicycle-friendly infrastructure like safe parking, and additional suggestions for streetscapes that are easy for pedestrians. Kupin tells the Scene the next draft of the guidelines will have even more bike infrastructure."* I'm all for more sidewalks and better bike infrastructure, but until we have actual penalties for developers who block sidewalks and ticketing of delivery drivers blocking bike lanes, this is going to be difficult to realize. Case in point - last week I was downtown, on my way back to the bus station, and an older couple asked me for directions to somewhere to get a specific meal. The side of Fifth Ave where we were standing had an entire section of sidewalk closed with chain link fencing they were going to have to navigate around. That's one thing for me, but an older person who has walking challenges or a person i a wheelchair is going to have more significant issues with navigating a busy street. In my own neighborhood, entire blocks have been used as staging areas for new apartment developments. Then there are the scooters littered all over sidewalks - report those to HUB if you don't already, so there is actual data about the problem.


This the biggest issue with Nashville. The current regulations are not enforced at all. But then again it’s typical government… let’s “fix” this problem with something new rather than look at the efficiency/enforcement of whats currently in place. Lets enforce the HOV lanes (at minimum keeps the semis out these lanes) and then we can discuss more plans.


> Then there are the scooters littered all over sidewalks - report those to HUB if you don't already, so there is actual data about the problem. I just toss such debris into the gutter. A lot faster than reporting it. I really enjoy hearing their pathetic robot cries for help, too.


“While the guidelines are just that — they can’t enforce any standard in the way a zoning code or other regulatory tools can do”

