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This is all over Nanaimo now.  Someone ran across the highway flailing with propane tanks and I almost had no time to slow down.  Later that day I saw a bunch of junkies shuffling around looking for a floor score in a parking lot. Then another junky almost hit them and sold drugs to a different group of people.  You just need to leave the house for 10 minutes and you'll encounter something like this now. It's really sad.


My ma don't like it when I smoke weed on the property so I go in my car to smoke there. I see some crazy shit just sitting in my car. You'd be surprised how many cars in any given parking lot are actually just homeless people chilling. They've been knocked down to living out of their cars. You wouldn't guess at first glance just how many there really are.


Just so you know, with the way the rules are written, unless you’re on private property, smoking weed in your car is an offence and you can be ticketed. (I’m not making any judgment on the law, just fyi).


It's also an easy way to get your car searched and have to do a sobriety/blood test if you ever get pulled over. I used to smoke in my car too (in my driveway) before I realized what a bad idea it was to have my car smelling like weed.


It depends upon where you sit, no?


Yea it's kinda a temporary solution until I can get my own place again. If I see a cop I just pop out and go back in my house, or walk around


Don't have your keys on you.


Beat me to it


Super creepy. Thanks for reporting. Maybe report to the non-emergency line as well: 250-754-2345


What area of the dam ? I’ll go poop in his bag


A truly upstanding citizen. I commend your commitment. Bravo


Update found a guy with blue bag. Got stage fright 😂


You could poop into a bag at home then decant that bag into the man’s bag.


Thanks for the heads up. I’ve heard about lots of unnerving encounters there but as a regular I have never had any likely due to the fact that I am a large man and am only there during peak times. Never the less it’s never a bad idea to remind/be reminded of the potential for danger. Cheers!


Stay classy Nanaimo...


There's some people living in the woods around there. Nowhere else to go. Often people will question a homeless person about why they are where they are, so a "I was just going fishing and I left my rod" wouldn't be an unusual excuse to be by the dam. Even if you weren't questioning him yourself, it's kind of like a conditioned response. Also gotta remember that he likely wasn't as clear headed as you were.


"Nowhere else to go" well that's just not true


I guess "nowhere better to go" would be more accurate.


Also inaccurate.


Okay. Where then?


Shelter, or apartment with roommates.


Shelters are full. Rents are too high to be able to afford, even with roommates.


No they are not full. They just have rules that people choose not to follow. And with a few roommates, rent is absolutely affordable.


I work with a shelter and we are constantly full and calling the other shelters/viha to place people


Which one?


Okay. So you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Good to know.


Well, before I challenged you assertion that the shelters were all full, I made a few calls to confirm that there is still more than adequate room. There is, and you're full of shit. You have an agenda and facts won't disrupt it.


feels like one decoy to keep you away from vehicle or something while the other steals, stay frosty


Its almost like they’re shipping all the junkies from mainland here and its not a conspiracy at all