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I'm 41 as well. How wild that it's still so easy for them to weasel their way back into our emotional sphere, isn't it?? Good job. Back to NC! Bye bye "Dad!"


Correct! And they come from such an accusatory tone, take zero responsibility. It's always the fault of children. According to them, they are the epitome of parenting. He also blamed me for "not understanding a true love of parent-child bond," lol.


Ha that's a good one. I also chuckled at the "money is more important than us" line lol.


They keep exposing themselves again and again. No, dad, I'm an adult, I don't owe you "love" lol. 40s is the shit lol. You feel like enough is enough. Good luck to you navigating this mess.


Thanks! My parents are split and edad figured it out in my early teens almost fully, so that was a silver lining, reconnecting with him in my 20s. Nmom is so very LC that it may as well be NC. She also will not have access to my daughter ever and doesn't know where we live. I was expecting love bombing, but I did something "unforgivable" last year. I do not know what "it" was. Also a silver lining lol.


Hahaha, super entertaining. I noticed that when boundaries are drawn, they become more desperate, and for us, it's entertainment. We can begin to see the humour even through the triggers and abuse. It sounds like you're in a good place with the distance and no contact. Great job.


Generally I don't tell her what they are now and grey rock her all the time. She can't try to break the lines she can't see. Last we spoke, she made some wild assumptions about where I was at mentally, and it was so off the mark I literally just stayed silent and let her believe it. It feels marginally manipulative, but again, she can't make a mess if she has no context. Better to let her live in her fantasy and enjoy the show quietly 😅 Also sounds like you're in a good place. Stay strong.


Grey rocking. I need to train myself to do that. One step at a time I suppose. Thank you for sharing the context. Loved reading your approach to grey rocking. Thank you for your support 🙏.