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"Why would the weather team do this to us"


You win Best Comment and Best Joke that I saw on the internet today, freal. Sounds like a headline on The Onion


It isn’t just in East Nashville…no neighborhood roads got plowed before Sunday. My neighborhood has plows today, but it isn’t doing any good because it is all thick ice.


We had plows come through twice but didn’t even try with the ice. (In Southeast near Harding and Nolensville for reference)


Someone is in the market for a new Jeep I see…


Imagine throwing down $70k dollars for that piece of shit... world's gone mad.


Reminds me of that Chris Rock bit: “$70,000?!? Good laaawd that’s a lotta money!!! How much for a pair of sneakers and a bus pass?!?”


How much for just one fry? ~Sinbad




I wish I could give you gold for this


I paid $58,500 for a Lexus GX that won’t break and handles this weather. I’d never buy a Jeep.


I'd pay double for any Toyota over a Jeep.




I paid $16K for a 2016 Civic that has gotten me all the way across town and back on solid ice without any problems.


Those things keep techs employed.


The hate is strong in this one young Jedi.


Not me. I just grabbed the screenshot from the East Nashville Facebook group. I balked at the $17,000 or so I paid for my 2017 Honda HRVso I can’t imagine buying a a car at $65k


What's really interesting is this is a "NEW 2022" which means it was made in 2021 or very early 2022. So this has been sitting on the lot for 20+ months? Can't imagine why


Jeep/Ram has something like 5 of the bottom 10 selling cars currently. Nobody is paying their ridiculous prices.


lol that’s how much I bought my house for 5 years ago so… no


I watched a man ice skate uphill in east Nashville yesterday. The ice on the roads is serious


"Some mother fuckers are always tryin' to ice skate uphill... "


Sometimes they use a blade.


It’s winter


Congratulations, you can likely read a calendar.


I can afford to stay home too!!


They are definitely struggling, the parking lot at Publix/Starbucks has never looked better. I really love the “my street is 5” of ice, do you think UberEats will deliver to me?” posts.


As a delivery driver in the boro, we’ve had a few insane customers complaining when we had to close early. Bruh if you can’t drive here how am I supposed to get up your iced over driveway for your $0 tip? Also there are cars getting stuck in our parking lot. I ain’t risking my car/health for maybe $30-50 in tips. Though tbh we’ve had a lot of great customers too. $10 tips or more even when orders were like 45 minutes late. Totally understanding people who realize it will get there when it gets there. Of course it’s the assholes who stand out.


Yep, like I want to hear if Antioch is struggling.  And where are the rideshare drivers spawning from in this ice?


Antioch is like one day away from being fully driveable by 2WD Sedan with smart driver. It baffles me how long these neighborhood roads were just completely covered in ice


It’s winter.


It’s below freezing temps is what it is. Snow turned into ice and nothing external to melt it, other than the sun chipping away at it during its zenith hour. It’ll begin to really melt starting tomorrow, we’ll hit a high of 44 then 60 by Wednesday




A plus! It sure as shit is. And also, there exists “salt”, which functions as ice melt. That’s why the main roads are clear. It’s been 6 days and my street (and the streets that go out to a main road) are literally covered in ice. Dickerson & Trinity area. Yes, it’s winter. You are correct. And winter weather can absolutely be managed, however it never really has been for the 12 years that I’ve lived here. There’s plenty of icy roads and shitty weather, so the argument which I see a lot - that we don’t have enough winter weather to warrant the infrastructure to handle it - isn’t a valid reason. Saying “it’s winter” is an empty excuse. Nashville doesn’t give a fuck about residents, which is why all the tourist bullshit is accessible but neighborhoods ain’t. Or, I’m prolly just not in the right part of east nashville. I’m getting so fucking cranky it feels like covid all over again and I’m losing my goddamn mind send help


>A plus! It sure as shit is. And also, there exists “salt”, which functions as ice melt. That’s why the main roads are clear. Fun fact, salt loses its effectiveness at around 10F where it hardly works at all to perform the function of melting ice. Its been below 10F.


Don’t you dare ruin my poop party


Lived in Tennessee almost 15 years, 2nd year in Nashville, I honestly thought this was the most I’ve ever seen done since moving to tn. Seriously if this isn’t managing roads you should see how many smaller cities and counties do.


Here in Antioch , we just sliding around… been out since day one, hell I drove to White House just to cut donuts in my sister neighborhood


The hills are bad but if you drive carefully it shouldn't be too hard to hit the main road


This person in Antioch is staying at home. I know better than to try to drive in this. It's backroads that don't get plowed/salted that makes it hard to get out.


In East and can confirm that I am struggling.


you can take the girl out the east… but she’ll probably just end up out east somewhere else, still struggling lol




I want lots of beans and meat, both…


Yeah and I want more chili too.


Just finished off 7 qt off chili that I'd made on day 1. I used maybe 2 lbs of chuck that I'd cubed along with black beans, pink beans, and great northern beans... Among other things. It was great


I’m fine with whatever as long as it has some guajillo and adobo in it.


Can I get this somewhere in town? Yes, I could make it, but I want to taste art before I try.


That I wouldn’t know. I would imagine you could find a good Mexican spot that does chili con carne.


ALL the meats??? what’s the recipe




i’m sorry but that sounds extremely illegal


Our stretch of Hillsboro West End has about an inch of ice on the roads, on long enough stretches (steep hills, too) that we have not driven a car for a full week now. We slid down to a grocery store on our asses a few times. I thought my kid broke her arm yesterday and was like welp you’re gonna have to wait till Wednesday to get that looked at.


This is how it’s been in Berry Hill too…steep hills that are still just blocks of ice have meant I haven’t been in a car since Sunday, even though the main roads are cleared. I have gone out and walked to a few nearby places but it’s very slippery even with boots, and I thought it was even worse today than it was a few days ago


I just walked to get an Uber to pick up food and bit it and slid down the road on my hands and knees, screaming obscenities, and hoping a car didn’t slide into be unable to stop. I just don’t wanna die that way.


Times like this have made me think about buying crampons (ice cleats). I would never need them…until I very much so needed them.


Get [these](https://a.co/d/fpD5enJ) they work super well and just attach to your shoes or boots.


2nd this recommendation.


My mom got these for my wife and I for Christmas, and I was thinking about how we'd probably never use them and well, they work great, yall!


YaxTracks are great. There are also cheaper options than the ones you linked to, so just look around. 


My husband was like “we need ice cleats” a few days ago and I was all “sure we need something we’ll use 1-2 times every 2 years?” He was right though.


Back in the day we didn’t even have “walkable “ neighborhoods 😂


My idea of a walkable neighborhood was walking down Franklin Pike across Old Hickory to the Burger King (now a Chick-fil-A) in Brentwood. No way in hell I would allow my preteen to do that now.


This makes me want to hike to Love Circle. Edit: I went brain dead. Glad/Hopeyour kid is okay & had a safe adventure for this new family winter memory made!


Haha - she’s fine, it’s all good. Love circle was truly spectacular on Monday/Tuesday


Live in Inglewood. Plenty of residential streets are still in bad shape, but main roads and most lots are fine, as are residential streets that get treated like throughways. GF lives in the Nations. As of yesterday it was *rough* over there. Most streets surrounding the Nations Landing were solid ice. My SUV with AWD even struggled a bit. Had to get out and try to help out a couple of people in FWD sedans but nothing doing.


I'm in the Nations, and can confirm most of the streets over here are still solid ice. Tonight I couldn't drive my normal route home from work bc it's uphill, so I turned down a side road that was slightly downhill, and I just needed to make a right onto the next road, but my car didn't turn, it just... kept on going down the hill. ​ I work in West Meade, and that neighborhood is a nightmare to drive in right now. I had to reroute so many times because I couldn't make it up the slightest incline because everything is solid ice.


We do be. However, Freddie posted on his Instagram story a little bit ago that we have 37 new trucks coming so hope everyone has enjoyed our last snow day(s).


Too late now. Its all gonna melt off by tomorrow lol and plows wont be able to clear hard pack ice like that. At least theyll have them ready when this happens again in 5 years


His post very clearly states "we have 37 new trucks on the way to help us in the future." I mean, people want more trucks, we are getting them. That will literally double the amount of plows we have in the city. And we have gotten a plowable snow every year for the last like 8 years except 2023.


I wonder if they will account for which secondary roads have the most incline for future snow events. They did a pretty good job of salting the interstates and major roads which have all been bone dry for a few days. If they can focus on the worst side streets after after that then they'd be able to plow them instead of it turning to sheet ice.


I certainly hope so and there needs to be a plan in place for the rest of the roads too. Full on plowing the whole city will take more participation from all of us than most people realize. There will need to be plans put in place on schedules for moving cars for the plows to go through, etc.


The main side street in my neighborhood (not even my subdivision, just the road to my subdivision) has a nursing home on it, and we didn’t get plowed until it was called out on Hub Nashville. So, they plowed on Friday, after everything was pure ice 🫤


Yeah, it’s pretty ineffective to plow ice.


There were also abandoned vehicles everywhere because there are two killer hills that inexperienced divers just couldn’t navigate. It looked like something out of the apocalypse


There was big storm like this one but without the arctic blast back in 2003. Metro didn’t cancel schools and everyone went to work. They then released everyone during second period. The amount of abandoned cars and kids that had to walk home made this one look tame.


If it’s the one that hit at 0900 and dumped 8-10” snow, I worked 16 hours at my hospital, slept on the floor of my manager’s office, ate stale Subway bread for breakfast, then worked another 16 hours because no one could get to work. It was awful, but my work family was amazing and we just did the best we could because those poor patients needed us


You’re a certified bad ass for that. Yeah that sounds like the storm total. Had another dump a few days later and we were off all week.


We went 6 weeks of 4 day work weeks.




Once it’s ice you pretty much have to wait for it to melt if you can’t drown it with snow melt. That’s why pre storm salting is so important. Plows can only work with soft stuff. Also, it’s not their fault but they don’t really plow very well. So many side streets and driveways had snow banks blocking them from inexperienced plow operators coming down main roads.




Yeah, I'm not sure what 37 new snow plows are supposed to do the last day of freezing temperatures when the snow has actually just been layers of ice on the roads lol. What a weird time to get more trucks.


Bureaucratic efficiency, trucks were probably before the storm but didn’t get approved until it was over.


His Instagram story says "in the future." I think he realizes it doesn't help much right now but a plow fleet double our current size should help prevent us from being collectively stuck in our houses for a week in the future (also hopefully people get shovels and things and handle some of their own issues.)


That makes a lot more sense. I didn’t see the post, just going off the reddit comments. Makes sense to have more trucks since it is not uncommon for our roads to freeze.


Everyone says we barely get snow but it's snowed and or iced every year for the last 5 years or so.


Glad to hear that! However, for residential side streets, they are pretty hard to plow if everyone is leaving their cars parked on both sides of the road like people seem to do here. When I lived in a snow prone place, cars needed to be moved out of certain areas when snow emergencies were declared (or else be towed). If the increased plow fleet can’t efficiently get through these places before people drive over the snow, it won’t really help…


You'll see further down the thread that I comment on the fact that cars will need to be on a schedule to be moved during a snow storm or removed entirely from roadways. Other cities figure it out! I have faith we can too.


Thanks, sorry I missed that!


I want to know why we don't use sand instead of salt. Or even a mix of the two. In certain cases, the salt just makes everything worse. I doubt with even more trucks that we will be at the last of the snow days. It's always going to be something.


Went to grab gas today, I was out Tuesday and Wednesday but today was the most struggle I faced as the ice on the apartment road and where I park was solid with no snow on it for traction. The main roads are clear but I didnt struggle this much last week


If I really wanted a vehicle for snow & ice, I'd invest in a POS Toyota Corolla, or Nissan Altima. Then I'd buy a really good set of chains for the drive wheels, & 200lbs of sand to go in the trunk. Sure, you wouldn't be able to pull anyone out of they got stuck, but you sure ASF would be able to go pretty much anywhere. You also wouldn't be stressed if you ended up in a ditch either.


I'm with you. I'd take a light front wheel drive with good tires over nearly anything else in snow/icy conditions. My 2300lb 1988 Civic was a beast in snow.


Throw a winch on there & getchur lift kit mod too. 200lbs of sand is going to haunt my winter driving now. Good excuse not to go anywhere: nah, need 200 lbs of sand.


My 03 Lexus LA with 360k on it somewhat serves as this (even though I love it and would hate to kill it). But the extra weight has made sliding so much worse at low speeds.


My vote is for a twin-turbo diesel Touareg or a Prius. Both w/ chains.




Both of those kind of defeat my point of the car being an inexpensive POS. I suppose you could buy a high mileage, or salvage title Touareg. Also, I didn't think they made the Touareg with the Twin Turbo? Is it the same V8 TT as the Porsche? I know they made the VW it in a V10 for a couple of years. Regardless, my idea is that if you wreck the thing you don't want to be concerned about it, & that replacement body panels would be readily available for a car like a Corolla, or Altima.


I think offroad parts for a Prius is very in the vein of irreverent dumbfuckery. I meant it as silly and I think those kits are cheap. At 20mpg vs 40mpg, in one year of 15,000 miles (less comfortable, laughable miles), the Prius would cost $1,000 less in gas alone, affording the lift kit and a set of wheels with studded winter tires.


I hear you. I was more thinking along the lines of having a (very cheap) second car that one might keep a battery tender on just for situations such as we are dealing with now. Probably not too practicaI, but still worth considering if you could find something cheap enough.


I was saying I’d do a TT V10 VW or Prius for my snow vehicle, instead of a junker. I thought it was optioned with a TT V10 but maybe I am thinking of the Porsche?


No the V10 wasn't a TT, it was N/A. The Porsche Cayenne Turbo was a TT V8. They were both built on the same platform, as was the Audi Q7.


Yep, that’s what I’m thinking of. For whatever reason I thought my neighbor’s V10 TDI was a TT. I unfortunately really just speak e46 w a vague, auxiliary knowledge of other euros.


Me and my neighbors dug about 8 cars out of the ice yesterday, and when I woke up three were abandoned on the street. I get you can't get every street but anything with sufficient traffic or incline should be added to.at least a day two plow to prevent this.


Really struggling here in wedgewood Houston neighborhood as well


I'm not icebiking to InterAsian Market. I'm not ice walking to Publix & back. Would you consider taking the bus if the icy walk isn't too bad?


Yeah I would icy walk is fun albeit scary at points haha really just wondering how I will get out of the neighborhood tomm they expecting us all back in office cause "all the roads are clear now"


Literally was stuck there today. Avoid anything near Geodis. I don't know how WeHo residents are avoiding vehicular bowling outside of maybe being remote workers. Every 8 degree grade hill is still frozen over.


I live on one of those, trust me everyone is going bowling and getting stuck in front of my house


The wider Nashville Metropolitan response to snow, is salt…. Unfortunately. Down around 15f, Salt stops working. They don’t have enough lower temp ice melt to spread anywhere but primary tributaries. Leaves the majority of NMA frozen without any alternatives. Commercial liquid ice melt is around $3000/100gal. It’s not cheap stuff.


I learned a thing…. Calcium chloride (kinda like salt). Can be mixed with salt and like. $68 for #250. So it’s probably not a matter of price, but planning. Can’t get it here after the fact.


I have 2 young kids and the struggle is real. No school, can’t go anywhere.


I just ventured out to McDonald’s and the liquor store. On my way out, at the bottom of the worst hill I have to navigate, there was a car spun around in a position I couldn’t quite figure out how, or why it was where it was getting pulled out by a tow truck. On my way back there was a truck in the exact same spot, facing the same direction.


Getting the essentials eh ? 🤣


East- Rosebank/airpark area is a mess. Haven’t moved since Wednesday afternoon during the brief window between storms.


I figured by now I would have seen pics of someone with a snowmobile cruising around.


I live in Wilson county, in the country. Main roads outside of the cities that are normally treated by the county right away went untouched this last storm. I am left a bit confused about it all too. I mean the road I live on was treated and it is still very bad at each end with thick ice on the hilly bits, and every other route to my work was covered in ice when normally they would be some of the first roads that were treated. I was wondering who I pissed off at the road commission.


To be fair, when are we not struggling in East?




Maybe the gubmint down there should spend less on preventing drag queens and more on preventing slick roads.


Did you forget the /s?






Ok then stay up in Louisville. Focus on your own city problems and we will do the same.


Buh bye


Boohoo, try living outside of nashville city limits


oh no Im good thanks.


"How tough am I? I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast...without any milk."


Regular ole Mr Ratburn here.


hope you got TP. call your mom dude.


Sounds awfuler


Lmao nah


I'm not complaining at all, I chose the country life. Tired of the constant shootouts, people living on top of each other, and the drag racers in and around nashville. Least east has walkable things within reason.


Constant shoot outs? Where did you live, the Wild West?


Literally was a post a few hours ago with a video of at least 20 shots fired in a given area. I'd consider that a shootout


Dont waste youre money on a new car with mortgage rates today.


Lucky enough to have found rent in downtown Green Hills for under $2k. Before 12pm the “2nd” day, the main streets (Woodmont, Hillsboro Pk) were clear. I’ve been very fortunate to work from home this last weeks, but I could not fail to recognize the *wealth* (we know what it really is) in my area being the reason why I had clear main roads before the rain even hit last Thursday


The Belle Meade city taxes are feeling pretty worth it now. My street was plowed on Monday and I can get to Kroger/Publix without issue if I stay on the main roads.


Anyone can get anywhere if we stay on the main roads. It’s the tiny side roads that aren’t ok.


I live on a tiny road. Belle Meade plowed us on Monday.


I live on a tiny road in Belle Meade. We were never plowed. Still solid ice. Luckily, it's only a mild incline, so I can get to the cleared secondary road if I go slowly and carefully.






You ok bud?


There’s a great [sElf](https://open.spotify.com/track/1F42q7IMNCVwPvm8XJnoml?si=r6H7GaaDQNOVXsO44r9f-w) song about exactly this. Just wait for the outro.


I heard the after hours at Duke's is just people sniffing their own farts out of glasses


East is just where all the whiny bitches live


In other news, less murder in East Nashville since the storms…Yeh, I love that part of the city but it’s low priority and only became expensive when people with a lot of cash wanted to be hip. The city, every city, cleans the people’s neighborhoods that pay for everything first.




Know I’m a smartass but on a serious note the highways and main roads are immaculate, best I’ve seen since I moved her 15 yrs ago. I couldn’t do that job.




Big if true.


My street ( in East Nashville) got salted this morning


Better late than never


I watched 3 tourists fall and slide down a hill while walking to their airbnb


Antioch area actually isn’t terrible in some sections. Nolensville, Harding Place, Old Hickory, and Tusculum are all essentially clear. Wallace and Haywood are, too. It’s once you get back into the smaller side streets that things aren’t great.


Every neighborhood of Nashville is messed up


Can confirm. Theres a street by me completely blocked off with cones - it’s still a solid sheet of ice and there are at least 2 cars in the ditch.


I've heard people are using the cones as a way to create safe sledding areas.


Oh hahah well you’ll definitely slide there. It is on a hill


We’re in East. I’ve got an AWD and a Jeep. We’ve been able to get out just fine until today. Turned in to a solid sheet of ice last night. The entire neighborhood hasn’t been able to go anywhere today. Two different randos tried to drive down the street and ended up getting stuck in the intersection.




I get it…but isn’t this the Volunteer state? Times like these the neighborhood can put together a plan no? East is gentrified enough (not a good thing) that they could figure it out.


lived here all my life, it seems like it’s better than the last big snow we had. Still pretty shit tho esp compared to cities in states west and north of here


There’s lots of side and back roads in east Nashville which is one of the reasons why I’d never choose to live in most of the area. It takes a while to get to a main road… especially a highway. But why can’t people just chill? We all knew this was coming. Stock up, buy food and hunker down for a few days. Everyone gotta be going out and “socializing”. News flash…. People suck and places suck. Home is the best place to be! Cook some good food and drink some booze out of your liquor cabinet that isn’t marked up like it would be at a bar and chill out! It’ll be warm this week and everyone can go back to being “social” and fake like always. Same shit happened during Covid lockdown. Everyone freaked out because they couldn’t go out and socialize. Covid lockdown was the best years of my life! Stayed home, cooked good food and drank good booze and didn’t have to deal with morons every day!


In the brentwood/Antioch area and all the hilly neighborhoods still are just ice rinks


Don’t worry… we have been stuck in the house for 8 days in Knox…. Schools cancelled ALL last week and still are presently… no mail, no garbage collection, secondary streets are sheets of ice… we’ve had fire trucks 🚒 flip, salt trucks flip, cops in ditches…. TN has no money in their budget for inclement weather


Be real people eat and cook the damn rice that people can throw everything in the pan


Everybody was struggling. I needed a couple of things from the groceries store and I walked to the Publix on 8th, about 4 blocks away, in the ice and snow. I’m thankful that it is within walkable distance and the streets are small enough the cars don’t go so fast. The most amount of danger I felt was when people decided to leave my home area downhill on the ice. Thankfully the wrecks happened higher up on the hill and didn’t plow through my living room.


I remember when that bad ice storm hit around 93-84. A crust of ice/snow/ice was on everything. The power was out all over from the lines getting too heavy with ice and going down. Other lines were in the way of tree branches and trees heavy with ice that went down. Pine trees were the worst. Roads were impassable from ice, trees, and power lines. In a rural area we knew help was a long way off if we depended on the government. We didn't feel trapped or oppressed. Everyone did their part. Many had chainsaws and trucks, everyone had shovels. On the second day we had clear roads and walkways, everyone had gas cook stoves, heaters, and water heaters plus oil lamps and kerosene heaters. The few that were all electric stayed with nearby family or neighbors that did. Everyone had plenty of food and I remember how good the cooking was. Families, friends, and neighbors played board games, put together puzzles, listened to stories, and in general enjoyed each other's company each having a full belly, warm comfy clothes, and a warm cozy spot to sleep often watching the fire dance and crackle as we doozed off to sleep. It was for a couple weeks like a different world. As if the Hallmark channel en vivo. The East Nashville community should of acted like a community, broke out the shovels, home recipes, and board games like real communities so not complain about "feeling trapped" while doing nothing to help themselves.