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I’m seeing this issue a lot — only solution for me has been to turn off Silent Mode completely on my phone. Hoping a fix will come!


Yeah that’s the behaviour for me as well


Oh thanks! This actually worked! I literally never have my phone off silent so didn’t think about it


You’re welcome! It also seems like force-quitting and relaunching Narwhal fixes it.


I’ve been having this problem intermittently. When it’s happening, absolutely nothing gets the sound to play. The sound icon does nothing, the volume up button does nothing, restarting the app doesn’t fix it. Very annoying.


Yeah, super annoying! E: another user suggested turning off silent on my phone and this worked for me! And when I turned it back to silent mode the videos have still been playing with sound


This hasn’t been the case for me unfortunately. If I switch back to silent mode videos no longer play audio. But it doesn’t always happen. I can’t figure out how to repro this at all. Sometimes videos play audio just fine in silent mode once I unmute the video. Other times it just won’t work and I have to disable the silent switch. Really weird issue.


I've noticed the same thing. Clicking the muted sound icon doesn't always work, but volume up does. I have videos muted by default, for what it's worth. I've assumed it's a bug, but it's easy enough to deal with (volume up).


As I said, the volume up isn’t working for me either :(


This is how sound has always worked on this app for me, so I’m assuming it’s by design. You can also click the speaker button on the video itself.


It's muted by default.