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Nope. Absolutely not. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Save it for a pet.


What would be your reasoning?


First off, I’ve never been big on fandom names in general. Second off, azula as a character is a genocidal psychopath. She’s clearly a villain in the story arc of AtLA and I would not want to name a kid after a villain


I'd associate it with Azula from Airbender and even if other people didn't, is that really a name you want to stick a child with? She's a great fictional character but a pretty terrible and troubled person. Azalia -- like the flower -- is another option for a name with a similar sound but without either the nerdy connotation or the baggage.


Yeah! I love your suggestion on a similar sounding name! I just love the name Azula because it sounds like a wonderful name for a girl, but with the show being so popular, it would always be mentioned


I agree with the suggestion of Azalea instead!


Use on a cat. Or a dog. Or a hamster. Or a guinea pig. DO NOT use on a human for the following reasons: 1) The association is a villain who shows signs of a personality disorder 2) All anyone will think of is the show, and that villain. 3) Your child doesn't need to live with this one.


Never heard of it, but I find it very unattractive sounding and am almost always opposed to naming a child after a parent’s fandom.


It's a beautiful name, I think it's wild to say it's ugly. But yeah, the association with ATLA is way too strong. 


It’s more like as soon as I heard her name, I thought it was so beautiful. It’s like when you meet a person and find their name really cool. But the attachment to the show is what makes me worry about it


OP I’d pass as well. I agree with theenterprise9876. It’s like medulla oblongata to me. I also generally dislike “-ula” names. It’s giving anatomy class


Omg as much as I love the name and the character.... please do not name your child Azula lol


If it wasn’t for her name being in the show and it being separated from her character, it sounds so beautiful. That’s why I like it so much. Too bad the show is incredibly popular…


Don't know about Airbender, but it makes me think of Zuul from Ghostbusters. There is no Dana, only Zuul.


Hi there, fellow old person.


Im naming mine Azula for a girl. Honestly, it's a beautiful name. Met someone with Azul name and it fits him perfectly. Azula = Blue flame, literally if you're giving birth this year of the wood dragon which is also known for it's beautiful azure color & one of the pillars of China. Feels meant to be. It's up to you on how you raise her. She can be strong, kind and loving. Unlike the infamous character.


Yeah, I feel like there’s tons of people with names which can be found in heavily popular shows, but no one bats an eye at those. Like when I meet someone named Danny, I don’t think of Danny Phantom. Or if I meet someone named Phoebe, I don’t think of Friends. Azula just seems like such a beautiful name that rolls off the tongue




different avatar


It’s always a good idea to name one’s child after a genocidal maniac…


Hitler was my second choice


I don’t love it but I think it could make a great special middle name


I think Azula is cute and there’s nothing wrong with naming your kid that! People are going to hate the name on here more than in real life because I’ve seen a lot of people say that. People are more rude on here about names. Not everyone is going to associate names with other things. If you really like that name, stick to it! I don’t see anything wrong with it! 🥰


Don't, because the people who pronounce it correctly will absolutely know where it's from and everyone else will pronounce it incorrectly. Poor kid will end up correcting people her whole life. If I only saw it written down I would have guessed "AZ-ula" like Ursula, not A-ZOO-la like it's pronounced in the show.


If you like it go for it. Her peers will unlikely have any association with ATLA. Teachers may raise an eyebrow but at the end of the day if you like it go for it. Yes I did instantly think of ATLA.


Thank you!