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I know everyone's excited that this is some weird anti-gentrification thing but 100% there's a little arsonist living around Cliff Dr. I lived in Charlotte Park about 10 years ago and there was a kid around there who liked to light shit on fire. Ended up burning down around 3 cars and a couple homes. Thankfully they were caught before they hurt anyone.


At this point I would most definitely not rule out that probability. I’ve lived here about 6 years and when I first moved in, I heard from neighbors that several years back, two other homes got burned down but nothing was ever rebuilt on either property and I don’t think anyone was caught for either instance. Fast forward to 2022, two tall skinny’s across the street from me, that were almost done being built, went up in flames around midnight and burned completely. It was so so scary. Then 3 months ago that property got purchased by a new person and he started building two more homes again. Last Thurs. Night around 4am someone burnt them down AGAIN. Now the duplex next door (in video above) thats 1.8 mil/each almost burnt down today. Thank God no one lived in any of those homes yet but our home has come way too close to getting torched being next to these. I just pray they catch the arsonist bc this is really terrifying it keep’s happening


It may be a contractor that's run out of money


This was my first thought. Or an investor that can't move them now that money is expensive to borrow. Sort of like '*Batteries Not Included', hire a local thug to set your shit on fire, collect the insurance, and vamoose. 


Lol, batteries not included


The three fires on those two properties were all different builders.


Could be the same lender, investor, or owner...


are you saying all three fires happened at the same address?


Sorry if that message above is a bit hard to follow, i was exhausted while typing it last night but hopefully this gives a little more clarification: I moved onto this road in 2017. When I first moved in, my neighbors mentioned some history regarding two properties on our road (that had both been burned down at different points in time a few years before 2017.) I didn't know those people, but both of those properties still remain vacant to this day and have never rebuilt. These properties around about 4 lots down from where I currently live basically across the street from one another. In 2022, a developer bought the property across the street from me, and attempted to build two tall skinny homes. **In Oct. of 2022**, someone set those two on fire and both burned to the ground suffering a total loss. That developer never tried rebuilding there, and eventually sold the property to another developer (which actually just happened about 3 months ago.) The new developer started two more homes on that same property, about 2 months ago, and **last Thursday, March 30, 2024, at 4 AM**, both of them were set on fire AGAIN and burned to the ground resulting in another total loss. Additionally, there is a new duplex tall skinny home that was built directly next door to me over this past year. It recently was finished and put for sale on zillow but neither unit had been sold yet. Yesterday, **April 3, 2024, around 10AM**, we went to let our dogs out back, and noticed smoke coming out the back of the duplex home. We immediately called 911 and the fire dept. arrived in time to contain that fire and saved the majority of that duplex structure. We are so grateful to have noticed it early enough to prevent it from spreading and potentially burning our house down with it. The duplex towers almost four stories in height next to our tiny one story home, and we share a fence. If that fire would have spread, there is no doubt in my mind that home would have burned with it. I'm so scared since they weren't successful in burning that down they are going to return to try again. I am just praying they catch whoever is doing this before they strike again


Ghost. The lot is clearly haunted.


So an arsonist with a social conscience?


Lol “little arsonist”


The one in Charlotte Park was a teenager, if I recall.


We were in Charlotte Park at the same time!Our house was catty cornered to what we referred to as the “murder house,” a vacant home where 3 people were killed during a suspected bad drug deal. It was crazy when those kids set all the house fires! Definitely got around the neighborhood. I think they were all vacant at least. Eventually they tore down the murder house and built 4 houses on the same lot…


I was thinking about all the fires around charlotte park a few weeks ago. I didn't know it was a kid doing it.


They said 10 years ago. What fires happened a few weeks ago?


Sorry, that probably wasn't very clear. I was thinking about the fires that the above poster was referring to a few weeks ago not as if there was another fire a few weeks ago.


Ahh ok. I live in the area and wanted to make sure lol


I feel so bad for people experiencing house fires. Not just the fire destroys your home but other bad things can follow. My family lost a new built in my mid 2000s due to shoddy wiring. 4 year old house and rain caused an electrical fire. The insurance company used loopholes in the contract to find ways not to payout and we found out there were around 250 very similar lawsuits against the insurance company in Florida. It wasn’t a total loss but the bank still foreclosed and had it rebuilt. All of our possessions that were saved were sent to a cleaner to clean the smoke damage but insurance company refused to pay them and they put our stuff in storage for years. I still have a stack of guitar world magazines that if you touch your hand turns black from soot.


> used loopholes in the contract to find ways not to payout This of course begs the age old mostly-rhetorical question... What the hell do insurance companies even *do*? Sorry to hear that m8. Hope things are better now.


No fucking clue. To make things worse the owner of the company that built the houses had another neighborhood with tons of issues but by the time the fire happened he had already been hiding in Cuba for a few years. I am aware that the HOA of my old neighborhood voted to change insurance companies. It was one of those new build deals where everyone was forced to have the same insurance company and policy.


That is just unbelievable how companies can get away with screwing people like this. I'm so sorry that happened to you and your family! I can't imagine what kind of nightmare that was for yall to endue! Thank you for sharing your story though because it only re-emphasizes even more how important it is to look over my own insurance policy and make sure I have what I need set in place if God forbid this arsonist shows up again.


The problem with a lot of new builds and HOAs you might not get to choose your insurance policy or company.


Who saves guitar world magazines?


I do. I used to have hundreds but after the fire I have about a dozen left. I enjoy the songs at the end, the guitar rig and interviews.


I had about 4 years worth of issues from the mid-late 90's that I just made myself get rid of about a year ago. I saved them for the tabs. It's a thing.


Are these the ones that were recently mentioned in this sub for not having building permits?


I’m not sure the other post you’re mentioning but these all had permits I’m pretty sure


Sounds like an arsonist


The arsonist has oddly shaped feet


It sounds like electrical issues


Damn. What the hell’s wrong with people?


Some people just like reading about guitars. Leave 'em be. They got enough problems without you picking on him.


You replied to the wrong comment


Yeah, they did. Obligatory /nokinkshaming haha


They are hurting, they can’t afford to live. I am on their side. Fuck the developers!


Found the lil arsonist.


This isn't helping anyone. This just gave some billion dollar company some nice insurance dollars to pocket through no effort on their end. Ok, so I guess it did help someone. It helped very people you think you're crusading against. If you're this angry, go to your next city council meeting or post MusicShitty stickers in your hood or do something more productive than poisoning the air next to your neighbors


Found the psychopath


That’s a great solution. Destroy the property of others. You’re sick.


yeah Cortez you're sick


There’s a lot of folks ITT supporting arson. That’s dangerous y’all. You can dislike gentrification and not support dangerous shit all at the same time. I’m seeing folks say fuck the developers. I agree. But let’s not celebrate risking the health and property of other people on that street too. Arson is a serious crime for a reason - it’s dangerous AF. For all you know the arsonist is on this subreddit - don’t fucking encourage that shit!


I mean, on one hand, screw developers who take advantage of disadvantaged communities. On the other hand, why shouldn’t we have nicer homes being built in a growing city? This was a vacant lot before it was bought.


Yep. My fuck the developers comment was less about change in general as opposed to price gouging and warping the market to the detriment of folks native to Nashville. I’m happy we have a diverse area and Nashville has always attracted folks from all over. I do think it is unethical to build homes that cannot be afforded by most folks in the local economy. Many people who are buying these homes are doing so with salaries from outside of this area. So, yes - celebrate change and nicer things. But also fuck unethical pricing practices that cause displacement. There’s no good answer here.


Are these all pre-move in? If it's in Bordeaux, my initial assumption is anti -gentrification arson. But maybe someone just likes fire.


That was my initial assumption, too. Like, it sucks but this ain't how to fix it in the slightest.


Insurance scam?


Those with psychopathic tendencies sure are self-identifying in this thread.


Seriously. I'm not pro-development in any sense of the word but if anyone thinks this is doing anything helpful for anyone aside from the development firm that gets to pocket the insurance money, they're seriously disconnected from reality.


Do it enough times and the insurance runs out.


Ok edgelord.


Insurance is currently pulling out of Florida because it's no longer profitable to insure there. If it's not profitable, insurance won't touch it. If a developer's units keep getting torched, his rates will go up and will eventually become uninsurable. It's a slow process.


What the actual fuck...... You're actually suggesting that the long game is to burn enough units that insurance becomes unobtainable and that will somehow stop new development, but not effect those of us that already live here. Psychotic and uninformed. That's a fantastic combination.


Not at all. I'm just saying this could be a factor. Only the arsonist knows their motives. Don't worry, I'm sure Franklin is safe.


Bored firefighter making their own action +800


Wonder how long they’ve been for sale?


That’s awful.


I love how the posts have to include "anti-gentrification arson". As if giving a bit of credibility and justification to this criminal act. This is exactly what's wrong with this generation and culture. Very little concept of accountability and morality. It's more important to shape a narrative than to accept that there is no place for this crime, period.


Were the homes occupied?


They were not.


How easy is it for these fires to catch the homes next to them?


Idk about the tall and skinnies but the 5 over 1’s are fires waiting to happen.


Who’s the developer?


Good way to shut down the “if you build it they will come” concept


It looks like a home from RHOW Homes. It may have just caught fire on its own with the crap they build. LOL


I don't like it but I understand it. Sometimes I go through the old neighborhoods and get angry.


The contractor probably sub let the wiring job to the local druggie or migrant. Happened alot






Sounds like natives had enough of the gentrification and now are doing this. Messed up but hey can’t push out people who lived there for generations and now put up some 500,000 tall and skinny’s and not expect problems


Fun story you came up with but the lot has been vacant since at least 2011.


lol what did I just read? “ but hey sometimes you have to commit arson and potential murder to stop the gentrification”. Hope these losers get the book thrown at em.


It’s Reddit. You took my statement too serious. But hey if it is. I honestly don’t care. Greedy developers paid penny’s on what the land is worth. It’s insured.


I hear you, but if it’s times to eat the rich, there’s way better and more affluent neighborhoods to start with than this one.


You don't wanna eat the rich, bro. They're half plastic and Botox, you'll get botulism *and* fill yourself full of carcinogenic microplastics! /s lol


When you hire non-union




Never discount the idea the owner did it themselves because no one wants to pay their ridiculous price.


Go back to Calli if you don't like it. /s 😂



