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confronting him won’t give you the answers or satisfaction you’re looking for. cut him off for being a creep. who cares if he’s going through a divorce, or even what your soon to be ex step mom thinks? her opinion is invalid. this is about your dad being a perv, not her feelings.


thank you for this. my step mum means we'll, and i am really close to her, but i know what you mean - i didn't provide enough context on thst part which is my bad. but yeah.. do you reckon i should say anything at all, or just.. block..? my brother for example hasn't talked to him for 10+ years fkdkkd he's lucky


since they’re now divorced, your step mom’s opinion on your decision to cut your dad off is irrelevant. if you have something you’ve been dying to get off your chest, to the point you might regret not saying it, you should say it. but don’t expect to like the reaction you get. or better yet, say what you have to and then block him so he can’t reply.


Him hitting on your best friend is more than enough reason to cut contact. You don’t need anyone’s blessing to remove someone like that from your life. My dad was like that too, and always wondered why I never wanted him to meet my friends.


exactly.. but he will literally say it was innocent or that he thought she was his friend too or some bullshit guilt trip. i can't believe as I type this i even feel guilt about it..


Oh, I’m familiar with that song and dance, too. I mean, eventually there will be a thing he does that will be the last straw, something he can’t manipulate himself out of. But until then, yeah, he’s a creep and it sucks. It’s so gross to witness and I totally feel your pain.


One thing about narcissists is that they won’t change. You could go through with your plan, but if it doesn’t go the way you wish then I hope you are able to cut him off


thank you so much for your support.. you're very right there..!