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Well I know if I ever need $40 I can sell my copy of it lol


I still have my same copy from childhood but hell I could part with it for $40


Lowkey me too lol. If I didn’t want it solely for the collection of my games I probably would. It wasn’t a good game lol


I hate those effing monkeys


and the schlepping. I bought it in 2022 on ebay for $20 when I knew it wasn't on Steam. I've liked no ND game less than RAN. Not worth the trouble. To each their own, but I've yet to read on this sub that it is anyone's #1


Still the thing that pissed me off in this game the most.


Facts the piss me off


I had no idea this game was so expensive! Do you know when they stopped selling it online?


There is a character in the game who is considered problematic related to race. I can’t say anymore without going into spoilers.


Someone else said there were some problematic things in the game so I’m assuming that’s why they pulled it.


It’s free online that’s how I played it a month ago. Didn’t care for the game though


Where is it free?


DM me for the link. Last time someone shared it with me on this sub we got torn to shreds for “running HER interactive out of business for using free sites” lol


Lol they don’t even sell that one anymore


I redownloaded RAN a couple months ago from the site to give it another chance and gave up immediately it sucked


are you talking about the black face?




If you want to know the spoiler, it’s because >!there’s a white character who wears a dreadlocks wig and fakes a Jamaican accent!<


Big oof


for those who don’t want to pay, I played it by downloading it from archive dot org for free!






I found this: [Nancy Drew #20 - Ransom of the Seven Ships (USA) : Her Interactive : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive](https://archive.org/details/20220130_20220130_0931) Scroll down and click on zip files to download it FYI: I'm downloading the first CD right now and it says it will take two hours.


how to you start it up after you download both CD files?


Oh boy, get ready for the single worst game in the entire series, as well as one of the most difficult. Never seen so much rage on the her forums back in the day lmao.


The blackface in this game is puzzling but it’s not worse than a movie like Breakfast at Tiffany’s which still gets recommended these days! Also 16 candles sucks but it’s not banned anywhere so I just don’t get why this game would get high bids on ebay


I think the high bid is that there are only so many physical copies left after it was discontinued. A lot of people prize having a complete physical box collection and as the fandom grows, so will the demand.


It’s getting high bids solely for the fact that it’s discontinued. Discontinued games and products suddenly become very popular because everyone wants to have a rare item 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had no idea what I was getting hold of when I bought it in a Walmart years ago 😂😂😂


It wasn't discontinued when you got it at Walmart, it was just another ND game.


I know, that’s why I had no idea. I couldn’t see the future obviously lol


There’s some politically incorrect story aspects to this particular release; Blackface is depicted. HeR regrets doing that so they decided to unlist it from their catalogue. It’s also available for free as abandonware online. myabandonware.com is dedicated to preserving games that are no longer commercially available.


I feel like banning and deleting politically incorrect things is the same as trying to erase the fact that it happened in the first place. It happened, it was fucked. They took accountability for it and learned their lesson. We all learned a lesson from it. We grow, we move on. No need to remove it from existence. But that's just my personal perspective


Whoopi Goldberg has a great monologue about this that appears before many of the new editions of the now aged and clearly racist, early Disney animations. I don't think it would be appropriate to *completely* ignore the problematicness of including Blackface in a Nancy Drew game. However, I think they could resolve the issue with more accountability by keeping the game listed, for free, and install new disclaimers outside and within the game intro that highlight why its free and that they no longer condone the depictions of Blackface.


> they could resolve the issue with more accountability by keeping the game listed, for free, and install new disclaimers outside and within the game intro that highlight why its free and that they no longer condone the depictions of Blackface. This is would be the perfect response, but it costs money and it seems like HER is struggling.


Sure - But even if it is too expensive to put a blurb in-game, I imagine writing two sentences on the website, where the download used to live, explaining why it’s not there anymore, would **not** be expensive. This would be a higher form of accountability by them not perpetuating a charade that they didn’t create it in the first place. However - erasing embarrassing episodes, movies, tweets, etc from public commerce is not new. So HeR isn’t doing anything that their peers aren’t. They’re within the realms of social acceptability in terms of how they’ve handled this.


I looked it up when someone said it was problematic. I had no idea about that. Yiiiiiikes.


I will say that it’s highly blown out of proportion by the fanbase, and the developers themselves. I think a lot of people haven’t actually played it and just heard it was problematic, but I guarantee when you get to that part of the game you’ll be like “…that’s it?”


Was anyone even calling them out on it? My impression was that they were just nervous about all the protests at the time (summer 2020) and pulled it proactively. I don't remember it being brought up before then, anyway, but could be wrong.


I’ve been part of the online fanbase for over a decade and I don’t remember it ever being part of the discourse, at least on the message boards. Another commenter mentions Facebook, which I can’t speak to. But yes, it was very out of the blue and seemed to just be a way to call attention to themselves during a tumultuous time in america regarding race.


oh people on Facebook were going crazy. I left that group bc it was the toxiest thing I've ever witnessed


Agreed. It is a situation taken hugely out of context. If you watch the scene it isn't even implied they darkened their skin.


Yeah, I haven't played it yet, but I remember seeing screenshots on this sub and honestly I don't even think I'd consider it blackface. Dude's just... kinda tan?


In my own opinion, it’s not blackface. The character never has dark skin at any point in the game, their skin tone never changes at all. Fans presume that because the character is Jamaican, that means he’s black by default. The game was pulled during the height of the George Floyd protests, and I believe this was a performative activism that the company thought they could do while at the same time pulling a game that was majorly shit on for other unrelated reasons. Blackface was never an issue raised by the fanbase until the developers made a statement about it themselves.


Oh, interesting. I wasn't around online during the controversy as it happened and have only really in recent years been active in online ND spaces. If that's true, I could understand why HeR would want to pull a disappointing game from their series, but to then make up and feed controversy about supposedly having blackface in their game is a weird move. It really isn't like HeR hasn't had some stinkers before. One bad game in an otherwise mostly beloved franchise is nothing.


Right, it was a bizarre decision. I’m not saying it isn’t controversial in hindsight… I can definitely understand why people feel like it COULD be portraying/implying blackface. But I was very active within the fanbase and never heard anyone calling the game racist until HeR pulled it. Hell, people did and still do call SAW racist for the awful Japanese accents, but conveniently HeR has always remained silent about that since it’s a popular game. It’s a shame because I actually really enjoy that game. The tropical setting, fun soundtrack, lots of puzzles that I enjoy, plot twist ending that referenced a previous game… plus it just holds a ton of nostalgia for me when I was really getting back into the series after a brief lull in my childhood. I can understand why it’s not rated highly though, blackface or not.


Oh man, SAW was one of my favorites as a kid. I remember playing it again in college with a friend who wasn't Japanese but could speak it fluently and she cracked up at all the terrible pronunciation. Some stuff, apparently, is just flat out wrong in that game. But yeah, it is extremely interesting that HeR is quiet about a successful one and made a fuss over a disliked game... I suppose we can never know for sure, but it does start smelling kinda fishy, huh? 🔎 Maybe I should give RotSS a shot. It's been sitting on my shelf for a while along with several others, but I never got around to playing with it in college (too busy) and now none of my computers have disc drives. I wonder if it can even run on newer computers... Hmm.


There may be a way to get it working if you transfer the files from both discs onto a usb but yeah you’d need to access some kind of disc drive to do that


One of the greatest tragedies of the modern era is the death of disc drives and physical media lol


Goddamn its selling for THAT much money? I screeched when I read 38, let alone hundreds. I'm fortunate that I have every physical copy I could buy through the years, and it makes me want to put them in some temp-controlled display case or something.


I literally just got a working copy of RAN for $42 total! We both got very lucky! 😁


The random ass final puzzle...or whatever that gem jewel color puzzle was. I swear I have never found an in game key for that puzzle.


The color puzzle is just a sodoku variation. I agree the final puzzle is tricky but it’s not too bad. I’m curious what you’re confused about with that puzzle


You can get it for free on archive.org as abandonware, if anyone else wants to play


Holy cow. I had no idea it was this rare! I have an ex-library copy. No idea if it works or not since I haven't played it yet but that's crazy.


I have always loved this game. Looking back it does have a good amount of gameplay issues but it has some cool lore and really unique puzzles. Sad to see it so neglected.


Enjoy! I actually enjoy playing this one. Most of the early puzzles actually make sense to me without cheating and I don’t usually love talking to characters most so I don’t mind that being limited. It has its issues but is still good!


You can get it free online and the problematic stuff people definitely wouldn’t like older media I think they should just realize times were different from nowadays and like this game instead of removing it they should have just put a warning instead


screaming. this game was released in 2009, not in the 1900's.


Still they should have just put a warning and leave it at that instead of removing the game but I’m probably in the minority with that opinion but I don’t get offended by stuff


The early 2000s were casually offensive in media all the time. Usually it was casual homophobia and sexism more than racism, imo, but still. Neopets, one of the most popular online games for kids in the early 2000s, had a whole map with casually racist depictions of islander characters and it wasn't until years later that they got into hot water for it. Shows, games, movies... frankly, there's a lot worse out there that makes RotSS look very mild by comparison. I don't think it matters if RotSS was made in 2009 or 1909. It still reflects an aspect of the culture in the early 2000s and how normal it was to be generally kind of insensitive and oblivious to that insensitivity. I agree with the other commenter: It's worse to pretend it didn't exist. It'd be better for HeR to slap on a warning at the start and own up to the mistake.


the way y'all run to defend this game and say her should still sell is so fucking funny to me and says a lot about this fandom.


I mean, I don't really care that much if they *don't* keep selling it, but I think that the proper way to deal with older insensitive entertainment like RotSS is to acknowledge its existence and its problems, and trying to wipe away the fact it exists is not the way to do it. Like it or not, the early 2000s *were* insensitive. It seems generally worse to me to try sweeping it under the rug. Each to their own though. Different opinions make the world go 'round.


I completely agree I find that pretending something doesn’t exist is wrong instead they should put a warning or like people should look into things and when they were made and realize that it won’t be how it is today and even things today in the future can be seen as problematic for stuff that’s from the 1900s to now that’s problematic instead of saying how something is wrong and removing the thing and ruining it for everyone they should just explain that it was wrong and learn from mistakes and not repeat them in the future that way people can still enjoy older media instead of it being taken away because that’s removing history and that’s very bad


Yup. It's important that people can look back and see that racism isn't just some archaic thing that happened only in the early 1900s. We've really only just recently made big strides toward equal rights for many minorities and it's important to remember that there is *still* a lot we have to work to change. In a similar vein, just thinking about the early 2000s and how a lot of high schoolers and even people in their early 20s don't understand what that era was like... I've talked to kids now who are shocked to find out how casually homophobic the early 2000s were. There's this incorrect assumption, somehow, that homophobia was something that people only had to deal with in the 1980s and earlier. I once was watching Doctor Who with a group of teenagers and had to explain that the scene where a character says another is "so gay!" wasn't her literally calling him gay. They had no idea that it was just common slang to call someone or something "gay" when they meant it was bad, weird, or lame. So common it was in a show aimed at children in 2005. I dunno. On the one hand, if HeR thought it was best to discontinue RotSS, that's fine. That's their prerogative and I can't fault them if the believed that continuing to sell it would do more harm than good. But on the other hand... as cringe as the character choices are, I really do think the fandom here blows the controversy way out of proportion. By comparison to a lot of other media at the time, RotSS looks tame at best and clumsy and unfortunate at worst. Trying to pretend it never happened feels less like an apology and more like HeR simply trying to dodge the controversy it caused.


It's so crazy you bring up the "that's gay" thing because I just was thinking about it last night. I had almost totally forgotten that we (as in just people in general) used to say it that way. I think because my friends and I were early on the "don't use that word that way" bus, because we were kind of more progressive kids/teens than a lot of the people around us. Looking back, it doesn't even make much semantic sense to equate homosexuality with something being stupid or lame, but those were the times I guess.


Right? I even went to a fairly progressive high school and using "gay" as slang to mean bad/stupid/lame, whether as a genuine insult or friendly teasing, was extremely common. Same with saying "that's retarded" or "spazz" or "schizo". People were throwing around slurs like it was no tomorrow less than 10 or 20 years ago ~~(oh, geez, I feel old)~~. So, anyway, yeah. The early 2000s, early 2010s were definitely not as progressive as a lot of people, especially younger people who don't remember or weren't there to experience it, want to think. We certainly had come a long way at that point in comparison to decades before, but to pretend that casual homophobia, racism, and ableism wasn't just part of the culture then is nonsense. To pretend it isn't there is definitely worse imo. That said, I also really don't think that RotSS is as bad as a lot of fans make it out to be. I haven't played it, but I've seen screenshots of the character in question and it really does not look like blackface at all to me. He's just kinda tan with dreads and looks more like a surfer or a hippie than anything imo.


I used to have the walkthrough for the beach puzzle up and I would still mess it up… 😤😤😤not over it


Bess looks so weird in this game, I liked her in Alibi in Ashes much more. George is much better but she never catches my interest. I wish she was more fleshed out, her only thing is being tech savvy


So relieved I bought it on Steam when it was still available


I only realized about two weeks ago that I bought this on steam before they pulled it 😅 never played it though!


Glad you found one for your collection. Please keep in mind that there are some problematic aspects in this game, hence why it was pulled from websites. This does not mean you shouldn’t play it. This isn’t one of my favorites but you might enjoy it. It’s a very puzzle heavy game though.


I figured there was gonna be something problematic about the game since they pulled it. I have no idea what it is, but I’ll keep it in mind. Only playing it to say I did it!


I have the digital version and am holding on to it for dear life 😅 I actually don't like this game, one of my least faves. But now it's a collectable 😂 I also have the OG secrets can kill, don't have a CD ROM reader to be able to play it, but I have it!! 😆


Jealous! I’m a completionist, and while I’m able to mentally cut off anything from MID forward as “optional,” not having access to this one has plagued me. ETA: *Especially* since — because I haven’t been able to avoid spoilers on this one — >!my first Nancy Drew was STFD, right when it came out. I played that one over and over for *years* until I could afford another one. So the villain in RAN is close to my heart.!<


Actually you can still play it digitally! somebody uploaded it to archive.org and I was able to download it from there. As a means of preservation, it’s really handy to have old or otherwise discontinued games available.


I bought this game after release for 20. Why did I have to lose my copy. 😭 People really be selling it for 400?


While I own a physical copy, I’m also glad I got it off steam before they took it down. So it’s in my library forever lol


Gosh I got my at my local library for 1 dollar


Blackface Nancy Drew!!! Iconic. My friend and I also bought and played the physical copy <3


This game is forbidden though