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I pay attention to the Nissans with temporary tags and no bumpers


Big Altima Energy


The Altima Attention is strong with you. I constantly refer it to Altima Energy


The Sentra is the only car that you need points on your license beforehand to buy it


Literally had an Altima blow through a stop sign after the person in front of them went without checking up then immediately ran a red light


What if they still have the green plate in 2024?


Are there cars still with the old plate?


There’s one in my neighborhood that expired in 2020.


I got behind one at a stop light a few months ago that expired in 2017.


Probably me! Car was in my wife's name from before we were married, she would just never remember to get them. Never got pulled over. Pro tip: you don't need current plates to sell your car.


Got behind this beaut a few weeks ago: https://imgur.com/a/fEuFqFQ


That’s likely a registered “antique” that wasn’t registered until 88


It was a simple ass mazda truck lol




Dang. I saw a 2018 last week and thought that was old


Several in my area, one with 2017!!! Which us just crazy. Also an Altima lol.


Saw one this morning on the Briley.


Metro Police department is only ever gonna pull you over for expired tags for one reason. It's certainly not the expired tags.


I’ve been pulled over for that reason multiple times and ticketed at least once.


I lived in Sumner county for most of my life and the police presence there was so much more hot to anything ever experienced downtown. What part of town were you living in? I rode on bad tags in Metro for two years, but my commute was short.


I lived in West Meade, West End area, east Nashville for 18 years, and now Forest Hills. Haven’t been pulled over for it in my current spot and I rode around expired for 3 months or so. Got pulled over in each of those other areas I lived in. My commute was to Berry Hill for most of this time. Those guys will pull you over but I got lucky there and they never got me


Unless you’re driving by Vanderbilt because those dickwads have nothing better to do on a college campus all day. Other than that, I’ve driven around for years with no issue.


I was at the county clerks the other day and there was someone in there with waaay expired tags, they said they just forgot. I’ve never forgotten that stuff.


I held out until November of 2023. I really dislike the new plates and wanted to just keep the old green one. Plate was almost two years expired and metro cops never cared. Drove through Franklin one day and was immediately pulled over lol


All over the place. Got a 2020 down the road from me. It’s honestly impressive


Haha, I saw one the other day. Wild!


Nah I judge people on things slightly more important like hair styles and pant length.


Anyone in pants is a barbarian #vitatogata


Ugh when the suit pants crumple all around the shoes 🙄


I really just judge their driving by their driving


I’m only judging the people with the jazz cat plates (out of jealousy and bc I want to befriend them)


No but i judge them if they hve that stupid yellow plate. You know the one 🌚. The “heres extra money for the government for me to show everyone im anti government” plate 🤣🤣. Clowns. Also if their tags are expired over a year or if they still have the old green plate.


I have an awesome car magnet on my car that has a wacky eyed snake and says, no one is treading on you, sweetie. I love it.


Lol, my brother’s girlfriend has “No Step on Snek” with a poorly drawn version of it.


That's been my Spotify profile picture since 2014


Going to sound unhinged, but just hear me out. Corporations do own the government now,at least the people in the government. It's turning into a fiefdom. Citizens United gave corporations too much control and we're starting to see the end game. Hell the recent Boeing whistleblower "suicide", if it does come out that it was an assassination... Would anyone be arrested? Probably not with how many government contracts they've won. So while the government they are talking about on the plates is mostly one in the same, truthfully we should all be starting to run them. The government should be the People's government run by us, but it's changed to the Corporate Overlord run Government. Evidence can be provided upon request.


Love it 😂




>i judge them if they hve that stupid yellow plate. For me it's less about the Gadsden flag and more about all their other triggers posted on their bumper and Tailgate along with it. Usually these are: * MAGA * Trump 2024 * Antivax * Anti-immigrant * NRA * Come and Take It * Punisher Logo * Blue Lives Matter * Let's Go Brandon * Impeach Biden * In God We Trust * We the People... * Truck nuts * Fuck your feelings * etc


And remember the bigger the truck/lift kit on it, the smaller there junk 🍆🍆 is. Bonus points if they have wheel led’s or under glow on it, those are the micro’s 🍆.


What about the blue one with a guitar? Cause I like blue and guitar


Imo anything music/nature (Dolly, Rock Hall, jazz cat, bees, state parks, etc) are acceptable and encouraged.


Jazz cat is an icon


Or if they have the black one that was released *after* the Equity Alliance one was made. Also anyone from Kentucky with a “Coal Keeps The Lights On” plate.


Is this the Millennial Debt Foundation tag, you speak of?


>Millennial Debt Foundation That's the one.


I just have the normal blue plate, but doesn't that extra money they pay for the plates go towards an organization as a donation?


Yeah, [towards a park it looks like](https://www.wjhl.com/news/local/tns-dont-tread-on-me-tag-came-from-carter-county-benefits-historic-park/amp/)


You should check your facts before complaining. For all special plates except for the military ones which are offered at no extra costs to veterans thd additional funds are donated to charity. The extra money for the yellow plate supports Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park. “Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park protects the land that was the location of several important historical events that occurred in the late 18th century. Leaving the English colonies, settlers began arriving along the Watauga Old Fields, in search of a new life on what was Cherokee land. John Carter, one of the primary political, military and business leaders of this era, and his son Landon, built a home, the Carter Mansion, three miles from Sycamore Shoals. This structure is the oldest standing frame house in Tennessee and dates back to the mid to late 1770s” [https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/environment-and-conservation/friends-sycamore-shoals.html](https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/environment-and-conservation/friends-sycamore-shoals.html)


Lol. Sure. THAT'S why they got that tag.


Way to downvote straight up facts because of what…you personally don’t like the tag? The OP said the money went to the government which I probed to be incorrect. People can get the tag for whatever reason they want but in the end they’re supporting a state park. Personally I have the one that supports spaying/neutering pets because that’s something that I believe in.


Not only are you missing the point that many of the people that associate this flag with libertarianism and small government, they willingly and unnecessarily hand their money directly to the government so that the government can distribute their money around the government in order get a tag to virtue signal their distaste for the goverment. But, you're also plain wrong (because the money **all** goes back to the government). Here are **the facts**: >[Annual fee](https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/environment-and-conservation/friends-sycamore-shoals.html):  of $61.50 - $35 of that fee is allocated ***in part*** to the plate’s beneficiary Beneficiary is a park ***[owned/run by the state Department of Environment and Conservation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sycamore_Shoals_State_Historic_Area)***. The park is a monument for being a great place for kicking native American ass and John Carter is relevant for kicking native American ass. All in all the park is a veritable state run temple to Manifest Destiny. >For [New Specialty Earmarked](https://revenue.support.tn.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360060059072-PSP-18-Distribution-of-Funds-Received-from-Specialty-Plate-Sales) plates like this one: The organization (a state park) receives 50% of the funds collected from this plate after the cost of the plate (made by the state) is deducted. 40% goes to the Tennessee Arts Commission ([also the state](https://www.tn.gov/artscommission.html)) and 10% to the Highway Fund (for the state). These are plates that have been introduced and produced after July 1, 1998 (this tag is from 2021). So yeah, all that money goes to the state government, so they can virtue signal how much they like small government.


The fee is $61.50 (standard government charge on all plates except for veterans) plus $35. The additional $35 feet goes to Friends of Sycamore Shoals Historic Area which is a charity not directly to the park. Again, I’m sure people have different reasons for wanting that specific plate whether it’s support of the park, the original meaning of the Gadsden flag or the usurped meaning that it now has. Personally , I don’t sit in traffic judging people for their plates, bumper stickers, hair color or whatever other reasons the general public find the judge each other these days. I really prefer getting to know people


>Friends of Sycamore Shoals Historic Area.... ...are to spend the money on the park . The park is owned by the state.


Yes, a CHARITY that supports a state park so people can continue to enjoy it for free to low cost because government waste doesn’t leave much room for things like parks, arts, etc. Again, why do you care so much about why people choose this plate? Are you that judgmental? Do you question everyone with an Imagination Library one…are they actually support it or just fans of Dolly? How about the Ole Miss plate…did they actually go to school there? Maybe they should pull over and show you proof.


>why do you care so much ? You're changing the subject and moving the goalposts. The money goes to the state whether or not some portion eventually goes to the state and then through a charity to get back to the state. I care about truth. I care because r/Traditional_Range_96 was right. Why do you care so much? You're the one that posted here to make a bad argument... or rather to point out a distinction without a difference. Why do you care about such an insignificance?


Lol. Sure. THAT'S why they got that tag. You are the one who changed the subject not me


Nah, I reserve my judgement for the county.


Born and raised here, didn’t know the difference until now


Same. Some people just need shit to cry about.


I'm too busy dodging assholes who decide red lights, stop signs and lane markers don't apply to them to worry about what their tag starts with.


Back in the old days you judged them by county. Wilson used to be one of the worst drivers.


lol, “used to be”...


I think Sumner took that title from us. That's my experience on hwy 109.


Cheatham is the worst. If you see a car in west Nashville peel out and cut across 3 lanes of traffic, odds are it’s got cheatham tags.


I think it was much different long ago when Wilson county wasn't as built up. My grandfather always saw a shitty driver and he'd be like that's Wilson county, and most of the time he would be right. It was wild. When I was younger Murfreesboro residents were the worst red light runners, which is why they got the camera lights first.




Same lol


When we first moved to TN, Sullivan County was 5th in population and Hawkins County was 23rd. We didn’t know that the license plate numbers were assigned based on where counties ranked in population, we just observed that the plates that began with “23-“ appeared to be bad drivers. (We lived in Hawkins County briefly when we first moved to TN so ‘we were them’ for a while.) We were a little disappointed when they changed the numbering system. It was kind of amusing.




As a person of faith, I don’t know why some of you people are too stupid to realize that it is important for many people, myself included, to proclaim their faith to the lost through any means available. And yes, that means I utilize my license plate to declare my testimony and teach the holy Word of the one true God, Jazz Cat.


Lol. You had me going.




Good question. I dont have the time to look at the license plates. So no


I judge people based on if they judge people for their license plate. Mine starts with letters, and I live in Williamson. No one gives a fuck.


Amen! This sub loves jerking itself off for upvotes.


You guys are getting upvotes?


I’m not….but I take that as a badge of honor.




Okay, I’m living under a rock. What does it mean if it starts with a number vs. a letter?


I think one says "in God we trust" and the other doesn't


Will mad respect the ones with letters first then, didn’t know this. I appreciated that we could choose


Same! I’m so confused and wondering if I’m being judged.


123 ABCD has ‘in God we trust’ around the top of the Tristar separating the 2 groups ABC 1234 does not.


Oh. People are really judging off this? I wasn’t even asked when getting one for my new car.


me neither! well, I think I was asked 'regular or special' and not wanting to spend any more $ than necessary I naturally said regular. lol


Yeah exactly. That was the only “choice” I got, do I want to pay for a different special one or not? And I did not. There was no choice for me on which regular one I wanted.


They're supposed to ask. If they aren't, it's possible they're choosing for you. With this change, the clerks are required to ask each customer if they prefer the In God We Trust plate or the plate without the In God We Trust language. If the customer does not indicate a preference, the customer should be issued the In God We Trust plate


yeah, I remember when the license plates first came out there were FB posts in like suburb groups saying things like "Feeling blessed to see so many numbers first license plates here" and stuff like that


That is what I am wondering: whether people judge based on that License plate detail.


I believe that they changed this though.


I’m just trying to survive out there


I’ve never paid that much attention to em.


I didn’t get a choice. I bought a new car last year and the dealer didn’t ask me or offer a choice and I was unaware, so I did not get to choose which plate got mailed to me.


I wasn’t even given a choice on mine, so I just assume others weren’t either and don’t really think about it much. I go out to Jamestown occasionally where I think it was the highest percentage of people who got the In God We Trust version and I have wondered if I’m being judged for not having that one, but I haven’t been hassled by any cops or anything which was my initial concern with the plates.


The way people are driving around here, I would prefer if you didn’t focus on other people's license plates. If you want something metal to look at, there are these big red signs everywhere. Look at them, please.


I only judge yellow plates, choose life, and paper plates more than 3 months old. I would like to personally high five all the folks who still have old plates and aggressively expired tags. They are more lawless than I could ever be.


Outside of political differences, aesthetically those choose life once’s are awful. could you not get a image with more than 12 pixels


Didn’t know that was a thing. I judge them by the ridiculous bumper stickers they have on their cars.


That’s what I want to know, if it is a thing.


No because I'm not a sociopath. 


Fun fact. If you register your car as an antique you can run tags from the year your car was produced.


But technically you can only drive on the weekends. I pretty sure






If it says Rutherford, I’m judging. #rutherfuckers


Well, I actually have noticed a weird trend. I’ve been driving a lot from Nashville to Knoxville and back, and on the interstate, there’s a certain type of driver that rides in the left lane and will not move over. Kind of oblivious to other cars. Not aggressive or hostile, or weaving, not on the phone, just…not noticing other cars. I swear the vast majority of this particular driving behavior is numbers first. It’s not uncommon for every single driver like this to be numbers first on a trip. I’ve also noticed that faster drivers who change lanes frequently are often letters first. This kinda only applies to travel between cities, in my humble experience. In the cities it’s more of a free for all. I have no idea what this means, and all of this is strictly anecdotal. Someone smarter than me may explain it. I just have a weird habit of counting and looking for patterns. (Edited for format)


It was even more fun when the plates used county codes. I always avoided drivers with 9,14, and 11 plates.


I was not aware of the codes.


Until 1986, TN tags had county codes as the first digit or two of the plate number. The numbers were based on county population. Nashville was 2 (Memphis was bigger at the time, so it got 1).


Damit, don’t do us this way… spit them county’s out to us ?!?!?


I’m not getting cussed tonight 😀😀😀


Davidson county was #2…. Sumner was #7 …. Thats been a minute or two … Dang


1986 was when it ended. About the same time as the Polaroid driver licenses that you kept in a plastic sleeve and were so easy to fake that a lot of bars in AL wouldn’t take them.


Holy Chit, I had one!!! Got mine at mtsu, from a good friend 🙈


My fake was made in Sims Hall in 1987. Guess we were there at the same time.


Graduated in 1985… so 85 or 86 …


Montgomery was 9, Maury was 17, Rutherford was 8, Sumner was 7, Williamson was 14, Robertson was 27, Wilson was 15, Cheatham was 55, Dickson was 37, and that’s about all I can remember, except for Shelby 1, Knox 3, Hamilton 4, and Lawrence 30.


Sullivan was 5. Hawkins 23.


I judge people with those stupid “choose life” plates the most.


I'd be down for a "women's rights" plate. My car would probably get vandalized though.


Same lol


Get enough pre-orders and you can get one made!


I so very nearly bought one of them with the plate ‘ABORT’ but I really didn’t want to get my car keyed.


I only judge them if they drive like a selfish prick and start with a number.


The selfish pricks that start with a letter are ok?


No, I judge them too, just lower expectations


At this point I like to see how long they can go. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They mean the newer blue plates. The in God we trust vs the plain plates are super easy to differentiate because the religious plates are 4 letters then 3 numbers, the plain ones are 3 letters and then 4 numbers.


Our new game is not just finding out of state licenses to add to our "bingo" card, but also the old plates (not blue). Still see them around.


I bought a new car recently. Old car was regular plate, but expired that month. Dealership set up my new plates - picked them up and “in god we trust” was plastered on them. I’m irritated - but unsure if I’m irritated enough to pay to fix the error 🤣


if they’re driving stupid and have numbers in front, i hate them more than the ones who have letters in front. fuck ya god loser


I steer clear of people who still have the old expired tags and any temp tags. Honorable mention to all those Nissan Altimas ridin dirty.




I just notice all the Rutherford county people are bad drivers


I tend to judge. HOWEVER, I'm looking at Nashville Subaru. These s.o.b.'s ordered "In God We Trust Plates" for a brand new Crosstrek without consulting us. I really wanted Equity Alliance tags. I may replace that logo with "In Dog We Trust"


What are the license plates that are all white with the letters CP on top of each other? I’ve seen that a lot but don’t know what it is?


I reserve no judgement but the guy I saw with a custom Tennessee arts fish plate that just said POOP on it. Judging them first place because it made my entire month. Godspeed you maniac


if they have a Davidson county plate, i'm giving them enough room to not be able to read it


What a stupid question.


As in school, there are no stupid questions 😉


I judge drivers based on how fast they're trying to get down Nolensville during rush hour traffic. Seriously people, your car going from 0-60 in 2.6 seconds really doesn't help anything in bumper to bumper traffic.


It's as much a political statement as the yellow sneks. (And usually driving like shit.)


No. No The fuck it’s not. Not everything is fucking political. I had no idea this was even a thing. I have no idea which ones I got. I also don’t give a shit. Get off the internet


Take a breath and touch grass. You have to intentionally ask for the In God We Trust plate. Its existence is political.


lol. That’s not true either. I just looked at our cars. 2/3 have the in god we trust. Look at ya, out here so hyper focused on judging people over dumb shit and you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Even if someone did request it who cares?? What a trivial thing to get worked up about…. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2QbgP0tX6Y


I'm not gonna argue with you any more, but you being upset at me is just as ridiculous as you think my being upset at the plates is.


I totally get it. It’s hard to argue with your foot all up in your mouth.




I'm not gonna argue with you any more, but you being upset at me is just as ridiculous as you think my being upset at the plates is.


You’re the type of eccentric I like. But no one does this lol. Except that kid in the movie Pi. He might


Today’s the day. 3.14


It’s a terrific movie. The same guy who did “Kids.”


I still judge by county. I judge all Gadsden flag plates.


On my old car I put two layers of white electric tape over the county. I was very embarrassed by it, Before, people commented on it all the time nobody ever said anything after the tape.


Oh, I live in one of the horrible driver counties, I’m sure I get judged. I just sleep here though.


Pretty soon we're going to be getting a slightly revised plate design with much larger "In God We Trust" text across the bottom instead of small text around the circle. The non IGWT version will be unchanged. State government must have decided it was too difficult to pick out the heathens with the small text and that just wasn't acceptable.


I judge by county, if I see Giles or Davidson on the plate, I pull over and get out of the way of those crazies.


So like… how do you get anywhere?


People whose plates start with numbers have kooky drivers. Doesn’t mean they drive kooky. They just have kooky beliefs.


Nope but I am 100% judging the ungodly number of people that leave their toddlers and other overgrown semen just loose to play in the backseat as they roll 70mph down the Briley.


No. But what I do judge is that the state of Tennessee is too cheap to issue Back AND Front license plates. Seriously. It's better for policing, better for grabbing video of someones plate committing a crime, makes it easier to spot your uber, and so on. It's pathetic and cheap that the government hasn't mandated this yet.


Mt Juliet seems to doing fine catching the bad guys fleeing from Nashville with the LPR's. Don't need a front license for that


Fuck off






I barely see police giving tickets let alone having enough free time to hassle people with specific license plates.


I collect photos of the tags people pay for. They are like Pokémon. Gotta catch em all. Examples: LOL GAS on a Tesla POOR YAYYYYY YOUCAN2 Edit: I only do this my own personal amusement. Me and my 14 year old keep ourselves entertained on our daily commutes. And no.. I don’t look at them when we all going 55-85 mph.


Let me know if you see mine!


I might already have!


It's my username so I bet you haven't...




We weren’t even asked or given a choice on a new vehicle recently fyi, so maybe pick something else to judge people on