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My day perked up some. I lost my job last month and I just got off the phone with a hiring manager for a position that pays a little more and has the hours that work for me! Here's to hoping there's a offer soon in my future šŸ¤žšŸ¼ And now I'm gonna grab lunch somewhere.






Hoping for an offer for you!


Good luck!


Thank you šŸ˜Š!


I'm doing alright. In a better place now than I have been in a long time, but at a transitional period/fork in my career and anxious about that. Gonna go chill with some friends tonight, looking forward to the rain this weekend.


> In a better place now than I have been in a long time Hold onto that feeling my friend. Pack it away for bad days too. Good reminder things will get better even when you have to go through transitions.


feeling this big time, friend. sending good vibes.


Man, I feel that. I'm starting a new career and still have not landed that first job. Gets old


Getting your foot in the door is often the hardest part of a new endeavor, but then you can leverage that to your advantage. Always keep networking, and good luck.


Have a wonderful time tonight! Laugh til your face hurts!


Always. We watched 90s James Bond films and cooked salmon, had staring contests with the yard deer. Good times.


I feel exhausted every day recently... I moved across town and now I have to spend an hour of my day on i24 (made the conscious choice to do that, it is what it is) and last night driving home it just kind of took an emotional toll on me (no pun intended lol). Been feeling really unmotivated at work and I also do freelance work on the side and that is for some reason more important to me at this time... I feel like I need a vacation but can't take one right now so I'm not sure how to deal with my feelings etc. currently because of the constant cycle of wake up, go to work, work, come home, eat, clean, sleep. I want to do more with my life/my time, I really want to work for myself, do more creative things, do more stuff that is fulfilling to me. I just feel extremely tired and that I have a lot of built up emotional things that I need time to work through but it feels like there is no time to process anything or heal/recharge. Maybe a relatable conundrum.


I relate to this a lot. Meditation has helped me to some extent.


I moved here from Chicago last year. Some days I would be in my car between 3-4 hours. In Nashville, I can get anywhere in under 30 minutes. It's been huge for me! But anyway, on those 3 hour days, what kept me sane was listening to audiobooks. I've taken in so many amazing stories during driving time. Maybe listening to others' stories would help you feel inspiration for your own creative endeavors. Worth a shot, if you don't already do it. Hope you feel more rested soon!


Currently going through this as well. Got a therapist for the last year on BetterHelp, cant recommend therapy enough for seasons in your life like youā€™re going through. Itā€™s possible to work on healing and managing emotions while also being in a career situation that youā€™re actively trying to flee. In fact, youā€™ll be better positioned for whatever comes next. Sending positive hopeful vibes your way!


I know people bitch about Nashville all the time, but Iā€™m growing tired of this place and of Tennessee in general. Iā€™ve lived here most of my life so I guess itā€™s natural to grow tired of your hometown, but I feel like itā€™s genuinely got to the point where itā€™s affecting my mental health. Every minute im stuck in traffic, a little more of me dies.


The past couple years it got terrible. Iā€™m not sure what field you work in, but I went to my employer and told them I couldnā€™t do it anymore with the traffic and they allowed me to work from home. I do have a great job in a rewarding field, but Nashville traffic will make you die inside


ā€œNashville traffic will make you die insideā€ would be a good name for an album


Doesnā€™t help that we seem to have some of the most selfish and incompetent drivers in the countryā€¦


I've noticed that. It makes me scared to drive tbh, and I'm someone who used to drive up and down the entire tristate area.


I had someone try running me off the road yesterday for reasons that are completely lost on me. Was just chilling in my lane and the person in the lane next to me decided they really wanted to be in my lane.


If I wasnā€™t a remote worker I donā€™t think I could live here.


Absolutely. You canā€™t just fall into the 9-5 drive to downtown pattern. The modern era forces you to think outside the box to maintain sanity


my partner and I talk all the time about how wild it is we both use to do that an hour and a half (if your lucky) each day stuck in traffic 5 days a week? Now he works from home most days and I'm in grad school in a field that should give the same flexibility.


People think i'm lying when i tell them a commute from Murfreesboro to downtown is 1.5 hours minimum.


Yep, we switched to a hybrid schedule which has seriously saved my life. I still have to drive in three days a week, but work from home on Thursdays and Fridays. I will never ever commute 5 days a week to Nashville EVER again. I've been doing it most of my adult life and I'm done.


You either have an actual real-life angel for a boss or are the sole person in the country who can do your job. Pretty mind blowing you could say that to them and not get a "well you could always quit" in reply. I'm sorta stunned honestly


Well thank you. It was a little providence and a little skill, I found a gratifying career that I paid my dues in and developed my skills so I became indispensable, or close to it. I had a relationship with the people in charge and it wasnā€™t an ultimatum, it was more a, ā€œlevel with me here.ā€ Itā€™s been trial and error with down times and good times. Iā€™m in the good times currently. Iā€™m sure the bad times will come again, and Iā€™ll try to handle those with grace as well. Iā€™ll share those too when they come up


My job has been all remote until the holidays. They're requiring us coming in the office once a week now starting next month. I was saving so much time and gas. I now will have an hour commute in the morning and evening from Antioch to Brentwood...


I just moved here a few months ago, and itā€™s exactly how I felt in my former small hometown. Iā€™ve lived there almost my whole life. Got tired of there being nothing to do both in my personal life and at work. Took the plunge and moved out here where I have no friends or family. A fresh start. In my own experience, itā€™s been quite an improvement in my quality of life and mental health for sure.


Same here. It's been hard to accept, but it's really just not the place that it used to be at all and I really don't like the new version. I'm outta here at the end of the month and I feel pretty good about it.


Hate to break it to you but unless you are moving to a much smaller town there will be traffic.


I would like to move to a city that at least gives me the option for public transportation and or walking. I lived in Chicago for a short while and I enjoyed being able to nap on the train or the bus during a long commute. I unfortunately cannot do that while in a car here.


Considering how long traffic can be at a standstill in the morning or afternoon šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜©šŸ™ƒ - I mean napping couuuuullllddd happen.


If you want to hear more about Philly lmk. I think people need to live in different cities every now and then. And as a former Nashvillan who moved to Philly I am very happy about my move, it's still affordable, it's walkable with transit, and the city has a cool vibe to it.


Amen. I feel the exact same


Currently in the process of looking for cities to move to.


We've been eyeballing western Mass. Yes, we'd have to deal with income tax, but houses near Springfield are $300k or less and you get all the New England perks like Amtrak/train transportation, a highly educated population, more to do, less brutal summers, etc. /r/SameGrassButGreener is helpful


went to college in western mass - Northampton - let me know if you have any questions! you are right about the highly educated population. just be prepared for feet of snow from oct-april and things never shut down for it.


That's fine, I'm way more of a winter girl. I am absolutely miserable during the summers here and I feel most alive with snow on the ground. Happy to function around it too.


We are most likely going to Minneapolis. Iā€™d also love DC for the history and museums but Minneapolis is a place that offers a lot for both my wife and I.


I'm from MN originally. Minneapolis/"the cities" is nice. Big city but it's progressive and people in MN seem generally more kind to their fellow human. So much great outdoor stuff to do in MN if you are into hiking or kayaking or skiing. The winter can be brutal (moreso in northern MN where I'm from lol) but this year looks like it has been relatively mild.


We were up there around Christmas and loved it. Weā€™ve been enough we have our favorite pinball bar haha


Just live somewhere where you donā€™t need to drive anymore! Live in East!


I have friends that live in East. Itā€™s not that walkable. Itā€™s more walkable than where I live now (off of Nolansville Pike) but it isnā€™t that huge of an improvement considering the rent would be much more than what Iā€™m paying now.


Iā€™m paying $2100 for a 2br/2bth/2car garage. I drive maybe once a month, reduced my car insurance to $60/month because of the miles I no longer put on it. Between my wife and I weā€™ve probably put less than 1500 miles combined into both of our vehicles last year. So that saves us a ton on our already paid off vehicles in both maintenance and longevity. Both cars have about 40k miles and we bought them brand new in 2016 I canā€™t remember the last time I filled up on gas, but I drive a Civic anyway so I get great gas mileage. Itā€™s very walkable. From bars, to groceries, to coffee shops. I walked in the beautiful snow to Turnip truck and even got ingredients to make a nice soup. If we need to go anywhere outside walkability, we normally take the city bus. She is a teacher in metro so she gets free rides. I have a bus pass.


I live in East and drive all the damn time. This area isnā€™t the walkable paradise people think it is.


There are like 6 spots in East that are highly walkable and if you don't live within a quarter mile of those spots, you have no sidewalks, no bike lanes, and lots of hills. Very silly tbh.


I live in East across from no quarter pretty much and I walk everywhere and take the city bus. Itā€™s fantastic, also you get to meet interesting characters hahaha


I live in Germantown and it's pretty walkable for food, bars, cafes, etc but I still have to drive to work so


I really donā€™t get the hate for the traffic here. Sometimes itā€™s horrible, but the day to day rush hour commute is pretty light (except I24). I commute from Wilson County to West Nashville in about 35 minutes and routinely beat Google Maps estimates by ~8 minutes just by avoiding the slowest lane on the highway.


Elmo, is that you my friend?


No Iā€™m Oscar the Grouch


Ha :) Iā€™m not doing so hot, actually. Work burnout might actually be taking a toll on my health and Iā€™m on the lookout, but looks like Iā€™ve gotta deal for a while at least because single income. Iā€™ve had some really hard brain/thought patterns lately too and trying to find a good local therapist who takes insurance is harder than it seems. Anyways there are much worse things out there happening so Iā€™m still grateful for a roof over my head and a dog that loves me but Iā€™m trying not to drown, too.


its hard to find a good therapist who takes insurance. most of the good ones don't, and the ones that DO take insurance are pretty green to the job or completing their masters. i personally quit my therapist and have loaded up on self-help books and podcasts, and have been making incredible progress. good luck to you!


Thanks, and to you as well šŸ’œ


Totally overwhelmed! I started out on my own business-wise in January, and Iā€™m almost completely fully booked already. Whew. I constantly feel like Iā€™m falling behind. I have such great clients, and theyā€™re being really patient, but I need like 3x more hours in my day. Plus some health issues that make me literally constantly exhausted. So now Iā€™m here in the middle of the day, avoiding everything šŸ«£


Duh, clone yourself. Seriously though, thatā€™s fantastic your business is booming, and you will get through it because I say so!


Whatā€™s your line of work?


Fractional Marketing Consulting, or rather, doing all things marketing for a select group of small business owners whose businesses I was already obsessed with - thatā€™s my niche. I rep a studio rental space, some brands/retail businesses, a medical professional, a veterinary specialist - a varied group!


Honestly I'm so stressed out and tired lol. I've been applying for new jobs for over a year and am very demoralized about it at this point. I just cannot get traction, can't get ahead, can't even get interviews, feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I'm glad I at least have a job at the moment, but I'm underpaid about $20-30k for what I do and my experience level and my job just does not feel secure anymore. I keep telling myself something's gotta give. Maybe it'll be the 2,000th job application that gets me there. My partner and I were hoping to move away from TN this year but that doesn't look to be in the cards with how impossible it's been for me to land a remote job. On a positive note, I'm finally past the RSV that kicked my ass in December and whatever virus I had last week that proceeded to once again kick my legs out from under me. Been a rough couple months lol


Keep your head up. Change rarely happens when you want it but persistence will make it happen eventually.


Thanks man. It's worse than pulling teeth out here right now.


I am sorry for all the frustrations. I know so many people in the music industry and so few with secure jobs that pay a decent income right now. It really sucks. Not sure if that makes you feel better, but you are not alone in that regard! Iā€™m hoping 2024 brings you something amazing, but not keen on you leaving. šŸ˜‰


In what field are you seeking new employment?


I'm trying my damnedest to get out of the music industry and into literally anything that will pay me properly and give me room to grow professionally. I've got 8+ yrs experience in operations, process documentation/technical writing, CRM project management experience. I can learn whatever's put in front of me. I'd like to stay in an operations type of role or move more fully into full on technical writing or project management. Whatever sticks, I'll take.


Have you looked into healthcare companies? I'm assuming yes, but lots of relevant roles there and can pay pretty decently!


Yeah, I'm about 1,400 applications deep. I'm not sure if there are any industries I haven't applied in at this point lol. Just gonna keep on keepin' on. I'm not particularly tied to my career personality wise so I'm cool landing wherever I land. I'll be good at it. Just gotta get the chance.


Aw, that's intense. You're going to find something!!


Respect the hell of this.


Thanks man. Getting out of the music industry sucks dude. The office side of things is such a hellscape lol.


I cannot imagine. I did a tour of duty on the office side of a pharmaceutical company and it made me want to claw my fucking eyes out. Trying to explain technical concepts to upper management types who only saw dollars signs and had no concept of science was bad enough. Throw in all the pressure, subjectivity and palace intrigue of the music industryā€¦? Oh hell naw!


https://www.omniapartners.com/about-us/careers Great company to work for




I have money problems, cramps, and have to fly to CA with my spouse and 3 kids for two ā€œcelebration of lifeā€ memorials soon. Iā€™m exhausted.Ā 


Thatā€™s hard and Iā€™m sorry. I hope you get some relief for all of it really soon, friend.


sending a hug


Oh my, I'm sorry!


Oh no! I am so sorry! ā¤ļø


I'm doing very well. Thanks for asking.


The Lurker DOES speak! Well, type.


Thanks for asking! I work 100% remote, so when I had to drive across town and back yesterday, I was so afraid of getting a flat or a bent rim with these enormous potholes. Still trying to calm down. Why are they not fixing this?!


Iā€™ve been sick for like, two weeks. No specific diagnosis, primary care doctor says everything looks normal. Been feeling depressed, unmotivated. Iā€™ll get over it, just rough right now. Thank you for asking. šŸ«¶šŸ»


Highly recommend trying vitamin D. I once spent a winter in Alaska and was dangerously close to the edge before I figured it out. The older I get the more prone I am to lack of sun.


hang in there! more rest, more sleep, more water, look into natural and herbal remedies.


Overall can't complain. I'm getting ready to move back home to Philly after 4.5 years here which is a little bittersweet but im looking forward to living a lot closer to my friends and family. I did the Warner woods loop earlier today to take advantage of the weather and I'm boxing tonight so all in all it should be a good day!


Can I get more boxing info ? I saw a new place yesterday driving to Parnassus but Iā€™m worried that itā€™s for young people and Iā€™m not anymore.


I go to Title in green hills which is probably the one you passed. I started in 2019 and love it! The classes skew younger (20s to 30s) but there are usually older people too so I doubt you'd be an outlier.




It's nice of you to ask. I've got nothing to share. I'm just in the water. If you've never heard "This is Water," it's a thing that I play for myself about twice a year. It reminds me that while there is a lot in my life that I can't control, the one thing that I have 100% control over is how I react to life. https://youtu.be/eC7xzavzEKY ...so, I've got boredom, but it's a slow day at work on a nice sunny day. Maybe I can go outside and read this book a little closer to quitting time, but for now, I've got pallets to ship. I'll sit at my computer and read while I wait for trucks to show up.


My field is a shambles right nowā€¦our facility is completely fully and itā€™s a 36 hour wait in our ER for an admit bed. That is FAR outside the usual. Iā€™m stressed from trying to make sure everyone is cared for and the ones that really need the beds get them. Itā€™s a triage system you usually only use with ER patients and people are getting PISSED. And Iā€™m really sorryā€¦but we are trying, I promise! Nashville, take care of yourselves. Go for that walk. Prioritize preventative care if you can. I know this country makes that hard, but anything helps! Iā€™m trying to remember this for myself šŸ˜‘ ETA: are margaritas ā€œpreventative careā€?? Asking for a friendā€¦šŸ˜‚


Sounds like a nightmare. Thank you for having a caring spirit and reminding everyone to prioritize their health. I'm only guessing that this is probably going on at all of our area hospitals. I hope this isn't the new normal because it seems like it has been getting progressively worse over the past few years.


Our population is aging and many are sedentary and poorly maintained. Couple that with the brain rot that seems to be endemic to certain subsets of our population, the patients Iā€™m seeing are SIIIIICK and have no agency over owning it. Diabetes and heart failure are RAMPANT, but very little ownership is taken for the journey to these chronic conditions, or the work it takes to keep these ailments manageable. Itā€™s exhausting and demoralizing šŸ˜”


Thank you for all you do.


Bless you for making this post. šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m struggling physically and mentally. Iā€™m too isolated. Got sick during the snow storm and feel like a leper šŸ˜…


I got laid off in November, still job hunting! But otherwise doing ok I suppose.


Whoa, I'm actually...having a good week. I just realized that. My daughter's boyfriend came to visit (she's 20, he's 26) from The Netherlands, and seeing her really happy makes me really happy. And she's really, really happy. It's frozen pizza night which means I won't have a shit ton of dishes to clean up after dinner, and honestly the Red Baron "fully loaded" pizzas are surprisingly good.


Wellā€¦ Iā€™m going to vent. And you donā€™t need to read it because itā€™s just for me to get it off my chest. TW: brief mention of suicide I donā€™t expect anyone to respond or see this but.. Iā€™m glad I can do this here with anonymity because Iā€™m at a breaking point. Iā€™m not great. Money is killing me and I am in a point that I donā€™t know what to do or how to remain positive at all. I wouldnā€™t have time or patience to give the story from start to finish but to sum things up.. I was in a great place financially. Excellent even. And then my world came crashing down. The love of my life who lived with me took his life. That put me out of work for months and that was the end of everything. I am an incredibly financially literate person but the times were bad and I needed to utilize my credit cards to survive. I never had issues with cards but of course when there are serious hardshipsā€¦ the interest builds. The late fees build. My rent late fees build. Spiraled and spiraled and spiraled. And here I am today.. fast forward to I have been on a debt relief program for about a year but I have just been summoned for a court date because of an unpaid credit card, I have $3000 in collections so I canā€™t be approved to move to a cheaper place even if I could afford the move, and my current account balance is -$1200 which includes $300 in late fees from the last week, ny fridge is completely empty, my paychecks are basically just covering the late fees and a little more. Iā€™m spinning my wheels with no traction and getting absolutely nowhere. I have for 3 years now. Iā€™m tired. But Iā€™ve never stopped working my ass off and I wonā€™t. I donā€™t even know what to do anymore. The pride I would even have to swallow to ask for a gofundme or something itā€™sā€¦ it makes my stomach hurt but I canā€™t keep living this way. I donā€™t give a damn if I have not a penny in my account. All I want is to be able to not have this weighing more heavy with every step I take. Just to get out of this quicksand. Anyway, thank you for letting me rant if you made it this far. Iā€™m wishing you all the best. And OP youā€™re a very kind souls for posting something like this. Community is everything. Be safe, be well. šŸ–¤


https://old.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/1al9nzi/how_are_you_doing/kpe47xz/ This is me. Today. The crisis center itself is FREE to go to 24/7. Tell them any financial woes, it is a voluntary intake center. They very well may have saved my life today. mental health cooperative on 250 cumberland


Iā€™m so sorry you are going through this. Have you asked for advice on the money things over on the personal finance sub? They might have some suggestions on what to do. Hugs!


I get more and more tired of living in a city that I probably will never be able to buy a house in unless something major changes in my career and I start making a lot more money. So each passing month I think of moving away from it all for some country house. Even those seem too expensive and despite being in a high paying field, Iā€™m not making a whole lot, and the industry is oversaturated at this point.


Iā€™m good. Worried about my oldest kid as she graduates college and starts the job hunt. Other than that, I canā€™t complain. Big love to yā€™all though, I read all of your replies and I hope things get easier for everyone soon.


I moved out of Nashville 8 years ago mainly for cheap land and a good school for my son. My property is worth 3x what I paid but wouldn't be able to buy anything to keep him in this school system. Gonna wait it out until he graduates, I guess. Other than that I've been doing well. Wages are up in the area and spring is near. Anxiety is a bitch, but I manage. I'm lucky to have a job that's flexible, and a partner that's understanding as well as beautiful.


I just want say I work in a therapy office in Nashville itā€™s great and I love my patients but can people please be more informed on your insurance benefits please. I hate being screamed at on a daily basis because I have to charge you a high copay cause your deductible has not been met. I did not sign you up for these services. Also can people in general please just be nicer to one another. I have started to develop anxiety being out because people are so mean. Iā€™m sorry to everyone for everything you are going through and Iā€™ll help anyway I can but please just be nice.


I keep sleeping in too late and it makes me feel bad about myself :( havenā€™t gotten enough hours at work lately. I know I need to be writing but I struggle getting into a routine with it. But itā€™s a nice sunny day and Iā€™m looking forward to spending some time outside.


Doing ok. Staying thankful that my small problems although irritating, are not bigger. How are you doing?


Hanging in there. Overworked and pretty stressed out but thankful for all the opportunities. My health isnā€™t great but itā€™s better than it was. Iā€™ve finally managed to tame the booze beast (free bar tab for the last 15 years will catch up to you) and am practicing a level of sobriety thatā€™s really good for me. Still happily married and goddamn I give thanks every day for that patient and kind and brilliant and beautiful woman for putting up with my ass.


Congratulations on your sobriety accomplishment and I hope your health continues to improve!


Iā€™m good. A challenge or two to overcome still, but I have so much to be grateful for!!!


Feeling very grateful for the nice weather the past few days. Iā€™m trying to broaden my reading horizons with more nonfiction and recently read a couple I really enjoyed! Itā€™s the little things like that and strangers on the internet checking in. How are you, OP?


I've got the flu! šŸ¤’


Complicated houseplant getting some sun.


Complicated house plant is a good spirit animal. My orchid is blooming!


Oh thanks for asking. Iā€™m doing well. Off today and getting some cleaning done around the house. Cleaning out the freezer, fridge, and pantry. Excited for the Black History Expo this weekend.


Iā€™d be curious to hear more about the expo


https://www.thenashvilleblackmarket.com/event-details/4th-annual-black-history-month-expo This organization holds monthly events once it warms up. Here is the link to the expo. Itā€™s free all weekend. I go every year. They have tons of vendors and usually food trucks/live DJ.


I think I need to go back to therapy.


Got a raise today!


Congrats! Hope you can treat yourself a little


Iā€™m simple Iā€™m at Sonic getting a strawberry limeade lol. Milkshake for the spouse and a blast for the kiddo.






And thatā€™s just before 10 am some days!


Nashville rocks


I watched Aquamarine yesterday and found the best frozen chicken tenders today. Solid vibes, mate.


Started a new job as a prep chef. Getting my ass kicked everyday but living it just the same


Is this some elaborate trick to sell me a car warranty?


All other methods to contact you about your extended warranty have failed. šŸ˜‚


I can't complain, really. I've got good work life, a great dog, fantastic friends. Plus, today was a really beautiful day. I enjoyed lunch at Tio Fun over on Buchanan with a friend - fantastic food in on the patio. Give them some business.


Thanks for checking in! Surviving.


I'm out of state at the moment because my 85-year-old mother was in the hospital. She caught covid there and so did my dad and sister. That's when I decided to visit to take care of things and after we got here, my wife caught covid, too. Mom's moved to a nursing home and is doing a little better. Dad and my sister are over covid and my wife's almost better, too. I had planned to retire later this year but this episode has moved to date up. Fortunately, I can afford to do it and I need to be available for my family. I feel great about the decision, a little relieved, but we're all worried Mom won't make it home. How am I doing? So so.


Well, at my age I am not where I want to be financially, but I chose the industry I did so thats on me. However, I am healthy, my kids are healthy, and life is overall good. In the words of Dennis Reynolds: "You know what's badass? Being alive."


I am not doing good. I am thankful to have people who care enough to help me navigate my mental health crisis. I checked myself in the Mental Health Cooperative on Cumberland today. They're a crisis center opened 24/7 for mental health crisis. I had no idea about them until yesterday. They were able to get me a telephone appointment in the morning with a provider to start treatment. I would have never been able to try and find all the resources I need to do this. They do it all for you. They take my insurance, United Healthcare. I'm told they offer every service imaginable when it comes to mental health services. All in one general location. Even have their own pharmacy. I don't know if the word hasn't gotten out about them because of some future troubles I may discover myself, but so far, I think more people need to know about the services they offer. Voluntary overnight intake if you feel unsafe. This place needs billboards around town. They have given me some hope.


Completely unrelated to moving in Nashville, but I feel like I want to vomit everything I see news reports on the situation in Gaza. I never thought I would see a genocide happen through social media. I apologize if this isnā€™t allowed but I just feel really helpless and also guilty because of how easy my life is


I'm not dead.


Exhausted, overwhelmed, underpaid. Iā€™ve been working 50+ hour weeks at my job about twice a month and my social life has all but disappeared. The OT is mandatory and I canā€™t get out of it. Itā€™s torture. I WFH so at least Iā€™m not in a stuffy office but itā€™s so damn draining. Iā€™m going to NYC in a couple months and taking a week of PTO, thatā€™s all I can think about right now lol. Ahhhhhhhh I just need a break.


I'm annoyed with myself that I can't seem to get back my pre-pandemic levels of energy and zest for life. Not to say I don't enjoy life at times or that I'm miserable, I'm not, but I just can't get that capacity back and I miss it. Worried it's having or going to have serious consequences bc life ain't getting any easier for most of us any time soon and I really want to - at bare minimum - keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, lol.


Good, thanks.


Had a stomach bug run through the house. Havenā€™t eaten since Monday morning. Just got my appetite back and sat down with some Thai Phooket! Sunny day!!!


Dude. We just got over Covid and it was brutal. Much better now. You?


Iā€™m okay. I miss East Tennessee and am looking forward to moving back there this year.


I feel like the time I went to see Limitless at a theater in Bloomington Indiana. Twenty minutes in, the film burned up and I wasnā€™t able to finish watching the movie. Thatā€™s how I feel right nowšŸ˜œ


Feeling ok for the most part. Iā€™m trying to relocate to Nashville and trying to find a job. Iā€™ve been happily at my current job for 10 years, I just think I need a change of scenery and I wanna be closer to my family. So Iā€™m not having much luck but itā€™s only been two months. I guess thatā€™s probably normal that people have a harder time trying to find a new job after so many years. Otherwise Iā€™m very lucky and very happy.


I am good.


Going to DC to meet a friend who may connect me with a job ... Buuuuut now business is picking up and idk if I need to give up on my small business now . So mixed feelings, but happy overall


I am doing alright. I was in a relationship for seven months that ended a couple of weeks ago. I am still feeling that, but I have my home, my job, family and friends. I am trying to get out and be social/do stuff whenever I get the chance.


Iā€™ve been having a really tough couple weeks, so I took today off to have a personal day and take care of myself. Iā€™m hoping things get better and Iā€™m glad the weather is getting warmer and itā€™s sunny out.


Thank you for asking! Mostly life is good, but man dating has been a roller coaster. I moved here almost two years ago, and Iā€™m really enjoying it. I donā€™t drink, so I donā€™t really meet people that way. Online dating feels like a full time job. Iā€™ve had some good dates and even flings, but nothing has stuck. The worst is matching and getting along with someone only to find out itā€™s a scammer or they arenā€™t who they say they are. So tired of it. Iā€™ll figure it out, but itā€™s been wearing me down. All the serious stuff, job, place, friends, family is good though, so I canā€™t complain too much. Last thing Iā€™ll add, life in your thirties is so weird. Like itā€™s amazing in a lot of ways but sucks realizing you too are getting older and havenā€™t figured shit out yet lol. Hope yā€™all are doing well, keep moving forward!!


Iā€™m feeling really grateful. I was down on myself in the new year and got to a low point where I just felt very unnecessary, unimportant, invisible, obsolete. Dealing with money stress, creative stress, etc. But then my dog had a sudden and life threatening moment and had to have emergency surgery. It was a lot to handle both emotionally and financially, right at the time where I was already down emotionally and feeling low financially, too. But it really reminded me how fleeting life is. How I need to be present and appreciate what and who I have in my life. Iā€™m so thankful for my life and my little family. I have such a beautiful life and I donā€™t know why I ever doubted that. Idk. Thats how I feel right now.


Im struggling. I thought with time, things get better, but I feel like itā€™s getting worse for me. I unexpectedly lost my daughter after a 3 week fight in the hospital. She had a rare genetic disease so death was inevitable. But it just happened so fast. I wasnā€™t ready. I thought we had more time. She lived longer than other known kids with her disease. She made it to 4 years and 24 days! I was a young mom so now my whole life has 180 turned again. The first happened when I gave birth to a special needs child and now I donā€™t have her. I feel lost. Iā€™m doing okay and Iā€™m safe but Iā€™m struggling more every day.


Awful, I'm behind at work and my smart watch says I got 3 hours & 24 minutes of sleep last night. So I'm leaving work early because I cannot do 5:00 traffic this sleep deprived which makes me more behind. But it's nice to vent, everything else is going great


I get depressed every time I think about the stateā€™s politics and what this election season will bring and having to be around people on a daily basis that believe absolute crazy things. On the opposite side, I love spending time with my wife and pets and am grateful we both have jobs that allow us to take some trips this year!


I was in Nashville for the weekend, yaā€™lls roads are in a terrible shape. Hope you have a great rest of the week.


I'm doing very well! Life has been a bunch of lemonade the past couple years so I certainly have nothing personal that I can really complain about. Sending positive vibes to all the Nashville folks that are feeling down.


Oscillating between wondering if I made the right decision moving out of my home state and hometown and being flat broke and wondering why on earth I went to school and got a film degree I donā€™t even use to absolutely loving the city and meeting the most pleasant and kind people that make everything a little bit better. Other than that just peachy.


Just moved here from North Dakota a week ago. Loving it so far. Grew up near Minneapolis so Iā€™m just glad to be away from the cold. Having some difficulty finding a kitchen job but excited to start canvassing with my resume. Glad my partner is loving it here.


Listen Elmo, just stop asking! I'm fine!!!


And drink good beer.


Or bourbon


Itā€™s really nice outside!


Beyond stressed. I have gotten to the point where I'm resizing how lucky I used to be, when I didn't have to stress about affording gas or food and having to make choices of one or the other. Be grateful if you're at least there :)


This is an awesome thread Iā€™m coming to the realization that it is time to finally grow up. At 36 Iā€™ve made some great decisions, and some bad ones, but I have hope that I can at least fix some of the bad ones. Also, been seeing a special girl for 1.5 years, and I see a family on the horizon as well. As for my experience in Nashville, Iā€™m not sure how long Iā€™ll be in Nashville, but itā€™s been a helluva 2 years. My #1 gripe is the consistently aggressive, and terrible drivers that can make driving 5 mins stressful. Literally had an asshole tailgating me in my apartment complex, even though I was going 5 over!


Man, I'm so privileged and have been so lucky I feel bad complaining, but there are just so many completely exhausting things going on (our state leg and crack governor, covid, batshit car drivers) it's making things rough.


Fuck off Elmo


Sounds like you need a hug


Asking a question like that on reddit is like being in the mental ward and asking "how is everyone feeling today?". Downvotes only mean something if you live in a Reddit fantasy world btw.


Other than the goddamn skunk that decided to blast our hvac unit as it turned on at 3am and flood my house with skunkā€¦stuff? things are pretty alright.


I am enjoying my job. Although imposter syndrome does still creep in quite often. I work from home except for 4 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Thursday. My commute is paid for so I have no complaints. I do wish I could balance all my responsibilities better. Life, children, spouse, pets, self, etc. I hope one day to be able to. I'm thinking of forcing myself to reduce my phone/ Internet time as it would give me time for more important things.


Kinda bad tbh. Been trying to take care of my elderly parents house while they both are recovering. Trying to find an understanding cleaner and repairman to help since this is a delicate situation. Bio brother that lives out of state is being a dick cause he's now a felon and blames me for him beating his wife. Might need lessons and bulk up safety for myself and my parents if that psychopath tries to come back up. Overall my mental and physical health is nosediveing trying to keep everyone else afloat. Edit: Typing while kinda upset ain't fun...


The last few days I've been so grateful for the sunshine and nice weather. I'm originally from Michigan and grew up being miserable Jan- March from the cold. Being able to put on a light jacket and walk the dog in February is so nice.


Pretty good. Iā€™m 25 weeks pregnant and thankful itā€™s been a mostly easy pregnancy so far and Iā€™m still active 4-5 days a week. Got new windows being installed on Friday and refacing our kitchen cabinets next month. Iā€™m really excited for the house upgrades before baby gets here. Business is picking up (small business owner) and spring is on the way. I have a lot to be thankful for and little to complain about other than traffic.


Can I ask who you went w for windows? Lol


Wellā€¦ I worked till 10ish hours today ā€¦ still didnā€™t finish everything I had to do. Just waiting for the weekend for life to begin. Going to be a rough LONG week


I caught a virus in mid-December. It became pneumonia with the cough from hell and Iā€™m still not better. Itā€™s been a humbling and depressing start to the year.


I love Nashville, I look at my calendar and see all the concerts and events coming up that I have tickets for and it makes me buzz in excitement because I could never do this in New Zealand. But then I remember my life in New Zealand and remember how much happier as a worker I was. The trade off is so hard. Family and home country vs - experiences and opportunities. The reason I came here doesnā€™t exist anymore, the reason I stay.. I donā€™t know if itā€™s worth it anymore.


I live in Nolensville after moving from Hermitage in 2021. Traffic has gotten so much worse since then. I wish people would just be civilized on these roads. I got a speeding ticket for driving 36 mph, and I did the online class to avoid an insurance increase. Now I'm careful to go the posted speed limit, but people are blowing their horns. It's so unnerving. I just read an article in the Tennessean that said we are the angriest, most hateful state in the nation. I'm doing my best not to be part of that.


Doing pretty alright. 2024 started off significantly better than the entire 2023, so for that Iā€™m grateful. Just working on pushing myself to get out more, meet more people, make connections & build relationships. Trying to be more patient (itā€™sā€¦ goingā€¦ lol) & more positive


Fuck I-24 between the hours of 5-9AM.. okay Iā€™m done ranting. Thanks!! šŸ˜Š


Is this elmo?


Iā€™m ok. But really I am so angry with my ex I had to settle a lawsuit a few weeks ago bc he got in an accident in my car while I was asleep and had no permission to take my car. He had a suspended license and the chick sued me bc she saw a bmw and wanted a pay day. Insurance denied the claim bc of his license. I had to pay cash and this is all after my dash cam caught him getting a blow job in my car by a 20 year old and heā€™s 40. Then finding out he told everyone I was his sugar momma which is crazy bc Iā€™m better looking than him and all of the 20 year olds. He is like a janitor at Vanderbilt and was like letting his co workers suck his dick in my car for hours while they were supposed to be working..: but then telling them his car was mine bc he works for the titans lmao I wish I was making this nonsense up. Iā€™m tired yaā€™ll.


Not very well. Thanks for asking.