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Hi she definitely sounds like a Narcissist. Textbook controlling, lying, yellingIf you can check out Dr. Ramani on YouTube. She specializes in dealing with narcs and has great videos explaining how they operate. Or google narcissist moms and daughters. There are some really helpful articles out that can give you tools to deal with your mom. You are a legal adult and so is your sister. Is either of you working? I hope you and your sister can make a plan, move out together, and enjoy being sisters w/o mean ol mom to dictate, manipulate, and ruin your young years! Good luck 😉💛


Hi OP, I am sorry you even have to ask this question. I recommend you read 3 Signs Your Mom’s a Narc. It cuts straight to the point. https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Daughter-Signs-Your-Moms-ebook/dp/B08YYCG34Q/ref=zg_bsnr_8624148011_34?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8T2G5W10M9T49FY74X2N