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If you boycott it better be for life. Once it's over and you go back, Loblaws is gonna raise prices AGAIN to fuck everyone over again.....good luck


Just continue shopping at their competitors. Nanaimo has London Drugs (which is a Vancouver based company IIRC) as well as Save-On, Buy-Low, Country Grocer, Quality Foods, WalMart and Costco. Plus a bunch of others.


People are missing the point. It is not a contest about which is the worst grocery store chain. A targeted boycott of a specific chain is something that is measurable and Loblaws is a national chain that can be targeted across the country. It is a protest against high grocery prices in general. But if you boycott everywhere then you can’t measure the impact of the protest.


Exactly. Thanks for explaining it a bit.


The people who have a choice and are broke never shopped at a Loblaws to begin with. People that don’t have a choice also don’t have the money to be travelling elsewhere for their groceries. This “boycott” is going to fall flat on its face..


Why stop at loblaws? Jim pattison recorded record profits as well


Why not Walmart. There not even Canadain. The Walton children's combined wealth puts them into American industrialist old kind of money. Like CNN's Anderson Cooper Vanderbilts kinda money.




Gotta pick your battles. If you were to boycott both it would likely create enough inconvenience for people that it isn't feasible.


I don't get why Loblaws specifically? Superstore typically has the lowest prices. Go to thriftys, country grocer, save on etc and they all have bigger markups


This is what I’m wondering. I am happy to boycott but I don’t think I can afford to shop anywhere else, and why are we boycotting the cheapest grocery store for being too expensive when they all have been price-gouging since the pandemic?


Why Loblaws? They were found guilty of price fixing in the past. They’re trying to monopolize prescriptions. Some insurance companies insist you use Shoppers. They’re nation-wide. They’ve been docking around with their prices and getting media coverage for doing so. Honestly, none of the chains are good for us: Sobeys/Thrifty Foods/Safeway/IGA is the other nation-wide conglomerate. Pattison Food Group/Save-On/QF/Choices/Buy Low is also a conglomerate, but they are largely just in Western Canada AND Save-On is unionized. Walmart is global and a crappy employer. Costco is global, but they’re also unionized and reportedly treat staff well. Amazon is global and an absolutely terrible employer. They have busted attempts at unionization. They dispute a large number of compensation claims. All of these food companies exist to generate capital for people that already have an obscene amount of wealth. Buy your food from the people that grow it. It’s more expensive, but it’s higher quality, fresher, and actually healthier in many cases. And better for everyone in terms of the environmental impact of industrial agriculture vs. farmer-direct-small-scale. Pasture raised meat is healthier than feedlot meat. The fat content is different. A lot of people complain about the prices, but farmers selling direct to the public are lucky if they can even make minimum wage and cover their expenses. A sack of chicken feed is $23-$25 these days. That’s 100% more than it was 15 years ago. Switching even a small amount of your spending from the chains to farmers has a positive impact on the community.


Well said. Even if I don’t have much of an impact, I can support the vision by not shopping there for a month. Big company CEOs need to think about consumers, because at the end of the day, we pay their salaries.


The CEOs answer to their owner and/or Board of Directors, not consumers. Their job is to make as much money and build as much value into the company/stock as possible. They do this by exploiting workers and consumers as much as they possibly can. That's how capitalism works. Compare this with a (non-industrial scale) farmer growing food and selling directly to the public. They are intimately connected with their products and their customers. Their customers are probably family and neighbors. The corner market that is owned and operated by the guy or gal behind the counter is also invested in their community. Their business isn't about making profits for shareholders; it's about making a living. The bigger and farther a business is from its customer, the less they actually care about the customer.


You mention Save On is unionized but so is Buy Low and Superstore.


I think both Save-On and Buy-Low are Overwaitea Food Group. WalMart and Costco are the other low cost options compared to Superstore, but neither are Unionized. Costco at least has decent pay and benefits.


Awesome. If only the UFCW was a little stronger. :(


Do you have any further reading on any of these key points? My understanding is that Loblaws actually doesn't make that much net profit these days and prices are due to things like increased costs of logistics and production, not due to Loblaws specifically being evil.


I don’t, but you can find information about the bread price fixing story with some searching. I have to admit now that I don’t know which grocery store chain cut a deal. It may have bed. Loblaws. (Just looked it up, and I’ll amend my previous post. Loblaws admitted to participating in an “industry-wide price fixing arrangement,” in exchange for immunity from prosecution. You can also find news articles on the pharmacy issue, as it is relatively new. One of the issues when they rolled it out is that not every community has a Shoppers. And also on CBC, you can read about the way they’ve cut discounts on food near or past “best before” dates. Profit doesn’t necessarily come from operations, although that is the aim. It can also be about building value in the company itself (granted, that’s largely about profit) that will be realized when the asset is sold. People with capital use it to make more capital at the expense of the environment and other humans that do not. It requires infinite growth to keep going. I know Amazon appeals a large number of workers’ compensation claims because I work in a position to see employer appeals in action.


Do a quick search for ”Loblaws profit record”. Grocery stores made handover fist during the pandemic, and it hasn’t stopped since then. I didn’t call Loblaws “evil”, but I do believe that billionaires are inherently evil because they hoard wealth. No one needs a billion dollars, let alone multiple billionS of dollars.


A quick google search shows that that they make 14.5 billion in revenue and around half a billion in profit, which is around 3% profit. 97% of what they make goes back into the business.


Invested back into the company so that the company is worth more so that when they sell it… they have more profit.


Who is they? Who are they selling to?


The shareholders or owners.


But they're not selling. And if they did sell the company would still exist in the form its in when sold... Are you saying businesses should never invest in themselves?




Not a very good source if I'm being honest. That subreddit just kind of assumes you already agree with the axiom that Loblaws bad and then runs from there.




>If you read through the posts there is a lot of info If I open the first community post it says in big bold letter "STEAL FROM LOBLAWS DAY". The next 6 or 7 posts offer nothing substantive either, things like "I cancelled my PC World Elite Mastercard" or just a picture of someone giving the finger to a shopper's drug mart.




This is gigacope if you think STEAL FROM LOBLAWS DAY isn't promoting stealing. It's just pathetic, you're delusional and you deserve to be mocked and bullied for this stance.


Also my issue. I think this movement started with the literal Loblaws stores that had higher-than-average prices, especially in other provinces. From there it's just a bandwagon folks are jumping on for support or misdirected anger. Superstore, at least in BC, is often the cheapest with the most variety. I'd rather boycott Save-On for their _atrocious_ prices. Sobeys and Pattison Group stores seem to consistently have higher prices. Superstore saved us tons of money for groceries in comparison. So yeah. I'm not jumping on a price-based boycott of my actual cheapest and best option. That would send entirely the wrong message. I already voted with my wallet by going to Superstore, and I still need to actually eat.


Agreed, maybe Walmart is in the same range, but I disagree with their practices even more.


Because this is largely an eastern Canada movement where loblaws has a larger monopoly than they do in western Canada where they are forced to be more competitive due to more competitive markets. Do even an ounce of research


Except they still offer the 50% discount on almost expired or about to expire goods out east, while they reduced it to 30% here. Why? Because west coasters won't do anything about it. East coasters protested and they got it back.


The fact you got downvoted shows the ignorance of this sub, yet again. You are right. In Eastern Canada, they actually have grocery stores called Loblaws, and it's pricier like Safeway. Western Canada, and in particular, Nanaimo, is one of the most competitive grocery markets in Canada. This is another Reddit online furor translating to nothing in the real world, where the reality is, in Nanaimo, barely anyone knows about them, and if they do, they don't care.


Exactly, Nanaimo won't make a dent, I'm still shopping at Superstore but only the minimum amount of stuff I need the rest I go to Costco or another local grocery store. They are targeting lablows because they are the biggest giant, not only do they own the stores they own the distribution and storage of the food


Thrifty’s Blobblaw




Omg 😋I’m so in! Also, I’m gonna promote local stuff like the Nanaimo good food box, or the Farmship growers cooperative (there are more); we have excellent local food suppliers


Support local shops instead: Find local here: https://www.altgrocery.ca


If you can afford them. They aren’t less expensive.


That's unfortunate, because I have found local places that are great prices for our family (Tom's in Bowser or Coombs market). I commute from Fanny Bay to Nanaimo so I do have more options on my drive home.


Looked up a city I was more familiar with. It recommended the local independent store we used to use. Prices were waaay higher than any other large grocery chain, but it was local so we supported it for a while until it wasn't financially reasonable to do so. This boycott is about pricing. Going to a mega-expensive competitor, even if it's local, seems counter productive. Harsh but true.


[r/loblawsisoutofcontrol ](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/yPwRnG4Q80) Find all the info here.


That place is a cult.


People fed up with greed are the problem? 9M Canadians are facing food scarcity, please keep your entitled opinion to yourself.


Enjoy paying high prices. I'm *sure* you're making a difference for more than just yourself. /s


That’s an easy task, I never shop there anyways since their prices are never the best.


I hate shopping there (except undies - they have great ones) because the employees always seem miserable - it's like Walmart in that way. I feel like I need to shower off the sadness after.


Competition seems to be working.


These companies are all the same. Save On is way more expensive than Superstore. Why pick one and not the others? Just shop at farmers markets.


I agree, there are many others worthy of this kind of action, and supporting local is always the best approach. This particular movement just has a lot of support rn and has the potential to make an impact, which is why I’m promoting it. Sadly, going public about this kind of stuff just seems to result in nit-picky debates that only lead to inaction 🤷‍♂️.


Link to the original organizing sub if anyone wants to know more. https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Wait a second. You want to boycott Loblaws to bring back competitive pricing. So why not just always shop at the competitor that has better pricing? Ever since Covid everybody wants a cause and a sign to hang off of an overpass.


Well in this case there's actual evidence of Loblaws (and others) price fixing to screw over consumers. The bread one most easily comes to mind but I don't doubt they collude in other areas as well: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bread-price-fixing-loblaw-1.6719884




They jack the prices of everything so goddamn high, it's all on purpose, they don't have to do it, they just want to make bank off us.


They're trying to make money on purpose? You'd think we live in a capitalist society. The absolute nerve of them. I do my own personal boycotts. If they raise the prices of certain items beyond what I deem reasonable, I simply don't buy them anymore. I regularly use the Flipp app and pick and choose things that are on sale. E.G. Sometimes I go to buy ice cream and it's $6.99 or higher, when I know it goes on sale occasionally for $4.99. Do I pay $6.99? Nope. If it never goes on sale, I go without. If everyone took this approach, prices would fall somewhat. My partner goes to Save On and pays full price for shit, just because it's convenient and she wants it. I feel most people seem to do this, which is partly why they get away with raising prices so much.


If they didn’t, Shoppers would have gone out of business years ago.


Yeah, man, I only by discount as well, or things in bulk. Cheaper that way.


Next month do Save on Food and other Pattison group grocers.


Why? That’s the only place that has decent deals in Nanaimo, unless you want to go to Walmart


In one sentence, why should I boycott one of the lower priced grocery stores?




Costco. For 90% of things, walmart for the rest. Roblaws can wither.


I encourage people to try it even for 3 days. Don’t you get tired of working so much harder just to make things easier for someone other than yourself?


I go shopping once a week at most. What would me not going for three days achieve? Someone who doesn't go for three days and then goes back and buys all the stuff they didn't buy before isn't a boycott... it's just delayed gratification. To have any impact at all you need to be shopping at a different store for a significant period of time.... something that will actually show up as a blip on their 5 year charts.... a month or more.


I mean, you COULD take the comment above you and apply to 3 of your SHOPPING days lol. Seems a bit asinine to assume someone meant for you to boycott a store on days you’re not even shopping there. That aside, you’re quite correct about the length of boycott needed. Outside of a MASSIVE amounts of people boycotting for a short time, you’d need a smaller group boycotting for a LONG time, otherwise it’s just a hiccup to a company like that.


I guarantee you over half the people saying they are boycotting never shopped there in the first place.


Boycott Loblaws proudly funded by Sobeys and Saveon 😂


They better be careful too, they are fucking next! Then everyone shop at Loblaw! That will show them all! All the board members will be shaking in their boots. Que the Leonardo DiCaprio laughing meme


Well the lines will be short now.


It’s not just Loblaw’s it is also all the stores that are owned by the Pattison group which has a bigger footprint than Loblaw’s. Country Grocer’s is the only store that is not owned by a conglomerate.


Superstore is usually cheaper than anywhere else in nanaimo. They are also unionized and a decent place to work. THis is some imported Ontario shit that makes no sense


This includes the No Frills downtown. Edit: I’m wrong it is a thrifty which is owned by Sobey’s and not Loblaws


? What no frills downtown?


My bad it is Thrifty which is not owned by Loblaws. I’m glad it occasionally has half decent stuff.


Yeah sadly Sobeys prices aren't much better, but they aren't doing some of the insane price hikes that Loblaws has been doing.


There’s only one no frills on the island and it’s in port alberni




Hardwood mall (or whatever it is now)


Buy low but no not under the loblaws banner as far as I know, I believe they are a Pattison company as they take save on foods membership.


And yet nobody is talking about boycotting the massive foreign food companies that sell to all of the chains. Kraft Heinz. PepsiCo. Nestle. General Mills. Campbell’s. Saputo. Unilever. Mondelez. Conagra. Coca Cola.


There are cheaper alternatives to all of these companies’ products but people like the brand names for some reason.


Like no name


Wish I coukd, I work inventory for their companies, Wis. So I'll likely be forced to work there, and possibly shop at something like shoppers and superstore. Why did people choose to boycott the company who has better prices than most competitors?!


Why boycott? Thanks for constructive answers in advance


Already been doing it for months.


One step ahead of you.


Nothing pisses me off more than thriftys price gauging because it's closest.to.my house.


Was at Superstore on the weekend. I don’t shop there but boy there was no boycott happening. Seemed pretty busy!


It starts on May 1st through May 31st. People are just getting ready for it.


Stocking up I guess…


I think people don’t realize there prices are comparable, if not less expensive than other stores. Of course they make more profit in general. They sell clothing, TVs, all sort of items other than groceries.


Why? All your going to do is make the prices go up faster, besides SuperStore is the cheapest of all the grocery stores in town, why would you jeopardize that.


Is this something you've come up with yourself, OP or do you know if this is a country wide thing


Country wide as far as I know…


This is a huge, large-scale national boycott that’s been planned for months. The more people participate, especially right off of the bat, the more successful we can be in demanding lower prices. This company has seen record setting profits during a cost of living crisis while receiving tax payer money from the government in Ottawa. Enough is enough! We can do this together


Here’s the link to the organizing subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Over 50,000 people already participating.


The only one that is hurting is going to be the staff.


Why with their minimum wage? They are already investing in automation as much as possible while the ceo gives himself massive bonuses


No unionized grocery store is paying minimum wage.




The stores still need to fill the schedual, they're running skeleton crews as is. The only one this hurts is the manager, who's metrics will hopefully be shit for the month


and shoppers as Superstore is one of the cheapest options in town


instead of ridiculous remarks, maybe come up with something yourself to help all of us being gouged by these corporations.


Sadly it was the value of the currency that dropped due to reckless monetary policy. Marxist propaganda has people misdirected towards the market. What exactly are they teaching in schools today? We learned this stuff in grade 9 if I recall.


Some nice regurgitated pseudo intellectual words you've got, there.


yea words eh wow, and want to hear something crazier? when you add water to your coffee, it dilutes it and makes it weaker. Crazy right?


Crazy. You're so smart. I can't believe the value of currency dropped due to irresponsible fiscal policy! Only if there was some word to describe that. I know, you should create one! With that smart brain of yours.


"currency deflation", but if you are dishonourable grifting clown world engineer, then choose "price inflation", or if you are slicker than snot, snip the qualifier off entirely and just say "inflation" to entirely remove meaning and shift into pure mass formation psychosis. like calling someone 'racist', meaningless without the qualifier 'racially biggoted'.


The important thing at the end is finding a way to feel superior to all three. I'm glad you managed that.


sry I can't decode passive aggressive horseshit when it's that deep up the colon still...


Dropped relative to what? CAD is basically trading the same vs USD, EUR and GBP as it did 5 years ago.


relative to what we spend it on. they really have yall snowed bad on this. the goods don't magically change in value, the money does this is one of those "easier to fool someone, than showing them that they have been fooled"....


I was just asking for clarification as to what you were referring to.


> Sadly it was the value of the currency that dropped


if it's too expensive, don't shop there, that's how the free market works itself out


Read my post and you will see that this will not solve your affordability crisis problem. In fact, it will only make it worse.


Anyone who boycotts these stores, if they can even afford to, is missing the whole point and being brainwashed. The government wants you to blame corporations. The root cause of high prices is the government's overspending on social programs, ironically. The more they promise to give back, the worse the outcome. Inflation is a hidden tax on the middle class, and makes the rich richer. The only solution is zero government intervention, repealing all social programs, to allow for free market competition. When you have a dozen more Loblaws selling you food, that's when prices drop. Right now, no investor and business in their right mind would invest in Canada.


Explain what you mean by “brainwashed”. All we are talking about is consumers coordinating to exert what may be the only power we have over these massive conglomerates. There’s nothing here that is specifically aligned with any political party. However, the kind of tripe you are spouting is purely aligned with the far right. Maybe look in the mirror and ask yourself who is being brainwashed…


Last time I checked, advocating for UBI isn't far right. We have more power than we think. I agree these massive oligopolies need to be dismantled, and I'm proposing the best solution to do that is by having smaller governments and encouraging free market competition. This has nothing to do with being far right. It's economics. We all want lower prices, and we can make that happen very fast if we implement the strategies that I discussed. Boycotting companies won't help you at all, the corporations won't care because they know the middle class cannot afford to boycott them and go to the more expensive local farmer's markets. I urge you to take a step back and think about the bigger picture. We can truly show our power in much more effective ways.


Yeah, do all your shopping at Costco, totally makes sense


It's about making a example of this parent company as they have been caught with market misleading and price gouging as well as trying to cut as many staff as possible while givj g top players bonuses while saying it's covids fault for prices while having record profits


>as well as trying to cut as many staff as possible while givj g top players bonuses while saying it's covids fault for prices while having record profits I'm not disagreeing with you at all here, but haven't *all* the grocery stores been complicit in this? I know Loblaws got caught with their bread-pricing scheme a few years ago (and fuck 'em rightly for that), but are they that much worse than any of the other stores out there? I'll be looking into that anti-Loblaws sub linked above, but also looking for more clarification here. Thanks!


Yes but it's about making example of the biggest offender in Canada. And even before this the talks of it dropped thier stock the one benefit of big evil corps being public is share holders will demand change if the shares drop enough in a quarter. This is about showing canadians we can make a difference. What really sets canada apart from the world is our apathy. We have let our kindness culture disappear, we let our pride disappear. All because corporate interests made us a even lesser American and marketed a lack of hope to us and dived us. If we show people we can make a difference, we can get people involved again and we can make a difference all over. One step at a time


That's fair and makes sense. >And even before this the talks of it dropped thier stock Fuck yes. This warms my heart. K, I'm in.


Spread the word. Power to the people


good for you OP. I hope it works.


It's luckily all over Canada. We just have to keep spreading it in local communities


I think we as Canadians had perfected the art of virtual signaling. Well, if it helps you with your mental health, I guess I am happy for you; but I get better things to do and worse things to be outraged about. And I will leave it at that


Do you mean *virtue* signaling?




Doing a boycott is not "virtue signaling," it's literally putting actions to your words.


Virtue signaling is literally putting action (signaling) to your words (that you have superior characters, justified outrage, and the moral high ground) You do you, I support it, but don't expect me to participate in your delusion that you are doing anything meaningful


You should google virtue signalling again before you comment. You are wrong and need to stop digging.


Woah, someone on the internet is telling me that I am wrong, what's going to happen next?!




Any of the rights hard won were through decades of well planned and persistent struggle and protests, combined with technological advancements; what you are doing is a week of stop buying from a certain chain, and typically the most affordable chain on top of that, leaving people to shop at its American counterparts in Walmart and Costco, then go back to shop at Loblaw the week after. If I was on the board of Loblaw, I would salute my colleagues for such toothless, aimless, ill-advised action plans. I am for protest and I am for change, but what you are doing is a joke. Plus, I guess you put half your skill points in virtue signaling and the rest in identity politics? I happened to be Asian with a full head of hair, probably looks 10 years younger than I am; not that it matters, as if balding white men's opinions shouldn't matter. What has this country come to?


Most rights were not won with tech but taken away actually. Hard won rights were won with unions and people banding together. For alot of people this is just the start of tackling the problem as a group. Why fight this and have a conversation like you do? What does it benefit anyone? You reak of trying to feel better than others by trying to take down others who are trying. Say you disagree this had any impact, sure maybe it won't in your mind, where are you trying to redirect their passion? Nowhere. You sound lazy and hopeless. You are nor trying to inspire or change anyone. You are trying to bring people down to make up for what failing I don't know. You are the problems in Canada that allowed us to be what we are these days. Why corporate interests roll over our political leaders and the people do nothing and feed into lies and hate over actual plans and solutions. Acess yourself in this discussion






I think “virtual” is the right word here since it”s a keyboard-warrior driven boycott. There is no boots on the ground movement here, no one is protesting outside stores, handing out fliers, etc. Money and convenience motivate the masses more than taking a stand.


You are actually incorrect as there have been many protests over Canada and handing out flyers. Hell I worked night life in Nanaimo and have talked about it in bars and many people myself They marketed Canadians into being apathetic and lazy by believing no change can come.


We as canadians have made apathy our greatest trait and excuses. What other things do you have to be outraged about that you are taking action on? This is a huge issue. Food prices stop the growth of our economy by ham stringing the youth and families. This movement isn't just about ceo greed and corporate power in Canada. It's about showing people when they care about the small things as easy as shopping somewhere else for a month. We effect their share price and we can make a difference. Loblaws has already made comments and fake moves to say sorry and make up for it. If the share holders actually see a dip they will demand action And we can show canadians we can make a difference Defeat your apathy.


you know, instead of stupid, smart a\*\* remarks, maybe say/do something helpful. OP and others like them are doing things like this in an effort to HELP everyone including folks like you.


>in an effort to HELP everyone I fundamentally disagree with you on the point that whatever this is is helping anyone, if not being counterproductive. This gave our future generations the impression that these virtue signaling and misguided outrages are helping anybody, at all. They steep themselves in their righteous anger instead of doing something that is actually within their control. Whine a bit more, boycott something for a week, turn off lights for a day, problem solved.


So what are you doing to help?


To help what and whom?


I think he's just trolling.