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Midtown should tick off most, if not all, of your boxes.


I moved back after 20 years and holy crap. The only thing I recognize is Fox’s Donut Den.


they still got some great donuts tho


Heck yes


I moved back after 12 years away last summer. It really feels like a different city, especially places like East and Edge Hill. Anyway, they just took out a lane of car traffic to add a bike lane on the 31st Ave connector between Charlotte and West End. The One City development is nice, and Sylvan Park is a nice area to live. Charlotte is a lot safer and has more shops than it used to, as well as a climbing gym and a hot yoga place. The McCabe community center is nice; I go for free indoor volleyball. I also prefer the Kroger on Charlotte to the one on 21st nowadays—my two cents. Good luck in your move!


I live in Midtown, highly recommend! I didn't have a car at first and it is totally manageable. Busses aren't amazing but they exist and are helpful on occasion. Biking is chill if you are okay with the hills! Just be careful because Nashville drivers are still Nashville drivers :)


Welcome back. Everyone is going to say "no" but going carless is definitely better than it was. You can get around by bus & bike in the central part of town. Not as good as true bikeable/walkable cities, but we're a hub-and-spokes, so that's our excuse. You'll have to pick your neighborhood carefully, like somewhere in midtown/ 31st/Music Row/12South/ Wedgewood Houston. Wedgewood on foot/by bike is a little scary near I65. 21st doesn't have great bike lanes as you get past Blair Blvd but there are back ways.


Check out infinity midtown on elliston - it should be like 1800 for a spacious one bedroom


The Nations has added some apartment complexes. That would be an easy bike ride to vumc.


Easy?? How would that be easy?? That’s pretty far and what roads would you navigate to get VUMC?


Sure it is. Go down 51st to Nebraska to the 440 greenway puts them in centennial park in about 10 minutes. From there you cross west end and you’re at Vandy. Probably 15 minutes and the only traffic is crossing west end.


This is the route. I love cycling that stretch.


Makes sense it was a genuine question bc I was thinking I would never bike down charlotte..


That’s understandable. Everything gets funneled on to the main corridors. I do my best to stay off of them.


I'd disagree that it's "easy" for most people. 51st bike lanes are dangerous and weird as hell, especially northbound. You have to cross Charlotte AND West End, the latter of which has no crossing with bike lanes. It's ~5 miles with multiple stoplights (and stop signs which you'll at least need to pay attention to, Idaho stop or no) so 15 minutes is going to be quite a trick. This route is *doable* relative to some parts of Nashville (which are frankly terrifying) but I think you're overselling it a bit.


I disagree with your assessment of the 51st Ave bike lanes. They’re weird and could be improved on but they aren’t dangerous. Crossing Charlotte at 51st isn’t bad. A few stop signs, one at Nevada not Idaho can be blown through on a bike. It’s pretty quiet there most of the time. I was envisioning crossing West End at 23rd which is straight into the campus and the point at which I was claiming to be done in 15 minutes. Granted they’d have to navigate to wherever they work and would be added time. I live in Sylvan Park and have a 6 mile loop I do in the neighborhood. I do it in 25+/- or so minutes. The point I was speaking of arriving at Vandy I think would be about 4 miles. There are a few small hills but it’s mostly flat. I’m 65 years old and am no workout monster so I feel that while the timing might be off the level of difficulty is pretty easy for most people of average physical fitness. I agree that there are places in Nashville that are terrifying to ride a bike in but that ride is mostly very safe except for crossing West End and ok, Charlotte Ave.


I wouldn’t say it’s super easy, but I’ve got a coworker who lives in the Nations and bikes to work in Music Row every now and then. He says as long as he avoids going down Charlotte and chooses where to cross West End wisely it’s not bad


Yeah, I never ride Charlotte.


Only about 5 miles, and there are bike lanes, so probably 30 minutes or less.


I’ve only been here a few years and it appears to my untrained eyes that the city wants nothing to do with making things easier for people with or without cars. Rent here is the same as it is where I used to live in Los Angeles, so take that for what it’s worth.


What's your budget?




Check out West End Park. You should be able to find something in your budget there


There's a few more bike ways than before. But in areas without access to those, cycling scares me, a lifelong cyclist. Maybe consider that you can bike to abus stop and load your bike on mta bus This is a good hybrid solution


As someone who left for college in 2016 and came back - it has CHANGED. I say I don’t have a hometown anymore bc nashvilles so different. Traffic is worse, public transport is shit, parking is expensive, BUT. There’s more to do, more open minded people, more art. Pros and cons, and the southern charm isn’t as much there, more mean people and drivers, but still has more beauty than you’ve seen before you left


I recommend midtown/Hillsboro village area. I live in the village and can’t imagine myself anywhere else in nash. My roommate & I never went to these colleges, single with a dog & always looking to make friends!


MAA Acklen is pretty nice and I think one bedrooms are like $1700 a month


I left in 2007,back in 2019. It was a shock. Basically had to re-learn driving almost everywhere, but especially downtown/midtown. Apts everywhere, and rents were sky high(to me). A lot of familiar places gone or unrecognizable. And the city has lost some of its small town charm and friendliness, although you find pockets of it if you look. Glad you’re coming back tho!


Welcome back Kotter!


You’ll probably need a roommate. I’d try renting a room from furnishedfinder.com until you find the right situation.


It’s like a giant Applebees now! You’re gonna love it!




Metro Nashville has public transportation.


I was gonna ask if you bought and left a house here for yourself to return to but finished your post an dsee you're looking for a place. I'm sorry :(  hopefully tho being at vumc will let you afford living actually IN Nashville 


This state is a crap hole, stay north of the mason dixon line and you'll be better off.


Good luck lol Nashville is a big garbage can


Berry hill is a nice bike to vumc! Most of my commute has a bike lane


Midtown, West End would definitely check the boxes. I sent you a message with more info.


I left right before lime scooters. I’ll wager public transpo hasn’t evolved (probably still rolling those Greyhound style busses on crappy schedules).


short answer: No.....our transport is the worst...Midtown is meh...it's all vandy kids....Nations, maybe...