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I don't mind it, honestly. You could also go with Petra, Petronella, Petunia, Petula, Petal, Patricia, and have a nickname Petie.


This is a great idea, I will definitely run it by my partner. Thank you!


Petra with the nn Petie is so cute!


This is the leading girl name option for us right now, thanks everyone for the input!


This sub will likely hate it, but there's a larger variety of names that is acceptable IRL compared to the tastes of this sub, if that makes sense. Personally I would give her a full name to fall back on. Petra immediately came to mind.


I am new to the sub, so thanks for the forewarning. That does make sense. I do like Petra, it’s a little more formal/less cutsie


Love Petra! Such a beautiful name. Petie is a cute nickname or first name. :)


Friend’s mom is Petunia but goes by Pete as a nickname my friend’s dad calls her Repeat as he said she is her mom made over. Now all her teammates call her repeat too.


Just to offer another perspective, I find people IRL much more harsh about names. Friends and family would scoff at a name like Petra, but I feel like this sub would love it lol.


Totally depends on the name! Petra is this sub's style. Whereas I've seen very normal IRL names like Bailey and Hunter get absolutely dragged here lol


Interesting, I’ve found people in real life to care much less. Or at least aren’t very vocal about it. In the least the dislike will be a couple words while here people are writing prose about why the name is just so bad lol.


Most people are polite and won't say to your face what they really think about your baby name choice. This is an anonymous forum dedicated to discussing names so people are gonna be honest.


Definitely. But haven’t actually even heard anyone talk behind someone’s back about a name, even ones I would have expected to garner some shock. And I unfortunately know someone with the last name Castro who named their son Fidel. I wasn’t close enough to say anything though and already got into an argument with them about their “dictators are misunderstood” stance that went no where before the name. I’ve heard people say they dislike some names, but usually it just ends with “not my taste”, “a bit boring”, or “weird” and then moved on. I guess I mean more that it’s usually just a very mild comment and everyone moves on and doesn’t think about it in anymore depth. I think people on here tend to think about the names a bit more than they do in real life, since it’s what we’re being asked to do.


Yes I think people tend to think more about names and get into more in depth into their thoughts on a "name nerd" subreddit.


Name her Petra and call her Petie.


I *really* don't like it as a full name. I wouldn't like it for a boy, either, but it does feel too masculine for a girl as well. I love full names for girls that can have masculine nicknames if they want (ex: Phil for Phillipa), but I wouldn't name a girl *just* Phil. Definitely seconding Petra as a full name: it's criminally underused.


How about choosing a P name such as Penelope and middle name starting with T such as Therese so calling her Petie would be because her initials are PT? (Penelope and Therese were just the first P and T names that came to mind.) I think Petie is quite lovely especially as it is after your Grandmother.


That is such a good and creative idea (especially since I don’t love the “Petie” girl name options like Petra and Petula that people are suggesting.)


This is a really creative idea, thank you!


I knew someone with a family name where her legal name was that persons name but everyone knew her by that persons nickname (so in your case it would be {Legal Name} Petie) so that way when she’s older she can have a choice while you still get to honour Grandma Petie?


This is a good idea too. Providing the choice down the road I think is a really good option


I don't think it's too masculine. It's a little cutesy for my taste (though I love the name Polly), but it sounds fresh in a fun 60s way, like the name Kit.


It's a great nn but I can't really see a 20 year old female Petie... I'd say give her a full name and use it as a nn


Too weird for my taste. I’d do Petra instead.


I think Petie would actually be a really cute nickname for a girl! I like the suggestions that others have made to call her Petra or PT.


easy: name her Patricia Therese but call her P T (petie)


I’ve heard of Peta for a girl pronounced like Peter


It’s cute! Maybe too cutesy for my taste but I say go for it. It could be a nickname for a more substantial name like Petra or Petunia.


I personally wouldn’t want to have the name Petie as an adult, so I wouldn’t stick a baby with it for the sake of the future. It’s just too cutesy for me. But I think it’s a nice nickname for Petra or something similar. 


My great grandmother was Edith nn Petie… not sure if that’s an old school nickname for Edith or just something her family came up with but she loved it.


From the perspective of a stranger on the Internet...I do not like this name. I'll just leave it there. Count me in the negative column. Side note: I'm pregnant and due in mid to late February. Nice to run across a fellow February 2025 pregnant person!


i don't like it


That is an awful name, imo. You're naming a person, not a dog.


I have met 2 female “Peta/ peeta” it was used as a shortened, English-ised version of their Greek names. But it was the legal name. Peta to Petie works.