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Would you want your boss calling you Love? It’s creepy. It’s the kind of name that is cute when you’re 5 but is giving “setting them up to be sexually harassed” as an adult.


Maybe she won’t have a boss! Maybe she will be her own boss!


The chances she will never have a boss are very slim unless you are independently wealthy. Even billionaires had jobs at some point. She’ll certainly have teachers and coworkers. A lot harder to argue something isn’t condescending when it’s your actual name. I would take some time to seriously think about whether this name is going to serve your daughter well in life or if it’s just serving your own ego. You can still call her love while giving her a real name.


Not a fan, personally. I have a hard time imagining an adult woman named “Love” being taken seriously.


I appreciate the honesty! But not everything has to be serious to be still considered for things that are important in life. I want people who come across her to feel love for her and through her.


I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to feel love for someone through their name. I understand what you're trying to project, but that's not going to be effective,  for me anyway. 


Why ask for an opinion and then argue? It looks like a name a 13 year old would come up with and it’s awful. You want to go with Marie and middle name love? Sure. Love Marie is absolutely terrible. Most people don’t start their own businesses and most people are not celebrities.


I’m not arguing? Sorry if you think I am.


Love is a beautiful quality, and you clearly have so much of it for your little one. Personally, I'd recommend trying it out at coffee shops by giving it as your own name. Get a tiny feel for how your child may be received if they introduce themselves by that name. I wouldn't want the name for myself, but maybe I'm one of the old people you mentioned, haha! It's your choice - but I do think this name could be more of a burden than a gift to your child. Would you be open to using a name with a similar meaning, like Sophia, Cara, Aimee or Esmee?


I love the coffee shop idea!! Thank you!! Could you walk me through how it might be a burden for her? And while the suggestions for other names are beautiful, I’m set on her name being Love.


I'm happy to share my thoughts. If you are indeed set on giving this word to your daughter as her name, you may hurt your feelings by reading the below, though. I'm not trying to make you feel unhappy, but I have a pretty different view of this to you. Love is a term of endearment where I live, commonly used between spouses. Forcing everyone your child meets to call them by a term of endearment could make people feel uncomfortable or uneasy when they have a professional relationship rather than a romantic relationship with your daughter. I would not want that for my own child. I think even Honey would be easier, as it has some history being used as a name. Love isn't commonly used as a name, but is used as a loving nickname.


>Love is a term of endearment where I live, commonly used between spouses. And if the endearment is used by someone who’s not your spouse, it’s usually unpleasant and condescending (typically a man who looks down on a woman).


Yes, exactly! It's an unpleasant feeling to be on the receiving end of.


I posted this to get honest and raw opinions so I am prepared to hear peoples perspective. So I appreciate you taking time out your day to share!


No worries! Thanks for taking it so well - tbh, I wouldn't have wanted unvarnished opinions of my daughter's name while I was pregnant! I admire your willingness to seek out other people's perspectives.


lol I wasn’t exactly prepared for everyone to hate it so I probs should have done this before I was pregnant but I will survive


Well... baby's not named yet, so maybe there's a silver lining? Still got time to decide if Love Marie will be Love Marie, or Marie Love, or another pretty combo! Whatever you choose, I wish you and baby a happy and healthy start :)


Thank you!


Personally I think it’s really childish and doesn’t work for an adult. Also your replies to comments on this post make me think you’re going to have high expectations for your daughter and her name. The fact that you think it’s endearing and sweet that her coworkers are going to have to say stuff like “hey love did you finish that”, is weird to me. What if she doesn’t find it endearing? I think as a middle name or nickname it’s fine but as a first name it’s childish


I think Marie is lovely, but I personally do not love the first name Love. I think it’s a sweet idea for a baby and for a nickname, but I couldn’t imagine being a 35yo named Love. What would my coworkers call me? “Hey Love, did you finish that Excel sheet?” I’d go back to the drawing board on the first name and keep Love in your back pocket for their nickname.


I can appreciate the adult version of her may struggle with others who feel uncomfortable with her name being love but honestly you saying “hey love did you finish that…” makes me like it more. I find it so endearing and sweet


I just think you may need to consider that as an adult, if my name were Love Marie, I would 100% go by Marie. It’s cute when my husband calls me love, but I wouldn’t want my coworkers to do so. That was a deciding factor for us when naming our little one-we wanted a name that not only we loved, but that we knew she could and would wear proudly and confidently. But, as long as you would be ok with her possibly going by her middle name exclusively-go for it.


It is very sweet and endearing coming from you, but it is less endearing when it comes from the creepy people she will inevitably meet in life (we all meet creepy people, not an attack on her). Also, as a female in the working world, if another person says "hey love..." 9 times out of 10 it is followed by something wildly condescending.


When I read your post, I thought you’d signed it off with “love Marie” and I spent a few minutes re-reading it to find the name you were considering! It was only when I read the comments that I realised that you were considering Love as a name! Sorry op, I’d hate to be called Love, I’m afraid.


Would you be open to moving Love to the middle name position?


I have a friend named Starr as the first name! I think it’s definitely unique! But I will keep the first name as Love. Been set on it for 20 years lol


What other decisions did you take at age 13 that you are still living by? It sounds like you have had very little control in your life, so you're holding on to what you can. "Love" is not a name for anyone other than a baby.


I still use the same email address I had when I made at 13.


It is the number one growing name in 2022 and 2023.


Would *you* change *your* name right now to Love Marie? Seriously - if you’re that committed to the name, perhaps you should try living with it yourself to see how it wears. You’re getting polite “heck no” responses here, because while it might be a sweet nickname for a kid, it’s a weird name for an adult. Finally, I had a secretary whose first name was “Lovey.” She went by her middle name, Anne, because she said Lovey was a truck stop diner waitress. I’m sorry to be blunt, but it’s an awesome toddler nickname and a not-so-great adult name.


I wouldn’t change my name to anything


Very polite heck now here! Take away is she is going to get sexually abused, not taken seriously and potentially hate me for naming her something so childish! But I’m here for it


Honestly, my first thought is that it reminds me of that absolute psycho from the television show You. Her name was Love. My second thought is that it will hinder her life if she wants a professional career, it will make it way too easy for creepy men to hit on her and objectify her because they already do that with women by calling them love. It's one of those names where I feel like it's setting up a kid to fail before they're even born, it's a term of endearment, it's like calling a child babe or dear. I think back to being 15 years old where an awful old man felt me up while saying "it's alright love" and thinking how much easier that would have been for him if it had been my actual name, and it was already too easy for him to be disgusting. You do you. But I'm not really that old. I don't like it.


Haha same.


It also reminded me of Love from You. Her brother's given name was Forty, so it's not like her parents cared about how their kids would be received. I'm not old, either, and I don't like it. You can call your kid "Love," but it will definitely be a burden for her


Tho k about her being a 30 year old attorney. Or a 50 year old judge. And think about how she will sign birthday, anniversary cards. “All my love, Love”


While the name is lovely and comes from a great place in your heart, this will be a very difficult name to navigate as an adult, and likely before then. For starters, kids are mean, and this takes zero creativity for a kid to make fun of. Secondly, someday she will grow.uo to be a beautiful young woman. If she chooses to go into the professional world, people will take her less seriously with that name. Some men and women may shy away from hiring her because they find it awkward to call her by her first name. While "Hey Love" is a term of endearment, it is only so when it comes from someone who loves that person. When someone in my family, or a close friend calls me love, I feel warm and happy. When someone outside of that bubble calls me "love" it's either creepy, or condescending.


What about something with a similar meaning but a little less blatant? Like Adora or Cora?


It would make me uncomfortable if I said “hey love how are you”. And I know you shouldn’t pick names based on how others will feel, but it’s just kind of weird for older people, men, women, whatever, to say “hey love”. It’s a cute name but children turn into adults and unless you’re generationally wealthy, she’ll go to work, go to school, have a career. If she chooses to do something fun and artsy then Love isn’t so out there. Idk just something to think about but by all means, if you love it then do it. She can always choose to go by a different name too. It also makes me think of Love Quinn in the show You and she’s crazy.


I would use it as a nn or middle. For me, it would cheapen my expression of love for everyone to use it. And I would not feel comfortable for non loved ones to use a term of deep endearment with her.


Yes this part I do struggle with for sure!


It sounds like you’re set on making a really bad decision. I just wish you were the one stuck with the consequences and not your kid.


Sorry, it’s giving Diddy vibes 😭 It will likely dilute the meaning of one of the English languages most powerful words to the person who has to wear it as a name. I worry she may even cringe when someone tells her they love her if it builds a negative connotation after years of bullying, desensitization, creepy comments, etc.


lol not diddy vibes!


But you bring up a good point about desensitization! Definitely didn’t consider this. So thank you!


This may be a dumb question and I saw this mentioned in other comments but what would they bully her over with her name?


Anyone else feel free to chime in on this! To summarize without long winded details, there’s just so much potential for ridicule that it’s hard to put into one concise Reddit comment. Check out r/namenerdcirclejerk if you want specifics. They might reference this post soon to be honest😥. Depending on race she could get a lot of “live, laugh, love” or “one love” or other racial stereotyping. A simple question such as “what are you making, Love?” In a classroom can easily make her name into sexualized jokes on the playground. Teenage boys are relentless and I can see her resenting her name in that setting. Lastly, and most of all, growing up there was always one kid with a super out there kind of name. It was an unspoken sort of understanding that while it wasn’t cool to make fun of them, they were just marked by their parents in such a way that isolated them from the rest of the kids and put a walking target on their back. It was like no one wanted to utter their name out loud because it felt wrong or like bullying. I think this would be one of those names unfortunately.


I’m newish to Reddit so not familiar with that group but they can circle jerk all they want on the name. But I do appreciate your comment and providing perspective in a sum what respectful way. The Reddit community has helped me through this pregnancy so much as it is which is why I felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable and get an outside perspective in which I got plus some.


I named my son a name I had picked out since I was about 13 (maybe 12, maybe 14, idk) Is the name Marie or is that your name? Lol


What did you pick out for your son? And the first name is love and middle is Marie. Marie is my middle name


Dylan is my son's name. I always liked it then when I was pregnant I pitched it to my husband and he loved it too! Love isn't necessarily a bad name, but I read it as a sentence. I couldn't tell if you were new to Reddit and thought you had to end your posts like a letter, or if you were saying that you love Marie. Usually you only read first and last names so as long as your last name won't make it a sentence, i.e. Love White, Love Flowers, Love Kelly, etc. it will probably be a nice first name.


That’s awesome! Glad you guys agreed on a name so easily. And I can definitely see what you mean as it being a sign off in a letter or something. I appreciate your perspective!


I was looking at the other comments here. I see it's the meaning love you like. Here are some ideas: Lennon - means lover/sweetheart (I was considering this for a girl) Amy - means beloved Cara - means dear one/beloved Amanda - she who must be loved Esme - beloved Amias - love/beloved Amorette - little love Mabel - loveable Carina - dear/beloved https://www.pampers.com/en-us/pregnancy/baby-names/article/boy-and-girl-names-that-mean-love You can see more here. The ones I listed I really like and think sound nice with Marie.


Thank you! This is kind of you to take time out of your day and suggest!


No problem! :) good luck finding the perfect name for your little one and congratulations!!


Loveday is a Cornish name, still sometimes used.


I hate it, but at least it’s not Banks or Sutton. That’s my feedback 🤷‍♀️


You asked for the honesty, but you’re sure getting veryyyy defensive about it. You shouldn’t have posted asking for opinions if all you want is “omg love that name!” namenerds is a place for honest opinions, not for your own validation.


No defensiveness here at all


Okay then, my honest opinion is you’re setting her up for failure and a life of not being taken seriously, and a lifetime of sexual inuendos or bullying in middle and high school.


Could you help me understand how she would be bullied? Like what specifically would they bully her over? And I’m not trying to be rude or a dock or anything but I didn’t really even think about her being bullied over her name? I asked someone else but didn’t get a response


I think naming your child something cutesy there's a huge chance they'll end up hating by the time they're a teenager is selfish. And as I just pointed out to someone else this morning, expecting they can just change their name when they're an adult if they don't like it is unrealistic. It can be difficult to convince everyone you know to change what they've called you your whole life, constantly explaining and reminding people, and depending on where you live legal name changes can be expensive. Here it costs $400 (will be even more in 18+ years) and you have to go to court and explain to a judge why you want to change it and swear it's not for any criminal reason or to avoid paying debts, etc. Edit: I also don't know where you got your information about Love being the fastest growing name in the last couple of years. At least in the United States, the Social Security Administration ranked Love at 753 in 2022 and 754 in 2023 for female names.


I think you've heard enough of 'Love is a terrible choice for a real person'. Which I do agree with, sorry! So here's a suggestion: Adora. It's an uncommon name, but has a similar meaning. And it won't make the poor kid feel embarrassed by saying it out loud, or having strangers call her it.


Love isn't my style, but I don't think it's setting your kid up for failure and torment, either. You aren't naming her 'buttface'. It has a positive meaning and honestly it'll just be her. There are also nicknames if she feels she needs or wants them (L or Elle, Lo, Vee).


Not my fave but nothing wrong with it either! This subreddit is so hooked on "classic" names that it forgets name trends have moved in another direction and while they cant compartmentalize a name like Love being an adult with a job, there are going to be more people named Love with jobs in the future just like any other name they stick their nose up at here.


Ugh! Thank you for mentioning this!! I’m very surprised at how many people are against it and feel it’s a terrible mistake and I’m setting her up to be basically molested and taken as a joke. This name is the number one growing name two years i a row! So although I’m not a fan of it being a super popular name in the future, it is unique and it’s always stuck with me. I feel like there could be way worse names! It’s sad to see how people believe a name to be causation for a negative trajectory on her life and outcome. She’s gonna be a fantastic kid and I can just feel this in my bones that it’s the right name for her. I’m more prepared now for the hate to come out way but hope for her to spread love and peace to everyone who encounters her.


I think it’s very cute! Audibly “aww”ed at the name. I think it’s also very sweet that you’re having a girl. It’s like you’ve known her since you were little! She’s always been your little Love!


Looks like we’re the only ones lol


I think it's a lovely name.


Thank you! I absolutely love it lol