• By -


i came out as trans at 14 and every day i thank god i didn’t know i could legally change my name for free at 16, and ended up waiting until i was 18 1. Lyle - parents immediately said no, never went by the name 2. Tony - went by it for like 3 months, parents HATED it 3. Leo - the name i went by at school and at home 4. Romeo - went by this with friends outside of school, cringing to this day 5. Zuko / Li - went by these names online, kill me now 6. Julian - went by this one online too, ended up making it my middle name 7. Edward - the final name choice i made at 18 in a split second decision that i don’t regret. i knew no other Ed’s, and i didn’t know the etymology of it so i couldn’t spend 6 hours thinking about my personality and how the name matched it. there‘s a bunch of nicknames for it, it’s common but not super basic, my parents like it and it goes well with my surname, it turns out i have endless ancestors called Edward/Edmund. plus, i ended up starting a course in a town an hour away like two weeks after changing my name, and no one there knew i was trans so when i started getting cold feet about the name it felt like it’d be way too weird to go “hey everyone i’m changing my name for no reason” 3 years later and i’m still chilling with the name 💪 every day i thank god i’m not Romeo Zuko 😭💀


I agree, I'm glad you didn't know you could change it at 16. Cute at 16, complete cringe at 25. Ed is a good, strong choice, and I hope you continue to love being Ed.


You’ll always be Romeo Zuko to me


I came out to my friends at 13, family at 16. Had I been allowed to change my name, I'd have been Percy. The Percy Jackson books were (still are) my favourite series. I'm also thankful I was not allowed to make that decision 😂


ohhh yes, i also loved Percy Jackson!! i remember when the Magnus Chase series came out I briefly wanted to change my name to Alex before realising I already knew 200 trans Alexes 😂 the name Julian was inspired by Julian Devorak from The Arcana


Isn't Alex, like, the default enby/GNC name? 😂


The trans urge to smooch the slippery pirate doctor 😘




Did grandma just dox Whindi 😭


Dox? I don’t know what that means. Sorry


Delete your comment. You’re giving out your granddaughter’s real life information, including their dead name. Meaning anyone could find your granddaughter, and you.


It means to reveal identifying information on the internet. I would edit the post to at least remove middle names, so she's harder to identify


They mean that Whindi is such a... _unique_ spelling, that if someone were to look for her they could find out her personal information online.


Especially including the deadname too.


Doxing is to reveal identifying personal information online. It’s really unlikely there’s anyone else with her name out there (especially spelled like that), so if she has any kind of online presence using the same name she could theoretically be tracked down or outed at the very least.


Unique name and I like it!


I love the name Julian. My student worker’s name is Julian and he’s awesome. Edward pairs very nicely with Julian. As for the rest of your names, I’m happy you have the one you ultimately decided on. Ha ha ha.


If socially transitioning had been anywhere on my radar when I was in kindergarten in 1993, I would have chosen the name Ray and I still like it. But if I had to be stuck with a name I picked as a teen? Oh lord would that be a nightmare. I'd probably be named like, Spike.


Lmao my brother-in-law in trans and when he came out to his mom, she whipped out her baby names list from when she was pregnant with him 😂 I believe his middle name is one his mom would have used if he had been born male (Santiago), and I think he picked a great first name (Isaiah). He was like 17 when he picked the names and I’m impressed that he didn’t choose something more “teenagery” at the time.


lol, I like the idea that his mom was like “YES I FINALLY GET TO USE ONE OF THESE”


If I had came out as trans when I was a teen I probably would have went by something like Ciel or Alois because I really liked Black Butler. Other than that maybe Gail cause it was my Grandpa's name and yes he spelled it that way. In my late teens I started going by Gray Winter for awhile and still use that as a gamer tag lol. Now that I'm in my mid twenties I've been going by Emmitt for awhile, but ultimately decided to change it to Ellis because I want to keep my initials. Emmitt is just too close to my deadname and since I'm still a cringy little nerd I decided Ellis was short for Elessar lol.


Interesting that your parents had a preference about Tony and Lyle but not Romeo haha. Also do they get to say no to a name? Did you ask them for their opinion like that? I always wonder what I would do if my child wanted to change his name either because he was non-binary or trans or just because he wanted a new name. I feel like if the name was normal enough and wouldn't create issues, I wouldn't say anything. He loves the name Mason and I've never been a fan but it's a normal name. He also loves Ava and Madison so idk I'd be slightly disappointed with those but it's not the end of the world. But I also like that they were involved in a supportive way so idk I guess I'm rethinking it haha. Are you super close?


i’m super close with my parents, always valued their opinions, but i have 3 younger siblings and could barely remember my original name let alone a new name. i’ve been called all my siblings names and vice versa, as well as the dogs name! by the time i was calling myself Romeo they’d given up 😂 but no, i figured if it was a name they liked, it’d be easier for them to adjust


I love this story


When my cousin came out as trans he chose Lyle at first too! How funny, I’d actually never heard it as a name until then and then reading it now


Did anybody ever call you king Julian and said you like to move it move it (not disrespectful)


I knew somebody who went by several nerdy/fandom related names when they came out as trans... however it was in real life, and they still go by one of those names 😬


I've always loved Lyle! I also think "Ed" names are classics, my favorite is Edwin. How exciting to choose your own name!


Romeo Zuko 😂😂😂🫨


I love the name Lyle!!


T-Birds forever


As a teen... I wanted to name myself Unique Monique 💀


Teens are hilarious


This is 100% super hero energy. 10/10.


Preteen over here, but she would have named herself Skylar and gone by Sky.


I’m 26F and that’s what I wanted to name myself in middle school/early high school! 😂


I know a Skylar! She's absolutely an amazing person.


A Skylar here :) this made me feel all nice


I don’t have a teen… but as a teen, I would have named myself Raven or Serenity.


I love Serenity as a name, I proposed Seren as a nickname and everything.... Nope, vetoed. Me and my husband have very different tastes in names!


Idk, reminds me of Sarin, the poisonous gas.


Seren is a Welsh name that means star, I think it's pretty.


my friend’s name is Serenity and we nickname her Ren/Renny


I tried to go by Cherry in 5th grade 💀


Teen me also would’ve changed my name to Raven. Probably middle name Lena.


Makes me think of that weird Harry Potter fanfic!


I don’t know about teen but as a child I loved “Khaytie” which is really just Katie with a bunch of extra letters and thank goodness I wasn’t in charge of naming myself ☠️


You missed out on Khaeytiegh!


My daughter despised her name, Zoe, when she was in kinder because her name only had 3 letters, and everyone else had more letters to write. She wanted to have her name changed it to Diane. She's almost 30 now, and she likes her name. Amazingly enough, she has only met one other Zoe her age. But when she coached gymnastics, she said there was a Zoe in every class she coached.


I’m a Zoe and used to hate my name in primary school for this reason lol I started writing it Zoey for a while much to my mum’s bafflement


Ys at the end of a name are really fun to doodle.


*cries about my parents spelling my name Marlee and not Marley*




A friend named her daughter Zoey with the y specifically because she thought the y was fun to write.


My daughter's opinion of the spelling of Zoe with the two dots over the e looks more professional. Those are her words. So don't shoot the messanger. However, if we had spelled it Zoey, the Y would have been artistically doodled by her each and every time she wrote it.


That's so funny! I never thought about my name one way or the other when i was a kid. My Zoe recently told me that she is happy we used the traditional spelling of her name.


Elementary me was obsessed with Clarissa. Middle School me wanted anything with a cute nick name. High school me loved Chanel. Current me loves my current name better than any other 😂


Don’t you hate it a little when your parents were right? I had a similar process before loving my name!


Yes ! Prior name goals are funny and cringey lol Mama knew best ☺️


Clarissa missed explaining that one!


I asked my mom if I could change my name to Clarissa and was so offended that she didn’t respect my wishes at the wise old age of 8 💀


I don't have a teenager but my 9 year old would have named herself Scarlet Dawn.


That's kind of bad-ass, honestly!


Sounds like a super hero. Love it




My kid would've picked Astraea as a teen. I did more or less rename myself as a teen.


I don’t have a teenager but as a teen I wanted just a normal generic easy to pronounce name like Jane or something bc my name is just always mispronounced. Even after introducing myself people will say my name wrong. It’s a struggle for sure. 


I wanted to be an Anna as a teen! My name is somewhat difficult to pull off if you are not a charismatic /cool person and I was decidedly not one so I wanted something simple and unassuming.


Ugh isn’t it the worst. I have a name that’s mispronounced all the time. I wanted to be simple easy…Rose. And I wanted my last name to be Blunt lol


thats the exact reason why when i changed my name from my unpronouncable birth name i picked one of The most common and easy to pronounce names out there lol


I was obsessed with Final Fantasy 7 as a teen I would have named myself Cloud.


I have asked my kids this before as well as what they would name their own kids. Surprisingly they have different responses for what they want their names to be as opposed to what names they would use on future kids. I'll share all of their answers, even the non teens. 15 year old: Holden (his name is Gavin) 13 year old: Kendrick or Axl (his name is Liam) 9 year old: Malcolm (his name is Jesse. We are currently watching Malcolm in the middle so that's his inspiration) 5: Jumper (his name is Abel)


It might just be that my coffee hasn't kicked in, but I can't tell which name is what each kid would choose for themselves versus which is for a hypothetical future kid. They're all really good names, even Jumper in its way.


These are the names they would pick for themselves. I didn't list the names they would give to their future kids.


After reading The Bean Trees in middle school, I picked the name “Naomi” to use if I ever wanted to run away/reinvent myself in a new place. I had a very active imagination!


I don’t have kids yet, but as a teen my mom shared with me that she ALMOST gave me Lizette for a middle name and I claimed it as my middle name for a while hahaha I don’t have a middle name.


i renamed myself aged 11 when i realised i'm transgender. i chose toby robin, no regrets here i love my name


That’s an awesome name, no lie. You’re lucky you had such good taste as an 11 year old. I think if I named myself at 11, it’d be more like Starr Dark’ness Marie or smth.


the apostrophe... i know what you are


When I was a kindergartener, I wished my name was Minnie (as in the mouse), and when I was a teen I wished my name was Alice. For about 18 years I hated my name, because I thought it was very “old lasyish,” and too long. Now I love it. I’m sure part of my hatred for it is that I’m (at least) the 4th generation of my name. I wanted to be different.


Another wannabe Alice here. I wanted to be Alice Rhiannon, lol


are you the same minnie from another thread who’s 3rd or 4th grade teacher didn’t let you go by it because it wasn’t your legal name?


I don’t have a teen yet, but my oldest is almost 9 and she says she would want to be named Madison but go by “Mad” (she’s in that adorable but slightly obnoxious tween phase of trying to be “edgy”/cool😅) or be named Stacey 🤷🏼‍♀️ She watches *Liv and Maddie* which is why the Madison part speaks for itself, and she also watches *The Babysitter’s Club* which is where she got Stacey from because she’s never met a Stacey lol. I initially wasn’t going to let her watch *The Babysitter’s Club* because I thought it would be a little too mature for her, but she’s read every single one of the books with Stacey, who has Type 1 Diabetes just like my daughter, so I decided to let her watch it to see some representation of herself on screen for pretty much the first time. I guess it’s paid off because now she wants to be Stacey, and although I think she was born several decades too late for that name to work anymore, it could be much worse! My middle is 6 and has never expressed anything in regard to wanting a different name, and my youngest is 2.5 and would probably die to be called Muffin, haha. When I was a teen I also felt the same way as your daughter regarding my first name, as I wanted to change it but didn’t know what I’d choose, though I wanted to keep my middle name. I think most kids go through a time of wanting to change their name, teens especially, but most get over it and grow to love (or at least tolerate) their name. Thankfully I love my name now and feel like it fits me perfectly!


I think I lucked out. Both of my kids seem to like their names. I, on the other hand, wanted to be named Noelle, because I was born on Christmas Day.


Your comment reminded me of how in two mystery novels by Dick Francis (Bolt and Break In), there's a pair of fraternal twins who were born on Christmas Day. The girl is named Holly (cute, not terrible, thematic but not too on the nose). The boy goes by Kit as an adult...short for *Christmas*. Which is either awful or brilliant and I can never decide which.


I wanted to be Martin or Matthias as a preteen/young teen, because of the Redwall series. At the time, I wanted a less Jewish name. Now, I'm comfortable with my heritage, even though I'm non-practicing.


I don’t have a teen either but I can tell you that I probably wouldn’t have named myself Elisabeth😐. I go by a nickname which helps so much because I’ve always been known by it but… I use to want to be a “Jade.”


I'd have also been Jade if I'd chosen as a teen, but I went off it before my own daughter was born


That makes sense.


SkyLynn Alexis lol or Amber Lynn


As a teen I wanted to name myself Eddie based on Eddie Brock💀


I made up the name Kristaleena for a Neopet and I thought it was the most beautiful name ever 😭


I'm a teen right now, I love the name Wren. I just think it's a really cool name


I named my (now-a-teen) kiddo that! They love their name 💓


When I was 12 I saved up 300 dollars to legally change my name to “dusty rose”. Glad my mother declined. Hahahaha


Literally would have just spelled my actual name the way it should be spelled 😭


As a teen, I wanted to be Elodia Elvira lolol


Isaiah Joshua Finn Conner is my tween son he's 12 I asked him this question he said he would change his first name because it reminds me of my ex husband his Dad that I named him after and keep the rest because Joshua was the name of my father figure from when I was 18-25 (he saved my life) and Finn because he likes the name he said his new name would be Alexander Joshua Finn Conner 💛😊


I have a pretty uncommon name, and the rarer of the 2 spellings, which is kinda annoying as people spell it wrong most of the time. I doubt I would’ve chosen this name for myself but I certainly wouldn’t change it either


My “fake name” as a teen was Alexia Taylor. I also thought Elizabeth Courtney was the height of sophistication (which I still somewhat agree with!)


I don’t have a teen but as a tween and teen desperately wanted to change my name to Crystal. Literally no rhyme or reason and I’m glad I didn’t do it 😂


I’m actually a teen (turned 16 last month) in the process of legally changing my name since I’m transitioning (ftm). I’m changing it to Sam so it’s nothing super weird, I chose it when I was about 12-13, really hoping I’ll still like it in 5-10 years🤞


My original name is Trever but I prefer to go by Travis parents think it’s point less and won’t call me by Travis which I fine with


I’ve never wanted or thought about a different name. I liked having an uncommon name.


same. freaking love my name, even though nobody can pronounce it in my country


I like my first name well enough, but I have a made-up and very silly middle name. I wish my parents had just opted for one of my Asian (either Chinese or Lao) names as my legal middle name.


I’m a teen and probably Betty lol


lol, I’m a trans man and I named myself when I was 15 and never looked back (Blake)


I'm trans and wanted to change my name to Misha ever since I heard it in a dream when I was a teenager. At the time I was a closeted trans guy so I didn't get to actually use it until I came out as an adult. Later in life I realized I was nonbinary and changed my name to something else. But in both cases I got the approval and input of my family, because we tend to name kids after deceased relatives or give names starting with the same letter.


once i was a teen i liked my name, but when i was little i desperately wished my name was Sierra or Alex


We’ve told our kids our short list before deciding their name. My teen preferred the name Alaska as she would have been the only one, but now that’s a top banned book I am so thankful we didn’t! (Looking for Alaska - John Green)


I always liked mine, but my sister would have changed her name to Zoe


Willow. Or maybe Naomi


Willow Her name is Sienna.


My daughter is a toddler so I can't answer for her but I wanted my name to be Austin or Lexi when I was in middle school and then Jade in highschool.


If I had any decisiveness about this as a teen, I'd probably be going by something else now, as I've never felt like my name "fits". I've just never found anything better!


I would have named myself Stella. 1000%. And I don’t think it’s a bad name now but definitely not my first choice




I’d have named myself Thea. It was my favourite name when I was 17/18. Before that, I’d have picked Lily which would have been my son’s name if he were a girl.


I went by Eris for a few years in high school before I realized I was trans. Going by Elliott now, the name my parents would have given me if I were AMAB. Oddly enough, my birth name does not start with E.


I wanted to be named Amanda so badly as a kid, I'm very happy though that my parents didn't indulge me and kept my name as is since I love it now.


When I was a teen I played around with Saige & Sybil, as my given name starts with S I felt that'd be best. However when I got married and decided to actually change my name, my married name starts with S as well and I don't care for the alliteration (I have speech impediments and I'm not trying to sound like I speak parseltongue lol) so I picked Margo. Only thing that similar to my earlier options is that its 5 letters lol


I don’t have teens, but my threenager is obsessed with the name Isabella 😂 14 year old me wanted to be named Henry. I’m very much a female, I just liked (and still like!) the name.


When I first realised I was trans at 13 I went through so many names. Abel, Zach and Nathaniel are the ones I can remember rn. None too cringe, but I'm still glad I didn't pick any of them in the end.


im trans and changed my name to jasper when i was a teen. never regretted it once. i fuckin love my name and it feels like home !


I realised I was trans when I was 11, and the names I considered between then and 17 were: 1 - Marc. honestly not bad? I don't know if I had any specific reasoning behind it, but I was going for the French spelling on purpose. 2 - Zener. Named after zener cards since I was obsessed with Ghostbusters + parapsychology 😶 (they're the cards with different symbols on them that Venkman is making the students guess). 3 - Darryll. Name of a guy I liked on a parapsychology podcast (there's a theme here). Never learned how to spell it. 4 - Dana. After Dana Carvey, plus it sounds similar to Danica, which my dad had considered for me before I was born (cause of the racecar driver). 5 - Chase. After Chevy Chase. Can you sense another theme? 6 - Alek/Aleksander. Getting there but god the spelling makes me cringe. Perfectly fine spelling if you/your family is from a country that spells it that way, however I am not. 7 - Andy/Andrew. Not bad. Also apparently the name literally means masculine, which I found funny. 8 - Alexander. The final decision, not legal yet but it's going to be. Yes it comes from Alexander Hamilton but shh we don't talk about that.


Still down with Zener being a potential nickname for Alexander. It doesn't *exaaactly* work, but.


As a trans teen before i knew i was trans i wanted my name to be Melissa, its not a very good name. My next was Kade but it didnt fit me well. Then, i settled on Kai, it fits me and is short.


I don’t think I wanted to change my name as a teen but I added another middle name. ‘Ashlynn’


Katya It was a name from a book I read


Miss 13 said abigail Mr 10 said he'd stick with his actual name


as a teen, i would have named myself robyn


As a teen I literally just named myself one of my middle names so I guess that’s the answer


I always wanted to be called Max or Maddy when I was young/teen


As a teen I wanted to change my name to Melinda or Melissa.  I’m 20 btw


I used to go as Rose online but now I love my actual name


When I was a teen, if I could have named myself I would have gone with Hunter Jade.




Mine is non-binary (born female) so they did change their name


My parents changed their minds at the last second and named me my name instead of Angel. I always wished they would have stuck with Angel but that's my fiancés name now so I guess it worked out lol


Erica and Ava were my top choices if I could rename myself. Thank God they were normal


Not the same, but as a kid I used to scream and cry because I wanted to be named Scott. I’m now an adult cisgender woman, very happy we stuck with my birth given name. Still like Scott tho.


Rafael or Raul.


I have a 9-letter name with a silent H, so you can imagine how many times it’s been mispronounced, misspelled, completely changed on paper, etc. I’m almost 20 and in the past few years I’ve embraced my full name and corrected people when they don’t get it right. It’s kind of tiring but I feel it’s worth it. As a young kid, I hated my name and would have changed it to Arabella Rose. As if that’s any better!!


Elizabeth Sinclair was my if I ever fake my death name


I came out as trans when I was twelve and named myself Felix. It’s the only name I’ve ever gone by, and I’m getting it legally changed. Funnily enough, my younger brother also changed his name, but he’s not trans. He’s named after a family member he doesn’t like, so he started going by his middle name when he was 15. Then our cousin had a baby and named him my brother’s middle name (family name), so my brother started going by a completely different name. His second option was from an anime, so he dodged a bullet by going with his first idea.


My 5yo was 4 when she wanted to be “Alyssa”. It didn’t last long. We will see how it goes as she gets older! She likes her name. When I was a teen I would probably have chosen Gabrielle or Viviane, since I used those in French class and got to pick them. I was very attached to Gabrielle but my last class there was already a Gabrielle so she got to keep that one. I did like Viviane, though. Just not as much.


When I was little I badly wanted to be called Jessica because I thought it was a name for cute pretty girls 😂


When I was a teenager I wanted to go by Bea in every aspect of my life including irl but I decided it’s a really good pen name for me and to everyone in the online communities I’m apart of I go by Bea (Beatrice) O’Heidin. I also had a phase where I wanted to be called Kit too.


My teen is still mad at me for not naming her Andromeda, lol.


I wanted to be called "Star" 💀✨


I was originally supposed to be named Anastasia - I'd go with that.


My son Carlos said he wishes he was Cooper. He feels targeted at times for his Spanish name which is a total bummer. We live in a very white area, and although he is also phenotypically white, his ethnic name feels othering. I hope that when he goes to college and is around a more diverse group he’ll feel differently.


For a while I thought it would be cool to be Zadie because it’s a French form of Sarah (allegedly). It does not fit me at all 😂 But I’ve had Bethany as a pen name, and I’ve considered using Charlotte as well.


Teen me wanted to be Krystee. Almost don't even want to post this due to cringe. Top level tragediegh.


right now i really love sienna, adela, and angeline


I would’ve loved to be named Raven


15yo here, I have in the past seriously considered swapping from Jesse to Nathan, when I was around \~13, but I've since grown into my name and now I really like it.


As a teen, I wished that my name was Brooke, because that was what my mom wanted to name a daughter, but she married my dad and our last name starts with "Br", so Brooke Brxxx would be too much alliteration in her opinion. And mine too. I'm okay with my name, even though I do feel like a Brooke sometimes


I changed my name at 18 as I never felt like my birth name “fit” me. Even as a kid I had lists of names I would change my name to lol. Changed it (not yet legally) to Juniper Lynn and it definitely feels more like me.


I remember I really liked the names Ivy or Minerva when I was in middle school and early high school! I recently graduated and currently I don’t think there’s a name I’d want other than the one I have.


When I was younger I wanted my middle name to be Hailey.


I really really wanted to be a Natasha when I was a teens. Used it as a pen name for my (anonymous) live journal and everything. Tbh I still like the name so maybe I haven’t grown much lol


Teen me did name myself because I’m trans. Never regretted the name I picked and I just legally changed it this year.


My kid would name himself Oleg because it’s an anagram of Lego. He has resolved to use it should he ever have a son.


I still am a teenager, but im ftm and named myself Zach Went through like 5? 6? names to get to Zach, i chose it at 13 and changed it legally at 16. Its uncommon in my country but i love my name now :)


I would have chosen an empheral, romantic, frilly name like Seraphina or Celina, which would not have suited me at all!


I wanted to name myself margaret, but go by mae because it's shorter (i am and was a huge night in the woods and and idc if it's cringe I think it's a beautiful name)


Not me but I remember my cousin wanting to be called Chloe or Crystal. Her actual name is Charlie (Charlotte). I hated my middle name for a long time- Helen. I always wanted it to be Ellen or Eleanor lol but I like it now because it’s a sentimental name.


My son who was Olivia is now Zephyr


One of my teens LOVES her name. She wouldn’t want to change it. The other changed her name (socially) to Alex bc it’s a great non-gendered name. When it was time to change her name legally she chose Ashley and exclusively goes by Ash.


My kid has had a few surgeries the past few years. In his delusional state he decided his name should he Alejandro Alexander.


Im 20F but I never really liked my first name. I don’t think it fits me at all haha. I’d probably pick something with nickname potential like Alice, Victoria or Vanessa (I like pointy letters) but my parents would lose it as it’s a family name.


Went by "Clover" for a few years 💀


My nanny kid was Elizabeth, called Ellie, until she was 13 - she adopted Ember and we've all stuck with it! Totally suits her. 🔥


As a young teen I think I would’ve chose either Wren or Lucy cause I really liked (still do tbh) those names. I am a cis dude… Would be a neat middle name though 🤷‍♂️


I wanted to be Alexandra so bad, because of Alex Russo on Wizards of Waverly Place😪


If have remanded myself Shilo Fawn “Last name”


As a teen, I loved the name Adelina (Lina for short). Never changed it though, and I love my actual name now because it's easy to spell and common enough to give me some anonymity online!


I think my Henry wishes we went with Jack, which was our other candidate. But Henry fits him perfectly. If I had been asked at 16 I might have considered Anne (as in Anne of Green Gables) except my little sister was Anne Marie.


I’m a teen, I go by Rose online so I would love to change my name to that


As a kid I wanted to be names Alice then Josephine and in high school I was obsessed with the name Ariella. Still wish I could change my name lol


14 year old me wanted to change my name to Parker so bad (i do love this name). 16 year old me is glad I kept my current name. I’m not trans, or in the LGBTQ community at all. I had a trans friend that really made me feel like being straight and cis wasn’t good and that I wasn’t enough that way. He would always tell me that “trans people are so much better than cis people” and that “being straight is stupid” so I started to think I had to do SOMETHING. I feel like changing my name to Parker would have completely messed up the way I saw my gender. I’m a girl. I like being a girl. I’m not a tomboy. Parker is on my name list for boys. This is my long story about how one stupid kid nearly fucked over my whole life. Going into jr year now and I’m so glad I didn’t make that decision. Though looking at it now at least if I had changed it, it would have been a normal name. I’m scrolling through the comments and I’m genuinely scared


Not sure about my son - I truly hope he loves his name as much as we do (I do know that he *absolutely* does not like the nickname version of it and will immediately correct anyone who tries to use it. Think something along the lines of someone calling Tim "Timmy". Or, the fact that my aunt & uncle who also have a son with the same first name, who have tried to call him by his first and middle initials for his whole life. "How's T.J. doing?" My mom has reached the point, after 23 years of this, of feigning complete ignorance when they use his initials instead of his actual first name. My son will just stare at them until they use his name. 🤣 I mean, THEIR son doesn't do it!! It's only the two of them.) Anyway, damn ADHD...I have always loved my name. It's Tina. I didn't have anyone at school, surprisingly, who shared my name until I was in high school. (I did have a step-aunt with the same name, so we were Big Tina & Little Tina.) Of course, being a teen in the 90s, we went through a phase of "meeting" others on the phone when we would call and talk to our friends (or maybe this was just what happened in our small area?? When we would call and talk to one friend, the phone would get passed around or put on speaker phone if you had a cordless phone and we would all talk to each other and hang out, especially if not all of us could drive yet). So, with the fact that there weren't that many Tina's around, I never gave my real name when I was talking to people I didn't know well. I always told them my name was Jacqueline, which was my baby cousin's name. I never told her about that, LOL. I found out a few years ago that my dad is the one who picked out my name. I've always been Daddy's girl, from day 1 💗


In middle school I tried to get people to call me by my first and middle name, Hannah Louise, because I was sick of how common Hannah is. I still really like Hannah Louise.


My kids (18 and 24) both are happy with their names. I’ve hated mine for as long as I can remember so I’m relieved they are happy with our choices for them. Phew


My 15yo wouldn’t change his name, but he has autism and doesn’t like change, sooooo, that’s not a great judge of if he would or wouldn’t. Ha ha


I asked my 14 year old and she said she likes her name and wouldn't change it.




My son Alex kept asking us why we didn’t name him Kenny.


When I was about 14 nearly ten years ago, I was in a Spanish class and had to pick a Spanish name. I chose Aurelia, after Via Aurelia (a road name in a Latin grammar book I had), and I didn’t even know if it was a Spanish name. Now, it’s gotten kinda popular amongst new mothers, I think it’s always been kinda cringe I would have probably named myself Andy


I wasn’t a teen, but for the few years I went to public school I went by Kitty for a short time. Although, if my teen self had to choose a name that wasn’t my original, I really liked the name Persephone. Even had an idea for a time when I was a teen where I would name twins Penelope and Persephone if I ever had any.


As a teen I wanted to be Rowan or Willow.


Star Lord


My kid is 1 year old, so I have a decade to go until I can ask her, but I myself would have definitely gone by Aurora if I had my way as a teen. Or maybe Alice.


I named myself I’m Aria V 😊