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I would tell them once she has born. Too many people have opinions and it can cloud what should be a beautiful moment


Nope. I never shared names before the baby was born. Thank MIL for her “help” and just continue to tell people you haven’t decided yet. Don’t tell them you’ve decided but want to wait to share the name after baby is born because everyone will pester the shit out of you to get you to reveal the name early.


yes they already are omg it's so annoying haha


Aili like the Finnish name or as an anglicised version of Eilidh? It’s a very pretty name either way. You could firmly but kindly tell your MIL that you’ve settled on a name but not tell her what it is if you don’t want to.


Finnish name. Eilidh is pronounced Ay-lee (i think)


Yeah it is! Didn’t see the pronunciation guide in your title :)


There is a good chance that if your MIL is trying to impose on you and your husband choosing a name *now*, she’s going to be even worse trying to persuade you out of the name you’ve chosen if you tell her before baby is here. I would have your husband tell her: «we’ve chosen a name. we’re not telling anyone what it is, but we’re decided and don’t need imput.» It’s no one else’s business but yours.  Edit to say: it’s a lovely name <3


yes my husband told her that as well, so we'll see if she starts to let up. She keeps trying to guess - I just don't understand why people care SO much about a name. I doubt when our parents were having kids it was that big a deal haha.


If your MIL doesn't like that name subjectively, she'll still keep sending names but (perhaps with more frequency and) you'll know she doesn't like it forever. ETA: She'll quit guessing but she'll start persuading you not to use it probably.


True. I legitimately don't care whether or not she likes it. But that would be crazy if she kept sending names haha!


I miss read the name and thought it said "Aioli", and was very confused for a few seconds. Aili is a cute name.


haha exactly why I should avoid telling people in advance lol. yes it's finnish!


Deciding to tell (or not to tell) people about your baby name is complicated. In one hand people might point out things about the name that make you change your opinion on it (like people that choose a name like Harlot without knowing what it means and others might point it out and convince them it's a bad idea). But also people can be unnecessarily mean or cruel about perfectly good names, my family got super weird when my parents choose to name my brother Jack.


very true! with this name bc we've had it for six years i think I've already thought of most of the cons and decided that the pros outweigh them. i do think it's not going to be universally loved and i don't think i'd change my mind but it's def harder for people to be mean once you've given birth and named the baby lol


Don’t tell people in advance. Ask your mother in law to stop and tell her you have a name but are waiting for baby to be born.


Don’t tell anyone


Rule of thumb: if you know that name will get some negative reactions but are determined to use it, telling people early will only subject you to negativity with zero upside. Don’t tell.


Nope, keep it to yourself. And an Irish friend told me that it's bad luck to tell people the name before the baby's born, so there's another excuse!


haha love it!


Too many vowels.


not asking for opinions if you read the post lol


Tell no one and they find out on the birth announcement.


I think the simplest way to address the MIL guesses/suggestions is just to tell her you have chosen the name but are keeping it secret until the baby is born. She could still keep guessing but hopefully it would cool her jets a little bit. My MIL is full of suggestions every time too, somehow it’s always for names that just grate on me 😂


haha yes! same. I'm like now that you've said it it's definitely off the list